public ActionResult ExportData_IU(ApplicationHeaderInfo pInfo, App_Detail_PLD01_HDCN_Info pDetail, List <AppDocumentInfo> pAppDocumentInfo, List <AppFeeFixInfo> pFeeFixInfo) { try { string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); // Fill export_header string fileName_docx = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Content/Export/" + "D01_VI_" + TradeMarkAppCode.AppCode_TM_4C2_PLD_01_HDCN + ".docx"); AppsCommon.Prepare_Data_Export_D01(ref pDetail, pInfo, pAppDocumentInfo, pFeeFixInfo); List <App_Detail_PLD01_HDCN_Info> _lst = new List <App_Detail_PLD01_HDCN_Info>(); _lst.Add(pDetail); DataSet _ds_all = ConvertData.ConvertToDataSet <App_Detail_PLD01_HDCN_Info>(_lst, false); _ds_all.Tables[0].TableName = "Table_4c2"; CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument oRpt = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument(); string _tempfile = "TM_PLD01_HDCN.rpt"; string _datetimenow = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmm"); string fileName_pdf = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Content/Export/" + "D01_VN_" + _datetimenow + ".pdf"); if (language == Language.LangVI) { fileName_pdf = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Content/Export/" + "D01_VN_" + _datetimenow + ".pdf"); SessionData.CurrentUser.FilePreview = "/Content/Export/" + "D01_VN_" + _datetimenow + ".pdf"; } else { _tempfile = "TM_PLD01_HDCN_EN.rpt"; // tiếng anh fileName_pdf = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Content/Export/" + "D01_EN_" + _datetimenow + ".pdf"); SessionData.CurrentUser.FilePreview = "/Content/Export/" + "D01_EN_" + _datetimenow + ".pdf"; } oRpt.Load(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Report/"), _tempfile)); //oRpt.Load(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Report/"), "TM_PLD01_HDCN.rpt")); if (_ds_all != null) { oRpt.SetDataSource(_ds_all); } oRpt.Refresh(); Response.Buffer = false; Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); System.IO.Stream oStream = oRpt.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat); byte[] byteArray = new byte[oStream.Length]; oStream.Read(byteArray, 0, Convert.ToInt32(oStream.Length - 1)); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(fileName_pdf, byteArray.ToArray()); // Requires System.Linq return(Json(new { success = 0 })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = 0 })); } }
public string GetContentMail(string link) { string title = EmailHelper.EmailOriginal.DisplayName; string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string content = ""; if (language != "VI_VN") { content = "Hi, To reset your password, you need to click on the link below. This will help you change your password."; return("<div>" + "<div>" + title + "</div>" + "<div>" + content + "</div>" + "<div>" + link + "</div>" + "<div>Thanks.</div>" + "</div>"); } else { content = "Chào bạn, Để đặt lại mật khẩu, bạn cần bấm vào link liên kết bên dưới. Thao tác này sẽ giúp bạn thay đổi mật khẩu."; return("<div>" + "<div>" + title + "</div>" + "<div>" + content + "</div>" + "<div>" + link + "</div>" + "<div>Cảm ơn.</div>" + "</div>"); } }
public ActionResult DoEdit(Docking_Info p_Docking_Info) { try { Docking_BL _obj_bl = new Docking_BL(); p_Docking_Info.Modify_By = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; p_Docking_Info.Modify_Date = DateTime.Now; p_Docking_Info.Language_Code = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); p_Docking_Info.Document_Name = p_Docking_Info.Document_Name_Type + p_Docking_Info.Document_Name_Other; if (p_Docking_Info.File_Upload != null) { var url_File_Upload = AppLoadHelpers.PushFileToServer(p_Docking_Info.File_Upload, AppUpload.Document); p_Docking_Info.FileName = p_Docking_Info.File_Upload.FileName; p_Docking_Info.Url = url_File_Upload; } else { p_Docking_Info.FileName = "NA"; p_Docking_Info.Url = "NA"; } decimal _ck = _obj_bl.Docking_Update(p_Docking_Info); return(Json(new { success = _ck })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = "-1" })); } }
public ActionResult KnHome() { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(this.Redirect("/")); } var userBL = new UserBL(SessionData.CurrentUser); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string sessionLanguage = SessionData.CurrentUser.Language; if (language != sessionLanguage) { SessionData.CurrentUser.Language = language; SessionData.CurrentUser.HtmlMenu = userBL.GetUserHtmlMenu(language); } ViewBag.LanguageCode = language; B_Todos_BL _obj_bl = new B_Todos_BL(); B_TodoNotify_Info p_todonotify = new B_TodoNotify_Info(); p_todonotify = _obj_bl.GET_NOTIFY(SessionData.CurrentUser.Username); ViewBag.NotifyInfo = p_todonotify; return(View("~/Areas/Home/Views/Home/LegalHome.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) return Redirect("/"); SessionData.CurrentUser.chashFile.Clear(); string AppCode = ""; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { AppCode = RouteData.Values["id"].ToString().ToUpper(); } ViewBag.AppCode = AppCode.ToUpper(); AppDetail06DKQT_BL _AppDetail06DKQT_BL = new AppDetail06DKQT_BL(); List<App_Detail_TM06DKQT_Info> _listTM06 = new List<App_Detail_TM06DKQT_Info>(); // truyền vào trạng thái nào? để tạm thời = 7 là đã gửi lên cục _listTM06 = _AppDetail06DKQT_BL.AppTM06SearchByStatus(7, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang()); ViewBag.ListTM06nhdetail = _listTM06; ViewBag.Isdisable = 0; return PartialView("~/Areas/DKQT/Views/C07/_Partial_C07.cshtml"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return PartialView("~/Areas/DKQT/Views/C07/_Partial_C07.cshtml"); } }
public ActionResult SearchArticles(string pCategory, string pTitile, int pPage, string pStatus) { try { ViewBag.Status = pStatus; //Nếu bài chờ xử lý thì lấy danh sách các bài đã gửi //if (pStatus == Status.ChoXuly.ToString()) //{ // pStatus = Status.VietBai.ToString(); //} int from = (pPage - 1) * (Common.Common.RecordOnpage); int to = (pPage) * (Common.Common.RecordOnpage); decimal _total_record = 0; NewsBL objBL = new NewsBL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string _keySearch = pStatus.ToString() + "|ALL|" + language + "|" + pCategory + "|" + (pTitile == "" ? "ALL" : pTitile) + "|" + SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; List <NewsInfo> _lst = objBL.ArticleHomeSearch(_keySearch, ref _total_record, from.ToString(), to.ToString()); string htmlPaging = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.Get_HtmlPaging <NewsInfo>((int)_total_record, pPage, "Tin"); ViewBag.listArticles = _lst; ViewBag.Paging = htmlPaging; ViewBag.SumRecord = _total_record; ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_PartialViewTable.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult GetNextPage(string pCategory, int pPage) { try { ViewBag.Status = Status.XuatBan; int from = (pPage - 1) * (Common.Common.RecordOnpage); int to = (pPage) * (Common.Common.RecordOnpage); decimal _total_record = 0; NewsBL objBL = new NewsBL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string _title = "ALL"; string _keySearch = Status.XuatBan.ToString() + "|ALL|" + language + "|" + pCategory + "|" + _title + "|" + SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; List <NewsInfo> _lst = objBL.ArticleHomeSearch(_keySearch, ref _total_record, from.ToString(), to.ToString()); string htmlPaging = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.Get_HtmlPaging <NewsInfo>((int)_total_record, pPage, "Tin"); ViewBag.listArticles = _lst; ViewBag.Paging = htmlPaging; ViewBag.SumRecord = _total_record; //ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_HomePartialViewNews.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult TM06NHGetInfo(string pAppHeaderId, string p_idchudon, string p_iddaidienchudon, string p_idappclass) { try { var objBL = new C07_BL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); List <AppClassDetailInfo> _listClass = new List <AppClassDetailInfo>(); App_Detail_TM06DKQT_Info _TM06Info = objBL.AppTM06DKQTGetByID(pAppHeaderId, language, 0, ref _listClass);// tạm thời truyền vào trạng thái = 0 và k wherre trong db ViewBag.lstClassDetailInfo = _listClass; ViewBag.objAppHeaderInfo = _TM06Info; string _viewChuDon = ""; string _viewDaiDienChuDon = ""; string _viewAppClass = ""; //ViewBag.Isdisable = 1; _viewChuDon = RenderPartialToString("~/Areas/TradeMark/Views/Shared/_PartialThongTinChuDon.cshtml", p_idchudon); _viewDaiDienChuDon = RenderPartialToString("~/Areas/TradeMark/Views/Shared/_PartialThongTinDaiDienChuDon.cshtml", p_iddaidienchudon); _viewAppClass = RenderPartialToString("~/Areas/TradeMark/Views/Shared/_PartialTMAddAppClass.cshtml", null); return(Json(new { success = 0, NgayNopDon = _TM06Info.NGAYNOPDON.ToDateStringN0(), LogoURL = _TM06Info.LOGOURL, ViewChuDon = _viewChuDon, ViewDaiDienChuDon = _viewDaiDienChuDon, ViewAppClass = _viewAppClass })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = -1 })); } }
public ActionResult ExecuteNewsArticles(NewsInfo pNewsInfo) { try { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } decimal preturn = 0; if (pNewsInfo == null) { return(Json(new { status = -99 })); } string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var ModifiedBy = SessionData.CurrentUser == null ? "" : SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; var ModifiedDate = CommonFuc.CurrentDate(); if (pNewsInfo.pfileLogo != null) { pNewsInfo.Imageheader = AppLoadHelpers.PushFileToServer(pNewsInfo.pfileLogo, AppUpload.Logo); } pNewsInfo.Languagecode = language; pNewsInfo.Modifiedby = ModifiedBy; pNewsInfo.Modifieddate = ModifiedDate; var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); preturn = objNewsBL.ArticlesUpdate(pNewsInfo); return(Json(new { status = preturn })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult GetNewsHomePage() { try { decimal pStatus = Status.XuatBan; decimal _total_record = 0; NewsBL objBL = new NewsBL(); //string _status = "ALL"; string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string _category = "ALL"; string _title = "ALL"; //string _username = SessionData.CurrentUser == null ? "" : SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; string _username = ""; string _keySearch = pStatus.ToString() + "|ALL|" + language + "|" + _category + "|" + _title + "|" + _username; List <NewsInfo> _lst = objBL.ArticleHomeSearch(_keySearch, ref _total_record, "1", "10"); string htmlPaging = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.Get_HtmlPaging <NewsInfo>((int)_total_record, 1, "Tin"); ViewBag.listArticles = _lst; ViewBag.Paging = htmlPaging; ViewBag.SumRecord = _total_record; return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_HomeArticles.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult DelNewsArticles(decimal pIDArticles) { try { decimal preturn = 0; if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); NewsInfo pNewsInfo = new NewsInfo(); var ModifiedBy = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; var ModifiedDate = SessionData.CurrentUser.CurrentDate; pNewsInfo.Id = pIDArticles; pNewsInfo.Languagecode = language; pNewsInfo.Modifiedby = ModifiedBy; pNewsInfo.Modifieddate = ModifiedDate; preturn = objNewsBL.ArticlesDeleted(pNewsInfo); return(Json(new { status = preturn })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult DetailNewsArticles() { try { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } decimal pIDArticles = 0; int Status = 0; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { pIDArticles = CommonFuc.ConvertToDecimal(RouteData.Values["id"]); } if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id2")) { Status = CommonFuc.ConvertToInt(RouteData.Values["id2"]); } ViewBag.Status = Status; var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var objNewInfo = objNewsBL.ArticlesGetById(pIDArticles, language); return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_PartialviewView.cshtml", objNewInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Edit_Pages(Sys_Pages_Info p_Sys_Pages_Info) { try { if (p_Sys_Pages_Info == null) { return(Json(new { status = -99 })); } string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var ModifiedBy = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; var ModifiedDate = CommonFuc.CurrentDate(); if (p_Sys_Pages_Info.pfileLogo != null) { p_Sys_Pages_Info.Imageheader = AppLoadHelpers.PushFileToServer(p_Sys_Pages_Info.pfileLogo, AppUpload.Logo); } p_Sys_Pages_Info.Modified_By = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; var objBL = new Sys_Pages_BL(); decimal preturn = objBL.Sys_Pages_Update(p_Sys_Pages_Info); if (preturn >= 0) { MemoryData.Load_Sys_page(); } return(Json(new { status = preturn })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult DoAddDoc(WikiDoc_Info _objectInfo, List <AppDocumentInfo> pAppDocumentInfo) { string strListHashtag = ""; decimal pReturn = 0; try { var _WikiDoc_BL = new WikiDoc_BL(); _objectInfo.CREATED_BY = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; _objectInfo.CREATED_DATE = DateTime.Now; _objectInfo.LANGUAGE_CODE = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); _objectInfo.CONTENT = SetHashtagStyle(_objectInfo.CONTENT, ref strListHashtag); if (pAppDocumentInfo != null) { if (pAppDocumentInfo.Count > 0) { foreach (var info in pAppDocumentInfo) { if (SessionData.CurrentUser.chashFile.ContainsKey(info.keyFileUpload)) { string _url = (string)SessionData.CurrentUser.chashFile[info.keyFileUpload]; string[] _arr = _url.Split('/'); string _filename = WebApps.Resources.Resource.FileDinhKem; if (_arr.Length > 0) { _filename = _arr[_arr.Length - 1]; } info.Filename = _filename; info.Url_Hardcopy = _url; if (info.keyFileUpload == "WIKIADD_FILE_01") { _objectInfo.FILE_URL01 = info.Url_Hardcopy; } if (info.keyFileUpload == "WIKIADD_FILE_02") { _objectInfo.FILE_URL02 = info.Url_Hardcopy; } if (info.keyFileUpload == "WIKIADD_FILE_03") { _objectInfo.FILE_URL03 = info.Url_Hardcopy; } // lấy xong thì xóa SessionData.CurrentUser.chashFile.Remove(info.keyFileUpload); } } } } pReturn = _WikiDoc_BL.WikiDoc_Insert(_objectInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } return(Json(new { status = pReturn, HashTag = strListHashtag.Trim() })); }
public ActionResult Login(string userName, string password, string returnUrl = "") { if (SessionData.CurrentUser != null) { return(Json(new { redirectTo = SessionData.CurrentUser.DefaultHomePage })); } string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var result = new ActionBusinessResult(); try { var userBL = new UserBL(); result = userBL.DoLoginAccount(userName, password, language); if (result.IsActionSuccess) { var ipAddress = HttpHelper.GetClientIPAddress(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]); FileHelper.WriteFileLogin(CommonVariables.KnFileLogin, userName, ipAddress); userBL.CurrentUserInfo.Language = language; SessionData.CurrentUser = userBL.CurrentUserInfo; SessionData.CurrentUser.DefaultHomePage = IdentityRequest.GetDefaultPageForAccountLogged(); SessionData.CurrentUser.CurrentDate = CommonFuc.TruncDate(); var urlContinue = SessionData.CurrentUser.DefaultHomePage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)) { urlContinue = returnUrl; } if (userBL.CurrentUserInfo.loginfirst == 0 && userName != "SuperAdmin") { if (WebApps.Session.SessionData.CurrentUser.Type == (int)CommonEnums.UserType.Customer) { urlContinue = "/customer/quan-ly-customer/get-view-to-edit-customer/" + userBL.CurrentUserInfo.Id.ToString(); } else if (WebApps.Session.SessionData.CurrentUser.Type == (int)CommonEnums.UserType.Lawer) { urlContinue = "/luat-su/quan-ly-luat-su/get-view-to-edit-lawer/" + userBL.CurrentUserInfo.Id.ToString(); } else { urlContinue = "/quan-tri-he-thong/quan-ly-nguoi-dung/get-view-to-edit-user/" + userBL.CurrentUserInfo.Id.ToString(); } } if (language != "VI_VN") { result.MessageCode = KnMessageCode.LoginSuccess_En; } return(Json(new { result = result.ToJson(), urlContinue })); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } return(Json(new { result = result.ToJson() })); }
public ActionResult ContactDisplay() { var objBL = new Sys_Pages_BL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); Sys_Pages_Info _pageInfo = objBL.Sys_Pages_GetBy_Code("abot"); ViewBag.objNewInfo = _pageInfo; return(View("~/Areas/Contact/Views/Contact/ContactDisplay.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult Do_Fogot_Pass(string gmail) { bool _ck = false; try { UserInfo _user = new UserInfo(); UserBL _userBL = new UserBL(); _user = _userBL.GetBy_Email(gmail); List <string> _LstAttachment = new List <string>(); if (_user == null || _user.Id == 0) { return(Json(new { success = -2 })); } DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime current = currentTime.AddMinutes(5); string _nd_confirm = current.ToString("ddMMyyyy HH:mm") + "_" + _user.Id; _nd_confirm = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.EncryptString(_nd_confirm); //string key_EncryptString = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.DecryptString(_nd_confirm); string link = Configuration.LinkPathlaw + "/vi-vn/quen-mat-khau/thong-bao?confirm=" + _nd_confirm; string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); if (language != "VI_VN") { link = Configuration.LinkPathlaw + "/en-gb/quen-mat-khau/thong-bao?confirm=" + _nd_confirm; } string content = GetContentMail(link); Email_Info _Email_Info = new Email_Info { EmailFrom = EmailHelper.EmailOriginal.EMailFrom, Pass = EmailHelper.EmailOriginal.PassWord, Display_Name = EmailHelper.EmailOriginal.DisplayName, EmailTo = _user.Email, EmailCC = "", Subject = "Đặt lại mật khẩu", Content = content, LstAttachment = _LstAttachment, }; CommonFunction.AppsCommon.EnqueueSendEmail(_Email_Info); //_ck = EmailHelper.SendMail(_user.Email, "", "Đặt lại mật khẩu", content, _LstAttachment); return(Json(new { success = 1 })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } return(Json(new { success = _ck })); }
public ActionResult DoDelete(int p_id) { try { Docking_BL _obj_bl = new Docking_BL(); var modifiedBy = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; decimal _result = _obj_bl.Docking_Update_Delete(p_id, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(), SessionData.CurrentUser.Username, DateTime.Now); return(Json(new { success = _result })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = -1 })); } }
public ActionResult DoEditTimeSheet(Timesheet_Info p_Timesheet_Info) { try { TimeSheet_BL _obj_bl = new TimeSheet_BL(); p_Timesheet_Info.Modify_By = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; decimal _ck = _obj_bl.Timesheet_Update(p_Timesheet_Info, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang()); return(Json(new { success = _ck })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = "-1" })); } }
public ActionResult DoDelete(int p_id) { try { SearchObject_BL _searchBL = new SearchObject_BL(); var modifiedBy = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; decimal _result = _searchBL.SEARCH_HEADER_DELETE(p_id, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(), SessionData.CurrentUser.Username); return(Json(new { success = _result })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = -1 })); } }
public ActionResult GetView2View(decimal id, string case_code) { try { Email_BL _obj_bl = new Email_BL(); Email_Info _Email_Info = _obj_bl.Email_GetBy_Id(id, case_code, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang()); ViewBag.Email_Info = _Email_Info; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } return(PartialView("~/Areas/Manager/Views/Email/_PartialView.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult DoInsertTimeSheet(Timesheet_Info p_Timesheet_Info) { try { TimeSheet_BL _obj_bl = new TimeSheet_BL(); p_Timesheet_Info.Created_By = SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; p_Timesheet_Info.Lawer_Id = SessionData.CurrentUser.Id; p_Timesheet_Info.Status = (decimal)CommonEnums.TimeSheet_Status.New; decimal _ck = _obj_bl.Timesheet_Insert(p_Timesheet_Info, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang()); return(Json(new { success = _ck })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { success = "-1" })); } }
public ActionResult AppDangKyNhanHieu() { try { AppDetail04NHBL _AppDetail04NHBL = new AppDetail04NHBL(); List <AppDetail04NHInfo> _list04nh = new List <AppDetail04NHInfo>(); // truyền vào trạng thái nào? để tạm thời = 7 là đã gửi lên cục _list04nh = _AppDetail04NHBL.AppTM04NHSearchByStatus(7, AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang()); ViewBag.ListAppDetail04NHInfo = _list04nh; ViewBag.Isdisable = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } return(PartialView("~/Areas/TradeMark/Views/TradeMarkRegistrationDKQT/_PartalDangKyNhanHieu.cshtml")); }
public ActionResult NewsDetailmembership() { try { string _code = ""; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { _code = CommonFuc.ConvertToString(RouteData.Values["id"]); } var objBL = new Sys_Pages_BL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); Sys_Pages_Info _pageInfo = objBL.Sys_Pages_GetBy_Code(_code); ViewBag.objNewInfo = _pageInfo; return(View("~/Areas/Sys_Pages/Views/SysPages/NewsDetail_By_Home.cshtml")); //string pCategory = ""; //if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) //{ // pCategory = CommonFuc.ConvertToString(RouteData.Values["id"]); //} //var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); //string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); //List<NewsInfo> lstNews = objNewsBL.NewsStatic(language); //ViewBag.objNewInfo = new NewsInfo(); //if (lstNews.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (var item in lstNews) // { // if (item.Categories_Id.ToUpper() == pCategory.ToUpper()) // { // ViewBag.objNewInfo = item; // return View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/NewsDetailByCategory.cshtml"); // } // } //} //return View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/NewsDetailByCategory.cshtml"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult EditNewsArticles() { try { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } decimal pIDArticles = 0; int Status = 0; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { pIDArticles = CommonFuc.ConvertToDecimal(RouteData.Values["id"]); } if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id2")) { Status = CommonFuc.ConvertToInt(RouteData.Values["id2"]); } ViewBag.Status = Status; var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var objNewInfo = objNewsBL.ArticlesGetById(pIDArticles, language); if (SessionData.CurrentUser != null && SessionData.CurrentUser.Type != (decimal)CommonEnums.UserType.Customer) { B_Todos_BL _B_Todos_BL = new B_Todos_BL(); B_Todos_Info _B_Todos_Info = _B_Todos_BL.Todo_GetByCaseCode(objNewInfo.Case_Code, SessionData.CurrentUser.Username); if (_B_Todos_Info != null) { ViewBag.B_Todos_Info = _B_Todos_Info; } } return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_PartialviewEdit.cshtml", objNewInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult TodoNews() { try { if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } string _casecode = ""; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { _casecode = RouteData.Values["id"].ToString(); } if (SessionData.CurrentUser != null && SessionData.CurrentUser.Type != (decimal)CommonEnums.UserType.Customer) { B_Todos_BL _B_Todos_BL = new B_Todos_BL(); B_Todos_Info _B_Todos_Info = _B_Todos_BL.Todo_GetByCaseCode(_casecode, SessionData.CurrentUser.Username); if (_B_Todos_Info != null) { ViewBag.B_Todos_Info = _B_Todos_Info; } } var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var objNewInfo = objNewsBL.ArticlesGetByCaseCode(_casecode, language); if (objNewInfo != null) { ViewBag.Status = objNewInfo.Status; } return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_Partial_Approve.cshtml", objNewInfo)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult NewsDetail_Page() { try { string _code = ""; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { _code = CommonFuc.ConvertToString(RouteData.Values["id"]); } var objBL = new Sys_Pages_BL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); Sys_Pages_Info _pageInfo = objBL.Sys_Pages_GetBy_Code(_code); ViewBag.objNewInfo = _pageInfo; return(View("~/Areas/Sys_Pages/Views/SysPages/NewsDetail_By_Home.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult GetListArticles() { try { decimal pStatus = 0; if (SessionData.CurrentUser == null) { return(Redirect("/")); } if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { pStatus = CommonFuc.ConvertToDecimal(RouteData.Values["id"]); } ViewBag.Status = pStatus; decimal _total_record = 0; NewsBL objBL = new NewsBL(); string _status = "ALL"; string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); string _category = "ALL"; string _title = "ALL"; string _keySearch = _status + "|ALL|" + language + "|" + _category + "|" + _title + "|" + SessionData.CurrentUser.Username; List <NewsInfo> _lst = objBL.ArticleHomeSearch(_keySearch, ref _total_record); string htmlPaging = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.Get_HtmlPaging <NewsInfo>((int)_total_record, 1, "Tin"); ViewBag.listArticles = _lst; ViewBag.Paging = htmlPaging; ViewBag.Status = pStatus; ViewBag.SumRecord = _total_record; ViewBag.lstCategory = WebApps.CommonFunction.AppsCommon.AllCode_GetBy_CdTypeCdName("ARTICLES", "CATEGORIES"); return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/GetListArticles.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult NewsDetailPortal() { try { decimal pIDArticles = 0; //int Status = 7; if (RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("id")) { pIDArticles = CommonFuc.ConvertToDecimal(RouteData.Values["id"]); } var objNewsBL = new NewsBL(); string language = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); var objNewInfo = objNewsBL.ArticlesGetById(pIDArticles, language); ViewBag.objNewInfo = objNewInfo; return(View("~/Areas/Articles/Views/ArticlesNews/_HomeDetailNews.cshtml")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult SendEmail(string name, string mail, string sub, string content) { try { // insert Contact_BL _bl = new Contact_BL(); string _LanguageCode = AppsCommon.GetCurrentLang(); ContactInfo _contact = new ContactInfo(); _contact.ContactName = name; _contact.Email = mail; _contact.Subject = sub; _contact.Content = content; _contact.Language = _LanguageCode; decimal _ck = _bl.Contact_Insert(_contact); return(Json(new { status = _ck })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); return(Json(new { status = -1 })); } }