private void Start()
            outputWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFileName);

            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            ofd.Title            = "Please Open Your Train File :";
            ofd.InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            ofd.Filter           = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog().Value)



            // now our hybrid model is created (Arima + SVM)
            List <float>  results   = new List <float>();
            var           arimaPred = arimaModel.Forecast(test.Length + NUMBER_OF_HYBRID_TEST);
            Queue <float> q         = timeSeriGenerator.getLastInputForTesting();

            for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_HYBRID_TEST; i++)
                var   valuePred    = arimaPred[test.Length + i];
                float residualPred = svmModel.Predict(new Matrix <float>(q.ToArray()));
                float resultValue = (float)valuePred + residualPred;
            foreach (var result in results)
            outputWriter.WriteLine("MSE =>  " + MyErrorParameters.MSE(results.ToArray(), testHybrid));
            outputWriter.WriteLine("ERROR% =>  " + MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(results.ToArray(), testHybrid));


                String.Format("Hybrid Model Created File {0} For Output Successfully Now , Please Check It Out .",
                              outputFileName), "Hybrid Arima SVM Done", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
예제 #2
        public double arimaModelFunction(int p, int d, int q, int errorMode)
            NumericalVariable trainData = new NumericalVariable("trainData", train);

            // ARMA models (no differencing) are constructed from
            // the variable containing the time series data, and the
            // AR and MA orders. The following constructs an ARMA(2,1)
            // model:
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(trainData, p, d, q);

            // The Compute methods fits the model.

            // or to predict a specified number of values:
            Vector nextValues = model.Forecast(NUMBER_OF_TEST_CASES);

            switch (errorMode)
            case 0:         // MSE
                return(-1 * MyErrorParameters.MSE(nextValues.ToArray(), test));

            case 1:         // ERROR %
                return(-1 * MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(nextValues.ToArray(), test));
            return(-9999999999);     // a very bad fitness when error occured
예제 #3
        public IEnumerable <BasicDataset> Predict(IEnumerable <BasicDataset> datasets)
            SplitSet(datasets, out IEnumerable <BasicDataset> trainingSet, out IEnumerable <BasicDataset> controlSet);

            int trainingCount = trainingSet.Count(), controlCount = controlSet.Count();

            DateTime[] predictedDates = new DateTime[controlCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < predictedDates.Length; ++i)
                predictedDates[i] = controlSet.ElementAt(i).Date;

            double[] closeValues = new double[trainingCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < closeValues.Length; ++i)
                closeValues[i] = (double)trainingSet.ElementAt(i).Close;

            Vector <double> closeValuesVector = Vector.Create(closeValues);

            ArimaModel arima = ComputeBestValues(closeValuesVector, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3);

            arima.EstimateMean = true;


            Vector <double> predictedValuesVector = arima.Forecast(controlCount);

            double[] predictedValues = predictedValuesVector.ToArray();

            return(ConvertToDatasetRange(predictedDates, predictedValues));
        private double getErrorOfArimaModel()
            // or to predict a specified number of values:
            Vector nextValues = arimaModel.Forecast(numberOfTests);
            int    selected   = 0;

            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => selected = CompareComboBox.SelectedIndex));
            switch (selected)
            case 0:     // MSE
                double mse = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++)
                    mse += Math.Pow(nextValues[i] - testArima[i], 2);
                mse /= numberOfTests;
                return(-1 * mse);

            case 1:     // ERROR %

                double errorPercent = 0;
                double sumTargets   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTests; i++)
                    errorPercent += Math.Abs(nextValues[i] - testArima[i]);
                    sumTargets   += Math.Abs(testArima[i]);
                errorPercent /= sumTargets;
                return(-1 * errorPercent * 100);
            return(-9999999999); // a very bad fitness when error occured
예제 #5
        public List <double> MakeArimaPrediction()
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(data, p, d, q);

            Vector <double> nextValues = model.Forecast(predictionSize);

            return(new List <double>(nextValues).Select(x => System.Math.Round(x, 2)).ToList());
        public overallForeCast getPPMonthlySalesForecast(int productProvider, int numPredictions, int value1 = 1, int value2 = 5)
            var toreturn     = new overallForeCast();
            var monthlysales = (from c in db.salespermonths select c.sales.Value).ToList();

            toreturn.previouse = Array.ConvertAll(monthlysales.ToArray(), c => (double)c);
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(toreturn.previouse, value1, value2);


            toreturn.predictions = Array.ConvertAll(model.Forecast(numPredictions).ToArray(), x => (double)x);

        public overallForeCast PredictInsuranceTypeSales(int insuranceTypeID, int numPredictions, int value1 = 1, int value2 = 5)
            var toreturn     = new overallForeCast();
            var monthlysales = (from c in db.insuranceproducttypemonthlysales where c.InsuranceType_ID == insuranceTypeID select c.sales.Value).ToList();

            toreturn.previouse = Array.ConvertAll(monthlysales.ToArray(), c => (double)c);
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(toreturn.previouse, value1, value2);


            toreturn.predictions = Array.ConvertAll(model.Forecast(numPredictions).ToArray(), x => (double)x);

        public overallForeCast PredictLocationSales(int productID, int locationID, int numPredictions, int value1 = 1, int value2 = 5)
            var toreturn     = new overallForeCast();
            var monthlysales = (from c in db.monthlylocationsales where c.transactionLocation == locationID select c.sales.Value).ToList();

            toreturn.previouse = Array.ConvertAll(monthlysales.ToArray(), c => (double)c);
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(toreturn.previouse, value1, value2);


            toreturn.predictions = Array.ConvertAll(model.Forecast(numPredictions).ToArray(), x => (double)x);

예제 #9
        public List <double> getPredictions(predictions prevValueStr, int numPredictions, int value1 = 1, int value2 = 1)
            List <double> toreturn = new List <double>();

            var prevValues = prevValueStr.values.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();

            toreturn.AddRange(Array.ConvertAll(prevValues.ToArray(), c => (double)c));
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(toreturn.ToArray(), value1, value2);


            toreturn.AddRange(Array.ConvertAll(model.Forecast(numPredictions).ToArray(), x => (double)x));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs validation using Root Mean-Squared Error given a time series (with forecast) and
        /// true values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> UNMODIFIED. time series data being evaluated </param>
        /// <param name="testDataPercentage"> percentage of data to be used to evaluate as test set </param>
        /// <param name="params"> MODIFIED. parameter of the ARIMA model </param>
        /// <returns> a Root Mean-Squared Error computed from the forecast and true data </returns>
        //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not available in .NET:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: public static double computeRMSEValidation(final double[] data, final double testDataPercentage, TimeSeries.Forecast.TimeSeries.Arima.struct.ArimaParams params)
        public static double computeRMSEValidation(double[] data, double testDataPercentage, ArimaParams @params)
            int testDataLength       = (int)(data.Length * testDataPercentage);
            int trainingDataEndIndex = data.Length - testDataLength;

            //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
            //ORIGINAL LINE: final TimeSeries.Forecast.TimeSeries.Arima.struct.ArimaModel result = estimateARIMA(params, data, trainingDataEndIndex, data.length);
            ArimaModel result = estimateARIMA(@params, data, trainingDataEndIndex, data.Length);

            //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
            //ORIGINAL LINE: final double[] forecast = result.forecast(testDataLength).getForecast();
            double[] forecast = result.Forecast(testDataLength).Forecast;

            return(ComputeRMSE(data, forecast, trainingDataEndIndex, 0, forecast.Length));
        private double getErrorOfArimaModel(int selected)
            // or to predict a specified number of values:
            Vector nextValues = arimaModel.Forecast(numberOfTests);

            switch (selected)
            case 0:     // MSE
                return(-1 * MyErrorParameters.MSE(nextValues.ToArray(), testArima));

            case 1:     // ERROR %
                return(-1 * MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(nextValues.ToArray(), testArima));
            return(-9999999999); // a very bad fitness when error occured
        public ProductForCast getProductSalesPredictions(int productID, int numPredictions, int value1 = 1, int value2 = 5)
            var toreturn  = new ProductForCast();
            var pastSales = (from c in db.productsalespermonths where c.Product_ID == productID select c.sales.Value).ToList();

            toreturn.productID = productID;
        = db.products.Find(productID).productName;
            toreturn.previouse = Array.ConvertAll(pastSales.ToArray(), x => (double)x);

            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(toreturn.previouse, value1, value2);


            toreturn.predictions = Array.ConvertAll(model.Forecast(numPredictions).ToArray(), x => (double)x);

예제 #13
        public double[][] Forecast(int days)
            var openVector  = Vector.Create(openValues);
            var closeVector = Vector.Create(closeValues);

            ArimaModel openModel  = new ArimaModel(openVector, parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]);
            ArimaModel closeModel = new ArimaModel(openVector, parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]);


            double[][] forecast = new double[2][];

            forecast[0] = openModel.Forecast(days).ToArray();  // open forecast
            forecast[1] = closeModel.Forecast(days).ToArray(); // close forecast

        public double[] Arima(int forecast, double[] values)
            Vector <double> tempValues = Vector.Create(values);

            //Find 'd'.
            var adf = new AugmentedDickeyFullerTest(values, 0);
            var p   = adf.PValue;

            var acf = tempValues.AutocorrelationFunction(20);

            if (p > 0.05D)
                p = 1;

            tempValues = tempValues.Difference();

            // An integrated model (with differencing) is constructed
            // by supplying the degree of differencing. Note the order
            // of the orders is the traditional one for an ARIMA(p,d,q)
            // model (p, d, q).
            var model = new ArimaModel(values, (int)p, 3, 3);

            model.EstimateMean = true;

            // The Compute methods fits the model.

            //Predict a specified number of values:
            var nextValues = model.Forecast(forecast);

            //Cast to double[].
            var castedNextValues = new double[nextValues.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < nextValues.Length; i++)
                castedNextValues[i] = nextValues[i];

            // return castedNextValues;
        public double[] ArimaTest(int lag)
            // The time series data is stored in a numerical variable:
            var sunspots = Vector.Create(100.8, 81.6, 66.5, 34.8, 30.6, 7, 19.8, 92.5,
                                         154.4, 125.9, 84.8, 68.1, 38.5, 22.8, 10.2, 24.1, 82.9, 132, 130.9, 118.1, 89.9, 66.6, 60, 46.9, 41,
                                         21.3, 16, 6.4, 4.1, 6.8, 14.5, 34, 45, 43.1, 47.5, 42.2, 28.1, 10.1, 8.1, 2.5, 0, 1.4, 5, 12.2, 13.9,
                                         35.4, 45.8, 41.1, 30.4, 23.9, 15.7, 6.6, 4, 1.8, 8.5, 16.6, 36.3, 49.7, 62.5, 67, 71, 47.8, 27.5, 8.5,
                                         13.2, 56.9, 121.5, 138.3, 103.2, 85.8, 63.2, 36.8, 24.2, 10.7, 15, 40.1, 61.5, 98.5, 124.3, 95.9, 66.5,
                                         64.5, 54.2, 39, 20.6, 6.7, 4.3, 22.8, 54.8, 93.8, 95.7, 77.2, 59.1, 44, 47, 30.5, 16.3, 7.3, 37.3,

            //Find 'd'.
            AugmentedDickeyFullerTest adf = new AugmentedDickeyFullerTest(sunspots, 0);
            double d = adf.Statistic;
            // Console.WriteLine(d);
            // Console.WriteLine(adf.PValue);

            // An integrated model (with differencing) is constructed
            // by supplying the degree of differencing. Note the order
            // of the orders is the traditional one for an ARIMA(p,d,q)
            // model (p, d, q).
            // The following constructs an ARIMA(0,1,1) model:
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(sunspots, 2, 1);

            model.EstimateMean = true;

            // The Compute methods fits the model.

            //Predict a specified number of values:
            var nextValues = model.Forecast(5);

            //Cast to double[].
            var castedNextValues = new double[nextValues.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < nextValues.Length; i++)
                castedNextValues[i] = nextValues[i];

예제 #16
        } // pure static class

        /// <summary>
        /// Raw-level ARIMA forecasting function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> UNMODIFIED, list of double numbers representing time-series with constant time-gap </param>
        /// <param name="forecastSize"> integer representing how many data points AFTER the data series to be
        ///        forecasted </param>
        /// <param name="params"> ARIMA parameters </param>
        /// <returns> a ForecastResult object, which contains the forecasted values and/or error message(s) </returns>
        //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not available in .NET:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: public static TimeSeries.Forecast.TimeSeries.Arima.struct.ForecastResult forecast_arima(final double[] data, final int forecastSize, TimeSeries.Forecast.TimeSeries.Arima.struct.ArimaParams params)
        public static ForecastResult forecast_arima(double[] data, int forecastSize, ArimaParams @params)
                int p = @params.p;

                int d = @params.d;

                int         q = @params.q;
                int         P = @params.P;
                int         D = @params.D;
                int         Q = @params.Q;
                int         m = @params.m;
                ArimaParams paramsForecast    = new ArimaParams(p, d, q, P, D, Q, m);
                ArimaParams paramsXValidation = new ArimaParams(p, d, q, P, D, Q, m);
                // estimate ARIMA model parameters for forecasting
                ArimaModel fittedModel = ArimaSolver.estimateARIMA(paramsForecast, data, data.Length, data.Length + 1);

                // compute RMSE to be used in confidence interval computation
                double rmseValidation = ArimaSolver.computeRMSEValidation(data, ForecastUtil.testSetPercentage, paramsXValidation);
                fittedModel.RMSE = rmseValidation;
                ForecastResult forecastResult = fittedModel.Forecast(forecastSize);

                // populate confidence interval
                forecastResult.Sigma2AndPredicationInterval = fittedModel.Params;

                // add logging messages
                forecastResult.Log("{" + "\"Best ModelInterface Param\" : \"" + fittedModel.Params.summary() + "\"," + "\"Forecast Size\" : \"" + forecastSize + "\"," + "\"Input Size\" : \"" + data.Length + "\"" + "}");

                // successfully built ARIMA model and its forecast
            catch (Exception ex)
                // failed to build ARIMA model
                throw new Exception("Failed to build ARIMA forecast: " + ex.Message);
        public static async Task <ScalingState> ScalingFunction(
            [OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext context,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogScalingFunction("Get new input.");

            var scalingState = context.GetInput <ScalingState>();

            log.LogScalingFunction($"Scaling for {scalingState.CurrentPartOfPeriod} part of period.");

            log.LogScalingFunction("Waiting for event from Metrics Collection");

            if (scalingState.Wait)
                var @event = await context.WaitForExternalEvent <MetricCollected>(nameof(MetricCollected));

                log.LogScalingFunction($"Update current metrics data.");


            log.LogScalingFunction($"Prepare ARIMA model. Autoregresive: {AutoregresiveParam}, Integration: {IntegrationParam}, Move Averrage: {MoveAverrageParam}");

            var vectorMetricsData = Vector.Create(scalingState.MetricData.ToArray());

            var model = new ArimaModel(vectorMetricsData, AutoregresiveParam, IntegrationParam, MoveAverrageParam);

            model.EstimateMean = true;

            log.LogScalingFunction("Fit ARIMA model.");


            log.LogScalingFunction("Forecast capacity for rest period.");
            var period         = MasterPerformMetricsCollector.Period - scalingState.CurrentPartOfPeriod - 1;
            var forecastedData = model.Forecast(period);

            log.LogScalingFunction("Calculate capacity");
            var capacityPerDay = forecastedData.Select(z => CapacityHelpers.CalculateCapacity(z)).ToList();
            var cost           = capacityPerDay.Select(z => CapacityHelpers.CalculateCostOfCapacity(z)).Sum();

            var restCost = scalingState.RestCost - cost;

            var division = (int)restCost / period;

            if (division >= 1)
                var additionalMachine = division > 2 ? division / MasterPerformMetricsCollector.Q : 1;
                capacityPerDay = capacityPerDay.Select(z => z + additionalMachine).ToList();
                restCost      -= (additionalMachine * capacityPerDay.Count);

            log.LogScalingFunction("Get capacity for part of period.");

            var capacity = capacityPerDay.First();

            log.LogScalingFunction($"Capacity to set: {capacity}");
            var action = new ScaleAction(capacity);
            await context.CallActivityAsync(nameof(Scaler), action);

            log.LogScalingFunction("Start new Scaling Function with new scaling state.");
        void Start()
            var Et = new List <double>();
            var Zt = new List <double>();
            var Lt = new List <double>();

            timeSeriGenerator = new TimeSeriGenerator <double>();
            arimaLogger       = new StreamWriter("Best_Hybrid_ArimaGALog.txt");
            int numInp = 0;

            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => numInp = Int32.Parse(NumberOfInpTextBox.Text)));
            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => ActivityProgressBar.IsIndeterminate = true));
            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => numberOfTests         = Int32.Parse(OptimumTestTextBox.Text)));
            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => numberOfForecastTests = Int32.Parse(ForecastTestTextBox.Text)));

            MyTimeSeriForBestHybrid <double> myTimeSeriForBestHybrid =

            //maxGAIteretionInArima = 1000;
            //var train = new double[timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri.Length - 5];
            //var test = new double[5];
            //for (int i = 0; i < train.Length; i++)
            //    train[i] = timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri[i];
            //for (int i = train.Length, j = 0; i < timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri.Length; i++, j++)
            //    test[j] = timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri[i];

            //ArimaGA aga=new ArimaGA();

            //NumericalVariable timeSeriii = new NumericalVariable("timeSeriii", train);
            //arimaModel = new ArimaModel(timeSeriii, aga.bestP, aga.bestD, aga.bestQ);

            //var fv2 = arimaModel.Forecast(numberOfForecastTests);
            //double ea2 = MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(fv2.ToArray(), test);)

            for (int i = 0; i < myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part2.Count; i++)

                //// converting to double[]
                //double[] db = new double[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count];
                //for (int j = 0; j < db.Length; j++)
                //    db[j] = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.ToArray()[j];

                NumericalVariable timeSerii = new NumericalVariable("timeSerii", myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.ToArray());
                arimaModel = new ArimaModel(timeSerii, myBestP, myBestD, myBestQ);

                var   res = arimaModel.Forecast(1);
                float lt  = (float)res[0];
                double target = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part2[i];
                double e      = lt - target;

                double mu = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Average();

                if (myBestD == 0)
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] - mu);
                else if (myBestD == 1)
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] -
                           myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 2] - mu);
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] -
                           2 * myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 2] +
                           myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 3] - mu);

            ArimaModel EtArimaModel = new ArimaGA().GetBestModel(Et.ToArray());
            ArimaModel ZtArimaModel = new ArimaGA().GetBestModel(Zt.ToArray());
            int        a            = 0;

            SVM svm = new SVM();

            //TimeSeriGenerator<double> gen = new TimeSeriGenerator<double>();
            //gen.NumberOfInputVariables = Int32.Parse(NumberOfInpTextBox.Text);
            //gen.TimeSeri = Et.ToArray();
            //var EtTimeSeries = gen.generate();

            //gen = new TimeSeriGenerator<double>();
            //gen.NumberOfInputVariables = Int32.Parse(NumberOfInpTextBox.Text);
            //gen.TimeSeri = Zt.ToArray();
            //var ZtTimeSeries = gen.generate();
            //// biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

            Pair <int> bestAB = CreateComplexHybridModel(Et.ToArray(), Lt.ToArray(), Zt.ToArray());
            double     minErr = SVMComplexModelForBestModel(bestAB.First, bestAB.Second, Et.ToArray(), Lt.ToArray(),

            MessageBox.Show(bestAB.First + " , " + bestAB.Second + "\nMinError In Training Is =>  " + minErr, "Now Best M & N Found", MessageBoxButton.OK,

            // --------------------------------- now our complex hybrid model is created -----------------------------------------------------------------

            double mse          = 0;
            double errorPercent = 0;
            double sumTargets   = 0;

            if (myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count != timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri.Length - numberOfForecastTests)
                MessageBox.Show("Input For Arima Model Is Not Completed", "ERROR", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);


            var    forecastedVector = arimaModel.Forecast(numberOfForecastTests);
            double eoa = MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(forecastedVector.ToArray(), myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.testCases.ToArray());

            MessageBox.Show("Error Of Arima Is =>  " + eoa, "Arima Error", MessageBoxButton.OK,

            //maxGAIteretionInArima = 1000;
            //double[] dbb = new double[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count];
            //for (int j = 0; j < dbb.Length; j++)
            //    dbb[j] = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.ToArray()[j];
            //NumericalVariable timeSeriTest = new NumericalVariable("timeSerii", dbb);
            //arimaModel = new ArimaModel(timeSeriTest, myBestP, myBestD, myBestQ);

            StreamWriter  hybridWriter = new StreamWriter(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME);
            List <double> results      = new List <double>();

            //double errorOfArima = MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(forcastedVector.ToArray(), myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.testCases.ToArray());
            //MessageBox.Show("Error Of Arima Is =>  " + errorOfArima, "Arima Error", MessageBoxButton.OK,
            //                MessageBoxImage.Information);

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            int numOfInp = bestAB.First + bestAB.Second + 1;
            int rows     = Et.Count - Math.Max(bestAB.First, bestAB.Second);

            float[,] inps = new float[rows, numOfInp];
            double[] targs = new double[rows];
            int      y     = bestAB.First;
            int      z     = bestAB.Second;
            int      ll    = 0;

            for (int o = 0; o < rows; o++)
                if (y > z)
                    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                        inps[o, j] = (float)Et[ll + j];
                    inps[o, y] = (float)Lt[ll + y];
                    for (int j = 0; j < z; j++)
                        inps[o, y + j + 1] = (float)Zt[ll + y - z + j];
                    targs[o] = timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri[ll + y];
                    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                        inps[o, j] = (float)Et[ll + z - y + j];
                    inps[o, y] = (float)Lt[ll + z];
                    for (int j = 0; j < z; j++)
                        inps[o, j + y + 1] = (float)Zt[ll + j];
                    targs[o] = timeSeriGenerator.TimeSeri[ll + z];

            float[,] trainInputs = new float[rows - numberOfTests, numOfInp];
            float[] trainTargets = new float[rows - numberOfTests];
            float[,] testInputs = new float[numberOfTests, numOfInp];
            float[] testTargets = new float[numberOfTests];
            int     t           = 0;

            for (; t < rows - numberOfTests; t++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numOfInp; j++)
                    trainInputs[t, j] = inps[t, j];
                trainTargets[t] = (float)targs[t];
            for (int o = 0; t < rows; o++, t++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numOfInp; j++)
                    testInputs[o, j] = inps[t, j];
                testTargets[o] = (float)targs[t];

            svmModelHybrid = new SVM();

            SVM_KERNEL_TYPE bestKernelType = SVM_KERNEL_TYPE.RBF;
            double          bestEps        = 0.001;
            SVMParams       p;
            Matrix <float>  trainData    = new Matrix <float>(trainInputs);
            Matrix <float>  trainClasses = new Matrix <float>(trainTargets);

            p            = new SVMParams();
            p.KernelType = bestKernelType;
            p.SVMType    = Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.SVM_TYPE.EPS_SVR; // for regression
            p.C          = 1;
            p.TermCrit   = new MCvTermCriteria(100, bestEps);
            p.Gamma      = 1;
            p.Degree     = 1;
            p.P          = 1;
            p.Nu         = 0.1;

            bool _trained = svmModelHybrid.TrainAuto(trainData, trainClasses, null, null, p.MCvSVMParams, 10);

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfForecastTests; i++)
                float[,] inpTest = new float[bestAB.First + bestAB.Second + 1, 1];
                int l = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < bestAB.First; j++, l++)
                    inpTest[l, 0] = (float)Et[Et.Count - bestAB.First + j];
                inpTest[l++, 0] = (float)forecastedVector[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < bestAB.Second; j++, l++)
                    inpTest[l, 0] = (float)Zt[Zt.Count - bestAB.Second + j];

                // injaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

                float result = svmModelHybrid.Predict(new Matrix <float>(inpTest));
                double target = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.testCases[i];

                // preparing for next use in this for loop
                double resi = target - (float)forecastedVector[i];    // float resi = target - result;   << CHECK HERE IMPORTANT >>

                double mu = myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Average();
                if (myBestD == 0)
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] - mu);
                else if (myBestD == 1)
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] -
                           myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 2] - mu);
                else //else if (bestD == 2)    << CHECK HERE >>
                    Zt.Add(myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 1] -
                           2 * myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 2] +
                           myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1[myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.part1.Count - 3] - mu);

            double _mse          = MyErrorParameters.MSE(results.ToArray(), myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.testCases.ToArray());
            double _errorPercent = MyErrorParameters.ERROR_Percent(results.ToArray(), myTimeSeriForBestHybrid.testCases.ToArray());

            hybridWriter.WriteLine("\n\n\nMSE & ERROR% are =>\n\n{0} {1}", _mse, _errorPercent);


                    "Complex Hybrid Model Created File {0} For Output Successfully Now , Please Check It Out .",
                    OUTPUT_FILE_NAME), "Hybrid SVM Arima Done", MessageBoxButton.OK,