예제 #1
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            // Setup logging
            Logger logger = ApplicationLog.CreateLogger <Startup>();

            logger.Info("Initializing service");

            // Build an IConfiguration instance using the ConfigurationBuilder as normal
            Dictionary <string, string> collection = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "key1", "value1" }, { "key2", "value2" }
            var config1 = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddInMemoryCollection(collection).Build();
            var config3 = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("Config.json").Build();

            // AppConfig is a static class that groups together instances of IConfiguration and makes them available statically anywhere in the application
            AppConfig.AddConfigurationObject(config1, "memorySource");
            AppConfig.AddConfigurationObject(config3, "jsonSource");

            // The above configuration sources can now be referenced easily with a static helper function
            Console.WriteLine("key1 key in memorySource: " + AppConfig.Get("memorySource", "key1"));
            Console.WriteLine("config:setting key in jsonSource: " + AppConfig.Get("jsonSource", "config:setting"));

            // Runtime configuration can be updated easily as well
            AppConfig.Set("jsonSource", "config:setting", "http://localhost:5001");
            Console.WriteLine("Modified config:setting key in jsonSource: " + AppConfig.Get("jsonSource", "config:setting"));

            // Redis health check (Requires StackExchange.Redis)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("Redis", () => RedisHealthCheck.CheckHealth("localhost"));
            // PostgreSQL health check (Requires Npgsql)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("Postgresql", () => PostgresqlHealthCheck.CheckHealth("Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=postgres"));
            // SQL Server health check (Requires System.Data.SqlClient)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("SqlServer", () => SqlServerCheck.CheckHealth("Server=localhost;Database=master;User Id=sa;Password=password; "));
            // HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("mongodb", () => MongoHealthCheck.CheckHealth("mongodb://localhost:27017"));

             *   Health checks are simply functions that return either healthy or unhealthy with an optional message string
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("MyCustomMonitor", () => HealthResponse.Healthy("Test Message"));
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("MyCustomMonitor2", () => HealthResponse.Healthy("Test Message2"));
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("SampleOperation", () => SampleHealthCheckOperation());

            // Activate the info endpoint

            // Activate the environment endpoint

            // Activate the health endpoint
예제 #2
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
            // Add logging
            Logger logger = ApplicationLog.CreateLogger <Startup>();

            logger.Info("Initializing service");

            // Build an IConfiguration instance using the ConfigurationBuilder as normal
            Dictionary <string, string> collection = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "key1", "value1" }, { "key2", "value2" }
            var config1 = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddInMemoryCollection(collection).Build();
            var config2 = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(_env.ContentRootPath).AddIniFile("hosting.ini").Build();
            var config3 = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(_env.ContentRootPath).AddJsonFile("config.json").Build();

            // AppConfig is a static class that groups together instances of IConfiguration and makes them available statically anywhere in the application
            AppConfig.AddConfigurationObject(config1, "memorySource");
            AppConfig.AddConfigurationObject(config2, "iniSource");
            AppConfig.AddConfigurationObject(config3, "jsonSource");

            // The above configuration sources can now be referenced easily with a static helper function
            Console.WriteLine("key1 key in memorySource: " + AppConfig.Get("memorySource", "key1"));
            Console.WriteLine("server.urls key in iniSource: " + AppConfig.Get("iniSource", "server.urls"));

            // Runtime configuration can be updated easily as well
            AppConfig.Set("iniSource", "server.urls", "http://localhost:5001");
            Console.WriteLine("Modified server.urls key in iniSource: " + AppConfig.Get("iniSource", "server.urls"));

             *   Health checks are simply functions that return either healthy or unhealthy with an optional message string
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("MyCustomMonitor", () => HealthResponse.Healthy("Test Message"));
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("MyCustomMonitor2", () => HealthResponse.Healthy("Test Message2"));
            HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("SampleOperation", () => SampleHealthCheckOperation());

             *   Some bundled health checks that can be used
            // Redis health check (Requires StackExchange.Redis)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("Redis", () => RedisHealthCheck.CheckHealth("localhost"));
            // PostgreSQL health check (Requires Npgsql)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("Postgresql", () => PostgresqlHealthCheck.CheckHealth("Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=postgres"));
            // SQL Server health check (Requires System.Data.SqlClient)
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("SqlServer", () => SqlServerCheck.CheckHealth("Server=localhost;Database=master;User Id=sa;Password=password; "));
            // RavenDB health check
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("ravendb", () => RavenDbHealthCheck.CheckHealth("Url=;DefaultDatabase=<system>"));
            // MongoDB health check
            //HealthCheckRegistry.RegisterHealthCheck("mongodb", () => MongoHealthCheck.CheckHealth("mongodb://localhost:27017"));

             *  Uncomment the below line to only allow access to the actuator endpoints from localhost
             *  Allowed patterns are:
             *  1. CIDR range: "", "fe80::/10"
             *  2. Single address: "", ":;1"
             *  3. Begin end range: ""
             *  4. Bit mask range: ""
             *  NOTE: Currently this feature is not supported under Kestrel self-host as it does not set the client's IP address in HttpContext

            //MicroserviceBootstrap.AllowedIpAddresses = IpAddressRange.Parse("");

            // Activate /health endpoint

             * Activate /env endpoint
             * The ApplicationConfiguration element of the env endpoint will only contain data if the AppConfig helper class is
             * used to manage application configuration

             *   The compiler directive below is only required if you plan to target .NET core as well as the full CLR
             *   If you don't target dnxcore50 in your project.json you can remove the below #if and just call UseInfoEndpoint()
             *   without any parameters

            // Activate /info endpoint
            // Required for .NET Core until the relevant APIs are added