예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SectionDefinition"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The XML-element to read the data from.</param>
        public SectionDefinition(XElement element)
            : this()
            this.SectionString.String = element.TryGetAttributeValue("Text", null);

            // Parse the aspects...
            foreach (XElement aspectE in element.Elements("Aspect"))
                SectionParserDefinition spDefinition = new SectionParserDefinition(aspectE);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spDefinition.Type))
                    // TODO: Log warning


            // Parse the areas...
            foreach (XElement areaE in element.Elements("Area"))
                AreaDefinition areaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(areaE);
                if (!areaDefinition.IsValidDefinition())
                    // TODO: Log warning

예제 #2
        private void WriteValueToCustomData(string value, AreaDefinition area, PropertyInfo piCustomData, Operation operation)
            // We know that the CustomData-object is a dictionary with string, object...
            IDictionary <string, object> customData = (IDictionary <string, object>)piCustomData.GetValue(operation, null);

            // If the custom data entry already exists, give a warning and overwrite it
            if (customData.ContainsKey(area.MapToPropertyName))
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "The custom data entry '{0}' does already exist and is being overwritten. Please check your control file if this is the intended behavior!", area.MapToPropertyName);
            customData[area.MapToPropertyName] = value;
예제 #3
        Operation IParser.Parse(string[] lines)
            Operation operation = new Operation();

            lines = Utilities.Trim(lines);

            // Remember the name of the section we are in
            SectionDefinition currentSection = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    string line = lines[i];
                    if (line.Length == 0)

                    // Check if the line denotes a section start. In this case, skip this line but remember the section.
                    SectionDefinition newSection = null;
                    if (IsLineSectionMarker(line, out newSection))
                        currentSection = newSection;

                    // Check if we currently are in no section (this is the case when there is some jabber at the beginning we don't care about).
                    if (currentSection == null)

                    AreaDefinition area = null;
                    if (!IsLineAreaRelevant(line, currentSection, out area))

                    AreaLineInformation value = new AreaLineInformation(area, line);
                    WriteValueToOperation(value.Value, area, operation);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Error while parsing line '{0}'. The error message was: {1}", i, ex.Message);

예제 #4
        private void WriteValueToOperation(string value, AreaDefinition area, Operation operation)
            // First check: Check if the object has the property we want right away
            PropertyInfo piLocal = operation.GetType().GetProperty(area.MapToPropertyName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

            if (piLocal != null)
                WriteValueToProperty(value, piLocal, operation);
                PropertyInfo piCustomData = operation.GetType().GetProperty("CustomData");
                WriteValueToCustomData(value, area, piCustomData, operation);
예제 #5
 private bool IsLineAreaRelevant(string line, SectionDefinition currentSection, out AreaDefinition area)
     area = currentSection.GetArea(line);
     return(area != null);
        public void LoadAreaDefinitions(Areas areas, float progressMin, float progressMax)
            string areasName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(areas.Name);

            Parent.name += " - " + areasName;

            for (int i = 0; i < areas.AreaDefinitions.Count; i++)
                AreaDefinition areaDefinition = areas.AreaDefinitions[i];
                AreaObject     instance       = null;

                switch (areaDefinition.Shape)
                case "sphere":
                    instance = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere).AddComponent <AreaObject>();

                    TransformData correctedSphereTransform = MathUtils.ConvertTransform(areaDefinition.Pos1, Vector4.zero, new Vector4(areaDefinition.Radius, areaDefinition.Radius, areaDefinition.Radius), false, TransformMode.Area);
                    instance.transform.position   = correctedSphereTransform.Position;
                    instance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(correctedSphereTransform.Rotation);
                    instance.transform.localScale = correctedSphereTransform.Scale;

                    instance.Radius = areaDefinition.Radius;

                case "box":
                    instance = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).AddComponent <AreaObject>();
                    Vector3 pos1 = areaDefinition.Pos1;
                    Vector3 pos2 = areaDefinition.Pos2;

                    Vector3 fScale = pos2 - pos1;
                    fScale.x = Mathf.Abs(fScale.x);
                    fScale.y = Mathf.Abs(fScale.y);
                    fScale.z = Mathf.Abs(fScale.z);

                    Vector3 fPos = (pos1 + pos2) * 0.5f;
                    Vector4 fRot = areaDefinition.Rot;

                    TransformData correctedBoxMatrix = MathUtils.ConvertTransform(fPos, fRot, fScale, true, TransformMode.Area);
                    instance.transform.position   = correctedBoxMatrix.Position;
                    instance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(correctedBoxMatrix.Rotation);
                    instance.transform.localScale = correctedBoxMatrix.Scale;

                    instance.Pos2 = areaDefinition.Pos2;
                    instance.Rot  = areaDefinition.Rot;

                instance.name = areaDefinition.Name;

                int layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("ForgelightAreas");
                instance.gameObject.layer = layer;

                foreach (Transform child in instance.transform)
                    child.gameObject.layer = layer;

                instance.ID    = areaDefinition.ID;
                instance.Name  = areaDefinition.Name;
                instance.Shape = areaDefinition.Shape;
                instance.Pos1  = areaDefinition.Pos1;

                instance.transform.SetParent(Parent.transform, true);

                //We color the area definition based on its parameter type.
                Renderer renderer = instance.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                renderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                renderer.receiveShadows    = false;

                Color color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

                if (areaDefinition.Properties != null && areaDefinition.Properties.Count > 0)
                    instance.Properties = new List <string>();

                    foreach (Property property in areaDefinition.Properties)
                        instance.Properties.Add(property.Type + "_" + property.ID + ": " + property.Parameters.Attributes());

                    MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();

                    byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(areaDefinition.Properties[0].Type));

                    color.r = hash[0] / 255.0f;
                    color.g = hash[1] / 255.0f;
                    color.b = hash[2] / 255.0f;

                if (cachedMaterials.ContainsKey(color))
                    renderer.sharedMaterial = cachedMaterials[color];
                    renderer.sharedMaterial       = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/Areas"));
                    renderer.sharedMaterial.color = color;

                    cachedMaterials[color] = renderer.sharedMaterial;

                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading " + areasName, "Loading Area Definition: " + areaDefinition.Name, MathUtils.Remap01((float)i / areas.AreaDefinitions.Count, progressMin, progressMax));
예제 #7
 public AreaC(AreaDefinition definition) : base(definition)
예제 #8
        public static AreaDefinitionList XmlToAreaDefinitionsList(string body)
            var areas = new AreaDefinitionList();
            var doc   = XDocument.Parse(body);

            // Handle all ELLIPSES
            var ellipses = from node in doc.Descendants(NS + "ellipse")
                           select new
                object_type = node.Attribute(MOVENS + "object-type").Value,
                name        = (node.Attribute("title") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("title").Value,
                active      = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active").Value,
                id          = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id").Value,
                fill        = node.Attribute("fill").Value,
                used        = ((node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used") != null) ? (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used").Value.ToLower() == "true") : false),

            foreach (var ellipse in ellipses)
                if (ellipse.object_type.ToUpper() != AREA)

                var area = new AreaDefinition();
                area.Id     = Convert.ToInt32(ellipse.id);
                area.Name   = ellipse.name;
                area.Active = (ellipse.active.ToLower() == "true");
                area.Used   = ellipse.used;
                area.Color  = ellipse.fill;

            // Handle all CIRCLES
            var circles = from node in doc.Descendants(NS + "circle")
                          select new
                object_type = node.Attribute(MOVENS + "object-type").Value,
                name        = (node.Attribute("title") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("title").Value,
                active      = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active").Value,
                id          = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id").Value,
                fill        = node.Attribute("fill").Value,
                used        = ((node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used") != null) ? (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used").Value.ToLower() == "true") : false),

            foreach (var circle in circles)
                if (circle.object_type.ToUpper() != AREA)

                var area = new AreaDefinition();
                area.Id     = Convert.ToInt32(circle.id);
                area.Name   = circle.name;
                area.Active = (circle.active.ToLower() == "true");
                area.Used   = circle.used;
                area.Color  = circle.fill;

            // Handle all RECTANGLES
            var retangles = from node in doc.Descendants(NS + "rect")
                            select new
                object_type = node.Attribute(MOVENS + "object-type").Value,
                name        = (node.Attribute("title") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("title").Value,
                active      = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active").Value,
                id          = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id").Value,
                fill        = node.Attribute("fill").Value,
                used        = ((node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used") != null) ? (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used").Value.ToLower() == "true") : false),

            foreach (var retangle in retangles)
                if (retangle.object_type.ToUpper() != AREA)

                var area = new AreaDefinition();
                area.Id     = Convert.ToInt32(retangle.id);
                area.Name   = retangle.name;
                area.Active = (retangle.active.ToLower() == "true");
                area.Used   = retangle.used;
                area.Color  = retangle.fill;

            // Handle all PATHS
            var paths = from node in doc.Descendants(NS + "path")
                        select new
                object_type = node.Attribute(MOVENS + "object-type").Value,
                name        = (node.Attribute("title") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("title").Value,
                active      = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active").Value,
                id          = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id").Value,
                fill        = node.Attribute("fill").Value,
                used        = ((node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used") != null) ? (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used").Value.ToLower() == "true") : false),

            foreach (var path in paths)
                if (path.object_type.ToUpper() != AREA)

                var area = new AreaDefinition();
                area.Id     = Convert.ToInt32(path.id);
                area.Name   = path.name;
                area.Active = (path.active.ToLower() == "true");
                area.Used   = path.used;
                area.Color  = path.fill;


// <ellipse move:used="true" title="Desk Front" fill="#00FF19" move:active="true" move:id="2" cx="1113"
// cy="842" rx="155" ry="80" move:object-type="area" id="2" transform="rotate(-29.9816 1113 842)"/>
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the parser definition to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The file to save the parser definition to.</param>
        public void Save(string fileName)
            Assertions.AssertNotEmpty(fileName, "fileName");

            ControlInformation ci = new ControlInformation();
            ci.FaxName = this.ParserName;

            foreach (SectionDefinitionViewModel svm in this.Sections)
                SectionDefinition sd = new SectionDefinition();
                sd.SectionString = new GenericParserString(svm.Name);

                foreach (SectionParserDefinitionViewModel spvm in svm.Aspects)
                    SectionParserDefinition spd = new SectionParserDefinition();
                    spd.Type = spvm.Type;


                foreach (AreaDefinitionViewModel avm in svm.Areas)
                    AreaDefinition ad = new AreaDefinition();
                    ad.AreaString = new GenericParserString(avm.Name);
                    ad.MapToPropertyExpression = avm.MapToPropertyExpression;



예제 #10
 private void WriteValueToOperation(string value, AreaDefinition area, Operation operation)
     // First check: Check if the object has the property we want right away
     bool propertyFound = WriteValueToProperty(value, area.MapToPropertyExpression, operation);
     if (propertyFound)
         Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Debug, this, "Wrote value '{0}' successfully to property '{1}'.", value, area.MapToPropertyExpression);
         PropertyInfo piCustomData = operation.GetType().GetProperty("CustomData");
         WriteValueToCustomData(value, area, piCustomData, operation);
예제 #11
        private void WriteValueToCustomData(string value, AreaDefinition area, PropertyInfo piCustomData, Operation operation)
            // We know that the CustomData-object is a dictionary with string, object...
            IDictionary<string, object> customData = (IDictionary<string, object>)piCustomData.GetValue(operation, null);

            // If the custom data entry already exists, give a warning and overwrite it
            if (customData.ContainsKey(area.MapToPropertyExpression))
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "The custom data entry '{0}' does already exist and is being overwritten. Please check your control file if this is the intended behavior!", area.MapToPropertyExpression);
            customData[area.MapToPropertyExpression] = value;

            Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Debug, this, "Wrote value '{0}' successfully to custom data entry '{1}'.", value, area.MapToPropertyExpression);
예제 #12
 private bool IsLineAreaRelevant(string line, SectionDefinition currentSection, out AreaDefinition area)
     area = currentSection.GetArea(line);
     return area != null;