         * Generate email payload for given alarm and email action.
         * Creates subject, recipients, and body based on action and alarm
        private string GeneratePayload(EmailAction emailAction, AsaAlarmApiModel alarm)
            string emailTemplate = File.ReadAllText(this.servicesConfig.TemplateFolder + EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME);
            string alarmDate     = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(alarm.DateCreated).ToString(DATE_FORMAT_STRING);

            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${subject}", emailAction.GetSubject());
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace(
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${ruleId}", alarm.RuleId);
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${ruleDescription}", alarm.RuleDescription);
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${ruleSeverity}", alarm.RuleSeverity);
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${deviceId}", alarm.DeviceId);
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${notes}", emailAction.GetNotes());
            emailTemplate = emailTemplate.Replace("${alarmUrl}", this.GenerateRuleDetailUrl(alarm.RuleId));

            EmailActionPayload payload = new EmailActionPayload
                Recipients = emailAction.GetRecipients(),
                Subject    = emailAction.GetSubject(),
                Body       = emailTemplate

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the given email action for the given alarm.
        /// Sends a post request to Logic App with alarm information
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Execute(IAction action, object metadata)
            if (metadata.GetType() != typeof(AsaAlarmApiModel) ||
                action.GetType() != typeof(EmailAction))
                string errorMessage = "Email action expects metadata to be alarm and action" +
                                      " to be EmailAction, will not send email";
                this.logger.Error(errorMessage, () => { });

                AsaAlarmApiModel alarm       = (AsaAlarmApiModel)metadata;
                EmailAction      emailAction = (EmailAction)action;
                string           payload     = this.GeneratePayload(emailAction, alarm);
                HttpRequest      httpRequest = new HttpRequest(this.servicesConfig.LogicAppEndpointUrl);
                IHttpResponse response = await this.httpClient.PostAsync(httpRequest);

                if (!response.IsSuccess)
                    this.logger.Error("Could not execute email action against logic app", () => { });
            catch (JsonException e)
                this.logger.Error("Could not create email payload to send to logic app,", () => new { e });
            catch (Exception e)
                this.logger.Error("Could not execute email action against logic app", () => new { e });
        public async Task EmailAction_CausesPostToLogicApp()
            // Arrange
            JArray emailArray = new JArray(new object[] { "*****@*****.**" });
            Dictionary <string, object> actionParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Recipients", emailArray },
                { "Notes", "Test Note" },
                { "Subject", "Test Subject" }
            EmailAction      testAction = new EmailAction(actionParameters);
            AsaAlarmApiModel alarm      = new AsaAlarmApiModel
                DateCreated     = 1539035437937,
                DateModified    = 1539035437937,
                DeviceId        = "Test Device Id",
                MessageReceived = 1539035437937,
                RuleDescription = "Test Rule description",
                RuleId          = "TestRuleId",
                RuleSeverity    = "Warning",
                Actions         = new List <IAction> {

            var response = new HttpResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "", null);

            this.httpClientMock.Setup(x => x.PostAsync(It.IsAny <IHttpRequest>())).ReturnsAsync(response);
            List <AsaAlarmApiModel> alarmList = new List <AsaAlarmApiModel> {

            // Act
            await this.actionManager.ExecuteAlarmActions(alarmList);

            // Assert
            this.httpClientMock.Verify(x => x.PostAsync(It.IsAny <IHttpRequest>()));