private void toolStripMenuItemAddStage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string assemblyName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Stage.dll"); IEntry instance = ApplicationDispatcher.GetInstance(assemblyName, new String[] { "" }); Form objForm = instance.GetSearchDialog(null); if (objForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var objForm1 = objForm as frmBase; if (objForm1 != null) { foreach (DataGridViewRow item in objForm1.SelectedRows()) { StageAllocationCalcEntity entity = new StageAllocationCalcEntity(); entity.StageCode = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["stageCodeColumn"].Value); entity.StageName = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["stageNameColumn"].Value); entity.Percent = ConvertUtil.ToDouble(item.Cells["percentColumn"].Value); entity.Worth = stageCalcTabControl1.Worth * entity.Percent / 100; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.StageCode)) { this.stageCalcTabControl1.AddCalcControl(entity); break; } } } } }
private void MenuItemChanged() { UserMenuItem menuItem = Core.CoreData[CoreDataType.MenuItemSelected] as UserMenuItem; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuItem.Shell)) { List <DockContent> contents = null; if (!_openedContents.ContainsKey(menuItem.Shell)) { //if not exists string assemblyName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, menuItem.Shell); IEntry instance = ApplicationDispatcher.GetInstance(assemblyName, new String[] { "" }); contents = instance.GetContents(null); _openedContents.Add(menuItem.Shell, contents); } if (_openedContents.ContainsKey(menuItem.Shell)) { //if exists contents = _openedContents[menuItem.Shell]; } if (contents != null) { foreach (var item in contents) { item.Show(this.dockPanel); } } } }
private void btnProjectLeader2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string assemblyName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Worker.dll"); IEntry instance = ApplicationDispatcher.GetInstance(assemblyName, new String[] { "" }); Form objForm = instance.GetSearchDialog(null); if (objForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var objForm1 = objForm as frmBase; if (objForm1 != null) { foreach (DataGridViewRow item in objForm1.SelectedRows()) { WorkerEntity entity = new WorkerEntity(); entity.WorkerCode = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["workerCodeColumn"].Value); entity.WorkerName = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["workerNameColumn"].Value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.WorkerCode)) { this.txtProjectLeader2.Text = entity.WorkerName; this.txtProjectLeader2.Tag = entity.WorkerCode; break; } } } } }
public ProductApplicationService(ISelectInvoiceService selectInvoiceService, IConfidentialInvoiceService confidentialInvoiceWebService, IBusinessLoansService businessLoansService) { _dispatcher = new ApplicationDispatcher(selectInvoiceService, confidentialInvoiceWebService, businessLoansService); }
public void WhenAddInvoke_ShouldExecuteImmediately() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.Invoke(actionTester.TestAction); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void GivenException_WhenInvoke_ShouldLogInnerException() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTesterWithException(); Action act = () => testee.Invoke(actionTester.TestAction); act.ShouldThrow <Exception>().Where(e => e.Message.Contains("originExceptionTest")); }
public void AddBinding <TSource>(BindingList <TSource> source) where TSource : IMenuOption { source.ListChanged += (object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e) => ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(() => BindingChanged(e, source)); var menuItems = source.Select(MapToItem).ToArray(); this.DropDownItems.AddRange(menuItems); }
public void WhenAddNegativeDelayedAction_ShouldExecuteImmediately() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.AddDelayedAction(-10, actionTester.TestAction); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
private void SetTimeout(TimeSpan delay, Action action) { _timer?.Stop(); _timer = new System.Timers.Timer { AutoReset = false, Interval = delay.TotalMilliseconds }; _timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => ApplicationDispatcher.BeginInvoke(action); _timer.Start(); }
public void WhenAddNestedAction_ShouldWork() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, () => testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction)); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeFalse(); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void WhenAddMultipleActionsWithRemainingPolls_ShouldExecuteInRightOrder() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new OrderedActionTester(); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction2); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction1); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.FirstCalledAction.Should().Be(2, "TestAction2 was added first"); }
public void WhenAddActions_ShouldExecuteInRightOrder() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new OrderedActionTester(); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction2); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction1); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.FirstCalledAction.Should().Be(2); }
private void DoButton3Proc() { try { ApplicationDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => OutputText.Value = "Action 3 background."); // continue the long operation asynchronous. Thread.Sleep(5000); } finally { BusyManager.Instance.EndAsync(Button3Action); ApplicationDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => OutputText.Value = "Action 3 done."); } }
public void GivenSimpleAction_WhenInvokedTwice_ShouldExecuteJustOnce() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var parallelActions = (from exec in Enumerable.Range(0, 100) let at = new CountActionTester() select new { Tester = at, Action = (Action)(() => testee.Invoke(at.TestAction)) }).ToArray(); Parallel.Invoke(parallelActions.Select(a => a.Action).ToArray()); parallelActions.Any(a => a.Tester.ActionCalled != 1).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void TestActionWithArguments() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); object receivedArgument = null; testee.Invoke(x => receivedArgument = x, "test"); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); var receivedString = receivedArgument as string; receivedString.Should().Be("test"); }
public void WhenAddActionWithRemainingPolls_ShouldExecuteOnRightPollCount() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(2, actionTester.TestAction); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeFalse(); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void NotifyCollectionChanged() { //OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); if (_lastDispatcherOperation != null) { //Pending: The operation is pending and is still in the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher queue. if (_lastDispatcherOperation.Status == DispatcherOperationStatus.Pending) { return; } } _lastDispatcherOperation = ApplicationDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, OnCollectionChanged, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); }
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler == null) { return; } ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(() => handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) ); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); ApplicationDispatcher.Configure(); Startup(new ExecutionParameters(args)); var navigator = IoCConfig.Container.GetInstance <IViewNavigator>(); var mainView = navigator.Get <MainViewModel>() as Form; Application.Run(mainView); Log.CloseAndFlush(); }
public void WhenClearActions_ShouldExecuteNothing() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.AddDelayedAction(5, actionTester.TestAction); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, actionTester.TestAction); testee.CancellAll(); Thread.Sleep(25); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void WhenAddMixedActions_AfterPoll_ShouldExecuteAll() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var action1 = new ActionTester(); var action2 = new ActionTester(); testee.AddDelayedAction(-1, action1.TestAction); testee.AddActionAfterPolls(1, action2.TestAction); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); action1.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); action2.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void WhenAddDelayedAction_ShouldExecuteDelayed() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var actionTester = new ActionTester(); testee.AddDelayedAction(20, actionTester.TestAction); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeFalse(); Thread.Sleep(25); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); actionTester.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
//Helper method that executes the Pressed or Released event for a button on the UI thread. private void ExecuteButtonChangedEvent(ControllerButtons button, bool isPressed) { ButtonEventArgs eventArgs = new ButtonEventArgs() { AffectedButton = button }; if (isPressed && ButtonPressed != null) { ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { ButtonPressed(this, eventArgs); }); } else if (!isPressed && ButtonReleased != null) { ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { ButtonReleased(this, eventArgs); }); } }
public void WhenAddMultipleActionsWithDifferentDelays_ShouldExecuteInRightOrder() { var testee = new ApplicationDispatcher(); var action1 = new ActionTester(); var action2 = new ActionTester(); testee.AddDelayedAction(-1, action1.TestAction); testee.AddDelayedAction(5, action2.TestAction); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); action1.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); action2.WasCalled.Should().BeFalse(); Thread.Sleep(25); testee.ExecuteInvokes(); action2.WasCalled.Should().BeTrue(); }
public async Task Load() { try { this.Loading = true; var users = await _roleRepository.GetAll(); var mappedRoles = users.Select(_mapper.Map <RoleListItemDto>).ToList(); ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(() => Roles.AddRange(mappedRoles)); } catch (Exception ex) { _messageDialog.ShowError(title: General.ErrorLoadingRolesTitle, message: ex.Message); } finally { this.Loading = false; } }
public SscOperations(ISsmsOperations ssmsOperations, ApplicationDispatcher dispatcher, ICredentialsManager credentialsManager, IDialogController dialogController, SscEndpoints sscEndpoints, IFavoriteScriptsStore favoriteStore) { m_SsmsOperations = ssmsOperations; m_Dispatcher = dispatcher; m_CredentialsManager = credentialsManager; m_DialogController = dialogController; m_SscEndpoints = sscEndpoints; m_FavoriteStore = favoriteStore; #if DEBUG //Trust all SSL issues when debugging. Obviously this is terrible as we are now susceptible to MITM attacks. ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true); #endif }
internal static ApplicationDispatcher GetApplicationDispatcher([NotNull] Dispatcher dispatcher) { if (dispatcher == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatcher)); } IDispatcher wrapper; if (s_Map.TryGetValue(dispatcher, out wrapper)) { if (wrapper is ApplicationDispatcher) { return((ApplicationDispatcher)wrapper); } s_Map.Remove(dispatcher); //remove the existing wrapper, to create an ApplicationDispatcher } wrapper = new ApplicationDispatcher(dispatcher); s_Map.Add(dispatcher, wrapper); return((ApplicationDispatcher)wrapper); }
private void btnProject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string assemblyName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Project.dll"); IEntry instance = ApplicationDispatcher.GetInstance(assemblyName, new String[] { "" }); Form objForm = instance.GetSearchDialog(null); if (objForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var objForm1 = objForm as frmBase; if (objForm1 != null) { foreach (DataGridViewRow item in objForm1.SelectedRows()) { ProjectEntity entity = new ProjectEntity(); entity.ProjectCode = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["projectCodeColumn"].Value); entity.ProjectName = ConvertUtil.ToString(item.Cells["projectNameColumn"].Value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ProjectCode)) { this.txtProjectName.Text = entity.ProjectName; this.txtProjectName.Tag = entity.ProjectCode; // 查询该项目的计算产值记录 ProjectAllocationCalcManager manager = new ProjectAllocationCalcManager(); ProjectAllocationCalcEntity projectAllocationCalcEntity = manager.GetProjectAllocationCalcEntity(OnProgressChanged, entity.ProjectCode); // 如果没有找到的话 if (projectAllocationCalcEntity == null) { projectAllocationCalcEntity = new ProjectAllocationCalcEntity(); projectAllocationCalcEntity.ProjectCode = entity.ProjectCode; projectAllocationCalcEntity.ProjectName = entity.ProjectName; projectAllocationCalcEntity.Worth = 0.0; } this.ProjectAllocationCalcEntity = projectAllocationCalcEntity; break; } } } } }
public static void ContinueWithUIDispatcher(this Task task, Action<Task> continuationAction) { task.ContinueWith(task1 => { ApplicationDispatcher.BeginInvoke(continuationAction, task1); }); }
//The entry point to the thread that listens for changes in Xbox controllers attached to the computer. private void ControllerListenerThread() { //Stores the previous state of the gamepad for comparison against the new state. GamePadState lastState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); //A dictionary of each controller button and whether or not it has changed to pressed or released. Dictionary <ControllerButtons, bool?> buttonStates = new Dictionary <ControllerButtons, bool?>(); // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedVariable Timer disconnectTimer = null; ConnectionState connState; if (lastState.IsConnected) { connState = ConnectionState.Connected; } else { connState = ConnectionState.InitDisconnect; } //While this separate worker thread is running... while (IsListeningThreadRunning) { //Sleep for whatever listener sleep delay is so the UI thread isn't flooded with events. Thread.Sleep(_listenerSleepDelay); //Get the current gamepad state. GamePadState currentState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); //Detect if the controller has been disconnected or was never connected since the listening thread //was started. This can save some troubleshooting headaches. switch (connState) { case ConnectionState.Connected: //Controller is connected since the last call to get state. Make sure it is still connected. if (!currentState.IsConnected) { //Controller seems to have been disconnected. connState = ConnectionState.InitDisconnect; //Instantiate the disconnect timer. If more than 5 seconds passes since the controller was //disconnected, the ControllerDisconnected event will be fired. disconnectTimer = new Timer(delegate { //Execution here means 5 seconds have passed. If connState is still set to disconnected, //the controller wasn't found in 5 seconds. // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure if (connState == ConnectionState.InitDisconnect && ControllerDisconnected != null) { connState = ConnectionState.FullDisconnect; ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke( delegate { ControllerDisconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); }); } //After the timer executes, set its value back to null. disconnectTimer = null; }, null, 2000, Timeout.Infinite); } break; case ConnectionState.InitDisconnect: //The controller was disconnected since the last call to get state, and a timer thread has been //initiated. Check if the controller has been found since then. if (currentState.IsConnected) { //The controller was found again. Change connection state to connected so when the timer //finishes, it won't fire the ControllerDisconnected event. Also note that I won't fire //the ControllerReconnected event because the 5 seconds of disconnection did not pass. This //is so clients are not alerted of a disconnect that was really just a small "hiccup" in //the connection. connState = ConnectionState.Connected; } //Controller has still not been found. Sleep again. continue; case ConnectionState.FullDisconnect: //The controller was fully disconnected, and the ControllerDisconnected event was fired. Just //keep checking for reconnection infinitely. if (currentState.IsConnected) { //Controller reconnected. connState = ConnectionState.Connected; //Fire the ControllerReconnected event. if (ControllerReconnected != null) { ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke( delegate { ControllerReconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); }); } } else { continue; //Sleep again. } break; } //Check if the actual state of the controller has changed since the last call to GetState. If it hasn't //changed, make the thread sleep again. Additionally, if the controller isn't connected, just sleep. if (currentState.PacketNumber == lastState.PacketNumber) { continue; } //Store the current pressed, released or no change values of each button in the dictionary. This helps //reduce the amount of repetitive, copy pasted code. buttonStates[ControllerButtons.A] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.A, currentState.Buttons.A); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.B] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.B, currentState.Buttons.B); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.X] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.X, currentState.Buttons.X); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.Y] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.Y, currentState.Buttons.Y); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.Start] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.Start, currentState.Buttons.Start); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.Back] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.Back, currentState.Buttons.Back); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.RightShoulder] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.RightShoulder, currentState.Buttons.RightShoulder); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.LeftShoulder] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.LeftShoulder, currentState.Buttons.LeftShoulder); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.Guide] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.Guide, currentState.Buttons.Guide); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.RightStick] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.RightStick, currentState.Buttons.RightStick); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.LeftStick] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.Buttons.LeftStick, currentState.Buttons.LeftStick); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.DPadUp] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.DPad.Up, currentState.DPad.Up); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.DPadDown] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.DPad.Down, currentState.DPad.Down); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.DPadLeft] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.DPad.Left, currentState.DPad.Left); buttonStates[ControllerButtons.DPadRight] = CompareButtonStates(lastState.DPad.Right, currentState.DPad.Right); //Loop through the dictionary calling the button pressed or released events as necessary for buttons. foreach (var keyValPair in buttonStates) { //A value of true for the keyValPair means the button is pressed, false means it has been released, //and null means there has been no change. if (keyValPair.Value != null) { ExecuteButtonChangedEvent(keyValPair.Key, (bool)keyValPair.Value); } } //Note that all deadzone and threshold calculations have been taken care of by the the XInput library //being used by our project. var prevLeftThumb = lastState.ThumbSticks.Left; var prevRightThumb = lastState.ThumbSticks.Right; var curLeftThumb = currentState.ThumbSticks.Left; var curRightThumb = currentState.ThumbSticks.Right; //Range change calculations from //Is the new left thumbstick value outside of the deadzone? //Has the left thumbstick moved? if (Math.Abs(curLeftThumb.X - prevLeftThumb.X) > float.Epsilon || Math.Abs(curLeftThumb.Y - prevLeftThumb.Y) > float.Epsilon) { if (ThumbstickMoved != null) { ThumbAxisEventArgs args = new ThumbAxisEventArgs(); //Change the thumbstick ranges from [-1, 1] to [-100, 100] args.XValue = (((curLeftThumb.X - ThumbstickStandardRangeMin) * Thumbstick100Range) / ThumbstickStandardRange) + Thumbstick100RangeMin; args.YValue = (((curLeftThumb.Y - ThumbstickStandardRangeMin) * Thumbstick100Range) / ThumbstickStandardRange) + Thumbstick100RangeMin; args.Side = ControllerSide.Left; ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { ThumbstickMoved(this, args); }); } } //Has the right thumbstick moved? if (Math.Abs(curRightThumb.X - prevRightThumb.X) > float.Epsilon || Math.Abs(curRightThumb.Y - prevRightThumb.Y) > float.Epsilon) { if (ThumbstickMoved != null) { ThumbAxisEventArgs args = new ThumbAxisEventArgs(); //Change the thumbstick ranges from [-1, 1] to [-100, 100] args.XValue = (((curRightThumb.X - ThumbstickStandardRangeMin) * Thumbstick100Range) / ThumbstickStandardRange) + Thumbstick100RangeMin; args.YValue = (((curRightThumb.Y - ThumbstickStandardRangeMin) * Thumbstick100Range) / ThumbstickStandardRange) + Thumbstick100RangeMin; args.Side = ControllerSide.Right; ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { ThumbstickMoved(this, args); }); } } //Has the left trigger changed? if (Math.Abs(currentState.Triggers.Left - lastState.Triggers.Left) > float.Epsilon) { if (TriggerMoved != null) { TriggerAxisEventArgs args = new TriggerAxisEventArgs(); //Change the trigger range from [0, 1] to [0, 100]. args.Side = ControllerSide.Left; args.ZValue = (((currentState.Triggers.Left - TriggerStandardRangeMin) * Trigger100Range) / TriggerStandardRange) + Trigger100RangeMin; ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { TriggerMoved(this, args); }); } } //Has the right trigger changed? if (Math.Abs(currentState.Triggers.Right - lastState.Triggers.Right) > float.Epsilon) { if (TriggerMoved != null) { TriggerAxisEventArgs args = new TriggerAxisEventArgs(); //Change the trigger range from [0, 1] to [0, 100]. args.Side = ControllerSide.Right; args.ZValue = (((currentState.Triggers.Right - TriggerStandardRangeMin) * Trigger100Range) / TriggerStandardRange) + Trigger100RangeMin; ApplicationDispatcher.Invoke(delegate { TriggerMoved(this, args); }); } } lastState = currentState; } }
public DialogController(ApplicationDispatcher applicationDispatcher) { m_ApplicationDispatcher = applicationDispatcher; }