protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (IsInternalUser) { Response.Redirect("/SunnetTicket/InternalDashboard.aspx"); } var list = ticketApp.GetWorkingOnTickets(UserInfo.ID); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { var ticketlist = list.Distinct(new CompareTicket()).ToList(); rptTicketsList.DataSource = ticketlist; rptTicketsList.DataBind(); } else { phlNoTicket.Visible = true; } _globalPage = this.Page as GlobalPage; List <UsersEntity> userList = new App.ProjectApplication().GetProjectUsersByUserId(UserInfo); userList = userList.Distinct(new CompareUser()).ToList(); hiUserIds.Value = string.Join(",", userList.Select(r => r.UserID).ToArray()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { List <UsersEntity> userList = new App.ProjectApplication().GetProjectUsersByUserId(UserInfo); userList = userList.Distinct(new CompareUser()).ToList(); hiUserIds.Value = string.Join(",", userList.Select(r => r.UserID).ToArray()); } }
protected void SendEamil(List <EventInviteEntity> inviteList, List <EventEntity> eventList) { string addcontent = GetEmailExecuter("CreateEvent.txt").Replace("[Host]", UserInfo.FirstAndLastName); foreach (EventEntity eventEntity in eventList) { ProjectsEntity projectEntity = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(eventEntity.ProjectID); string time = string.Empty; if (eventEntity.AllDay) { time = eventEntity.FromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } else { eventEntity.FromDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , eventEntity.FromDay.Month, eventEntity.FromDay.Day, eventEntity.FromDay.Year, eventEntity.FromTime, eventEntity.FromTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); eventEntity.ToDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , eventEntity.ToDay.Month, eventEntity.ToDay.Day, eventEntity.ToDay.Year, eventEntity.ToTime, eventEntity.ToTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); time = string.Format("{0} ---- {1}", eventEntity.FromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"), eventEntity.ToDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt")); } string subject = string.Format("[{0}]You are invited to attend this event.", eventEntity.Name); foreach (EventInviteEntity item in inviteList) { string from = Config.DefaultSendEmail; if (item.UserID > 0) { UsersEntity user = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(item.UserID); item.FirstName = user.FirstName; item.LastName = user.LastName; item.Email = user.Email; } if (item.Email.Trim() != string.Empty) { string content = addcontent.Replace("[ClientName]", item.FirstName).Replace("[Project]", projectEntity.Title) .Replace("[Title]", eventEntity.Name).Replace("[Where]", eventEntity.Where) .Replace("[Detail]", eventEntity.Details).Replace("[Time]", time); ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEmailSender>().SendMail(item.Email, Config.DefaultSendEmail, subject, content); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { projApp = new ProjectApplication(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <ProjectDetailDTO> list = projApp.GetUserProjects(UserInfo); switch (UserInfo.Role) { case RolesEnum.Leader: case RolesEnum.DEV: case RolesEnum.QA: list = list.FindAll(r => r.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany); break; } list.BindDropdown <ProjectDetailDTO>(ddlProjects, "Title", "ProjectID", "ALL", "-1"); ddlYears.SelectedValue = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); ddlMonths.SelectedValue = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); List <UsersEntity> userList = new App.ProjectApplication().GetProjectUsersByUserId(UserInfo); userList = userList.Distinct(new CompareUser()).ToList(); hiUserIds.Value = string.Join(",", userList.Select(r => r.UserID).ToArray()); ddlUser.DataSource = userList.OrderBy(r => r.FirstName); ddlUser.DataBind(); ddlUser.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Text = "ALL", Value = "0" }); } if (ddlProjects.Items.Count <= 0) { ddlProjects.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Selected = true, Text = "None", Value = "0" }); } DateTitle = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM yyyy", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; if (IdentityContext.UserID <= 0) { context.Response.Write("[]"); return; } int projectId; if (!int.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["projectId"] + "", out projectId)) { context.Response.Write("[]"); return; } UsersEntity user = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(IdentityContext.UserID); ProjectsEntity projectEntity = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(projectId); List <int> listUserId = new App.ProjectApplication().GetActiveUserIdByProjectId(projectId); if (listUserId == null || listUserId.Count == 0) { context.Response.Write("[]"); return; } if (!listUserId.Contains(user.UserID)) { context.Response.Write("[]"); return; } else { listUserId.Remove(user.UserID); } if (user.Office == "CN" && user.UserType == "SUNNET")//山诺 上海的员工只能获取本公司的项目的相关人员 { if (projectEntity.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); int index = 0; foreach (int tmpId in listUserId) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUser == null) { continue; } if (tmpUser.UserType == "SUNNET") { CompanysEntity companyEntity = new App.CompanyApplication().GetCompany(tmpUser.CompanyID); if (index > 0) { sb.Append(","); } index++; sb.Append("{"); sb.AppendFormat("\"UserID\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.UserID); sb.AppendFormat(",\"FirstAndLastName\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.FirstAndLastName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"LastNameAndFirst\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.LastNameAndFirst); sb.AppendFormat(",\"CompanyName\":\"{0}\"", companyEntity.CompanyName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"Title\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.Title); sb.Append("}"); } } sb.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); return; } else { context.Response.Write("[]"); return; } } else { if (user.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT || user.Role == RolesEnum.ADMIN || user.Role == RolesEnum.PM || user.Role == RolesEnum.Sales || user.Role == RolesEnum.Contactor) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); int index = 0; foreach (int tmpId in listUserId) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUser == null) { continue; } if (projectEntity.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany) { CompanysEntity companyEntity = new App.CompanyApplication().GetCompany(tmpUser.CompanyID); if (index > 0) { sb.Append(","); } index++; sb.Append("{"); sb.AppendFormat("\"UserID\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.UserID); sb.AppendFormat(",\"FirstAndLastName\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.FirstAndLastName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"LastNameAndFirst\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.LastNameAndFirst); sb.AppendFormat(",\"CompanyName\":\"{0}\"", companyEntity.CompanyName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"Title\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.Title); sb.Append("}"); } else { if (tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.ADMIN || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.PM || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.Sales || user.Role == RolesEnum.Contactor) { CompanysEntity companyEntity = new App.CompanyApplication().GetCompany(tmpUser.CompanyID); if (index > 0) { sb.Append(","); } index++; sb.Append("{"); sb.AppendFormat("\"UserID\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.UserID); sb.AppendFormat(",\"FirstAndLastName\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.FirstAndLastName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"LastNameAndFirst\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.LastNameAndFirst); sb.AppendFormat(",\"CompanyName\":\"{0}\"", companyEntity.CompanyName); sb.AppendFormat(",\"Title\":\"{0}\"", tmpUser.Title); sb.Append("}"); } } } sb.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); return; } } }
private string CreateICSString(UsersEntity user) { List <EventEntity> list = new App.EventsApplication().GetEventList(user.UserID, DateTime.Parse("1990/01/01"), DateTime.MaxValue, user.UserID, string.Empty, 0); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"); builder.Append("PRODID:-//SunNet Solution//My PM Event Book 1.0000//EN\n"); builder.Append("VERSION:2.0\n"); builder.Append("CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n"); builder.Append("METHOD:PUBLISH\n"); builder.Append("X-WR-CALNAME:My PM Event Book\n"); builder.Append("X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago\n"); foreach (EventEntity entity in list) { DateTime dtFromDay = entity.FromDay; DateTime dtToDay = entity.ToDay; if (!entity.AllDay) { dtFromDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , entity.FromDay.Month, entity.FromDay.Day, entity.FromDay.Year, entity.FromTime, entity.FromTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); dtToDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , entity.ToDay.Month, entity.ToDay.Day, entity.ToDay.Year, entity.ToTime, entity.ToTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); } StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); ProjectsEntity project = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(entity.ProjectID); builder2.Append("Project Name: " + project.Title + @"\n"); builder2.Append("Name: " + entity.Name + @"\n"); builder2.Append("Details: " + entity.Details + @"\n"); if (entity.AllDay) { builder2.Append("FromDay: " + dtFromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + @"\n"); builder2.Append("ToDay: " + dtToDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + @"\n"); } else { builder2.Append("FromDay: " + dtFromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm t") + @"\n"); builder2.Append("ToDay: " + dtToDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm t") + @"\n"); } builder.Append("BEGIN:VEVENT\n"); if (entity.AllDay) { builder.Append("DTEND;VALUE=DATE:" + dtToDay.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\n"); } else { builder.Append("DTEND:" + dtToDay.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + "\n"); } builder.Append("DTSTAMP:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + "\n"); if (entity.AllDay) { builder.Append("DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:" + dtFromDay.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\n"); } else { builder.Append("DTSTART:" + dtFromDay.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + "\n"); } builder.Append("UID:" + entity.CreatedBy.ToString("N").ToLower() + "\n"); builder.Append("CREATED:" + entity.CreatedOn.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + "\n"); builder.Append("DESCRIPTION:" + builder2.ToString() + "\n"); builder.Append("LAST-MODIFIED:" + entity.UpdatedOn.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + "\n"); builder.Append("LOCATION:" + entity.Where + "\n"); builder.Append("SEQUENCE:0\n"); builder.Append("STATUS:CONFIRMED\n"); builder.Append("SUMMARY:" + entity.Name + "\n"); builder.Append("TRANSP:TRANSPARENT\n"); builder.Append("END:VEVENT\n"); } builder.Append("END:VCALENDAR"); return(builder.ToString()); }
protected void SendEamil(List <EventInviteEntity> inviteList, EventsView model, bool isEditDate, bool isDelete = false) { string AddContent = GetEmailExecuter("CreateEvent.txt").Replace("[Host]", UserInfo.FirstAndLastName); string RemoveUserContent = GetEmailExecuter("RemoveUser.txt").Replace("[Host]", UserInfo.FirstAndLastName); string UpdateContent = GetEmailExecuter("EventUpdateTime.txt").Replace("[Host]", UserInfo.FirstAndLastName); string DeleteContent = GetEmailExecuter("DeletedEvent.txt").Replace("[Host]", UserInfo.FirstAndLastName); ProjectsEntity projectEntity = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(model.ProjectID); string time = string.Empty; if (model.AllDay) { time = model.FromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } else { model.FromDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , model.FromDay.Month, model.FromDay.Day, model.FromDay.Year, model.FromTime, model.FromTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); model.ToDay = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2} {3} {4}" , model.ToDay.Month, model.ToDay.Day, model.ToDay.Year, model.ToTime, model.ToTimeType == 1 ? "AM" : "PM")); time = string.Format("{0} ---- {1}", model.FromDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"), model.ToDay.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt")); } string subject = string.Empty; string content = string.Empty; foreach (EventInviteEntity item in inviteList) { if (item.UserID == 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Email) || item.Email.Trim() == string.Empty) { continue; } } else { UsersEntity user = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(item.UserID); item.FirstName = user.FirstName; item.LastName = user.LastName; item.Email = user.Email; } string from = Config.DefaultSendEmail; if (isDelete) { subject = string.Format("[{0}]This event has been canceled. ", model.Name); content = DeleteContent.Replace("[ClientName]", item.FirstName).Replace("[Project]", projectEntity.Title) .Replace("[Title]", model.Name).Replace("[Where]", model.Where) .Replace("[Detail]", model.Details).Replace("[Time]", time); } else { switch (item.OptionStatus) { case 1: //正常 if (isEditDate) { subject = string.Format("[{0}]The time of this event has been changed.", model.Name); content = UpdateContent.Replace("[ClientName]", item.FirstName).Replace("[Project]", projectEntity.Title) .Replace("[Title]", model.Name).Replace("[Where]", model.Where) .Replace("[Detail]", model.Details).Replace("[Time]", time); } else { continue; } break; case 2: //新加的 subject = string.Format("[{0}]You are invited to attend this event.", model.Name); content = AddContent.Replace("[ClientName]", item.FirstName).Replace("[Project]", projectEntity.Title) .Replace("[Title]", model.Name).Replace("[Where]", model.Where) .Replace("[Detail]", model.Details).Replace("[Time]", time); break; case 3: //删除的 subject = string.Format("[{0}]You are not going to attend this event.", model.Name); content = RemoveUserContent.Replace("[ClientName]", item.FirstName).Replace("[Project]", projectEntity.Title) .Replace("[Title]", model.Name).Replace("[Where]", model.Where) .Replace("[Detail]", model.Details).Replace("[Time]", time); break; } } ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEmailSender>().SendMail(item.Email, Config.DefaultSendEmail, subject, content); SendEmail(isEditDate); } }
private List <EventInviteEntity> BuilderInvite(EventsView model) { ///获取旧数据 List <EventInviteEntity> oldlist = new App.EventsApplication().GetEventInvites(model.ID); foreach (EventInviteEntity tmpItem in oldlist) { if (tmpItem.UserID > 0) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpItem.UserID); tmpItem.FirstName = tmpUser.FirstName; tmpItem.LastName = tmpUser.LastName; tmpItem.Email = tmpUser.Email; } } ///获取project users 选中的用户,并区分是新加的,还是原本就有的 List <EventInviteEntity> inviteList = new List <EventInviteEntity>(); string projectUserIds = QF("chkProjectUser"); if (projectUserIds.Trim() != string.Empty) { List <int> listUserId = new App.ProjectApplication().GetActiveUserIdByProjectId(model.ProjectID); projectUserIds = projectUserIds.Trim(); if (projectUserIds.EndsWith(",")) { projectUserIds = projectUserIds.Remove(projectUserIds.Length - 1); } int tmpId; foreach (string s in projectUserIds.Split(',')) { if (int.TryParse(s, out tmpId)) { if (listUserId.Contains(tmpId)) { EventInviteEntity newEntity = new EventInviteEntity() { CreatedID = UserInfo.UserID, EventID = model.ID, FromDay = model.FromDay, UserID = tmpId, Email = "", FirstName = "", LastName = "" }; if (oldlist.Find(r => r.UserID == tmpId) != null) { newEntity.OptionStatus = 1; } else { newEntity.OptionStatus = 2; } inviteList.Add(newEntity); } } } } ///标记被删除的project users foreach (EventInviteEntity item in oldlist.FindAll(r => r.UserID > 0)) { if (inviteList.Find(r => r.UserID == item.UserID) == null) { item.OptionStatus = 3; inviteList.Add(item); } } ///获取other user, 如果有填写 Email 则区分是新加的,还是原有的 int otherusers_count = QF("otherusers_count", 0); if (otherusers_count > 0) { string firstName; string lastName; string email; for (int i = 1; i <= otherusers_count; i++) { firstName = QF("txtOtherUserFirst" + i).Trim(); lastName = QF("txtOtherUserLast" + i).Trim(); email = QF("txtOtherUserEmail" + i).Trim().ToLower(); if (firstName != string.Empty && lastName != string.Empty) { EventInviteEntity newEntity = new EventInviteEntity() { CreatedID = UserInfo.UserID, LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName, Email = email, FromDay = model.FromDay, EventID = model.ID, UserID = 0 }; if (email != string.Empty) { if (oldlist.Find(r => r.Email.ToLower() == email) != null) { newEntity.OptionStatus = 1; } else { newEntity.OptionStatus = 2; } } else { newEntity.OptionStatus = 2; } inviteList.Add(newEntity); } } ///标记被删除的 other users(只针对有email的) foreach (EventInviteEntity item in oldlist.FindAll(r => r.UserID == 0)) { if (item.Email != string.Empty) { if (inviteList.Find(r => r.Email.ToLower() == item.Email) == null) { item.OptionStatus = 3; inviteList.Add(item); } } } } return(inviteList); }
private List <EventInviteEntity> GetInviteData(EventEntity eventEntity, bool isDelete = false) { List <EventInviteEntity> list = new App.EventsApplication().GetEventInvites(eventEntity.ID); foreach (EventInviteEntity tmpItem in list.FindAll(r => r.UserID > 0)) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpItem.UserID); CompanysEntity comanyEntity = new App.CompanyApplication().GetCompany(tmpUser.CompanyID); tmpItem.FirstName = tmpUser.FirstName; tmpItem.LastName = tmpUser.LastName; tmpItem.Email = tmpUser.Email; tmpItem.IsSeleted = true; tmpItem.Title = tmpUser.Title; tmpItem.CompanyName = comanyEntity.CompanyName; } if (isDelete) { return(list); } List <int> listUserId = new App.ProjectApplication().GetActiveUserIdByProjectId(eventEntity.ProjectID); ProjectsEntity projectEntity = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(eventEntity.ProjectID); litProject.Text = projectEntity.Title; listUserId.Remove(UserInfo.UserID); if (UserInfo.Office == "CN" && UserInfo.UserType == "SUNNET")//山诺 上海的员工只能获取本公司的项目的相关人员 { if (projectEntity.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany) { foreach (int tmpId in listUserId) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUser == null) { continue; } if (tmpUser.UserType == "SUNNET") { if (list.Find(r => r.UserID == tmpUser.UserID) == null) { list.Add(new EventInviteEntity() { EventID = eventEntity.ID, UserID = tmpUser.UserID, FirstName = tmpUser.FirstName, LastName = tmpUser.LastName }); } } } } } else { if (UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT || UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.ADMIN || UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.PM || UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.Sales || UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.Contactor) { foreach (int tmpId in listUserId) { UsersEntity tmpUser = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUser == null) { continue; } CompanysEntity comanyEntity = new App.CompanyApplication().GetCompany(tmpUser.CompanyID); if (projectEntity.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany) //如果是公司项目 { if (list.Find(r => r.UserID == tmpUser.UserID) == null) { list.Add(new EventInviteEntity() { EventID = eventEntity.ID, UserID = tmpUser.UserID , FirstName = tmpUser.FirstName, LastName = tmpUser.LastName, Title = tmpUser.Title, CompanyName = comanyEntity.CompanyName }); } } else { if (tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.ADMIN || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.PM || tmpUser.Role == RolesEnum.Sales || UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.Contactor) { if (list.Find(r => r.UserID == tmpUser.UserID) == null) { list.Add(new EventInviteEntity() { EventID = eventEntity.ID, UserID = tmpUser.UserID , FirstName = tmpUser.FirstName, LastName = tmpUser.LastName, Title = tmpUser.Title, CompanyName = comanyEntity.CompanyName }); } } } } } } return(list); }
private List <EventInviteEntity> BuilderInvite(EventsView model) { List <EventInviteEntity> inviteList = new List <EventInviteEntity>(); string projectIds = QF("chkProjectUser"); if (projectIds.Trim() != string.Empty) { List <int> listUserId = new App.ProjectApplication().GetActiveUserIdByProjectId(model.ProjectID); projectIds = projectIds.Trim(); if (projectIds.EndsWith(",")) { projectIds = projectIds.Remove(projectIds.Length - 1); } int tmpId; foreach (string s in projectIds.Split(',')) { if (int.TryParse(s, out tmpId)) { if (listUserId.Contains(tmpId)) { inviteList.Add(new EventInviteEntity() { CreatedID = UserInfo.UserID, EventID = 0, FromDay = DateTime.Now, UserID = tmpId, Email = "", FirstName = "", LastName = "" }); } } } } int otherusers_count = QF("otherusers_count", 0); if (otherusers_count > 0) { string firstName; string lastName; string email; for (int i = 1; i <= otherusers_count; i++) { firstName = QF("txtOtherUserFirst" + i).Trim(); lastName = QF("txtOtherUserLast" + i).Trim(); email = QF("txtOtherUserEmail" + i).Trim(); if (firstName != string.Empty && lastName != string.Empty) { inviteList.Add(new EventInviteEntity() { CreatedID = UserInfo.UserID, LastName = lastName, FirstName = firstName, Email = email, FromDay = DateTime.Now, EventID = 0, UserID = 0 }); } } } return(inviteList); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { projApp = new ProjectApplication(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <ProjectDetailDTO> list = projApp.GetUserProjects(UserInfo); switch (UserInfo.Role) { case RolesEnum.Leader: case RolesEnum.DEV: case RolesEnum.QA: list = list.FindAll(r => r.CompanyID == Config.SunnetCompany); break; } list.BindDropdown <ProjectDetailDTO>(ddlProjects, "Title", "ProjectID", "ALL", "-1"); ddlYears.SelectedValue = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); ddlMonths.SelectedValue = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); List <UsersEntity> userList = new List <UsersEntity>(); List <int> userIdList = new App.ProjectApplication().GetProjectUserIds(UserInfo.UserID); if (UserInfo.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT) { foreach (int tmpId in userIdList) { UsersEntity tmpUserEntity = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUserEntity != null && tmpUserEntity.Status.ToUpper() == "ACTIVE") { if (tmpUserEntity.Role == RolesEnum.CLIENT) { userList.Add(tmpUserEntity); } else if (tmpUserEntity.Office.ToUpper() == "US" && tmpUserEntity.UserType.ToUpper() == "SUNNET") { userList.Add(tmpUserEntity); } } } } else { if (UserInfo.UserType.ToUpper() == "SUNNET") { if (UserInfo.Office.ToUpper() == "US") { foreach (int tmpId in userIdList) { UsersEntity tmpUserEntity = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUserEntity != null && tmpUserEntity.Status.ToUpper() == "ACTIVE") { userList.Add(tmpUserEntity); } } } else { foreach (int tmpId in userIdList) { UsersEntity tmpUserEntity = new App.UserApplication().GetUser(tmpId); if (tmpUserEntity != null && tmpUserEntity.Status.ToUpper() == "ACTIVE") { if (tmpUserEntity.Office.ToUpper() == "CN") { userList.Add(tmpUserEntity); } } } } } else { userList.Add(UserInfo); } } if (userIdList.Count == 0) { userList.Add(UserInfo); } userList = userList.Distinct(new CompareUser()).ToList(); hiUserIds.Value = string.Join(",", userList.Select(r => r.UserID).ToArray()); ddlUser.DataSource = userList.OrderBy(r => r.FirstName); ddlUser.DataBind(); ddlUser.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Text = "ALL", Value = "0" }); } SearchEvents(); if (ddlProjects.Items.Count <= 0) { ddlProjects.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Selected = true, Text = "None", Value = "0" }); } }
private void BindData(ProposalTrackerEntity entity) { ListItem li = ddlProject.Items.FindByValue(entity.ProjectID.ToString()); if (li == null) { ProjectsEntity projectEntity = new App.ProjectApplication().Get(entity.ProjectID); if (projectEntity != null) { ddlProject.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Text = projectEntity.Title, Value = projectEntity.ID.ToString() }); } } else { li.Selected = true; } //ddlPayment.SelectedValue = entity.Payment.ToString(); //txtRequestNo.Text = entity.RequestNo; //txtInvoiceNo.Text = entity.InvoiceNo; ddlStatus.SelectedValue = entity.Status.ToString(); //txtDueDate.Text = entity.DueDate == null ? "" : ((DateTime)entity.DueDate).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); txtTitle.Text = entity.Title; txtDescription.Text = entity.Description; txtProposalSentTo.Text = entity.ProposalSentTo; txtProposalSentOn.Text = entity.ProposalSentOn == null ? "" : entity.ProposalSentOn.Value.ToShortDateString(); txtPO.Text = entity.PONo; chkLessThen.Checked = entity.PoTotalLessThenProposalTotal.Value; txtApprovedBy.Text = entity.ApprovedBy; txtApprovedOn.Text = entity.ApprovedOn == null ? "" : entity.ApprovedOn.Value.ToShortDateString(); //txtInvoiceSentOn.Text = entity.InvoiceSentOn == null ? "" : entity.InvoiceSentOn.Value.ToShortDateString(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("<ul class=\"fileList\"><li><a href=\"/do/DoDownWrokRequestFile.ashx?ID={0}\" title='{1}' target=\"_blank\">{1}</a>" , entity.ProposalTrackerID, entity.WorkScopeDisplayName); sb.Append("</li></ul>"); lblFile.InnerHtml = sb.ToString(); rptNotes.DataSource = wrApp.GetProposalTrackerNotes(entity.ProposalTrackerID);; rptNotes.DataBind(); rptDocuments.DataSource = fileApp.GetFileListBySourceId(entity.ProposalTrackerID, FileSourceType.WorkRequest); rptDocuments.DataBind(); decimal hours = wrApp.GetProposalTrackerHours(QS("id", 0)); string link = string.Format("<a href='/Report/Timesheet.aspx?WID={0}'>{1}</a>", entity.ProposalTrackerID, hours.ToString("N")); litHours.Text = link; litProjectName.Text = ddlProject.SelectedItem.Text; this.rptTicketsList.DataSource = wrApp.GetAllRelation(entity.ProposalTrackerID); this.rptTicketsList.DataBind(); }