public override byte[] PerformEncryption(string appSkey) { byte[] pt; if (!CfList.Span.IsEmpty) { pt = AppNonce.ToArray().Concat(NetID.ToArray()).Concat(DevAddr.ToArray()).Concat(DlSettings.ToArray()).Concat(RxDelay.ToArray()).Concat(CfList.ToArray()).Concat(Mic.ToArray()).ToArray(); } else { pt = AppNonce.ToArray().Concat(NetID.ToArray()).Concat(DevAddr.ToArray()).Concat(DlSettings.ToArray()).Concat(RxDelay.ToArray()).Concat(Mic.ToArray()).ToArray(); } Aes aes = new AesManaged(); aes.Key = ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(appSkey); aes.IV = new byte[16]; aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None; ICryptoTransform cipher; cipher = aes.CreateDecryptor(); var encryptedPayload = cipher.TransformFinalBlock(pt, 0, pt.Length); RawMessage = new byte[encryptedPayload.Length]; Array.Copy(encryptedPayload, 0, RawMessage, 0, encryptedPayload.Length); return(encryptedPayload); }
// don't work with CFLIST atm private static byte[] CalculateKey(SessionKeyType type, AppNonce appNonce, NetId netId, DevNonce devNonce, AppKey appKey) { using var aes = Aes.Create("AesManaged"); var rawAppKey = new byte[AppKey.Size]; _ = appKey.Write(rawAppKey); aes.Key = rawAppKey; #pragma warning disable CA5358 // Review cipher mode usage with cryptography experts // Cipher is part of the LoRaWAN specification aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; #pragma warning restore CA5358 // Review cipher mode usage with cryptography experts aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None; var buffer = new byte[1 + AppNonce.Size + NetId.Size + DevNonce.Size + 7]; var pt = buffer.AsSpan(); Debug.Assert(pt.Length == 16); pt[0] = unchecked ((byte)type); pt = pt[1..];
internal async Task ProcessJoinRequestAsync(LoRaRequest request) { LoRaDevice loRaDevice = null; var loraRegion = request.Region; try { var timeWatcher = request.GetTimeWatcher(); var processingTimeout = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToJoinAcceptSecondWindow() - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); using var joinAcceptCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(processingTimeout > TimeSpan.Zero ? processingTimeout : TimeSpan.Zero); var joinReq = (LoRaPayloadJoinRequest)request.Payload; var devEui = joinReq.DevEUI; using var scope = this.logger.BeginDeviceScope(devEui); this.logger.LogInformation("join request received"); if (this.concentratorDeduplication.CheckDuplicateJoin(request) is ConcentratorDeduplicationResult.Duplicate) { request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.DeduplicationDrop); // we do not log here as the concentratorDeduplication service already does more detailed logging return; } loRaDevice = await this.deviceRegistry.GetDeviceForJoinRequestAsync(devEui, joinReq.DevNonce); if (loRaDevice == null) { request.NotifyFailed(devEui.ToString(), LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.UnknownDevice); // we do not log here as we assume that the deviceRegistry does a more informed logging if returning null return; } if (loRaDevice.AppKey is null) { this.logger.LogError("join refused: missing AppKey for OTAA device"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidJoinRequest); return; } var appKey = loRaDevice.AppKey.Value; this.joinRequestCounter?.Add(1); if (loRaDevice.AppEui != joinReq.AppEui) { this.logger.LogError("join refused: AppEUI for OTAA does not match device"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidJoinRequest); return; } if (!joinReq.CheckMic(appKey)) { this.logger.LogError("join refused: invalid MIC"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.JoinMicCheckFailed); return; } // Make sure that is a new request and not a replay if (loRaDevice.DevNonce is { } devNonce&& devNonce == joinReq.DevNonce) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.GatewayID)) { this.logger.LogInformation("join refused: join already processed by another gateway"); } else { this.logger.LogError("join refused: DevNonce already used by this device"); } request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.JoinDevNonceAlreadyUsed); return; } // Check that the device is joining through the linked gateway and not another if (!loRaDevice.IsOurDevice) { this.logger.LogInformation("join refused: trying to join not through its linked gateway, ignoring join request"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.HandledByAnotherGateway); return; } var netId = this.configuration.NetId; var appNonce = new AppNonce(RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(toExclusive: AppNonce.MaxValue + 1)); var appSKey = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateAppSessionKey(appNonce, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKey); var nwkSKey = OTAAKeysGenerator.CalculateNetworkSessionKey(appNonce, netId, joinReq.DevNonce, appKey); var address = RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(toExclusive: DevAddr.MaxNetworkAddress + 1); // The 7 LBS of the NetID become the NwkID of a DevAddr: var devAddr = new DevAddr(unchecked ((byte)netId.NetworkId), address); var oldDevAddr = loRaDevice.DevAddr; if (!timeWatcher.InTimeForJoinAccept()) { this.receiveWindowMisses?.Add(1); // in this case it's too late, we need to break and avoid saving twins this.logger.LogInformation("join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.ReceiveWindowMissed); return; } var updatedProperties = new LoRaDeviceJoinUpdateProperties { DevAddr = devAddr, NwkSKey = nwkSKey, AppSKey = appSKey, AppNonce = appNonce, DevNonce = joinReq.DevNonce, NetId = netId, Region = request.Region.LoRaRegion, PreferredGatewayID = this.configuration.GatewayID, }; if (loRaDevice.ClassType == LoRaDeviceClassType.C) { updatedProperties.SavePreferredGateway = true; updatedProperties.SaveRegion = true; updatedProperties.StationEui = request.StationEui; } DeviceJoinInfo deviceJoinInfo = null; if (request.Region.LoRaRegion == LoRaRegionType.CN470RP2) { if (request.Region.TryGetJoinChannelIndex(request.RadioMetadata.Frequency, out var channelIndex)) { updatedProperties.CN470JoinChannel = channelIndex; deviceJoinInfo = new DeviceJoinInfo(channelIndex); } else { this.logger.LogError("failed to retrieve the join channel index for device"); } } var deviceUpdateSucceeded = await loRaDevice.UpdateAfterJoinAsync(updatedProperties, joinAcceptCancellationToken.Token); if (!deviceUpdateSucceeded) { this.logger.LogError("join refused: join request could not save twin"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.IoTHubProblem); return; } var windowToUse = timeWatcher.ResolveJoinAcceptWindowToUse(); if (windowToUse is null) { this.receiveWindowMisses?.Add(1); this.logger.LogInformation("join refused: processing of the join request took too long, sending no message"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.ReceiveWindowMissed); return; } this.deviceRegistry.UpdateDeviceAfterJoin(loRaDevice, oldDevAddr); // Build join accept downlink message // Build the DlSettings fields that is a superposition of RX2DR and RX1DROffset field var dlSettings = new byte[1]; if (loRaDevice.DesiredRX2DataRate.HasValue) { if (request.Region.DRtoConfiguration.ContainsKey(loRaDevice.DesiredRX2DataRate.Value)) { dlSettings[0] = (byte)((byte)loRaDevice.DesiredRX2DataRate & 0b00001111); } else { this.logger.LogError("twin RX2 DR value is not within acceptable values"); } } if (request.Region.IsValidRX1DROffset(loRaDevice.DesiredRX1DROffset)) { var rx1droffset = (byte)(loRaDevice.DesiredRX1DROffset << 4); dlSettings[0] = (byte)(dlSettings[0] + rx1droffset); } else { this.logger.LogError("twin RX1 offset DR value is not within acceptable values"); } // The following DesiredRxDelay is different than the RxDelay to be passed to Serialize function // This one is a delay between TX and RX for any message to be processed by joining device // The field accepted by Serialize method is an indication of the delay (compared to receive time of join request) // of when the message Join Accept message should be sent var loraSpecDesiredRxDelay = RxDelay.RxDelay0; if (Enum.IsDefined(loRaDevice.DesiredRXDelay)) { loraSpecDesiredRxDelay = loRaDevice.DesiredRXDelay; } else { this.logger.LogError("twin RX delay value is not within acceptable values"); } var loRaPayloadJoinAccept = new LoRaPayloadJoinAccept( netId, // NETID 0 / 1 is default test devAddr, // todo add device address management appNonce, dlSettings, loraSpecDesiredRxDelay, null); if (!loraRegion.TryGetDownstreamChannelFrequency(request.RadioMetadata.Frequency, upstreamDataRate: request.RadioMetadata.DataRate, deviceJoinInfo: deviceJoinInfo, downstreamFrequency: out var freq)) { this.logger.LogError("could not resolve DR and/or frequency for downstream"); request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, LoRaDeviceRequestFailedReason.InvalidUpstreamMessage); return; } var joinAcceptBytes = loRaPayloadJoinAccept.Serialize(appKey); var rx1 = windowToUse is not ReceiveWindow2 ? new ReceiveWindow(loraRegion.GetDownstreamDataRate(request.RadioMetadata.DataRate, loRaDevice.ReportedRX1DROffset), freq) : (ReceiveWindow?)null; var rx2 = new ReceiveWindow(loraRegion.GetDownstreamRX2DataRate(this.configuration.Rx2DataRate, null, deviceJoinInfo, this.logger), loraRegion.GetDownstreamRX2Freq(this.configuration.Rx2Frequency, deviceJoinInfo, this.logger)); var downlinkMessage = new DownlinkMessage(joinAcceptBytes, request.RadioMetadata.UpInfo.Xtime, rx1, rx2, loRaDevice.DevEUI, loraRegion.JoinAcceptDelay1, loRaDevice.ClassType, request.StationEui, request.RadioMetadata.UpInfo.AntennaPreference); this.receiveWindowHits?.Add(1, KeyValuePair.Create(MetricRegistry.ReceiveWindowTagName, (object)windowToUse)); _ = request.DownstreamMessageSender.SendDownstreamAsync(downlinkMessage); request.NotifySucceeded(loRaDevice, downlinkMessage); if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug)) { var jsonMsg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(downlinkMessage); this.logger.LogDebug($"{MacMessageType.JoinAccept} {jsonMsg}"); } else { this.logger.LogInformation("join accepted"); } } catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionFilterUtility.True(() => this.logger.LogError(ex, $"failed to handle join request. {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error), () => this.unhandledExceptionCount?.Add(1))) { request.NotifyFailed(loRaDevice, ex); throw; } }
public static AppSessionKey CalculateAppSessionKey(AppNonce appNonce, NetId netId, DevNonce devNonce, AppKey appKey) => AppSessionKey.Read(CalculateKey(SessionKeyType.Application, appNonce, netId, devNonce, appKey));
public static NetworkSessionKey CalculateNetworkSessionKey(AppNonce appNonce, NetId netId, DevNonce devNonce, AppKey appKey) => NetworkSessionKey.Read(CalculateKey(SessionKeyType.Network, appNonce, netId, devNonce, appKey));