예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new context <see cref="IContext"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullCorrelationId">Full correlation-id.</param>
        /// <param name="correlationId">Correlation-id of context to be created.</param>
        /// <param name="localTag">Special user defined tag.</param>
        /// <param name="ct">Cancellation token.</param>
        /// <param name="disposeRegistry">Dispose registry.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Progress reporter.</param>
        /// <param name="displayName">Display name.</param>
        /// <param name="outerCtx">Outer context of context to be created.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IContext Create(
            XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
            object localTag = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <CancellationToken> ct = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IDisposeRegistry> > disposeRegistry        = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IAsyncProgress <IFormattable> > > progress = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IFormattable> displayName = default,
            IContext outerCtx = default)
            var ctx = new GenericContext(fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, outerCtx: outerCtx);

            if (ct.HasExplicitValue)
                CtProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: ct.ExplicitValue);
            if (disposeRegistry.HasExplicitValue)
                DisposeRegistryProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: disposeRegistry.ExplicitValue);
            if (progress.HasExplicitValue)
                ProgressProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: progress.ExplicitValue);
            if (displayName.HasExplicitValue)
                DisplayNameProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: displayName.ExplicitValue);
예제 #2
 public ErrorCode(IErrorCode other, ArgumentPlaceholder <string> description = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <SeverityLevel?> severityLevel = default)
     : this(
         identifier : other.EnsureNotNull(nameof(other)).Value.Identifier,
         severityLevel : severityLevel.Substitute(value : other.SeverityLevel),
         description : description.Substitute(value : other.Description))
예제 #3
 public ContextProperty(string name, Action <IContext, T> cleanup = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <T> fallbackValue = default, Action <ArgumentUtilitiesHandle <T> > validator = default)
     : base(name: name, type: typeof(T))
     _fallbackValue = fallbackValue;
     _cleanup       = cleanup;
     _values        = new DisposableTable <IContext, PropertyValueHolder <IContext, T> >();
     _validator     = validator;
예제 #4
 public static IContext New(
     this IContext outerCtx,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <CancellationToken> ct = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IDisposeRegistry> > disposeRegistry        = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IAsyncProgress <IFormattable> > > progress = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <IFormattable> displayName = default)
 => Create(outerCtx: outerCtx, fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, ct: ct, disposeRegistry: disposeRegistry, progress: progress, displayName: displayName);
예제 #5
 public TriggerSignalProperties(ITrigger trigger, ArgumentPlaceholder <DateTimeOffset> timestamp = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <XFullCorrelationId> correlationId = default)
     if (correlationId.HasExplicitValue && correlationId.ExplicitValue.IsEmpty)
         throw new ArgumentException(message: "Cannot be empty.", paramName: nameof(correlationId));
     _trigger                = trigger;
     _source                 = null;
     _timestamp              = timestamp.Substitute(value: DateTimeOffset.Now);
     _correlationId          = correlationId.Substitute(value: default);
예제 #6
 protected MetadataLoadContextBase(
     bool skipLinkedMetadata,
     Uri baseUri,
     string mediaType = default,
     Uri siteOrigin   = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag   = default,
     IContext outerCtx = default)
     : base(baseUri: baseUri, mediaType: mediaType, siteOrigin: siteOrigin, fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, outerCtx: outerCtx)
     _skipLinkedMetadata = skipLinkedMetadata;
예제 #7
        public DescriptionPackageIdentity(DescriptionPackageIdentity other, ArgumentPlaceholder <MetadataName> name = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <UriBasedIdentifier> publisherScopeId = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <Version> version = default, bool isReadOnly = default)
            : this(
                .If(condition : name.HasExplicitValue, trueBody : locOtherName => name.ExplicitValue, falseBody : locOtherName => locOtherName),
                publisherScopeId : publisherScopeId.HasExplicitValue ? publisherScopeId.ExplicitValue : other.PublisherScopeId,
                version : version.HasExplicitValue ? version.ExplicitValue : other.Version,
                isReadOnly : isReadOnly)
예제 #8
 public Pool(
     Func <T> itemFactory,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> ownsItem = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <TimeoutDuration> itemPreferredSlidingTtl = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <int> maxSize = default,
     string displayName = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     : this(
         itemFactory : P_MakeItemFactoryDelegate(itemFactory : itemFactory),
         ownsItem : ownsItem.Substitute(value : Pool.DefaultOfOwnsItem),
         itemPreferredSlidingTtl : itemPreferredSlidingTtl.Substitute(value : Pool.DefaultOfItemPreferredSlidingTtl),
         maxSize : maxSize.Substitute(value : Pool.DefaultOfMaxSize),
         displayName : displayName,
         logger : logger)
예제 #9
 public SubjectFileLoadContext(
     string localFilePath,
     string mediaType = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag         = default,
     IContext ambientContext = default)
     : this(
         fileUri : new Uri(uriString : localFilePath.Arg(nameof(localFilePath)).EnsureNotNullOrWhiteSpace(), uriKind : UriKind.Absolute),
         mediaType : mediaType,
         fullCorrelationId : fullCorrelationId,
         correlationId : correlationId,
         localTag : localTag,
         ambientContext : ambientContext)
예제 #10
 public SubjectFileLoadContext(
     Uri fileUri,
     string mediaType = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag         = default,
     IContext ambientContext = default)
     : base(
         baseUri: fileUri.Arg(nameof(fileUri)).EnsureFileScheme().EnsureLoopbackOrUnc(),
         mediaType: mediaType,
         fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId,
         correlationId: correlationId,
         localTag: localTag,
         outerCtx: ambientContext)
예제 #11
 public DescriptionPackageLoadContext(
     DescriptionPackageLocator locator,
     Uri loadUri,
     bool skipLinkedMetadata,
     string mediaType = default,
     Uri siteOrigin   = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag   = default,
     IContext outerCtx = default)
     : base(skipLinkedMetadata: skipLinkedMetadata, baseUri: loadUri, mediaType: mediaType, siteOrigin: siteOrigin, fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, outerCtx: outerCtx)
     _locator = locator;
예제 #12
 public SubjectFileLoadContext(
     FileInfo localFile,
     string mediaType = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag         = default,
     IContext ambientContext = default)
     : this(
         fileUri : new Uri(localFile.EnsureNotNull(nameof(localFile)).Value.FullName, UriKind.Absolute),
         mediaType : mediaType,
         fullCorrelationId : fullCorrelationId,
         correlationId : correlationId,
         localTag : localTag,
         ambientContext : ambientContext)
     _file = localFile;
예제 #13
 internal P_State(
     P_State other,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> initializationDone      = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <IDbContextTransaction> realTx = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <Action <PersistenceEfCoreDataContextTxScope> > disposeCallback  = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <Action <PersistenceEfCoreDataContextTxScope> > completeCallback = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> shouldRollback  = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> commitIntention = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> finishingStart  = default)
     InitializationDone = initializationDone.Substitute(other.InitializationDone);
     RealTx             = realTx.Substitute(other.RealTx);
     DisposeCallback    = disposeCallback.Substitute(other.DisposeCallback);
     CompleteCallback   = completeCallback.Substitute(other.CompleteCallback);
     ShouldRollback     = shouldRollback.Substitute(other.ShouldRollback);
     CommitIntention    = commitIntention.Substitute(other.CommitIntention);
     FinishingStart     = finishingStart.Substitute(other.FinishingStart);
예제 #14
 public DescriptionPackageFileLoadContext(
     DescriptionPackageLocator locator,
     Uri fileUri,
     bool skipLinkedMetadata,
     string mediaType = default,
     Uri siteOrigin   = default,
     XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
     object localTag   = default,
     IContext outerCtx = default)
     : base(
         locator: locator,
         loadUri: fileUri.Arg(nameof(fileUri)).EnsureAbsolute().EnsureFileScheme().EnsureLoopbackOrUnc().Value,
         skipLinkedMetadata: skipLinkedMetadata,
         mediaType: mediaType,
         siteOrigin: siteOrigin,
         fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId,
         correlationId: correlationId,
         localTag: localTag,
         outerCtx: outerCtx)
예제 #15
 public Pool(
     Func <IContext, Task <T> > itemFactory,
     bool ownsItem,
     TimeoutDuration itemPreferredSlidingTtl,
     int maxSize,
     string displayName = default,
     ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     maxSize.Arg(nameof(maxSize)).EnsureNotLessThan(operand: 1);
     displayName.Arg(nameof(displayName)).EnsureNotEmpty().EnsureHasMaxLength(maxLength: Pool.DisplayNameMaxLength);
     _itemFactory            = itemFactory;
     _ownsFactoriedItem      = ownsItem;
     ItemPreferredSlidingTtl = itemPreferredSlidingTtl;
     MaxSize           = maxSize;
     P_MaxSizeMinusOne = maxSize - 1;
     DisplayName       = displayName;
     _poolItems        = ImmutableStack <ImmutableStackEntry <Leasable <T> > > .Empty;
     _logger           = logger.Substitute(value: default);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new context using context class <typeparamref name="TContext"/> special constructor.
        /// <para>A special constructor must meet the following signature: (<see cref="XFullCorrelationId"/> fullCorrelationId, <see cref="ArgumentPlaceholder{XCorrelationId}"/> correlationId, <see cref="object"/> localTag, <see cref="IContext"/> outerCtx).</para>
        /// <para>Visibility level of a special constructor doesn't matter.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TContext">Type of context to be created.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="fullCorrelationId">
        /// Full correlation-id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="correlationId">
        /// Correlation-id of context to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="localTag">
        /// Special user defined tag.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ct">
        /// Cancellation token.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="disposeRegistry">
        /// Dispose registry.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="progress">
        /// Progress reporter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="displayName">
        /// Display name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="outerCtx">Outer context of context to be created.</param>
        public static TContext Create <TContext>(
            XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
            object localTag = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <CancellationToken> ct = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IDisposeRegistry> > disposeRegistry        = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IAsyncProgress <IFormattable> > > progress = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IFormattable> displayName = default,
            IContext outerCtx = default)
            where TContext : class, IContext
            var ctx =
                .RequireConstructor <XFullCorrelationId, ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId>, object, IContext, TContext>()
                    (arg1 : fullCorrelationId, arg2 : correlationId, arg3 : localTag, arg4 : outerCtx);

            if (ct.HasExplicitValue)
                CtProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: ct.ExplicitValue);
            if (disposeRegistry.HasExplicitValue)
                DisposeRegistryProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: disposeRegistry.ExplicitValue);
            if (progress.HasExplicitValue)
                ProgressProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: progress.ExplicitValue);
            if (displayName.HasExplicitValue)
                DisplayNameProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: ctx, value: displayName.ExplicitValue);
예제 #17
        public static IContext New(
            this IContext outerCtx,
            IDataContext2 dataCtx,
            XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default,
            object localTag = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <CancellationToken> ct = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IDisposeRegistry> > disposeRegistry        = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IVh <IAsyncProgress <IFormattable> > > progress = default,
            ArgumentPlaceholder <IFormattable> displayName = default)
            var newCtx = default(IContext);

            try {
                newCtx = ContextUtilities.Create(outerCtx: outerCtx, fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, ct: ct, disposeRegistry: disposeRegistry, progress: progress, displayName: displayName);
                DataContextFlowContextProps.DataContextProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: newCtx, value: dataCtx);
            catch (Exception exception) {
예제 #18
 public Leasable(Func <IContext, Task <IVh <T> > > acquire, Func <IVh <T>, Task> release, TimeoutDuration preferredSlidingTtl, ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     : base(preferredSlidingTtl : preferredSlidingTtl, logger : logger)
     _acquire = acquire;
     _release = release;
예제 #19
 // TODO: Put strings into the resources.
 public GenericContext(XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default, object localTag = default, IContext outerCtx = default)
     if (!(outerCtx is null))
예제 #20
 public TriggerSignalProperties(ITrigger trigger, ITriggerSignalProperties source, ArgumentPlaceholder <DateTimeOffset> timestamp = default)
     _trigger                = trigger;
     _source                 = source;
     _timestamp              = timestamp.Substitute(value: source.Timestamp);
     _correlationId          = source.CorrelationId;
     _explicitlyDefinedProps = timestamp.HasExplicitValue ? ExplicitlyDefinedProps.Timestamp : ExplicitlyDefinedProps.None;
예제 #21
 public Leasable(Func <IContext, Task <IVh <T> > > acquire, TimeoutDuration preferredSlidingTtl, ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     : this(acquire : acquire, release : P_DefaultRelease, preferredSlidingTtl : preferredSlidingTtl, logger : logger)
예제 #22
 protected SubjectLoadContextBase(Uri baseUri, string mediaType = default, Uri siteOrigin = default, XFullCorrelationId fullCorrelationId = default, ArgumentPlaceholder <XCorrelationId> correlationId = default, object localTag = default, IContext outerCtx = default)
     : base(fullCorrelationId: fullCorrelationId, correlationId: correlationId, localTag: localTag, outerCtx: outerCtx)
     SubjectLoadContextProps.SubjectLoadBaseUriProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: this, baseUri.Arg(nameof(baseUri)));
     SubjectLoadContextProps.SubjectLoadSiteOriginProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: this, siteOrigin is null ? baseUri.Arg(nameof(baseUri)) : siteOrigin.Arg(nameof(baseUri)));
     SubjectLoadContextProps.SubjectLoadMediaTypeProp.SetLocalValue(ctx: this, value: mediaType ?? MediaTypeNameUtilities.AppOctetStream);
예제 #23
 internal RunControlAttemptSuccess(IRunControlAttemptSuccess other, ArgumentPlaceholder <bool> isMaster = default)
     : this(props : other.EnsureNotNull(nameof(other)).Value, duration : other.Duration, isMaster : isMaster.Substitute(value : other.IsMaster))
예제 #24
 public Leasable(Func <IContext, Task <T> > acquire, bool ownsAcquired, TimeoutDuration preferredSlidingTtl, ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     : this(acquire : P_GetAcquireDelegate(acquire : acquire, ownsAcquired : ownsAcquired), release : P_DefaultRelease, preferredSlidingTtl : preferredSlidingTtl, logger : logger)
예제 #25
 public Leasable(Func <IVh <T> > acquire, Action <IVh <T> > release, TimeoutDuration preferredSlidingTtl, ArgumentPlaceholder <ILogger> logger = default)
     : this(acquire : P_GetAcquireDelegate(acquire : acquire), release : P_GetReleaseDelegate(release : release), preferredSlidingTtl : preferredSlidingTtl, logger : logger)