예제 #1
 private AppendPrependNIterator(AppendPrependNIterator <TSource> source)
     _source         = source._source;
     _prepended      = source._prepended;
     _appended       = source._appended;
     _prependedCount = source._prependedCount;
     _appendedCount  = source._appendedCount;
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// This method may look like a bit of magic is going on, so I'll explain it here
            /// If we append an item to an <see cref = "AppendPrependNIterator{TSource}"/> we just add an item to the end of the <see cref = "_appended"/> list of the original iterator, and increases its personal <see cref = "_appendedCount"/> by 1.
            /// However, if the <see cref = "AppendPrependNIterator{TSource}"/> already has an item appended to the end of its <see cref = "_appended"/> list, we cannot do that.
            /// Instead we have a choice:
            /// 1. We can copy the <see cref = "_appended"/> list, excluding the extra appended items.
            /// 2. We can treat the iterator like any other list, and set it as the <see cref = "_source"/>
            /// Both have costs.
            /// The first has a cost proportional to the <see cref = "_appendedCount"/>.
            /// The second increases the level of recursion when indexing into the list by one, and so when iterating through the list has a cost proportional to the total length of the existing iterator
            /// The total cost can be minimized by taking the first option when the list is small, but the second when the list is large.
            /// How big is small and large?
            /// A little bit of calculus tells us that in the worst case scenario, the length that a list has to be before we copy it should be proportional to the square root of the total length of the iterator.
            /// What is that proportion?
            /// A little bit of preliminary testing suggests it to be around the 10 - 15 region, leaning towards 15. Hopefully I'll benchmark it more thoroughly in the future. This is the <see cref = "recursionCostMultiplier"/>
            /// Everything above applies to prepending as well of course
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="source"></param>
            /// <param name="item"></param>
            /// <param name="append"></param>
            private AppendPrependNIterator(AppendPrependNIterator <TSource> source, TSource item, bool append)
                const int recursionCostMultiplier = 15;

                _source = source._source;
                if (append)
                    if (source._appended.Count > source._appendedCount && source._appendedCount > Math.Sqrt(source._source.Count) * recursionCostMultiplier)
                        _source   = source;
                        _appended = new List <TSource>(1)
                        _prepended      = new List <TSource>();
                        _appendedCount  = 1;
                        _prependedCount = 0;
                        _appended = source._appended.Count > source._appendedCount
                                                        ? source._appended.GetRange(0, source._appendedCount)
                                                        : source._appended;
                        _prepended      = source._prepended;
                        _prependedCount = source._prependedCount;
                        _appendedCount  = source._appendedCount + 1;
                    if (source._prepended.Count > source._prependedCount && source._prependedCount > Math.Sqrt(source._source.Count) * recursionCostMultiplier)
                        _source    = source;
                        _appended  = new List <TSource>();
                        _prepended = new List <TSource>(1)
                        _appendedCount  = 0;
                        _prependedCount = 1;
                        _appended  = source._appended;
                        _prepended = source._prepended.Count > source._prependedCount
                                                        ? source._prepended.GetRange(0, source._prependedCount)
                                                        : source._prepended;
                        _prependedCount = source._prependedCount + 1;
                        _appendedCount  = source._appendedCount;