예제 #1
        public IA5StringValue(ITree tree, Module mod, Asn1Type type)
            m_TypeID = Asn1Value.TypeID.IA5String;
            m_module = mod;
            antlrNode = tree;
            m_type = type;

            if (antlrNode.Type == asn1Parser.StringLiteral)
                m_value = antlrNode.Text;
                if (m_value == null)
                    m_value = "";

                m_value = m_value.Replace("\"\"", "\"");
                if (m_value.StartsWith("\""))
                    m_value = m_value.Substring(1);
                if (m_value.EndsWith("\""))
                    m_value = m_value.Substring(0, m_value.Length - 1);
            else if (antlrNode.Type == asn1Parser.VALUE_LIST)
                if (antlrNode.ChildCount == 2 && antlrNode.GetChild(0).Type == asn1Parser.INT && antlrNode.GetChild(1).Type == asn1Parser.INT)
                        int col = int.Parse(antlrNode.GetChild(0).Text);
                        int row = int.Parse(antlrNode.GetChild(1).Text);
                        if (col<0 || col>7)
                            ErrorReporter.SemanticError(mod.m_file.m_fileName, antlrNode.Line, "column value in IA5String 2-turpe must be in 0..7 range");
                        if (row<0 || row>15)
                            ErrorReporter.SemanticError(mod.m_file.m_fileName, antlrNode.Line, "row value in IA5String 2-turpe must be in 0..15 range");
                        byte value = (byte)(col * 16 + row);
                        m_value = Convert.ToChar(value).ToString();
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        ErrorReporter.SemanticError(mod.m_file.m_fileName, antlrNode.Line, "value in IA5String 2-turpe is too large");
                    for (int i = 0; i < antlrNode.ChildCount; i++)
                        IA5StringValue vc = m_type.ResolveVariable(Asn1Value.CreateFromAntlrAst(antlrNode.GetChild(i))) as IA5StringValue;
                        if (vc != null)
                            m_value += vc.m_value;
                throw new Exception("INTERNAL ERROR");