public void WhenLeastAmountOfInfoProvided_ToString_OutputsCorrectly()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                0,     // rank
                0,     // size
                0,     // lobounds

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual("[ArraySize: []]", token.ToString());
        public void WhenOneDimensional_ToString_ContainsOneDimension()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                1,     // rank
                1,     // only one size provided
                100,   // size is 100
                0,     // no low bound provided

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual("[ArraySize: [100]]", token.ToString());
        public void WhenOneDimensionalWithLoBounds_ToString_HasLoBound()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                1,     // rank
                1,     // only one size provided
                100,   // size is 100
                1,     // no low bound provided
                50     // the lo-bound

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual("[ArraySize: [50...100]]", token.ToString());
        public void WhenLeastAmountOfInfoProvided_Create_DoesntCrash()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                0,     // rank
                0,     // size
                0,     // lobounds

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, token.Sizes.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, token.Rank);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, token.LoBounds.Length);
        public void WhenOneDimensional_Created()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                1,     // rank
                1,     // only one size provided
                100,   // size is 100
                0,     // no low bound provided

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, token.Rank);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, token.Sizes.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, token.Sizes[0]);
        public void WhenMultiDimensionalNoLoBounds_ToString_HasRanks()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                3,     // rank
                3,     // three sizes provided
                100,   // size is 100
                0     // no low bound provided

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual("[ArraySize: [100,75,50]]", token.ToString());
        public void WhenOneDimensionalWithLoBounds_Created()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                1,     // rank
                1,     // only one size provided
                100,   // size is 100
                1,     // no low bound provided
                50     // the lo-bound

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, token.Rank);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, token.Sizes[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, token.LoBounds[0]);
        public void WhenMultiDimensionalNoLoBounds_Created()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                3,     // rank
                3,     // three sizes provided
                100,   // size is 100
                0     // no low bound provided

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, token.Rank);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, token.Sizes[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(75, token.Sizes[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, token.Sizes[2]);
        public void WhenMultiDimensionalWithLoBounds_ToString_HasBoundsAndDimensions()
            byte[] content = new byte[]
                3,     // rank
                3,     // three sizes provided
                100,   // size is 100
                3,     // 3 low bound provided

            ArrayShapeSignatureToken token = Create(content);

            Assert.AreEqual("[ArraySize: [5...100,10...75,15...50]]", token.ToString());