private static void PostCompile(AscensionCompilerOperation op, ManualResetEvent evnt, string postArgs) { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = MonoPath; p.StartInfo.Arguments = postArgs; p.EnableRaisingEvents = true; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.ErrorDataReceived += ErrorDataReceived; p.OutputDataReceived += OutputDataReceived; p.Exited += (s, ea) => { // we are done evnt.Set(); // continue EditorSaver.Invoke(() => { if (p.ExitCode == 0) { CompilationDone(op); } }); }; p.Start(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); p.BeginOutputReadLine(); }
private static void RunCSharpCompilerOld(AscensionCompilerOperation op, ManualResetEvent evnt) { #if DEBUG const string CMD_ARGS = "\"{0}\" -out:\"{1}\" {2} -platform:anycpu -target:library -debug+ -optimize- -warn:{3} "; #else const string CMD_ARGS = "\"{0}\" -out:\"{1}\" {2} -platform:anycpu -target:library -debug- -optimize+ -warn:{3} "; #endif string args = CMD_ARGS; if (Core.IsDebugMode) { args += "-define:DEBUG "; } if (IsUnity5) { args += "-sdk:2 "; } string preCompArguments = string.Format(args + CombinedScripts, CsharpCompilerPath, AscensionPrecompileAssemblyPath, PreAssemblyReferencesList, Mathf.Clamp(RuntimeSettings.Instance.compilationWarnLevel, 0, 4)); string postCompArguments = string.Format(args + SourceFileList, CsharpCompilerPath, AscensionUserAssemblyPath, PostAssemblyReferencesList, Mathf.Clamp(RuntimeSettings.Instance.compilationWarnLevel, 0, 4)); PreCompile(op, evnt, preCompArguments, postCompArguments); }
private static void PreCompile(AscensionCompilerOperation op, ManualResetEvent evnt, string preArgs, string postArgs) { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = MonoPath; p.StartInfo.Arguments = preArgs; p.EnableRaisingEvents = true; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.ErrorDataReceived += ErrorDataReceived; p.OutputDataReceived += OutputDataReceived; p.Exited += (s, ea) => { if (p.ExitCode == 0) { PostCompile(op, evnt, postArgs); Debug.Log("Pre-compile finished!"); } }; p.Start(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); p.BeginOutputReadLine(); }
private static void CompilationDone(AscensionCompilerOperation op) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AscensionUserAssemblyAsset, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); Debug.Log("AscensionCompiler: Success!"); EditorPrefs.SetInt("ASCENSION_UNCOMPILED_COUNT", 0); EditorPrefs.SetBool(SceneLauncher.COMPILE_SETTING, false); }
static void RunCSharpCompiler(AscensionCompilerOperation op, ManualResetEvent evnt) { #if DEBUG const string CMD_ARGS = "\"{0}\" -out:\"{1}\" {2} -platform:anycpu -target:library -debug+ -optimize- -warn:{3} "; #else const string CMD_ARGS = "\"{0}\" -out:\"{1}\" {2} -platform:anycpu -target:library -debug- -optimize+ -warn:{3} "; #endif string args = CMD_ARGS; if (Core.IsDebugMode) { args += "-define:DEBUG "; } if (IsUnity5) { args += "-sdk:2 "; } Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = MonoPath; p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format(args + SourceFileList, CsharpCompilerPath, AscensionUserAssemblyPath, AssemblyReferencesList, Mathf.Clamp(RuntimeSettings.Instance.compilationWarnLevel, 0, 4)); p.EnableRaisingEvents = true; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.ErrorDataReceived += ErrorDataReceived; p.OutputDataReceived += OutputDataReceived; p.Exited += (s, ea) => { // we are done evnt.Set(); // continue EditorSaver.Invoke(() => { if (p.ExitCode == 0) { CompilationDone(op); } }); }; p.Start(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); p.BeginOutputReadLine(); }
private static void CompileAssemblyInfo(AscensionCompilerOperation op) { using (AscensionSourceFile file = new AscensionSourceFile(op.assemblyInfoFilePath)) { file.EmitLine("using System.Reflection;"); file.EmitLine("using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;"); file.EmitLine("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); file.EmitLine(); file.EmitLine("[assembly: AssemblyTitle(\"Ascension.Data\")]"); file.EmitLine("[assembly: Guid(\"bd29ff3d-20fc-49ac-8303-459b4d662c04\")]"); file.EmitLine("[assembly: AssemblyVersion(\"\")]"); file.EmitLine("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(\"\")]"); } }
public static void Run(AscensionCompilerOperation op, bool emitAssemblyInfo = true) { CompileMaps(op); CompilePrefabs(op); CompileNetwork(op); //Should we emit the assembly info? if (emitAssemblyInfo) { CompileAssemblyInfo(op); } op.project.GenerateCode(op.projectFilePath); }
public static ManualResetEvent CodeEmit() { ManualResetEvent evnt = new ManualResetEvent(false); try { // create path if it doesn't exist Directory.CreateDirectory(AscensionDataPath); // setup compiler options AscensionCompilerOperation op = new AscensionCompilerOperation(); op.projectFilePath = ProjectFile; op.project = File.Exists("Assets/__ASCENSION__/Networking/Resources/User/project.bytes") ? File.ReadAllBytes("Assets/__ASCENSION__/Networking/Resources/User/project.bytes").ToObject <Project>() : new Project(); // network config op.networkFilePath = NetworkFile; op.assemblyInfoFilePath = AssemblyInfoFile; // maps config op.scenesFilePath = MapsFile; op.prefabsFilePath = PrefabsFile; // run code emitter AscensionCompiler.Run(op, false); // we are done evnt.Set(); // continue EditorSaver.Invoke(() => { EmissionDone(op); }); } catch (Exception exn) { evnt.Set(); Debug.LogException(exn); } return(evnt); }
private static void CompilePrefabs(AscensionCompilerOperation op) { if (PrefabDatabase.Instance.DatabaseMode == PrefabDatabaseMode.AutomaticScan) { UpdatePrefabsDatabase(); } for (int i = 1; i < PrefabDatabase.Instance.Prefabs.Length; ++i) { if (PrefabDatabase.Instance.Prefabs[i]) { GameObject go = PrefabDatabase.Instance.Prefabs[i]; AscensionEntity entity = go.GetComponent <AscensionEntity>(); if (entity && entity.SceneGuid != UniqueId.None) { entity.sceneGuid = ""; EditorUtility.SetDirty(go); EditorUtility.SetDirty(entity); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } } } using (AscensionSourceFile file = new AscensionSourceFile(op.prefabsFilePath)) { file.EmitScope("public static class AscensionPrefabs", () => { for (int i = 1; i < PrefabDatabase.Instance.Prefabs.Length; ++i) { GameObject prefab = PrefabDatabase.Instance.Prefabs[i]; if (prefab) { file.EmitLine( "public static readonly Ascension.Networking.PrefabId {0} = new Ascension.Networking.PrefabId({1});",, prefab.GetComponent <AscensionEntity>().prefabId); } } }); } }
private static void CompileNetwork(AscensionCompilerOperation op) { using (AscensionSourceFile file = new AscensionSourceFile(op.networkFilePath)) { file.EmitScope("namespace Ascension.Networking.Data", () => { file.EmitScope("public static class AscensionNetworkInternalUser", () => { file.EmitScope("public static void EnvironmentSetup()", () => { EmitRegisterFactory(file, op.project.Structs.Select(x => new ObjectDecorator(x))); EmitRegisterFactory(file, op.project.Commands.Select(x => new CommandDecorator(x))); EmitRegisterFactory(file, op.project.Events.Select(x => new EventDecorator(x))); EmitRegisterFactory(file, op.project.States.Select(x => new StateDecorator(x))); }); file.EmitScope("public static void EnvironmentReset()", () => { }); }); }); } }
public static ManualResetEvent Run() { ManualResetEvent evnt = new ManualResetEvent(false); try { // calculate source dir SourceDir = EditorUtils.MakePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDir), "Temp", "Ascension"); // ensure temp path exists Directory.CreateDirectory(SourceDir); // setup compiler options AscensionCompilerOperation op = new AscensionCompilerOperation(); op.projectFilePath = ProjectFileTemp; op.project = File.Exists("Assets/__ASCENSION__/Networking/Resources/User/project.bytes") ? File.ReadAllBytes("Assets/__ASCENSION__/Networking/Resources/User/project.bytes").ToObject <Project>() : new Project(); // network config op.networkFilePath = NetworkFileTemp; op.assemblyInfoFilePath = AssemblyInfoFileTemp; // maps config op.scenesFilePath = MapsFileTemp; op.prefabsFilePath = PrefabsFileTemp; // run code emitter AscensionCompiler.Run(op); RunCSharpCompiler(op, evnt); } catch (Exception exn) { evnt.Set(); Debug.LogException(exn); } return(evnt); }
public static void CompileMaps(AscensionCompilerOperation op) { List <Scene> scenes = new List <Scene>(); for (int i = 0; i < EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Length; ++i) { if (EditorBuildSettings.scenes[i].enabled) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(EditorBuildSettings.scenes[i].path); scenes.Add(new Scene { Name = name, Identifier = EditorUtils.CSharpIdentifier(name) }); } } foreach (IGrouping <string, Scene> group in scenes.GroupBy(x => x.Identifier)) { if (group.Count() > 1) { throw new AscensionException("You have several scenes named '{0}' in the build settings.", group.Key); } } using (AscensionSourceFile file = new AscensionSourceFile(op.scenesFilePath)) { file.EmitLine("using System.Collections.Generic;"); file.EmitScope("public static class AscensionScenes", () => { file.EmitLine( "static public readonly Dictionary<string, int> nameLookup = new Dictionary<string, int>();"); file.EmitLine( "static public readonly Dictionary<int, string> indexLookup = new Dictionary<int, string>();"); file.EmitScope("public static void AddScene(short prefix, short id, string name)", () => { file.EmitLine("int index = (prefix << 16) | (int)id;"); file.EmitLine("nameLookup.Add(name, index);"); file.EmitLine("indexLookup.Add(index, name);"); }); file.EmitLine("static public IEnumerable<string> AllScenes { get { return nameLookup.Keys; } }"); file.EmitScope("static AscensionScenes()", () => { for (int n = 0; n < scenes.Count; ++n) { file.EmitLine("AddScene(0, {1}, \"{0}\");", scenes[n].Name, n); } }); for (int n = 0; n < scenes.Count; ++n) { file.EmitLine("public const string {0} = \"{1}\";", scenes[n].Identifier, scenes[n].Name); } }); file.EmitScope("namespace Ascension.Networking.Data", () => { file.EmitScope("public static class AscensionScenesInternal", () => { file.EmitLine( "static public int GetSceneIndex(string name) { return AscensionScenes.nameLookup[name]; }"); file.EmitLine( "static public string GetSceneName(int index) { return AscensionScenes.indexLookup[index]; }"); }); }); } }