public Applet(ArxFile[] files) { if (_instance != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only one applet can be defined per app. Destroy the other applet."); } _instance = this; Tap = new UnityEvent <string>(); Connected = new UnityEvent(); this.files = new List <ArxFile>(files); Debug.LogWarning("The ArxOOP API is experimental. It might not feature everything available with the Arx class or have issues."); // Create a field for the callback Arx.logiArxCbContext contextCallback; // Set its content and callback funtion contextCallback.arxCallBack = SDKCallback; contextCallback.arxContext = IntPtr.Zero; // Initialize the SDK bool retVal = Arx.Init(ref contextCallback); if (!retVal) { int retCode = Arx.GetLastError(); Debug.LogError("Cannot initialize Arx SDK: " + retCode); return; } // Upload files if needed if (uploadOnConnection) { UploadFiles(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Create a field for the callback Arx.logiArxCbContext contextCallback; // Set its content and callback funtion contextCallback.arxCallBack = SDKCallback; contextCallback.arxContext = IntPtr.Zero; // Initialize the SDK bool retVal = Arx.LogiArxInit("", "Weapon Shop", ref contextCallback); if (!retVal) { int retCode = Arx.GetLastError(); Debug.LogError("Cannot initialize Arx SDK: " + retCode); } namesRev = names.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, y => y.Key); StartCoroutine(GiveGold()); }