예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Schedules the appointment drop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender value.</param>
        /// <param name="e">E value.</param>
        private async void Schedule_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = false;
            var appointment = e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment;

            this.label.Opacity       = 1;
            this.label.HeightRequest = 50;

            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == "Android" || Device.RuntimePlatform == "iOS")
                if (this.IsInNonAccessRegion(e.DropTime))
                    e.Cancel        = true;
                    this.label.Text = "Cannot be moved to blocked time slots";
                    await this.label.FadeTo(0, 2000, Easing.SpringIn);

                    this.label.HeightRequest = 0;

            this.label.Text = this.GetDroppedLocation(e.DropTime);
            await this.label.FadeTo(0, 2000, Easing.SpringIn);

            this.label.HeightRequest = 0;
예제 #2
        private void Schedule_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            var end               = e.DropTime;
            var start             = (e.Appointment as WorkScheduleItem).From;
            WorkScheduleItem item = e.Appointment as WorkScheduleItem;

            item.From = e.DropTime;
            item.To   = item.From.AddHours(2);

            TimeSpan ts = end.Subtract(start);

            /* foreach(WorkScheduleItem wi in WorkItems)
             * {
             *   wi.From = wi.From.Add(ts);
             *   wi.To = wi.To.Add(ts);
             * }
             * WorkScheduleItem[] items = new WorkScheduleItem[WorkItems.Count];
             * WorkItems.CopyTo(items, 0);
             * WorkItems.Clear();
             * foreach(WorkScheduleItem wi in items)
             * {
             *   WorkItems.Add(wi);
             * }
             * this.schedule.DataSource = WorkItems; */

            // if (schedule.WorkWeekViewSettings.NonAccessibleBlocks[0].StartTime == e.DropTime.Hour ||
            //    (schedule.WorkWeekViewSettings.NonAccessibleBlocks[0].StartTime - 1 == e.DropTime.Hour && e.DropTime.Minute > 0))
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// drop event for schedule appointment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void SfSchedule_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = false;
            if (IsInNonAccessRegion(e.DropTime))
                e.Cancel = true;
                DisplayToast("Cannot be moved to blocked time slots");

            DisplayToast("Moved to " + GetFormattedDroppedTime(e.DropTime));
        private void Schedule_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            var changedResource = e.DropResourceItem;

            App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Resorce change into " + (changedResource as Employee).Name, "ok");
 private void Bindable_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
     (e.Appointment as Meeting).StartTime = e.DropTime;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// drop event for schedule appointment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Schedule_AppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            if (IsInNonAccessRegion(e.DropTime))
                DisplayToast("Appointment cannot be dropped on blocked time slots");
                e.Cancel = true;

            if (!(e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay && IsAllDayRegion(dropPoint))
                e.Cancel = false;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay  = true;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).StartTime = e.DropTime;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).EndTime   = e.DropTime;
                DisplayToast("Moved to " + FormattedDate(e.DropTime));
            else if ((e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay && IsAllDayRegion(dropPoint))
                e.Cancel = false;
                NSCalendar calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;
                // Get the year, month, day from the date
                NSDateComponents startDateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Month |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Day |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Hour |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Minute |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Second, e.DropTime);
                NSDateComponents endDateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Month |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Day |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Hour |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Minute |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Second, e.DropTime);
                NSDate startDate = calendar.DateFromComponents(startDateComponents);
                NSDate endDate   = calendar.DateFromComponents(endDateComponents);
                e.DropTime = startDate;

                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).StartTime = startDate;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay  = true;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).EndTime   = endDate;
                DisplayToast("Moved to " + FormattedDate(startDate));
            else if ((e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay && !(IsAllDayRegion(dropPoint)))
                e.Cancel = false;
                NSCalendar calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;
                // Get the year, month, day from the date
                NSDateComponents startDateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Month |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Day |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Hour |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Minute |
                                                                           NSCalendarUnit.Second, e.DropTime);
                NSDateComponents endDateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Month |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Day |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Hour |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Minute |
                                                                         NSCalendarUnit.Second, e.DropTime);
                endDateComponents.Hour = endDateComponents.Hour + 1;
                NSDate startDate = calendar.DateFromComponents(startDateComponents);
                NSDate endDate   = calendar.DateFromComponents(endDateComponents);
                e.DropTime = startDate;

                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).StartTime = startDate;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).IsAllDay  = false;
                (e.Appointment as ScheduleAppointment).EndTime   = endDate;
                DisplayToast("Moved to " + FormattedDate(startDate));
                e.Cancel = false;
                DisplayToast("Moved to " + FormattedDate(e.DropTime));
예제 #7
        private void ScheduleOnAppointmentDrop(object sender, AppointmentDropEventArgs e)
            var dropTime = e.DropTime;

            e.DropTime = new DateTime(dropTime.Year, dropTime.Month, dropTime.Day, dropTime.Hour, 0, 0);