void UpdateStatus(AppoimantsStatus_SP status) { AppointmentList appList = new AppointmentList(); SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.Status = (int)status; if (status.Equals(AppoimantsStatus_SP.Cancelado)) { if (SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.IsExceptional) { appList.Add(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment); Controller.RemoveAppoiment(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.AppointmentId); OnChangeStatus(status); Refresh(); return; } } // AppointmentBE app = SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.Clone<AppointmentBE>(); // app.Subject = string.Concat(Enum.GetName(typeof(AppoimantsStatus_SP),status), " a las : ", SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.TimeEnd); // app.Status = (int)status; // appList.Add(app); // try // { // Controller.CreateAppointments(app); // if (OnCreateAppoimentsEvent != null) // OnCreateAppoimentsEvent(app, new EventArgs()); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); // } //} try { appList.Add(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment); Controller.UpdateAppoiment(appList); OnChangeStatus(status); Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); } }
public async Task Init() { UserSearchRequest request = new UserSearchRequest { Username = APIService.Username }; var list = await _userService.GetAll <List <User> >(request); var client = list[0]; if (AppointmentList.Count > 0) { AppointmentList.Clear(); } AppointmentSearchRequest request2 = new AppointmentSearchRequest { UserID = client.UserID }; var appointments = await _appointmentService.GetAll <List <Appointment> >(request2); foreach (var appointment in appointments) { AppointmentList.Add(appointment); } if (AppointmentList.Count == 0) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Warning", "You don't have any appointments yet.", "OK"); } }
public static void UpdateAppoimentStatus(AppointmentBE appointment) { AppointmentList wAppointmentList = new AppointmentList(); wAppointmentList.Add(appointment); UpdateAppoiment(wAppointmentList); }
private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Get a refernece to the appointment "xyz" Appointment appointment = schedule1.AppointmentCollection["xyz"]; //Create a skip collection to skip the test appointment itself //otherwise it will find itself as a conflict AppointmentList skipAppts = new AppointmentList(schedule1); skipAppts.Add(appointment); //Start the search at the appointment's current time + the schedule time increment (30 minutes) DateTime startTime = appointment.StartDateTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(schedule1.TimeIncrement.ToString("d")), 0)); //Find the next time slot Appointment testSlot = schedule1.AppointmentCollection.ToList().NextAreaAvailable(appointment.StartDate, startTime, appointment.Length, true, skipAppts); //Set the appointment's properties to reflect the new time slot if (testSlot == null) { appointment.StartDate = new DateTime(2004, 1, 1); appointment.StartTime = new DateTime(2004, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0); } else { appointment.StartDate = testSlot.StartDate; appointment.StartTime = testSlot.StartTime; } //Refresh the schedule schedule1.Refresh(); }
void UpdateStatus(AppoimantsStatus_SP status) { try { SelectedAppointment.Status = (int)status; //TODO: Set SelectedTimespamView.Appoiment to canceled in database AppointmentList appList = new AppointmentList(); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.GroupId)) appList.Add(SelectedAppointment); //else //{ // var appList_aux = (from s in AppointmentList where s.GroupId.Equals(s) select s).ToList<AppointmentBE>(); // appList_aux.ForEach(p => { p.Status = (int)status; }); // appList.AddRange(appList_aux); //} ServiceCalls.UpdateAppoiment(appList); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); } OnChangeStatus(status); //gridControl2.RefreshDataSource(); //gridView2.RefreshData(); Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Por el momento representa Turnos otorgados a un profesional /// </summary> /// <param name="startDate">Fecha desde</param> /// <param name="status">Estado que del appointment se desea cunsultar</param> /// <param name="resourceId">Id a quien pertenezca el appointment</param> /// <returns>AppointmentList, Appointment con ProfesionalAppointment</returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_ProfessionalAppointment(DateTime?startDate, int?status, int?resourseId = null, Guid?healthInstitutionId = null) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); if (startDate.HasValue) { startDate = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetStartDateTime(startDate.Value); } using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where <Appointment>(p => (!startDate.HasValue || p.Start.Value >= startDate.Value) && (!status.HasValue || status.Value.Equals(p.Status.Value)) && (!resourseId.HasValue || p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourseId.Value)) && (!healthInstitutionId.HasValue || p.HealthInstitutionId.Value.Equals(healthInstitutionId.Value)) );//.OrderByDescending(sort=>sort.CreationDate); foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wAppoiment = (AppointmentBE)r; wAppoiment.ProfesionalAppointment = (ProfesionalAppointmentBE)r.ProfesionalAppointment; list.Add(wAppoiment); } } return(list); }
void UpdateStatus(AppoimantsStatus_SP status) { try { SelectedAppointment.Status = (int)status; //TODO: Set SelectedTimespamView.Appoiment to canceled in datanbase AppointmentList appList = new AppointmentList(); appList.Add(SelectedAppointment.Get_Appointments()); //else //{ // var appList_aux = (from s in AppointmentList where s.GroupId.Equals(s) select s).ToList<AppointmentBE>(); // appList_aux.ForEach(p => { p.Status = (int)status; }); // appList.AddRange(appList_aux); //} Controller.UpdateAppoimentStatus(appList); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); } //OnChangeStatus(status); gridControl2.RefreshDataSource(); gridView2.RefreshData(); }
void Start() { appointments.Add( new Appointment( TimeManager.worldTime.HourMinuteToTime(9, 10), "confess", player, confession)); appointments.Add(new Appointment( TimeManager.worldTime.HourMinuteToTime(9, 20), "dance" , () => PointOfInterrest.GetClosestByName("Well", transform.position).transform)); OnPositionChange += UpdateDistance; if (appointments.GetNext().conversationPartner != null) { appointments.GetNext().conversationPartner.OnPositionChange += UpdateDistance; } UpdateDistance(transform.position); }
static public void SearchAppointment(ComboBox box, TextBox search, HairSpaContext context) { IQueryable <Appointment> list = null; AppointmentList.Clear(); switch (box.SelectedItem) { case "Id": list = context.Appointments.Where(ap => ap.Id.ToString().Contains(search.Text)); break; case "Type": list = context.Appointments.Where(ap => ap.Type.Contains(search.Text)); break; case "Customer Id": list = context.Appointments.Where(ap => ap.CustomersId.ToString().Contains(search.Text)); break; case "Employee Id": list = context.Appointments.Where(ap => ap.EmployeesId.ToString().Contains(search.Text)); break; default: break; } try { if (list.ToList().Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("No records were found", "No Results"); return; } else { list.ToList().ForEach(ap => AppointmentList.Add(ap)); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No records were found", "No Results"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 加载默认的工作计划表 /// </summary> /// <param name="date">The start date.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static AppointmentList CreateDefualtAppointments(DateTime date) { List <Brush> brushes = new List <Brush>(); brushes.Add(Brushes.LimeGreen); brushes.Add(Brushes.PowderBlue); brushes.Add(Brushes.DarkGreen); brushes.Add(Brushes.Green); brushes.Add(Brushes.DimGray); brushes.Add(Brushes.Red); brushes.Add(Brushes.Yellow); brushes.Add(Brushes.Aquamarine); brushes.Add(Brushes.Plum); brushes.Add(Brushes.Orange); brushes.Add(Brushes.Pink); //create 7am of last monday DateTime timeStart = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 8, 30, 0); //while (timeStart.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday) //{ // timeStart = timeStart.AddDays(-1); //} AppointmentList appts = new AppointmentList(); int hoursToAdd = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { BrakePlanAppointments app = new BrakePlanAppointments(); app.Subject = "无型号"; app.ColorBlockBrush = Brushes.LimeGreen; app.DateStart = timeStart.AddHours(i * hoursToAdd); app.DateEnd = app.DateStart.AddMinutes(60); appts.Add(app); } appts.SortAppointments(); return(appts); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceId"></param> /// <param name="startDate"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="healthInstId">Opcional </param> /// <returns></returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_Appointment_By_Params_1(int resourceId, DateTime?startDate, int?Status, Guid?healthInstId) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); //TODO Implmetar startDate using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where <Appointment>(p => p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourceId) && p.Start >= startDate && (!healthInstId.HasValue || p.HealthInstitutionId.Equals(healthInstId.Value)) ); foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wResourceScheduling = (AppointmentBE)r; list.Add(wResourceScheduling); } } return(list); }
async Task SearchAppointments() { if (EndDate < StartDate) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Warning", "End date must be greater than start date", "Try again"); return; } UserSearchRequest request = new UserSearchRequest { Username = APIService.Username }; var list = await _userService.GetAll <List <User> >(request); var client = list[0]; if (AppointmentList.Count > 0) { AppointmentList.Clear(); } AppointmentSearchRequest request2 = new AppointmentSearchRequest { UserID = client.UserID, TreatmentName = TreatmentName, StartDate = StartDate.Date, EndDate = EndDate.Date }; var appointments = await _appointmentService.GetAll <List <Appointment> >(request2); foreach (var appointment in appointments) { AppointmentList.Add(appointment); } if (AppointmentList.Count == 0) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Warning", "There are no results for this search", "OK"); } }
/// <summary> /// Busca turnos de una fecha detrerminada y recurso determinado. /// Opcional: Status /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceId"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_Appointment_By_Params_2(int resourceId, DateTime date, int?Status, Guid?healthInstitutionId) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); DateTime dEnd = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetEndDateTime(date); DateTime dStart = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetStartDateTime(date); using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { // dStaqrt <= FECHA_BD <= dEnd var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where <Appointment>(p => p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourceId) && (dStart <= p.Start && p.Start <= dEnd) && (healthInstitutionId.HasValue == false || p.HealthInstitutionId.Value.Equals(healthInstitutionId.Value))); //var x = from p in dc.Appointments from pa in dc.ProfesionalAppointments foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wAppointmentBE = (AppointmentBE)r; wAppointmentBE.ProfesionalAppointment = (ProfesionalAppointmentBE)r.ProfesionalAppointment; list.Add(wAppointmentBE); } } return(list); }
private void BtnRegister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool flag = ValidateValues(); if (slot <= appointmentArray.Length && flag == true) { if (appointmentArray[slot].Patient == null) { appointmentError.Content = ""; appointmentArray[slot].Patient = CreateNewPatient(); appointmentArray[slot].Patient.Time = appointmentCombo.SelectedValue.ToString(); appointmentArray[slot].Time = appointmentCombo.SelectedValue.ToString(); saveList.Add(appointmentArray[slot]); saveList.Sort(); } else if (appointmentArray[slot].Patient != null) { appointmentError.Foreground = Brushes.Red; appointmentError.Content = "Slot Aready Taken"; } } else { genralError.Foreground = Brushes.Red; genralError.Content = "Error Registering Customer"; } if (appointmentArray[slot].Patient != null) { Applist.Add(appointmentArray[slot].Patient); TimeList.RemoveAt(selectedIndex); } MyGrid.ItemsSource = Applist; //TimeList.Remove(appointmentCombo.SelectedValue.ToString()); }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool flag = true; if (txtAppointmentCount.Text.Length == 0 || cmbAppointmentTime.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Enter appointment count and click the 'Show Timings'", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } else { if (cmbAppointmentTime.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select an appointment time"); flag = false; } else if (cmbTestLocation.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select a test location"); flag = false; } else { int slot = cmbAppointmentTime.SelectedIndex + 1; if (appArray[slot - 1].CandidateData == null) { Candidate candidate = new Domestic(); appArray[slot - 1].AppointmentTime = appArray[slot - 1].AppointmentTime; appArray[slot - 1].TestLocation = cmbTestLocation.Text; appArray[slot - 1].SlotNumber = slot; int candidateType = cmbCandidateType.SelectedIndex + 1; switch (candidateType) { case (int)CandidateType.Domestic: candidate = new Domestic(); candidate.CandidateType = "Domestic"; string IsFeeDeduction = cmbIndividualTask.Text; ((Domestic)candidate).IsFeeDeduction = (IsFeeDeduction.ToUpper() == "YES") ? true : false; break; case (int)CandidateType.International: candidate = new International(); candidate.CandidateType = "International"; string isWorkPermit = cmbIndividualTask.Text; ((International)candidate).IsWorkPermit = (isWorkPermit.ToUpper() == "YES") ? true : false; break; case (int)CandidateType.LicenseRenew: candidate = new LicenseRenew(); candidate.CandidateType = "LicenseRenew"; string isLicenseExpired = cmbIndividualTask.Text; ((LicenseRenew)candidate).IsLicenseExpired = (isLicenseExpired.ToUpper() == "YES") ? true : false; break; } string candidateName = txtName.Text; string candidateAddress = txtAddress.Text; string candidateEmail = txtEmail.Text; string passport = txtPassport.Text; decimal amount; string amountString = txtAmount.Text; string creditCard = txtCreditcard.Text; candidate.CreditCard = creditCard; candidate.Passport = passport; candidate.Email = candidateEmail; if (candidateName.Length == 0) { if (Validation.GetHasError(txtName) == true) { return; } txtName.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtName.Select(0, txtName.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtName.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (candidateAddress.Length == 0) { txtAddress.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtAddress.Select(0, txtAddress.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtAddress.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (!candidate.CheckEmail()) { txtEmail.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtEmail.Select(0, txtEmail.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtEmail.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (!(decimal.TryParse(amountString, out amount))) { txtAmount.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtAmount.Select(0, txtAmount.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtAmount.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (!candidate.CheckCreditCard()) { txtCreditcard.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtCreditcard.Select(0, txtCreditcard.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtCreditcard.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (!candidate.CheckPassport()) { txtPassport.Foreground = Brushes.Red; txtPassport.Select(0, txtPassport.Text.Length); flag = false; } else { txtPassport.Foreground = Brushes.Black; } if (cmbAppointmentTime.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select an appointment time"); flag = false; } if (cmbTestLocation.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select a test location"); flag = false; } if (cmbCandidateType.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select an landscape type"); flag = false; } if (cmbIndividualTask.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select individual task"); flag = false; } if (flag) { candidate.CandidateName = candidateName; candidate.CandidateAddress = candidateAddress; candidate.Email = candidateEmail; candidate.Passport = passport; candidate.AmountPaid = amount; candidate.CreditCard = creditCard; appArray[slot - 1].CandidateData = candidate; appointmentList.Add(appArray[slot - 1]); //DisplayAppointment.Add(appArray[slot - 1]); slotCount--; // AddToAppointment(appArray); xmlObject.WriteToXMLFile(appointmentList); MessageBox.Show("Successfully added candidate details to file"); ResetFields(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill all the fields.."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Slot Taken.."); } } } }
void UpdateStatus(AppoimantsStatus_SP status) { AppointmentList appList = new AppointmentList(); SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.Status = (int)status; if (status.Equals(AppoimantsStatus_SP.Cancelado) ) { if (SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.IsExceptional ) { appList.Add(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment); ServiceCalls.RemoveAppoiment(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.AppointmentId); OnChangeStatus(status); Refresh(); return; } } // AppointmentBE app = SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.Clone<AppointmentBE>(); // app.Subject = string.Concat(Enum.GetName(typeof(AppoimantsStatus_SP),status), " a las : ", SelectedTimespamView.Appointment.TimeEnd); // app.Status = (int)status; // appList.Add(app); // try // { // Controller.CreateAppointments(app); // if (OnCreateAppoimentsEvent != null) // OnCreateAppoimentsEvent(app, new EventArgs()); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); // } //} try { appList.Add(SelectedTimespamView.Appointment); ServiceCalls.UpdateAppoiment(appList); OnChangeStatus(status); Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ExceptionViewer.Show(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceId"></param> /// <param name="startDate"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="healthInstId">Opcional </param> /// <returns></returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_Appointment_By_Params_1(int resourceId, DateTime? startDate, int? Status, Guid? healthInstId) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); //TODO Implmetar startDate using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where<Appointment>(p => p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourceId) && p.Start >= startDate && (!healthInstId.HasValue || p.HealthInstitutionId.Equals(healthInstId.Value)) ); foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wResourceScheduling = (AppointmentBE)r; list.Add(wResourceScheduling); } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// Busca turnos de una fecha detrerminada y recurso determinado. /// Opcional: Status /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceId"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_Appointment_By_Params_2(int resourceId, DateTime date, int? Status, Guid? healthInstitutionId) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); DateTime dEnd = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetEndDateTime(date); DateTime dStart = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetStartDateTime(date); using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { // dStaqrt <= FECHA_BD <= dEnd var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where<Appointment>(p => p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourceId) && (dStart <= p.Start && p.Start <= dEnd) && (healthInstitutionId.HasValue == false || p.HealthInstitutionId.Value.Equals(healthInstitutionId.Value))); //var x = from p in dc.Appointments from pa in dc.ProfesionalAppointments foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wAppointmentBE = (AppointmentBE)r; wAppointmentBE.ProfesionalAppointment = (ProfesionalAppointmentBE) r.ProfesionalAppointment; list.Add(wAppointmentBE); } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// This method provides List of Appointments available in Database. /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">Specifies condition for retrieving records.</param> /// <returns>Collection of Appointment Objects.</returns> public static AppointmentList GetList(string strWhere, string strAppointmentNo, string strName, bool flgClose) { AppointmentList objList = null; //string strSql = "Select * from APPOINTMENTMASTER "; string strSql = "SELECT AP.*, EMP.INITIALS, DEPT.DEPTNAME " + " FROM APPOINTMENTMASTER AP, EMPMAST EMP, DEPTMAST DEPT " + " WHERE EMP.DBID = AP.EMPLOYEEID " + " AND DEPT.DBID = EMP.DEPT " + " and AP.APMTCLOSE = @ApmtClose "; if (strAppointmentNo != string.Empty & strName == string.Empty) { strSql += " AND APPOINTMENTNO = '" + strAppointmentNo + "'"; } else if (strAppointmentNo == string.Empty & strName != string.Empty) { strSql += " AND NAME = '" + strName + "'"; } else if ((strAppointmentNo != string.Empty) & (strName != string.Empty)) { strSql += " AND APPOINTMENTNO = '" + strAppointmentNo + "' AND NAME = '" + strName + "'"; } if (strWhere != string.Empty & strWhere != null) { strSql = strSql + " AND " + strWhere; } strSql += " ORDER BY Entrydate DESC, ENTRYNO DESC"; using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(General.GetSQLConnectionString())) { using (SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand()) { objCmd.Connection = Conn; objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; objCmd.CommandText = strSql; objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ApmtClose", flgClose); if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { Conn.Open(); } using (SqlDataReader oReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (oReader.HasRows) { objList = new AppointmentList(); while (oReader.Read()) { objList.Add(FillDataRecord(oReader)); } } oReader.Close(); oReader.Dispose(); } } } return(objList); }
/// <summary> /// Por el momento representa Turnos otorgados a un profesional /// </summary> /// <param name="startDate">Fecha desde</param> /// <param name="status">Estado que del appointment se desea cunsultar</param> /// <param name="resourceId">Id a quien pertenezca el appointment</param> /// <returns>AppointmentList, Appointment con ProfesionalAppointment</returns> public static AppointmentList Retrive_ProfessionalAppointment(DateTime? startDate, int? status, int? resourseId = null, Guid? healthInstitutionId=null) { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); if (startDate.HasValue) startDate = Fwk.HelperFunctions.DateFunctions.GetStartDateTime(startDate.Value); using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { var appointment_db = dc.Appointments.Where<Appointment>(p => (!startDate.HasValue || p.Start.Value >= startDate.Value) && (!status.HasValue || status.Value.Equals(p.Status.Value)) && (!resourseId.HasValue || p.ResourceId.Value.Equals(resourseId.Value)) && (!healthInstitutionId.HasValue || p.HealthInstitutionId.Value.Equals(healthInstitutionId.Value)) );//.OrderByDescending(sort=>sort.CreationDate); foreach (Appointment r in appointment_db) { AppointmentBE wAppoiment = (AppointmentBE)r; wAppoiment.ProfesionalAppointment = (ProfesionalAppointmentBE)r.ProfesionalAppointment; list.Add(wAppoiment); } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// 获取产线点 /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> private AppointmentList GetPlanPoints(DataTable table) { try { AppointmentList list = new AppointmentList(); DateTime timeStart = new DateTime(this.dateTimePicker1.Value.Year, this.dateTimePicker1.Value.Month, this.dateTimePicker1.Value.Day, 7, 30, 0); DateTime timeEnd = timeStart; int hoursToAdd = 1; int minuteToAdd = 60; List <TimeRange> rangs = new List <TimeRange>(); //获取小时 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { timeStart = timeStart.AddHours(hoursToAdd); timeEnd = timeStart.AddMinutes(minuteToAdd); TimeRange rang = new TimeRange(); rang.StartTime = timeStart; rang.EndTime = timeEnd; rangs.Add(rang); } foreach (DataRow itemRow in table.Rows) { foreach (TimeRange item in rangs) { DateTime ptime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(itemRow["start_time"].ToString()); DateTime ptime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(itemRow["end_time"]); if (item.IsInFullRange(ptime1, ptime2)) { ProductionPlanMDL mdl = new ProductionPlanMDL(); mdl.Prase(itemRow); BrakePlanAppointments app = new BrakePlanAppointments(); app.Subject = string.Format("型号:{0} 预计产量:{1}实际产量:{2}", mdl.BreakeID.ToString(), mdl.PlanNum.ToString(), mdl.Actual_num.ToString()); app.ColorBlockBrush = Brushes.OrangeRed; app.DateStart = ptime1; app.DateEnd = ptime2; app.MDL = mdl; list.Add(app); break; } if (item.IsInRange(ptime1)) { ProductionPlanMDL mdl = new ProductionPlanMDL(); mdl.Prase(itemRow); BrakePlanAppointments app = new BrakePlanAppointments(); app.Subject = string.Format("型号:{0} 预计产量:{1}/r/n实际产量:{2}", mdl.BreakeID.ToString(), mdl.PlanID.ToString(), mdl.Actual_num.ToString()); app.ColorBlockBrush = Brushes.OrangeRed; app.DateStart = ptime1; app.DateEnd = ptime2; app.MDL = mdl; list.Add(app); break; } } } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { CLog.WriteErrLogInTrace(ex.StackTrace); return(null); } }
private void ReadFile() { FileStream fs = null; try { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.Open("clientDetails.bin", FileMode.Open))) { while (br.BaseStream.Position != br.BaseStream.Length) { Client client = null; int customerType = br.ReadInt32(); switch (customerType) { case (int)Customer.Gentlemen: client = new Gentlemen(); break; case (int)Customer.Ladies: client = new Ladies(); break; case (int)Customer.Children: client = new Children(); break; } client.Name = br.ReadString(); client.Age = br.ReadInt32(); client.Height = br.ReadDecimal(); client.CreditCardNumber = br.ReadString(); client.Slot = br.ReadString(); switch (customerType) { case (int)Customer.Gentlemen: ((Gentlemen)client).IsTrimmingNeeded = (br.ReadBoolean()) ? true : false; ((Gentlemen)client).Moustaches = (br.ReadBoolean()) ? true : false; break; case (int)Customer.Ladies: ((Ladies)client).HairStyle = (br.ReadBoolean()) ? true : false; break; case (int)Customer.Children: ((Children)client).SensitiveTrimmers = (br.ReadBoolean()) ? true : false; ((Children)client).AdjustableSeats = (br.ReadBoolean()) ? true : false; break; } myList.Add(client); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } } }
//Appointment Methods static public void GetAllAppointments(HairSpaContext context) { //Clear appointment list, then add appointment table records to the list. AppointmentList.ToList().ForEach(ap => AppointmentList.Remove(ap)); context.Appointments.ToList().ForEach(ap => AppointmentList.Add(ap)); }