private static bool ValidateRemoteSync(IAlbum album, string password) { IGallerySettings gallerySettings = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(album.GalleryId); if (!gallerySettings.EnableRemoteSync) { AppErrorController.LogEvent(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Cannot start synchronization: A web service request to start synchronizing album '{0}' (ID {1}) was received, but the gallery is currently configured to disallow remote synchronizations. This feature can be enabled on the Albums page in the Site admin area.", album.Title, album.Id), album.GalleryId); return(false); } if (!gallerySettings.RemoteAccessPassword.Equals(password)) { AppErrorController.LogEvent(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Cannot start synchronization: A web service request to start synchronizing album '{0}' (ID {1}) was received, but the specified password is incorrect.", album.Title, album.Id), album.GalleryId); return(false); } return(true); }