/// <summary> /// 记错误日志或异常日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="moduleID">模块编号</param> /// <param name="funcCode">权限代码</param> /// <param name="level">日志级别,3级(WARN,EROR,FATL)<</param> /// <param name="errCode">错误码,对于没有明确错误码的场合需要给一个系统级的通用错误码</param> /// <param name="ex">发生的异常</param> /// <param name="msg">错误信息</param> /// <param name="contextInfo">错误上下文</param> public void LogError(string moduleID, string funcCode, AppError level, string errCode, string ex, string msg, string contextInfo) { StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder(); logMessage.AppendFormat("Time={0}; LogLevel={1}; ModuleID={2}; FuncCode={3}; ErrorCode={4}; ", DateTime.Now, level, moduleID, funcCode, errCode); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextInfo)) { logMessage.AppendLine(); logMessage.AppendFormat("[ContextInfo]={0}", contextInfo); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { logMessage.AppendLine(); logMessage.AppendFormat("[Custom Message]={0}", msg); } if (ex != null) { logMessage.AppendLine(); logMessage.AppendLine(ex); //logMessage.AppendLine(string.Format("Exception={0}", ex)); } if (logerror.IsErrorEnabled) { logerror.Error(logMessage.ToString()); } }
public bool UpdateUser(AppUser user) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DbHelper.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("Administration.usp_AppUser_Update", con); com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", user.Id); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", user.FirstName); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastName", user.LastName); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", user.Email); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bio", user.Bio); try { con.Open(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { AppError er = new AppError() { UserId = user.Id, ExceptionMessage = e.Message }; Error.AppErrorRepo.InsertError(er); return(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// ErrorTypes: /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>msg: Error message</para> /// <para>ErrorType: 1- Exception : Exception in Code, 2- third Party, /// ErrorType: 2- Server : Server Error, /// ErrorType: 3- ThirdParty : Third Party like Email Sender API, /// ErrorType: 4- Other : Other Errors </para> /// <para>line: Error Line</para> /// </remarks> public async Task ErrorRegister(string msg, int statusCode = 0, string details = null, int errorTypeId = 4, string filePath = null, int errorLine = 0) { var fileP = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { fileP = $"File Path:{filePath}\n"; } if (errorLine != 0) { fileP = $"{fileP}in line: {errorLine}\n"; } var appError = new AppError { Message = msg, StatusCode = statusCode, ErrorTypeId = errorTypeId, Details = fileP + details, ErrorDate = DateTime.Now }; await _context.AppError.AddAsync(appError); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // add this code where errors need to register /************************* ADD Error In AppError Table ****************************/ //await _globalFunc.ErrorRegister(msg: "Some text to descript the error", // statusCode: 0, // errorTypeId: 2, /* the error type: 1: Exception, 2:Server, 3: third party, 4: Other */ // filePath: new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0).GetFileName(),/* Get File Name */ // errorLine: (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(0, true)).GetFileLineNumber()); /* Get Error Line */ /************************* END ADD Error In AppError Table ************************/ }
public string UpdatePassword(AppUser user, string newPassword) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DbHelper.ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("Administration.usp_AppUser_UpdatePassword", con); com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", user.Id); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@oldPassword", user.Password); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@newPassword", newPassword); try { con.Open(); var r = com.ExecuteReader(); if (r.Read()) { return(r["Message"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { AppError er = new AppError() { UserId = user.Id, ExceptionMessage = e.Message }; Error.AppErrorRepo.InsertError(er); } } return("Error while changing password!"); }
private void FillResultsGrid() { const string METHOD_NAME = "FillResultsGrid"; try { txtEditAction.Text = ""; txtEditClient.Text = ""; txtEditErrorCode.Text = ""; txtEditServer.Text = ""; txtEditUser.Text = ""; txtErrorText.Text = ""; string fromDate = txtFromDate.Text; string toDate = txtToDate.Text; string status = Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlStatus); List <ListAppErrorItem> errorFiles = AppError.AppErrorFileGet(status, Convert.ToDateTime(fromDate), Convert.ToDateTime(toDate)); grdResult.SelectedIndex = -1; if (errorFiles.Count > 0) { grdResult.DataSource = errorFiles; } else { grdResult.DataSource = null; } grdResult.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex); throw (wex); } }
protected void btnDeleteErrorFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string METHOD_NAME = "btnDeleteErrorFile_Click"; try { GridViewRow row = grdResult.SelectedRow; string path = row.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(ErrorResultColumn.errColPath)].Text; if (Common.CodeLib.IsNumeric(path)) { AppError.AppErrorFileDelete(Convert.ToInt32(path)); } else { File.Delete(path); } ClearEditValues(); FillResultsGrid(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex); ((PrimaryTemplate)Page.Master).ShowWarning(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 取得用户所有电站跨小时的功率图表 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="startYYYYMMDDHH"></param> /// <param name="endYYYYMMDDHH"></param> /// <param name="chartType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AllPlantDayChart(int userId, string startYYYYMMDDHH, string endYYYYMMDDHH, string chartType, string lan) { setlan(lan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } User user = UserService.GetInstance().Get(userId); //获得报表业务逻辑类 PlantChartService reportService = PlantChartService.GetInstance(); //获得报表js代码 int monitorCode = MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_POWER_CODE;//发电量测点 MonitorType Mt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(monitorCode); string unit = Mt.unit; string chartName = LanguageUtil.getDesc("CHART_DAY_POWER_CHART"); string reportData = string.Empty; if (user != null && user.plants != null) { Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = reportService.PlantDayChart(user.plants, chartName, startYYYYMMDDHH, endYYYYMMDDHH, chartType, unit, monitorCode, intervalTime); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.useridnoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_USER_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ICourseDataAccess da = new CourseRepository(); IAppError apperror = new AppError(); ICourseService serv = new CourseService(apperror, da); Course c = new Course(); c.CourseName = ""; serv.AddNewCourse(c); if (apperror.IsValid) { Console.WriteLine("Course Added"); } else { foreach (Error e in apperror.GetErrors()) { Console.WriteLine(e.ErrorDescription); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// 用户所有电站的年度发电量图表数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="chartType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AllPlantYearChart(int userId, string chartType, string lan) { setlan(lan); string reportData = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } User user = UserService.GetInstance().Get(userId); if (user != null && user.plants != null) { MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_ENERGY_CODE); string unit = energyMt.unit; Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = PlantChartService.GetInstance().YearChartBypList(user.plants, chartType, unit); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.useridnoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_USER_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
/// <summary> /// 电站的月天数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="pid"></param> /// <param name="startYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <param name="endYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <param name="chartType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult PlantMonthDayChart(int pid, string startYYYYMMDD, string endYYYYMMDD, string chartType, string lan) { setlan(lan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } Plant plant = PlantService.GetInstance().GetPlantInfoById(pid); string reportData = string.Empty; if (plant != null) { MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_ENERGY_CODE); string unit = energyMt.unit; Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = PlantChartService.GetInstance().MMDDChartBypList(new List <Plant> { plant }, startYYYYMMDD, endYYYYMMDD, chartType, unit); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.plantnoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_PLANT_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
/// <summary> /// 逆变器设备的月天数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="pid"></param> /// <param name="startYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <param name="endYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <param name="chartType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult DeviceMonthDayChart(int dId, string startYYYYMMDD, string endYYYYMMDD, string chartType, string lan) { setlan(lan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } Device device = DeviceService.GetInstance().get(dId); string reportData = string.Empty; if (device != null) { MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.MIC_INVERTER_TODAYENERGY); string unit = energyMt.unit; Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = DeviceChartService.GetInstance().MonthDDChartByDevice(device, 1.0F, string.Format(LanguageUtil.getDesc("DEVICEMONTHCHART_NAME"), device.fullName), startYYYYMMDD, endYYYYMMDD, chartType, unit); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.devicenoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_DEVICE_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
/// <summary> /// 取得某个设备跨小时的某测点图表 /// </summary> /// <param name="pid"></param> /// <param name="startYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <param name="endYYYYMMDD"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult MonitorDayChart(int dId, string startYYYYMMDDHH, string endYYYYMMDDHH, string chartType, int monitorCode, string lan) { setlan(lan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } Device device = DeviceService.GetInstance().get(dId); //获得报表js代码 MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(monitorCode); string unit = energyMt.unit; string chartName = device.fullName + " " + LanguageUtil.getDesc("CHART_DAY_CHART"); string reportData = string.Empty; if (device != null) { Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = DeviceChartService.GetInstance().DayChart(device, chartName, startYYYYMMDDHH, endYYYYMMDDHH, chartType, unit, monitorCode, intervalTime); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.devicenoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_DEVICE_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
/// <summary> /// 单个设备的年月发电量图表数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">用户id</param> /// <param name="startYM">开始年月</param> /// <param name="endYM">截止年月</param> /// <param name="chartType">图表类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult DeviceYearMMChart(int dId, string startYM, string endYM, string chartType, string lan) { setlan(lan); string reportData = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chartType)) { chartType = ChartType.column; } Device device = DeviceService.GetInstance().get(dId); if (device != null) { MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_ENERGY_CODE); string unit = energyMt.unit; //取得用户年度发电量图表数据 Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData chartData = DeviceChartService.GetInstance().YearMMChartByDevice(device, 1.0F, string.Format(LanguageUtil.getDesc("DEVICEYEAR_CHART_NAME"), device.fullName), startYM, endYM, chartType, unit); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(chartData, typeof(Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.ChartData)); } else { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.devicenoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_DEVICE_DONT_EXISTED); reportData = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } return(Content(reportData)); }
public async Task <BaseResponseModel> PartialEdit(int id, List <PatchModel> request) { BaseResponseModel response = new BaseResponseModel(); AppError appError = await Load(id, response); if (appError != null) { foreach (var item in request) { if (string.Compare(item.PropertyName, "solved", true) == 0) { appError.Solved = Convert.ToBoolean(item.Value); } else if (string.Compare(item.PropertyName, "deleted", true) == 0) { appError.Deleted = Convert.ToBoolean(item.Value); } } await Database.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Message = "App error was successfully edited!"; } return(response); }
private void Lv_ItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { var action = ((ListView)sender).SelectedItem; AppError appError = (AppError)action; this.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new AppErrorDetailPage(appError)); }
public async Task <BaseResponseModelPost> Create(AppErrorModel request) { BaseResponseModelPost response = new BaseResponseModelPost(); AppError appError = new AppError { Deleted = false, Exception = request.Exception ?? UNKNOWN, Function = request.Function ?? UNKNOWN, InnerException = request.InnerException ?? UNKNOWN, Message = request.Message ?? UNKNOWN, Module = request.Module ?? UNKNOWN, Solved = false, Time = request.Time ?? DateTime.Now, AppInfo = request.AppInfo ?? UNKNOWN }; await Database.AppError.AddAsync(appError); await Database.SaveChangesAsync(); response.Id = appError.Id; response.Message = "App error was successfully created!"; return(response); }
public void AddError(GameObject errorObject) { AppError appError = null; AppError appNewError = GetNewAppError(errorObject); int position = FindPositionOfGameObjectError(errorObject); if (position == -1) { appError = appNewError; errors.Add(appError); if (errors.Count == 1) { if (OnErrorChanged != null) { OnErrorChanged.Invoke(appError.errorName); } } } else { appError = errors[position]; bool updated = UpdateError(appError, appNewError); if (updated && position == 0) { if (OnErrorChanged != null) { OnErrorChanged.Invoke(appError.errorName); } } } Error = true; }
/// <summary> /// 取得电站详细信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="pid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Plantinfo(int pid, string lan) { setlan(lan); string data; Plant plant = PlantService.GetInstance().GetPlantInfoById(pid); if (plant == null) { AppError appError = new AppError(AppError.plantnoexist, Resources.SunResource.CHART_PLANT_DONT_EXISTED); data = JsonUtil.convertToJson(appError, typeof(AppError)); } else { User user = UserService.GetInstance().Get((int)plant.userID); MonitorType energyMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_ENERGY_CODE); MonitorType powerMt = MonitorType.getMonitorTypeByCode(MonitorType.PLANT_MONITORITEM_POWER_CODE); PlantInfoVO plantvo = new PlantInfoVO(); plantvo.totalEnergy = plant.upTotalEnergy; plantvo.todayEnergy = plant.upTotalDayEnergy; plantvo.pId = plant.id; plantvo.name = plant.name; plantvo.co2Reduction = plant.Reductiong; plantvo.revenue = user.revenue * plantvo.totalEnergy; plantvo.designPower = Math.Round(plant.design_power, 2); plantvo.powerUnit = "KWp"; plantvo.revenueUnit = plant.currencies; plantvo.totalEnergyUnit = plant.TotalEnergyUnit; plantvo.todayEnergyUnit = plant.TotalDayEnergyUnit; plantvo.co2ReductionUnit = plant.ReductiongUnit; plantvo.pic = base.getCurWebContext() + "/ufile/small/" + plant.onePic; plantvo.country = plant.country; plantvo.city = plant.city; plantvo.direction = plant.direction; plantvo.installdate = plant.installdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); plantvo.angle = plant.angle; plantvo.latitude = plant.latitudeString; plantvo.location = plant.location; plantvo.longitude = plant.longitudeString; plantvo.street = plant.street; plantvo.sunlight = plant.Sunstrength.ToString(); plantvo.temperature = plant.Temperature.ToString(); plantvo.weather = "Sundy"; plantvo.moduleType = plant.module_type; plantvo.email = plant.email; plantvo.manufacturer = plant.manufacturer; plantvo.operatorPerson = plant.operater; plantvo.phone = plant.phone; plantvo.revenueRate = Math.Round(plant.revenueRate, 2).ToString(); plantvo.timeZone = Cn.Loosoft.Zhisou.SunPower.Common.TimeZone.GetText(plant.timezone); plantvo.zipCode = plant.postcode; data = JsonUtil.convertToJson(plantvo, typeof(PlantInfoVO)); } return(Content(data)); }
public static void InsertError(Exception error, int userId = -1) { AppError e = new AppError(); e.ExceptionMessage = error.Message; e.UserId = userId; InsertError(e); }
public string Log([FromBody] AppError Error) { // Error.User = this.GetRefUser(); _logger.Info(Error.FormatException()); _logger.Error(Error.FormatException()); _logger.Warn(Error.FormatException()); return("Logged"); }
private AppError SanitizarError(HttpException httpException) { AppError customError = new AppError(); customError.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); customError.MessageError = httpException.Message; customError.Trace = httpException.StackTrace; return(customError); }
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { UITableViewCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(CELL_ID); AppError error = ApplicationData.Current.Errors[indexPath.Row]; cell.TextLabel.Text = $"{error.ClassName}.{error.Method}"; cell.DetailTextLabel.Text = error.ErrorMessage; return(cell); }
private async Task HandleError(HttpResponseMessage response) { var responseStr = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); AppError appError = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AppError>(responseStr); if (appError != null) { if (appError.ErrorType != null) { var errorType = appError.ErrorType; var errorMessage = appError.ErrorMessage; switch (errorType) { case "BAD_REQUEST": throw new AndonBadRequestException(errorMessage); case "INVALID_REQUEST": throw new AndonInvalidRequestException(errorMessage); case "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND": throw new AndonResourceNotFoundException(errorMessage); case "UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST": throw new AndonUnauthorizedRequestException(errorMessage); case "INTERNAL_ERROR": throw new AndonInternalErrorException(errorMessage); default: throw new AndonAppException(errorMessage); } } else if (appError.Status.HasValue) { var status = appError.Status; var errorMessage = appError.Message; if (status == 401) { throw new AndonUnauthorizedRequestException(errorMessage); } else if (status >= 400 && status < 500) { throw new AndonBadRequestException(errorMessage); } else { throw new AndonInternalErrorException(errorMessage); } } } throw new AndonAppException($"Status {response.StatusCode}: {responseStr}"); }
private bool UpdateError(AppError appError, AppError appNewError) { if (appError.errorName != appNewError.errorName) { appError.errorName = appNewError.errorName; appError.errorMessage = appNewError.errorMessage; return(true); } return(false); }
public void SendError(string code) { AppError appError = Pool.Get <AppError>(); appError.error = code; AppResponse appResponse = Pool.Get <AppResponse>(); appResponse.error = appError; Send(appResponse); }
public static Error Loop2dSound(int _track) { AudioSource source = null; if (!pool2D.TryGetValue(_track, out source)) { return(AppError.NewAccessErr("2D Audio Source {0} is not exists", _track)); } source.loop = true; return(AppError.OK); }
/// <summary> /// Handles an exception that occurs. First, the error is recorded. Certain types, such as security exceptions and directory permission /// errors, are are rendered to the user with user-friendly text. For other exceptions, a generic message is displayed, unless /// the system is configured to show detailed error messages (showErrorDetails="true" in galleryserverpro.config), in which /// case full details about the exception is displayed. If the user has disabled the exception handler /// (enableExceptionHandler="false"), then the error is recorded but no other action is taken. This allows /// global error handling in web.config or global.asax to deal with it. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">The exception.</param> public static void HandleGalleryException(Exception ex) { try { LogError(ex); } catch (Exception errHandlingEx) { if (!ex.Data.Contains("Error Handling Exception")) { ex.Data.Add("Error Handling Exception", String.Format("The following error occurred while handling the exception: {0} - {1} Stack trace: {2}", errHandlingEx.GetType(), errHandlingEx.Message, errHandlingEx.StackTrace)); } } // If the error is security related, go to a special page that offers a friendly error message. if (ex is ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException) { // User is not allowed to access the requested page. Redirect to home page. HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearError(); Util.Redirect(PageId.album); } else if (ex is ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.CannotWriteToDirectoryException) { // Gallery Server cannot write to a directory. Application startup code checks for this condition, // so we'll get here most often when Gallery Server is first configured and the required permissions were not given. // Provide friendly, customized message to help the user resolve the situation. HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearError(); HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentException"] = ex; Util.Transfer(PageId.error_cannotwritetodirectory); } else if (ex is ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.InvalidLicenseException) { // Gallery Server has determined the current request cannot be completed because it would violate the licensing rules. // Redirect to a friendly page to explain the situation. HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearError(); HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentException"] = ex; Util.Transfer(PageId.error_invalidlicense); } else { // An unexpected exception is happening. // If Gallery Server's exception handling is enabled, clear the error and display the relevant error message. // Otherwise, don't do anything, which lets it propogate up the stack, thus allowing for error handling code in // global.asax and/or web.config (e.g. <customErrors...> or some other global error handler) to handle it. if (ConfigManager.GetGalleryServerProConfigSection().Core.EnableExceptionHandler) { // Redirect to generic error page. HttpContext.Current.Server.ClearError(); HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentAppError"] = AppError.Create(ex); Util.Transfer(PageId.error_generic); } } }
public async Task <AppError> Load(int id, BaseResponseModel response, bool tracking = true, bool lazy = true) { AppError appError = await Database.AppError.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == id); if (appError == null) { response.Success = false; response.Message = "Unknown app error!"; } return(appError); }
public static Error Stop2dSound(int _track) { AudioSource source = null; if (!pool2D.TryGetValue(_track, out source)) { return(AppError.NewAccessErr("2D Audio Source {0} is not exists", _track)); } source.Stop(); source.gameObject.SetActive(false); return(AppError.OK); }
public static Error Play2dSound(int _track, AudioClip _clip) { AudioSource source = null; if (!pool2D.TryGetValue(_track, out source)) { return(AppError.NewAccessErr("2D Audio Source {0} is not exists", _track)); } source.gameObject.SetActive(true); source.clip = _clip; source.Play(); return(AppError.OK); }
public static void LogError(string uiSite, string moduleId, string funcCode, AppError level, Exception ex) { LogError(uiSite, moduleId, funcCode, level, -1, ex, null, null); }
private static void LogError(string uiSite, string moduleId, string funcCode, AppError level, int errCode, string ex, string msg, string contextInfo) { var str = string.Empty; var absoluteUri = string.Empty; if (HttpContext.Current != null) { str = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(); Uri urlReferrer = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer; if (urlReferrer != null) { absoluteUri = urlReferrer.AbsoluteUri; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absoluteUri)) { ex = "引用URL:" + absoluteUri + "|" + ex; } } ex = "访问URL:" + str + "|" + ex; } var builder = new StringBuilder(); if (uiSite != null) { if (errCode >= 0) { builder.AppendFormat("Time={0}; LogLevel={1}; UISite={2}; ModuleID={3}; FuncCode={4}; ErrorCode={5}; ", new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), level.ToString(), uiSite, moduleId, funcCode, errCode }); } else { builder.AppendFormat("Time={0}; LogLevel={1}; UISite={2}; ModuleID={3}; FuncCode={4}; ", new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), level.ToString(), uiSite, moduleId, funcCode }); } } else if (errCode >= 0) { builder.AppendFormat("Time={0}; LogLevel={1}; ModuleID={2}; FuncCode={3}; ErrorCode={4}; ", new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), level.ToString(), moduleId, funcCode, errCode }); } else { builder.AppendFormat("Time={0}; LogLevel={1}; ModuleID={2}; FuncCode={3}; ", new object[] { DateTime.Now.ToString(), level.ToString(), moduleId, funcCode }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextInfo)) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append("ContextInfo=" + contextInfo); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append("Message=" + msg); } if (ex != null) { builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendLine("Exception=" + ex); builder.AppendLine(LogPosition()); } if (logDataError.IsErrorEnabled) { logDataError.Error(builder.ToString()); } }
private static void LogError(string uiSite, string moduleId, string funcCode, AppError level, int errCode, Exception ex, string msg, string contextInfo) { LogError(uiSite, moduleId, funcCode, level, errCode, ex.ToString(), msg, contextInfo); }