private void BuildNode(ref Match node, StringBuilder sb, bool first) { if (!(first)) { sb.Append(","); } SortedDictionary <string, string> propList = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); Match prop = MenuItemPropRegex.Match(node.Groups["PropList"].Value); while (prop.Success) { propList[prop.Groups["Name"].Value.ToLower().Replace("-", String.Empty)] = prop.Groups["Value"].Value; prop = prop.NextMatch(); } string roles = null; propList.TryGetValue("roles", out roles); string users = null; propList.TryGetValue("users", out users); string roleExceptions = null; propList.TryGetValue("roleexceptions", out roleExceptions); string userExceptions = null; propList.TryGetValue("userexceptions", out userExceptions); string url = node.Groups["Url"].Value.Trim(); string target = null; if (url.StartsWith("_blank:")) { target = "_blank:"; url = url.Substring(7); } url = ResolveUrl(url); if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(target))) { url = (target + url); } bool resourceAuthorized = true; if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(roles))) { if (!(ApplicationServices.UserIsAuthorizedToAccessResource(url, roles))) { resourceAuthorized = false; } } if (resourceAuthorized && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(users))) { if (!((users == "?")) && (Array.IndexOf(users.ToLower().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Page.User.Identity.Name.ToLower()) == -1)) { resourceAuthorized = false; } } if (!(resourceAuthorized) && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleExceptions))) { if (DataControllerBase.UserIsInRole(roleExceptions)) { resourceAuthorized = true; } } if (!(resourceAuthorized) && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(userExceptions))) { if (!((Array.IndexOf(userExceptions.ToLower().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Page.User.Identity.Name.ToLower()) == -1))) { resourceAuthorized = true; } } sb.Append("{"); if (resourceAuthorized) { string title = node.Groups["Title"].Value.Trim(); string depth = node.Groups["Depth"].Value; sb.AppendFormat("title:\"{0}\"", BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(title)); if (!((url == "about:blank"))) { sb.AppendFormat(",url:\"{0}\"", BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(url)); } if (Page.Request.RawUrl == url) { sb.Append(",selected:true"); } string description = null; propList.TryGetValue("description", out description); if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(description))) { sb.AppendFormat(",description:\"{0}\"", BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(description)); } node = node.NextMatch(); if (node.Success) { string firstChildDepth = node.Groups["Depth"].Value; if (firstChildDepth.Length > depth.Length) { sb.Append(",children:["); first = true; while (node.Success) { BuildNode(ref node, sb, first); if (first) { first = false; } if (node.Success) { string nextDepth = node.Groups["Depth"].Value; if (firstChildDepth.Length > nextDepth.Length) { break; } } } sb.Append("]"); } } } else { node = node.NextMatch(); } sb.Append("}"); }
public TimedSequenceEditorEffectEditor(EffectNode effectNode) { InitializeComponent(); ForeColor = ThemeColorTable.ForeColor; BackColor = ThemeColorTable.BackgroundColor; ThemeUpdateControls.UpdateControls(this); _effectNode = effectNode; _effectNodes = null; IEnumerable <IEffectEditorControl> controls = ApplicationServices.GetEffectEditorControls(_effectNode.Effect.Descriptor.TypeId); if (controls == null) { Label l = new Label(); l.Text = "Can't find any effect editors that can edit this effect!"; l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.Controls.Add(l); tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.SetColumnSpan(l, 2); return; } _controls = new List <IEffectEditorControl>(); object[] values = _effectNode.Effect.ParameterValues; if (_effectNode.Effect.EffectName.Equals("Nutcracker")) { var data = _effectNode.Effect.ParameterValues.First() as ICloneable; values = new [] { data.Clone() }; } _cleanValues = _effectNode.Effect.ParameterValues; // if there were multiple controls returned, or there was only a single control needed (ie. the efffect parameters had only // a single item) then add controls inside a ParameterEditor wrapper using editors for that type, and label them appropriately. // if it was only a single control returned, it must have matched the entire effect (by GUID or signature), so just dump the // control it, and let it deal with everything it needs to. if (controls.Count() > 1 || (controls.Count() == 1 && (_effectNode.Effect.Descriptor as IEffectModuleDescriptor).Parameters.Count == 1)) { _usedSingleControl = false; int i = 0; foreach (IEffectEditorControl ec in controls) { // as it's a single control for a single parameter, it *should* take the corresponding indexed parameter from the effect. // so pull that individual parameter out, and give it to the control as a single item. This is a bit of an assumption // and seems...... prone to breaking. TODO: review. ec.EffectParameterValues = values[i].AsEnumerable().ToArray(); ec.TargetEffect = effectNode.Effect; if (_effectNode.Effect.Parameters[i].ShowLabel) { Label l = new Label(); l.Width = 1; l.Height = 1; l.Text = string.Format("{0}:", _effectNode.Effect.Parameters[i].Name); l.AutoSize = true; l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.Controls.Add(l); } (ec as Control).Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.Controls.Add(ec as Control); // save the editor control into a list we can use as a reference later on, to pull the data back out of them in the right order. _controls.Add(ec); i++; } } else { _usedSingleControl = true; IEffectEditorControl control = controls.First(); control.EffectParameterValues = _effectNode.Effect.ParameterValues; control.TargetEffect = effectNode.Effect; tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.Controls.Add(control as Control); tableLayoutPanelEffectEditors.SetColumnSpan((control as Control), 2); _controls.Add(control); } }
private static void FeedSampleChapters() { var sampleChapters = ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <SampleChapters>(); sampleChapters.CreateSampleChapters(); }
public virtual CommitResult Commit(JArray log) { _commitResult = new CommitResult(); try { if (log.Count > 0) { using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection(LoadConfig(((string)(log[0]["controller"]))).ConnectionStringName, true)) { int index = -1; int sequence = -1; int lastSequence = sequence; string transactionScope = ((string)(ApplicationServices.Settings("odp.transactions.scope"))); for (int i = 0; (i < log.Count); i++) { JToken entry = log[i]; string controller = ((string)(entry["controller"])); string view = ((string)(entry["view"])); ActionArgs executeArgs = entry["args"].ToObject <ActionArgs>(); if (executeArgs.Sequence.HasValue) { sequence = executeArgs.Sequence.Value; if ((transactionScope == "sequence") && (sequence != lastSequence && (i > 0))) { connection.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = lastSequence; connection.BeginTransaction(); } lastSequence = sequence; } ControllerConfiguration config = LoadConfig(executeArgs.Controller); ProcessArguments(config, executeArgs); ActionResult executeResult = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().Execute(controller, view, executeArgs); if (executeResult.Errors.Count > 0) { index = i; _commitResult.Index = index; _commitResult.Errors = executeResult.Errors.ToArray(); break; } else { ProcessResult(config, executeResult); } } if (index == -1) { connection.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = sequence; } else { connection.Rollback(); _commitResult.Index = index; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _commitResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; _commitResult.Index = 0; } return(_commitResult); }
private void UpdateCaption() { this.Text = String.Format("{0} {1}", ApplicationServices.GetApplicationDescription(), new AssemblyInfo().Version.ToString()); }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { if (Request.Path.StartsWith((ResolveUrl(AquariumExtenderBase.DefaultServicePath) + "/"), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || Request.Path.StartsWith((ResolveUrl(AquariumExtenderBase.AppServicePath) + "/"), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ApplicationServices.HandleServiceRequest(Context); } if (Request.Params["_page"] == "_blank") { return; } var link = Request.Params["_link"]; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(link))) { var permalink = StringEncryptor.FromString(link.Replace(" ", "+").Split(',')[0]).Split('?'); if (permalink.Length == 2) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Redirect", string.Format("window.location.replace(\'{0}?_link={1}\');", permalink[0], HttpUtility.UrlEncode(link)), true); } } else { var requestUrl = Request.RawUrl; if ((requestUrl.Length > 1) && requestUrl.EndsWith("/")) { requestUrl = requestUrl.Substring(0, (requestUrl.Length - 1)); } if (Request.ApplicationPath.Equals(requestUrl, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { var homePageUrl = ApplicationServices.HomePageUrl; if (!(Request.ApplicationPath.Equals(homePageUrl))) { Response.Redirect(homePageUrl); } } } var contentInfo = ApplicationServices.LoadContent(); InitializeSiteMaster(); string s = null; if (!(contentInfo.TryGetValue("PageTitle", out s))) { s = ApplicationServicesBase.Current.DisplayName; } this.Title = s; if (_pageTitleContent != null) { if (_isTouchUI) { _pageTitleContent.Text = string.Empty; } else { _pageTitleContent.Text = s; } } var appName = new HtmlMeta(); appName.Name = "application-name"; appName.Content = ApplicationServicesBase.Current.DisplayName; Header.Controls.Add(appName); if (contentInfo.TryGetValue("Head", out s) && (_headContent != null)) { _headContent.Text = s; } if (contentInfo.TryGetValue("PageContent", out s) && (_pageContent != null)) { if (_isTouchUI) { s = string.Format("<div id=\"PageContent\" style=\"display:none\">{0}</div>", s); } var userControl = Regex.Match(s, "<div\\s+data-user-control\\s*=s*\"([\\s\\S]+?)\".*?>\\s*</div>"); if (userControl.Success) { var startPos = 0; while (userControl.Success) { _pageContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(s.Substring(startPos, (userControl.Index - startPos)))); startPos = (userControl.Index + userControl.Length); var controlFileName = userControl.Groups[1].Value; var controlExtension = Path.GetExtension(controlFileName); string siteControlText = null; if (!(controlFileName.StartsWith("~"))) { controlFileName = (controlFileName + "~"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlExtension)) { var testFileName = (controlFileName + ".ascx"); if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(testFileName))) { controlFileName = testFileName; controlExtension = ".ascx"; } else { if (ApplicationServices.IsSiteContentEnabled) { var relativeControlPath = controlFileName.Substring(1); if (relativeControlPath.StartsWith("/")) { relativeControlPath = relativeControlPath.Substring(1); } siteControlText = ApplicationServices.Current.ReadSiteContentString(("sys/" + relativeControlPath)); } if (siteControlText == null) { testFileName = (controlFileName + ".html"); if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(testFileName))) { controlFileName = testFileName; controlExtension = ".html"; } } } } var userControlAuthorizeRoles = Regex.Match(userControl.Value, "data-authorize-roles\\s*=\\s*\"(.+?)\""); var allowUserControl = !userControlAuthorizeRoles.Success; if (!allowUserControl) { var authorizeRoles = userControlAuthorizeRoles.Groups[1].Value; if (authorizeRoles == "?") { if (!Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { allowUserControl = true; } } else { allowUserControl = ApplicationServices.UserIsAuthorizedToAccessResource(controlFileName, authorizeRoles); } } if (allowUserControl) { try { if (controlExtension == ".ascx") { _pageContent.Controls.Add(LoadControl(controlFileName)); } else { var controlText = siteControlText; if (controlText == null) { controlText = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(controlFileName)); } var bodyMatch = Regex.Match(controlText, "<body[\\s\\S]*?>([\\s\\S]+?)</body>"); if (bodyMatch.Success) { controlText = bodyMatch.Groups[1].Value; } controlText = ApplicationServices.EnrichData(Localizer.Replace("Controls", Path.GetFileName(Server.MapPath(controlFileName)), controlText)); _pageContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(InjectPrefetch(controlText))); } } catch (Exception ex) { _pageContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("Error loading \'{0}\': {1}", controlFileName, ex.Message))); } } userControl = userControl.NextMatch(); } if (startPos < s.Length) { _pageContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(s.Substring(startPos))); } } else { _pageContent.Text = InjectPrefetch(s); } } else if (_isTouchUI) { _pageContent.Text = "<div id=\"PageContent\" style=\"display:none\"><div data-app-role=\"page\">404 Not Foun" + "d</div></div>"; this.Title = ApplicationServicesBase.Current.DisplayName; } else { _pageContent.Text = "404 Not Found"; } if (_isTouchUI) { if (_pageFooterContent != null) { _pageFooterContent.Text = (("<footer style=\"display:none\"><small>" + Copyright) + "</small></footer>"); } } else if (contentInfo.TryGetValue("About", out s)) { if (_pageSideBarContent != null) { _pageSideBarContent.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"TaskBox About\"><div class=\"Inner\"><div class=\"Header\">About</div><div" + " class=\"Value\">{0}</div></div></div>", s); } } string bodyAttributes = null; if (contentInfo.TryGetValue("BodyAttributes", out bodyAttributes)) { _bodyAttributes.Parse(bodyAttributes); } var classAttr = _bodyAttributes["class"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classAttr)) { classAttr = string.Empty; } if (!_isTouchUI) { if (!(classAttr.Contains("Wide"))) { classAttr = (classAttr + " Standard"); } classAttr = ((classAttr + " ") + (Regex.Replace(Request.Path.ToLower(), "\\W", "_").Substring(1) + "_html")); } else if (_summaryDisabled) { classAttr = (classAttr + " see-all-always"); } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(classAttr))) { _bodyAttributes["class"] = classAttr.Trim(); } _bodyTag.Text = string.Format("\r\n<body{0}>\r\n", _bodyAttributes.ToString()); base.OnInit(e); }
private void MigrateLipSyncFrom4To5(XElement content) { //This migration deals with changing the LipSync matrix elements from version 4 to 5 //Get the standard namespaces that are needed in the sequence var namespaces = GetStandardNamespaces(); //Add in the ones for this effect XNamespace d2p1 = ""; namespaces.AddNamespace("d2p1", d2p1.NamespaceName); //Find the Chase effects. IEnumerable <XElement> lipSyncElements = content.XPathSelectElements( "_dataModels/d1p1:anyType[@i:type = 'd2p1:LipSyncData']", namespaces); var datamodel = content.XPathSelectElement("_dataModels", namespaces); LipSyncMapLibrary _library = ApplicationServices.Get <IAppModuleInstance>(LipSyncMapDescriptor.ModuleID) as LipSyncMapLibrary; foreach (var lipSyncElement in lipSyncElements.ToList()) { LipSyncMapData mapData = null; var lipSyncData = DeSerializer <LipSyncData>(lipSyncElement); if (_library.Library.TryGetValue(lipSyncData.PhonemeMapping, out mapData)) { if ((null != mapData) && (mapData.IsMatrix)) { if (lipSyncData.Level == 0) { lipSyncData.Level = 100; } if (lipSyncData.ScalePercent == 0) { lipSyncData.ScalePercent = 100; } lipSyncData.Orientation = (mapData.StringsAreRows) ? StringOrientation.Horizontal : StringOrientation.Vertical; lipSyncData.ScaleToGrid = true; mapData.UsingDefaults = false; } } //Remove the old version lipSyncElement.Remove(); //Build up a temporary container similar to the way sequences are stored to //make all the namespace prefixes line up. IModuleDataModel[] dm = { lipSyncData }; DataContainer dc = new DataContainer { _dataModels = dm }; //Serialize the object into a xelement XElement glp = Serializer(dc, new[] { typeof(LipSyncData), typeof(IModuleDataModel[]), typeof(DataContainer) }); //Extract the new data model that we want and insert it in the tree datamodel.Add(glp.XPathSelectElement("//*[local-name()='anyType']", namespaces)); } }
private void papagayoImportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PapagayoDoc papagayoFile = new PapagayoDoc(); FileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openDialog.Filter = @"Papagayo files (*.pgo)|*.pgo|All files (*.*)|*.*"; openDialog.FilterIndex = 1; if (openDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string fileName = openDialog.FileName; papagayoFile.Load(fileName); TimelineElementsClipboardData result = new TimelineElementsClipboardData { FirstVisibleRow = -1, EarliestStartTime = TimeSpan.MaxValue, }; result.FirstVisibleRow = 0; int rownum = 0; foreach (string voice in papagayoFile.VoiceList) { List <PapagayoPhoneme> phonemes = papagayoFile.PhonemeList(voice); if (phonemes.Count > 0) { foreach (PapagayoPhoneme phoneme in phonemes) { if (phoneme.DurationMS == 0.0) { continue; } IEffectModuleInstance effect = ApplicationServices.Get <IEffectModuleInstance>(new LipSyncDescriptor().TypeId); ((LipSync)effect).StaticPhoneme = (App.LipSyncApp.PhonemeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(App.LipSyncApp.PhonemeType), phoneme.TypeName.ToUpper()); ((LipSync)effect).LyricData = phoneme.LyricData; TimeSpan startTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(phoneme.StartMS); EffectModelCandidate modelCandidate = new EffectModelCandidate(effect) { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(phoneme.DurationMS - 1), StartTime = startTime }; result.EffectModelCandidates.Add(modelCandidate, rownum); if (startTime < result.EarliestStartTime) { result.EarliestStartTime = startTime; } effect.Render(); } IDataObject dataObject = new DataObject(ClipboardFormatName); dataObject.SetData(result); Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObject, true); _TimeLineSequenceClipboardContentsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); SequenceModified(); } rownum++; } string displayStr = rownum + " Voices imported to clipboard as seperate rows\n\n"; int j = 1; foreach (string voiceStr in papagayoFile.VoiceList) { displayStr += "Row #" + j + " - " + voiceStr + "\n"; j++; } //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible) MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Information; //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form. var messageBox = new MessageBoxForm(displayStr, @"Papagayo Import", false, false); messageBox.ShowDialog(); }
public virtual CommitResult Commit(JArray log) { _commitResult = new CommitResult(); try { if (log.Count > 0) { using (var tx = new DataTransaction(LoadConfig(((string)(log[0]["controller"]))).ConnectionStringName)) { var index = -1; var sequence = -1; var lastSequence = sequence; var commitedValueCount = _commitResult.Values.Count; var transactionScope = ((string)(ApplicationServices.Settings("odp.transactions.scope"))); for (var i = 0; (i < log.Count); i++) { var entry = log[i]; var controller = ((string)(entry["controller"])); var view = ((string)(entry["view"])); ActionArgs.Forget(); var executeArgs = entry["args"].ToObject <ActionArgs>(); if (executeArgs.Sequence.HasValue) { sequence = executeArgs.Sequence.Value; if (transactionScope != "all" && (sequence != lastSequence && (i > 0))) { tx.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = lastSequence; commitedValueCount = _commitResult.Values.Count; tx.BeginTransaction(); } lastSequence = sequence; } var config = LoadConfig(executeArgs.Controller); ProcessArguments(config, executeArgs); var executeResult = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().Execute(controller, view, executeArgs); if (executeResult.Errors.Count > 0) { index = i; _commitResult.Index = index; _commitResult.Errors = executeResult.Errors.ToArray(); break; } else { ProcessResult(config, executeResult); } } if (index == -1) { tx.Commit(); _commitResult.Sequence = sequence; commitedValueCount = _commitResult.Values.Count; } else { tx.Rollback(); _commitResult.Index = index; _commitResult.Values.RemoveRange(commitedValueCount, (_commitResult.Values.Count - commitedValueCount)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _commitResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; _commitResult.Index = 0; } return(_commitResult); }
private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Effect = ApplicationServices.Get <IEffectModuleInstance>(_descriptor.TypeId); Effect.ParameterValues = panelContainer.Controls.Cast <IEffectEditorControl>().SelectMany(x => x.EffectParameterValues).ToArray(); }
public bool Perform(IEnumerable <ElementNode> selectedNodes) { DialogResult dr = ShowDialog(); if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } ExistingBehaviour existingBehaviour = ExistingBehaviour.DoNothing; if (radioButtonExistingDoNothing.Checked) { existingBehaviour = ExistingBehaviour.DoNothing; } else if (radioButtonExistingUpdate.Checked) { existingBehaviour = ExistingBehaviour.UpdateExisting; } else if (radioButtonExistingAddNew.Checked) { existingBehaviour = ExistingBehaviour.AddNew; } else { Logging.Warn("no radio button selected"); } IEnumerable <ElementNode> leafElements = selectedNodes.SelectMany(x => x.GetLeafEnumerator()).Distinct(); int modulesCreated = 0; int modulesConfigured = 0; int modulesSkipped = 0; foreach (ElementNode leafNode in leafElements) { // get the leaf 'things' to deal with -- ie. either existing dimming curves on a filter branch, or data component outputs // (if we're adding new ones, ignore any existing dimming curves: always go to the outputs and we'll add new ones) IDataFlowComponent elementComponent = VixenSystem.DataFlow.GetComponent(leafNode.Element.Id); IEnumerable <IDataFlowComponentReference> references = _FindLeafOutputsOrDimmingCurveFilters(elementComponent, existingBehaviour == ExistingBehaviour.AddNew); foreach (IDataFlowComponentReference reference in references) { int outputIndex = reference.OutputIndex; if (reference.Component is DimmingCurveModule) { switch (existingBehaviour) { case ExistingBehaviour.DoNothing: modulesSkipped++; continue; case ExistingBehaviour.UpdateExisting: (reference.Component as DimmingCurveModule).DimmingCurve = _curve; modulesConfigured++; continue; case ExistingBehaviour.AddNew: outputIndex = 0; break; } } // assuming we're making a new one and going from there DimmingCurveModule dimmingCurve = ApplicationServices.Get <IOutputFilterModuleInstance>(DimmingCurveDescriptor.ModuleId) as DimmingCurveModule; VixenSystem.DataFlow.SetComponentSource(dimmingCurve, reference.Component, outputIndex); VixenSystem.Filters.AddFilter(dimmingCurve); dimmingCurve.DimmingCurve = _curve; modulesCreated++; modulesConfigured++; } } //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible) var messageBox = new MessageBoxForm(modulesCreated + " Dimming Curves created, " + modulesConfigured + " configured, and " + modulesSkipped + " skipped.", "", false, false); messageBox.ShowDialog(); return(true); }
public void RegisterOperation(IBackgroundOperation operation) { ApplicationServices.ExecuteOnUIThread(() => Operations.Add(new BackgroundOperationViewModel(operation))); }
private void InitializeLayers() { var descriptors = ApplicationServices.GetModuleDescriptors <ILayerMixingFilterInstance>(); _standardFilters = descriptors.Select(filterType => ApplicationServices.Get <ILayerMixingFilterInstance>(filterType.TypeId)).ToList(); }
private void LoadAvailableEffects() { int imageSize = (int)(18 * ScalingTools.GetScaleFactor()); effectTreeImages.ImageSize = new Size(imageSize, imageSize); System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Form_Effects)); effectTreeImages.ImageStream = ((ImageListStreamer)(resources.GetObject("effectTreeImages.ImageStream"))); effectTreeImages.TransparentColor = treeEffects.BackColor; effectTreeImages.Images.SetKeyName(0, "rightarrow.png"); effectTreeImages.Images.SetKeyName(1, "downarrow.png"); treeEffects.ItemHeight = (int)ScalingTools.MeasureHeight(treeEffects.Font, "My Text"); foreach ( IEffectModuleDescriptor effectDesriptor in ApplicationServices.GetModuleDescriptors <IEffectModuleInstance>().Cast <IEffectModuleDescriptor>()) { // Add the effects to the tree // Set default to basic to get rid of annoying possible null reference warning. if (effectDesriptor.EffectName == "Nutcracker") { continue; } TreeNode parentNode = treeEffects.Nodes["treeBasic"]; switch (effectDesriptor.EffectGroup) { case EffectGroups.Basic: parentNode = treeEffects.Nodes["treeBasic"]; break; case EffectGroups.Pixel: parentNode = treeEffects.Nodes["treeAdvanced"]; break; case EffectGroups.Device: parentNode = treeEffects.Nodes["treeDevice"]; break; } TreeNode node = new TreeNode(effectDesriptor.EffectName) { Tag = effectDesriptor.TypeId }; node.ForeColor = ThemeColorTable.ForeColor; parentNode.Nodes.Add(node); // Set the image Image image = effectDesriptor.GetRepresentativeImage(48, 48); if (image != null) { effectTreeImages.Images.Add(effectDesriptor.EffectName, image); node.ImageIndex = effectTreeImages.Images.Count - 1; node.SelectedImageIndex = node.ImageIndex; } else { SetNodeImage(node, "blank.png"); } if (treeEffects.Nodes.Count > 0) { treeEffects.CollapseAll(); treeEffects.Nodes[0].Expand(); treeEffects.Nodes[1].Expand(); } treeEffects.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } }
public bool Perform(IEnumerable <IElementNode> selectedNodes) { if (!SilentMode) { DialogResult dr = ShowDialog(); if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } } // note: the color property can only be applied to leaf nodes. // pull out the new data settings from the form elements ElementColorType colorType; string colorSetName = ""; System.Drawing.Color singleColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; if (radioButtonOptionSingle.Checked) { colorType = ElementColorType.SingleColor; singleColor = colorPanelSingleColor.Color; colorSetName = null; } else if (radioButtonOptionMultiple.Checked) { colorType = ElementColorType.MultipleDiscreteColors; colorSetName = comboBoxColorSet.SelectedItem.ToString(); singleColor = System.Drawing.Color.Empty; } else if (radioButtonOptionFullColor.Checked) { colorType = ElementColorType.FullColor; singleColor = System.Drawing.Color.Empty; colorSetName = null; } else { Logging.Warn("Unexpected radio option selected"); colorType = ElementColorType.SingleColor; singleColor = colorPanelSingleColor.Color; colorSetName = null; } // PROPERTY SETUP // go through all elements, making a color property for each one. // (If any has one already, check with the user as to what they want to do.) IEnumerable <IElementNode> leafElements = selectedNodes.SelectMany(x => x.GetLeafEnumerator()).Distinct(); List <IElementNode> leafElementList = leafElements.ToList(); bool askedUserAboutExistingProperties = false; bool overrideExistingProperties = false; int colorPropertiesAdded = 0; int colorPropertiesConfigured = 0; int colorPropertiesSkipped = 0; MessageBoxForm messageBox; foreach (IElementNode leafElement in leafElementList) { bool skip = false; ColorModule existingProperty = null; if (leafElement.Properties.Contains(ColorDescriptor.ModuleId)) { if (!askedUserAboutExistingProperties) { //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible) MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Warning; //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form. messageBox = new MessageBoxForm("Some elements already have color properties set up. Should these be overwritten?", "Color Setup", true, false); messageBox.ShowDialog(); overrideExistingProperties = (messageBox.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK); askedUserAboutExistingProperties = true; } skip = !overrideExistingProperties; existingProperty = leafElement.Properties.Get(ColorDescriptor.ModuleId) as ColorModule; } else { existingProperty = leafElement.Properties.Add(ColorDescriptor.ModuleId) as ColorModule; colorPropertiesAdded++; } if (!skip) { if (existingProperty == null) { Logging.Error("Null color property for element " + leafElement.Name); } else { existingProperty.ColorType = colorType; existingProperty.SingleColor = singleColor; existingProperty.ColorSetName = colorSetName; colorPropertiesConfigured++; } } else { colorPropertiesSkipped++; } } // PATCHING // go through each element, walking the tree of patches, building up a list. If any are a 'color // breakdown' already, warn/check with the user if it's OK to overwrite them. Make a new breakdown // filter for each 'leaf' of the patching process. If it's fully patched to an output, ignore it. List <IDataFlowComponentReference> leafOutputs = new List <IDataFlowComponentReference>(); foreach (IElementNode leafElement in leafElementList.Where(x => x.Element != null)) { leafOutputs.AddRange(_FindLeafOutputsOrBreakdownFilters(VixenSystem.DataFlow.GetComponent(leafElement.Element.Id))); } bool askedUserAboutExistingFilters = false; bool overrideExistingFilters = false; ColorBreakdownModule breakdown = null; int colorFiltersAdded = 0; int colorFiltersConfigured = 0; int colorFiltersSkipped = 0; foreach (IDataFlowComponentReference leaf in leafOutputs) { bool skip = false; if (leaf.Component is ColorBreakdownModule) { if (!askedUserAboutExistingFilters) { //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible) MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Warning; //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form. messageBox = new MessageBoxForm("Some elements are already patched to color filters. Should these be overwritten?", "Color Setup", true, false); messageBox.ShowDialog(); overrideExistingFilters = (messageBox.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK); askedUserAboutExistingFilters = true; } skip = !overrideExistingFilters; breakdown = leaf.Component as ColorBreakdownModule; } else if (leaf.Component.OutputDataType == DataFlowType.None) { // if it's a dead-end -- ie. most likely a controller output -- skip it skip = true; } else { // doesn't exist? make a new module and assign it breakdown = ApplicationServices.Get <IOutputFilterModuleInstance>(ColorBreakdownDescriptor.ModuleId) as ColorBreakdownModule; VixenSystem.DataFlow.SetComponentSource(breakdown, leaf); VixenSystem.Filters.AddFilter(breakdown); colorFiltersAdded++; } if (!skip) { List <ColorBreakdownItem> newBreakdownItems = new List <ColorBreakdownItem>(); bool mixColors = false; ColorBreakdownItem cbi; switch (colorType) { case ElementColorType.FullColor: mixColors = true; foreach (var color in comboBoxColorOrder.SelectedItem.ToString().ToCharArray()) { switch (color) { case 'R': cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; cbi.Name = Red; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); break; case 'G': cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Lime; cbi.Name = Green; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); break; case 'B': cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; cbi.Name = Blue; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); break; case 'W': cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = System.Drawing.Color.White; cbi.Name = White; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); break; } } break; case ElementColorType.MultipleDiscreteColors: mixColors = false; ColorStaticData csd = ApplicationServices.GetModuleStaticData(ColorDescriptor.ModuleId) as ColorStaticData; if (!csd.ContainsColorSet(colorSetName)) { Logging.Error("Color sets doesn't contain " + colorSetName); } else { ColorSet cs = csd.GetColorSet(colorSetName); foreach (var c in cs) { cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = c; // heh heh, this can be.... creative. cbi.Name = c.Name; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); } } break; case ElementColorType.SingleColor: mixColors = false; cbi = new ColorBreakdownItem(); cbi.Color = singleColor; newBreakdownItems.Add(cbi); break; } breakdown.MixColors = mixColors; breakdown.BreakdownItems = newBreakdownItems; colorFiltersConfigured++; } else { colorFiltersSkipped++; } } if (!SilentMode) { //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible) MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Information; //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form. messageBox = new MessageBoxForm("Color Properties: " + colorPropertiesAdded + " added, " + colorPropertiesConfigured + " configured, " + colorPropertiesSkipped + " skipped. " + "Color Filters: " + colorFiltersAdded + " added, " + colorFiltersConfigured + " configured, " + colorFiltersSkipped + " skipped.", "Color Setup", false, false); messageBox.ShowDialog(); } return(true); }
private void LipSyncMapSelector_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { var data = (ApplicationServices.Get <IAppModuleInstance>(LipSyncMapDescriptor.ModuleID) as LipSyncMapLibrary)?.StaticModuleData as LipSyncMapStaticData; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationServices">Application Services</param> public RedisController(ApplicationServices applicationServices) : base(applicationServices) { }
private static MimeLimits GetDefaultMimeDocumentLimits() { if (MimeLimits.defaultLimits == null) { lock (MimeLimits.configurationLockObject) { if (MimeLimits.defaultLimits == null) { IList <CtsConfigurationSetting> configuration = ApplicationServices.Provider.GetConfiguration("MimeLimits"); int defaultValue = 10; int defaultValue2 = 100; int defaultValue3 = int.MaxValue; int defaultValue4 = int.MaxValue; int defaultValue5 = 10000; int defaultValue6 = 100000; int defaultValue7 = int.MaxValue; int defaultValue8 = 32768; int defaultValue9 = int.MaxValue; int num = 256; foreach (CtsConfigurationSetting ctsConfigurationSetting in configuration) { string key; switch (key = ctsConfigurationSetting.Name.ToLower()) { case "maximumpartdepth": defaultValue = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue, 5, false); break; case "maximumembeddeddepth": defaultValue2 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue2, 10, false); break; case "maximumsize": defaultValue3 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue3, 100, true); break; case "maximumtotalheaderssize": defaultValue4 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue4, 100, true); break; case "maximumparts": defaultValue5 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue5, 100, false); break; case "maximumheaders": defaultValue6 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue6, 100, false); break; case "maximumaddressitemsperheader": defaultValue7 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue7, 100, false); break; case "maximumparametersperheader": defaultValue9 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue9, 10, false); break; case "maximumtextvaluesize": defaultValue8 = ApplicationServices.ParseIntegerSetting(ctsConfigurationSetting, defaultValue8, 10, true); break; } } MimeLimits.defaultLimits = new MimeLimits(defaultValue, defaultValue2, defaultValue3, defaultValue4, defaultValue5, defaultValue6, defaultValue7, defaultValue8, defaultValue9, num); } } } return(MimeLimits.defaultLimits); }
public static void CreateStandardMembershipAccounts() { ApplicationServices.RegisterStandardMembershipAccounts(); }
protected string PreparePrefetch(string content) { string output = null; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Url.Query)) || (Request.Headers["X-Cot-Manifest-Request"] == "true")) { return(output); } var token = ApplicationServices.TryGetJsonProperty(ApplicationServices.Current.DefaultSettings, "ui.history.dataView"); var supportGridPrefetch = ((token != null) && !(Regex.IsMatch(((string)(token)), "\\b(search|sort|group|filter)\\b"))); var prefetches = new List <string>(); var prefetch = false; var dataViews = new List <Tuple <string, AttributeDictionary> >(); foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(content, "<div\\s+(id=\"(?\'Id\'\\w+)\")\\s+(?\'Props\'data-controller.*?)>")) { dataViews.Add(new Tuple <string, AttributeDictionary>(m.Groups["Id"].Value, new AttributeDictionary(m.Groups["Props"].Value))); } if (dataViews.Count == 1) { prefetch = true; } else { // LEGACY MASTER DETAIL PAGE SUPPORT // // // 1. convert text of containers into single container with single dataview referring to virtual dashboard controller // // <div data-flow="row"> // <div id="view1" data-controller="Dashboards" data-view="form1" data-show-action-buttons="none"></div> // // </div> // // 2. produce response for this controller. // a. standalone data views become data view fields of the virtual controller // b. the layout of the page is optionally converted into form1 layout of the virtual controller // c. render json response of virtual controller with layout in it // } if (prefetch) { for (var i = 0; (i < dataViews.Count); i++) { var dataView = dataViews[i]; var dataViewId = dataView.Item1; var attrs = dataView.Item2; foreach (var p in UnsupportedDataViewProperties) { if (attrs.ContainsKey(p)) { return(output); } } var controllerName = attrs["data-controller"]; string viewId = null; string tags = null; attrs.TryGetValue("data-tags", out tags); var c = Controller.CreateConfigurationInstance(GetType(), controllerName); if (!(attrs.TryGetValue("data-view", out viewId))) { viewId = ((string)(c.Evaluate("string(/c:dataController/c:views/c:view[1]/@id)"))); } var viewNav = c.SelectSingleNode("/c:dataController/c:views/c:view[@id=\'{0}\']", viewId); if (!Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && !((viewNav.GetAttribute("access", string.Empty) == "Public"))) { return(output); } string roles = null; if (attrs.TryGetValue("data-roles", out roles) && !(new ControllerUtilities().UserIsInRole(roles.Split(',')))) { return(output); } tags = (tags + (" " + viewNav.GetAttribute("tags", string.Empty))); var isForm = (viewNav.GetAttribute("type", string.Empty) == "Form"); if (isForm) { _summaryDisabled = true; } if (!(Regex.IsMatch(tags, "\\bprefetch-data-none\\b")) && (supportGridPrefetch || isForm)) { var request = new PageRequest(-1, 30, null, null); request.Controller = controllerName; request.View = viewId; request.Tag = tags; request.ContextKey = dataViewId; request.SupportsCaching = true; if (attrs.ContainsKey("data-search-on-start")) { request.DoesNotRequireData = true; } var response = ControllerFactory.CreateDataController().GetPage(request.Controller, request.View, request); var result = string.Format("{{ \"d\": {0} }}", ApplicationServices.CompressViewPageJsonOutput(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response))); prefetches.Add(string.Format("<script type=\"application/json\" id=\"_{0}_prefetch\">{1}</script>", dataViewId, Regex.Replace(result, "(<(/?\\s*script)(\\s|>))", "]_[$2$3]^[", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))); if (isForm) { foreach (var field in response.Fields) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DataViewFilterFields) && (field.Type == "DataView")) { var fieldAttr = new AttributeDictionary(string.Empty); fieldAttr.Add("data-controller", field.DataViewController); fieldAttr.Add("data-view", field.DataViewId); fieldAttr.Add("data-tags", field.Tag); if (field.DataViewSearchOnStart) { fieldAttr.Add("data-search-on-start", "true"); } dataViews.Add(new Tuple <string, AttributeDictionary>(string.Format("{0}_{1}", dataViewId, field.Name), fieldAttr)); } } } } } } if (prefetches.Count > 0) { output = string.Join(string.Empty, prefetches); } return(output); }
void UpdateForm() { int selectedControllerCount = controllerTree.SelectedControllers.Count(); buttonConfigureController.Enabled = selectedControllerCount == 1; buttonNumberChannelsController.Enabled = selectedControllerCount == 1; buttonRenameController.Enabled = selectedControllerCount == 1; buttonDeleteController.Enabled = selectedControllerCount >= 1; int runningCount = 0; int notRunningCount = 0; int pausedCount = 0; int notPausedCount = 0; foreach (IControllerDevice controller in controllerTree.SelectedControllers) { if (controller.IsRunning) { runningCount++; } else { notRunningCount++; } if (controller.IsPaused) { pausedCount++; } else { notPausedCount++; } } buttonStartController.Enabled = notRunningCount > 0; buttonStopController.Enabled = runningCount > 0; buttonAddController.Enabled = comboBoxNewControllerType.SelectedIndex >= 0; buttonSelectSourceElements.Enabled = controllerTree.SelectedTreeNodes.Count > 0; if (selectedControllerCount <= 0) { labelControllerType.Text = ""; labelOutputCount.Text = ""; } else if (selectedControllerCount == 1) { labelControllerType.Text = ApplicationServices.GetModuleDescriptor(controllerTree.SelectedControllers.First().ModuleId).TypeName; labelOutputCount.Text = controllerTree.SelectedControllers.First().OutputCount.ToString(); } else { labelControllerType.Text = selectedControllerCount + " controllers selected"; int count = 0; foreach (IControllerDevice controller in controllerTree.SelectedControllers) { count += controller.OutputCount; } labelOutputCount.Text = count.ToString(); } }
private void RecursiveDataBindInternal(IHierarchicalEnumerable enumerable, StringBuilder sb) { bool first = true; if (this.Site != null) { return; } foreach (object item in enumerable) { IHierarchyData data = enumerable.GetHierarchyData(item); if (null != data) { PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(data); if (props.Count > 0) { string title = ((string)(props["Title"].GetValue(data))); string description = ((string)(props["Description"].GetValue(data))); string url = ((string)(props["Url"].GetValue(data))); string cssClass = null; bool isPublic = false; if (item is SiteMapNode) { cssClass = ((SiteMapNode)(item))["cssClass"]; isPublic = ("true" == ((string)(((SiteMapNode)(item))["public"]))); } string roles = String.Empty; ArrayList roleList = ((ArrayList)(props["Roles"].GetValue(data))); if (roleList.Count > 0) { roles = String.Join(",", ((string[])(roleList.ToArray(typeof(string))))); } bool resourceAuthorized = ((isPublic || (roles == "*")) || ApplicationServices.UserIsAuthorizedToAccessResource(url, roles)); if (resourceAuthorized) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.Append(","); } sb.AppendFormat("{{title:\"{0}\",url:\"{1}\"", BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(title), BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(url)); if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(description))) { sb.AppendFormat(",description:\"{0}\"", BusinessRules.JavaScriptString(description)); } if (url == Page.Request.RawUrl) { sb.Append(",selected:true"); } if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass))) { sb.AppendFormat(",cssClass:\"{0}\"", cssClass); } if (data.HasChildren) { IHierarchicalEnumerable childrenEnumerable = data.GetChildren(); if (null != childrenEnumerable) { sb.Append(",\"children\":["); RecursiveDataBindInternal(childrenEnumerable, sb); sb.Append("]"); } } sb.Append("}"); } } } } }
static async Task Start() { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .MinimumLevel.Information() .Enrich.With(new ExceptionMessageEnricher()) .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{ExceptionMessage}{NewLine}") .CreateLogger(); LogManager.Use <SerilogFactory>(); Console.Title = "Frontend"; var endpointUri = "https://localhost:8081"; //TODO: Update key var primaryKey = "C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="; var cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(endpointUri, primaryKey); var repository = new ShoppingCartRepository(cosmosClient, "Ex14"); var tokenStore = new TokenStore(cosmosClient, "Ex14"); await repository.Initialize(); await tokenStore.Initialize(); var config = new EndpointConfiguration("Frontend"); config.Pipeline.Register(new DuplicateMessagesBehavior(), "Duplicates outgoing messages"); config.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); var routing = config.UseTransport <LearningTransport>().Routing(); routing.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(SubmitOrder).Assembly, "Orders"); config.Pipeline.Register(b => new OutboxBehavior <ShoppingCart>(repository, b.Build <IDispatchMessages>(), tokenStore, m => { if (m is SendSubmitOrder sendSubmit) { return(sendSubmit.OrderId); } return(null); }), "Deduplicates incoming messages"); config.EnableInstallers(); var endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(config).ConfigureAwait(false); var appServices = new ApplicationServices(repository, endpoint); Console.WriteLine("'create <order-id>' to create a new order."); Console.WriteLine("'submit <order-id>' to submit an order."); Console.WriteLine($"'add ({string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(Filling)))}) to <order-id>' to add item with selected filling."); while (true) { var command = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { break; } var match = submitExpr.Match(command); if (match.Success) { var orderId = match.Groups[1].Value; await appServices.SubmitOrder(orderId); continue; } match = createExpr.Match(command); if (match.Success) { var orderId = match.Groups[1].Value; await appServices.CreateOrder(orderId); continue; } match = addExpr.Match(command); if (match.Success) { var filling = match.Groups[1].Value; var orderId = match.Groups[2].Value; await appServices.AddItem(orderId, (Filling)Enum.Parse(typeof(Filling), filling)); continue; } match = removeExpr.Match(command); if (match.Success) { var filling = match.Groups[1].Value; var orderId = match.Groups[2].Value; await appServices.RemoveItem(orderId, (Filling)Enum.Parse(typeof(Filling), filling)); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command."); } await endpoint.Stop().ConfigureAwait(false); }
private static void GetRequiredServices() { s_bookChaptersService = ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IBookChaptersService>(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationServices"></param> /// <param name="sampleService"></param> public TestsController(ApplicationServices applicationServices, ISampleService sampleService) : base(applicationServices) { _sampleService = sampleService; }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApplicationServices.RegisterCssLinks(Page); }
public static void RegisterFrameworkSettings(Page p) { if (!(p.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TargetFramework"))) { p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TargetFramework", string.Format("var __targetFramework=\"4.6\",__tf=4.0,__servicePath=\"{0}\",__baseUrl=\"{1}\";", p.ResolveUrl(AquariumExtenderBase.DefaultServicePath), p.ResolveUrl("~")), true); p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TouchUI", (("var __settings=" + ApplicationServices.Create().UserSettings(p).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)) + ";"), true); } }
public static void RegisterFrameworkSettings(Page p) { if (!(p.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TargetFramework"))) { string designerPort = ApplicationServices.DesignerPort; if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(designerPort)) && !(Controller.UserIsInRole(ApplicationServices.SiteContentDevelopers))) { designerPort = String.Empty; } p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TargetFramework", String.Format("var __targetFramework=\"4.6\",__tf=4.01,__servicePath=\"{0}\",__baseUrl=\"{1}\",__desig" + "nerPort=\"{2}\";", p.ResolveClientUrl(AquariumExtenderBase.DefaultServicePath), p.ResolveClientUrl("~"), designerPort), true); p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(AquariumExtenderBase), "TouchUI", (("var __settings=" + ApplicationServices.Create().UserSettings(p).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)) + ";"), true); } }
public void Cleanup() { ApplicationServices.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UpdateCheckResult"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="asyncState"> /// The async state. /// </param> /// <param name="info"> /// The info. /// </param> public UpdateCheckResult(object asyncState, ApplicationServices.Model.General.UpdateCheckInformation info) { this.AsyncState = asyncState; this.Result = info; }
public CartController(ApplicationServices appServices) { this.appServices = appServices; }