private void OnApplicationStart() { if (!ApiCredentials.Load()) { VRCModLogger.Log("No credential founds"); } else { VRCModLogger.Log("Credentials:\n - Token: " + ApiCredentials.GetAuthToken() + "\n - Provider: " + ApiCredentials.GetAuthTokenProvider() + "\n - UserId: " + ApiCredentials.GetAuthTokenProviderUserId()); } String lp = ""; bool first = true; foreach (var lp2 in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { lp += " " + lp2; } } VRCModLogger.Log("Launch parameters:" + lp); ModPrefs.RegisterCategory("vrctools", "VRCTools"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "remoteauthcheckasked", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "remoteauthcheck", false, "Allow VRCModNetwork Auth"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownloadasked", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "avatarfavdownload", false, "Enable AvatarFav Updater"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enablediscordrichpresence", true, "Enable Discord RichPresence"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "enabledebugconsole", false, "Enable Debug Console"); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "hasvrcmnwtoken", false, null, true); ModPrefs.RegisterPrefBool("vrctools", "allowdiscordjoinrequests", true, "Allow Discord join requests"); //Reset the credentials to ask login again if this is the first time the user login to the VRCMNW if (!ModPrefs.GetBool("vrctools", "hasvrcmnwtoken")) { ApiCredentials.Clear(); } }