public void SplineSlopeConditionsTest() { ClString name = "SplineSlopeConditionsTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: CallGeomBrownian; Linear, Parabolic, Exponential Data; PayoffButterfly, PayoffCallOption. ApproximationTestsHelper test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName, "Slope")) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); // Read slope. double slopeLeft = 0; double slopeRight = 0; var n = reference.Length; try { fileName = testName + "Slope.csv"; var matrix = new ClCsvMatrix(Context.AsFileContext.LoadText(fileName)); slopeLeft = matrix[0, 0].ToDouble(); slopeRight = matrix[0, 1].ToDouble(); } catch (Exception) { // if slopes are not set, calculates slopes by first and last two points of reference points. slopeLeft = (reference[1].Value - reference[0].Value) / (reference[1].X[0] - reference[0].X[0]); slopeRight = (reference[n - 1].Value - reference[n - 2].Value) / (reference[n - 1].X[0] - reference[n - 2].X[0]); } // Initialise spline and calculate spline coefficients. var spline = new ClSplineCubicSmoothSlope1D(new Spline1DBuilder()) { Params = { SlopeLeft = slopeLeft, SlopeRight = slopeRight } }; spline.LoadData(data); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); spline.Calculate(); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); // Store results and complete test. test.Print(String.Format("Optimal lambda: {0}", spline.Params.SmoothParam)); if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }
public void SplineEndValueTest() { ClString name = "SplineEndValueTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: Call, Put, Risk Reversal, Straddle, Strangle, Bull, Bear, Butterfly and Barrier (Down-and-in call, Down-and-out call, Up-and-in call, Up-and-out call ) Options. ApproximationTestsHelper test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName, "Value")) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); // Read end values. double valueLeft = 0; double valueRight = 0; var n = reference.Length; try { fileName = testName + "Value.csv"; var matrix = new ClCsvMatrix(Context.AsFileContext.LoadText(fileName)); valueLeft = matrix[0, 0].ToDouble(); valueRight = matrix[0, 1].ToDouble(); } catch (Exception) { // set reference values at end points if end values are not set. valueLeft = reference[0].Value; valueRight = reference[n - 1].Value; } // Initialise spline and calculate spline coefficients. Spline1DBuilder builder = new Spline1DBuilder(); builder.ValueLeft = valueLeft; builder.ValueRight = valueRight; var spline = new ClSplineCubicSmoothEndValue1D(builder); spline.LoadData(data); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); spline.Calculate(); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); // Store results and complete test. test.Print(String.Format("Optimal lambda: {0}", spline.Params.SmoothParam)); if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }
public void SplineOptimalSmoothTest() { ClString name = "SplineOptimalSmoothTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: CallGeomBrownian; Linear, Parabolic, Exponential Data; PayoffButterfly, PayoffCallOption. var test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName)) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); // Initialise spline and calculate spline coefficients. var spline = new ClSplineCubicOptimalSmooth1D(new Spline1DBuilder()) { OptimSteer = { StartSeed = StartSeed, Method = ClSplineCubicOptimalSmooth1D.OptimizationSteering.UseMethod.CvGoldenSection } }; // TODO Switch to CvGoldenSection, CvScan, NcpScan or NcpGoldenSection optimization. spline.LoadData(data); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); spline.Calculate(); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); // Store results and complete test. test.Print(String.Format("Optimal lambda: {0}", spline.Params.SmoothParam)); if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }
public void SplineTest() { ClString name = "SplineTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: Call, Put, Risk Reversal, Straddle, Strangle, Bull, Bear, Butterfly and Barrier (Down-and-in call, Down-and-out call, Up-and-in call, Up-and-out call ) Options. ApproximationTestsHelper test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName)) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); ClSplineCubicSmooth1D spline = new ClSplineCubicSmooth1D(new Spline1DBuilder()); spline.LoadData(data); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); spline.Calculate(); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); // Store results and complete test. test.Print(String.Format("Optimal lambda: {0}", spline.Params.SmoothParam)); if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }
public void AMCRegressionTest() { ClString name = "AMCRegressionTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: Call, Put, Risk Reversal, Straddle, Strangle, Bull, Bear, Butterfly and Barrier (Down-and-in call, Down-and-out call, Up-and-in call, Up-and-out call ) Options. ApproximationTestsHelper test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName)) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); // initial data for polynomial regression double[] dataX = new double[data.Length]; for (int pos = 0; pos < data.Length; pos++) { dataX[pos] = data[pos].X[0]; } ClDoubleArray explanatoryVariables = new ClDoubleArray(dataX); double[] dataV = new double[data.Length]; for (int pos = 0; pos < data.Length; pos++) { dataV[pos] = data[pos].Value; } ClDoubleArray exposureDiscounted = new ClDoubleArray(dataV); // Initialise polynomial regression and calculate it var amcBuilder = new ClPolynomialLsqAmcBuilder { Sdf = new ClDoubleArray(data.Length, 1.0), ExplanatoryVariables = explanatoryVariables, PolynomialPower = 3 }; IClAmc amc = amcBuilder.Build <IClAmc>(); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); ClDoubleArray result = new ClDoubleArray(amc.Evaluate(exposureDiscounted)); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); ClPoint[] valuesAt = new ClPoint[data.Length]; for (int pos = 0; pos < data.Length; pos++) { valuesAt[pos] = new ClPoint(data[pos].X, result[pos]); } // Initialise spline and calculate spline coefficients. var spline = new ClSplineCubicSmooth1D(new Spline1DBuilder()); spline.LoadData(data); spline.Calculate(); // Store results and complete test. if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, valuesAt, data, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }
public void SplineBoundTest() { ClString name = "SplineBoundTest"; BeginTest(name); // Testing data: CallGeomBrownian, PayoffButterfly, PayoffCallOption. var test = new ApproximationTestsHelper(Log, Context, name, ConsoleOutput); foreach (ClString testName in test.GetInputFileNames(GetType().FullName, "Bounds")) { test.StartTest(testName); // Read input data. ClString fileName = testName + ".csv"; ClPoint[] data, reference; test.ReadCSVInputData(fileName, out data, out reference); // Read bounds. ClDouble boundMin; ClDouble boundMax; const bool fromFile = false; // TODO Switch to true to load bounds from file if (fromFile) { fileName = testName + "Bounds.csv"; ClCsvMatrix matrix = new ClCsvMatrix(Context.AsFileContext.LoadText(fileName)); boundMin = matrix[0, 0].ToDouble(); boundMax = matrix[0, 1].ToDouble(); } else { var refer = new double[reference.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < refer.Length; i++) { refer[i] = reference[i].Value; } boundMin = refer.Min(); boundMax = refer.Max(); } // Initialise spline and calculate spline coefficients. var splineParams = new Spline1DBuilder { Min = boundMin, Max = boundMax }; var spline = new ClSplineCubicSmooth1D(splineParams); spline.LoadData(data); test.CalculationTime.Restart(); spline.Calculate(); test.CalculationTime.Stop(); // Store results and complete test. if (PlotResults) { test.StoreSpline1D(spline, reference); } test.Print("Completed " + name + " for " + testName); } test.FinishTest(PrintPerformance); }