protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string id = args[0]; var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); if (catalog.Apis.Any(api => api.Id == id)) { throw new UserErrorException($"API {id} already exists in the API catalog."); } var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var googleapis = Path.Combine(root, "googleapis"); var apiIndex = ApiIndex.V1.Index.LoadFromGoogleApis(googleapis); var targetApi = apiIndex.Apis.FirstOrDefault(api => api.DeriveCSharpNamespace() == id); if (targetApi is null) { var lowerWithoutCloud = id.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant(); var possibilities = apiIndex.Apis .Select(api => api.DeriveCSharpNamespace()) .Where(ns => ns.Replace(".Cloud", "").ToLowerInvariant() == lowerWithoutCloud); throw new UserErrorException( $"No service found for '{id}'.{Environment.NewLine}Similar possibilities (check options?): {string.Join(", ", possibilities)}"); } var api = new ApiMetadata { Id = id, ProtoPath = targetApi.Directory, ProductName = targetApi.Title.EndsWith(" API") ? targetApi.Title[..^ 4] : targetApi.Title,
private static void SetVersion(string id, string version) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var api = catalog[id]; string oldVersion = api.Version; api.Version = version; var layout = DirectoryLayout.ForApi(id); var apiNames = catalog.CreateIdHashSet(); ProjectGenerator.Program.GenerateMetadataFile(layout.SourceDirectory, api); ProjectGenerator.Program.GenerateProjects(layout.SourceDirectory, api, apiNames); ProjectGenerator.Program.RewriteReadme(catalog); ProjectGenerator.Program.RewriteDocsRootIndex(catalog); // Update the parsed JObject associated with the ID, and write it back to apis.json. api.Json["version"] = version; string formatted = catalog.FormatJson(); File.WriteAllText(ApiCatalog.CatalogPath, formatted); Console.WriteLine("Updated apis.json"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(new ApiVersionPair(id, oldVersion, version)); }
private static void Execute(string id) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var api = catalog[id]; if (api.NoVersionHistory) { Console.WriteLine($"Skipping version history update for {id}"); return; } string historyFilePath = HistoryFile.GetPathForPackage(id); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { var releases = LoadReleases(repo, api).ToList(); if (!File.Exists(historyFilePath)) { File.WriteAllText(historyFilePath, "# Version history\r\n\r\n"); } var historyFile = HistoryFile.Load(historyFilePath); historyFile.MergeReleases(releases); historyFile.Save(historyFilePath); } var relativePath = Path.GetRelativePath(DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(), historyFilePath) .Replace('\\', '/'); Console.WriteLine($"Updated version history file: {relativePath}"); }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var googleapis = Path.Combine(root, "googleapis"); var apiIndex = ApiIndex.V1.Index.LoadFromGoogleApis(googleapis); int modifiedCount = 0; foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { var indexEntry = apiIndex.Apis.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DeriveCSharpNamespace() == api.Id); if (indexEntry is null) { continue; } // Change this line when introducing a new field... api.Json.Last.AddAfterSelf(new JProperty("serviceConfigFile", indexEntry.ConfigFile)); modifiedCount++; } Console.WriteLine($"Modified APIs: {modifiedCount}"); string json = catalog.FormatJson(); // Validate that we can still load it, before saving it to disk... ApiCatalog.FromJson(json); File.WriteAllText(ApiCatalog.CatalogPath, json); }
private static void Execute(string id) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var api = catalog[id]; if (api.NoVersionHistory) { Console.WriteLine($"Skipping version history update for {id}"); return; } string historyFilePath = HistoryFile.GetPathForPackage(id); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); using var repo = new Repository(root); var releases = Release.LoadReleases(repo, catalog, api).ToList(); var historyFile = HistoryFile.Load(historyFilePath); var sectionsInserted = historyFile.MergeReleases(releases); if (sectionsInserted.Count != 0) { historyFile.Save(historyFilePath); var relativePath = Path.GetRelativePath(DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(), historyFilePath) .Replace('\\', '/'); Console.WriteLine($"Updated version history file: {relativePath}"); Console.WriteLine("New content:"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var line in sectionsInserted.SelectMany(section => section.Lines)) { Console.WriteLine(line); } } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string configFile = args[0]; var json = File.ReadAllText(configFile); var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BatchReleaseConfig>(json); var criteria = config.GetCriteria().ToList(); if (criteria.Count != 1) { throw new UserErrorException("Batch release config must specify exactly one criterion."); } if (!config.DryRun) { var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); using var repo = new Repository(root); if (repo.RetrieveStatus().IsDirty) { throw new UserErrorException("In non-dry-run mode, the current branch must not have changes."); } } var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var criterion = criteria[0]; var proposals = criterion.GetProposals(catalog); foreach (var proposal in proposals) { // Note: This takes into account the dry-run flag. proposal.Execute(config); } }
private static int MainImpl(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { throw new UserErrorException("Please specify the API name"); } string api = args[0]; var layout = DirectoryLayout.ForApi(api); var apiMetadata = ApiCatalog.Load()[api]; string output = layout.DocsOutputDirectory; if (Directory.Exists(output)) { Directory.Delete(output, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(output); var apiDirectory = layout.SourceDirectory; var projects = Project.LoadProjects(apiDirectory).ToList(); CreateDocfxJson(api, projects, output); CopyAndGenerateArticles(apiMetadata, layout.DocsSourceDirectory, output); CreateToc(api, output); return(0); }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { ValidateCommonHiddenProductionDependencies(); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); ValidateApiCatalog(catalog); Console.WriteLine($"API catalog contains {catalog.Apis.Count} entries"); // Now we know we can parse the API catalog, let's reformat it. ReformatApiCatalog(catalog); RewriteReadme(catalog); RewriteRenovate(catalog); HashSet <string> apiNames = catalog.CreateIdHashSet(); foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { var path = Path.Combine(root, "apis", api.Id); GenerateProjects(path, api, apiNames); GenerateSolutionFiles(path, api); GenerateDocumentationStub(path, api); GenerateSynthConfiguration(path, api); GenerateOwlBotConfiguration(path, api); GenerateMetadataFile(path, api); } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string id = args[0]; var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var api = catalog[id]; Console.WriteLine($"Current version of {id} in the API catalog: {api.Version}"); }
private Program(string apiId) { DirectoryLayout layout = DirectoryLayout.ForApi(apiId); _apiId = apiId; _outputRoot = layout.DocsOutputDirectory; _devSiteRoot = Path.Combine(_outputRoot, "devsite"); _apiCatalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); _apiIds = _apiCatalog.CreateIdHashSet(); }
public void Execute(string[] args) { var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); HashSet <string> tags; using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { tags = new HashSet <string>(repo.Tags.Select(tag => tag.FriendlyName)); } List <ApiMetadata> apisToCheck = args.Length == 0 ? catalog.Apis.Where(api => !api.Version.EndsWith("00") && !tags.Contains($"{api.Id}-{api.Version}")).ToList() // Note: this basically validates the command line arguments. : args.Select(arg => catalog[arg]).ToList(); foreach (var api in apisToCheck) { Console.WriteLine($"Checking compatibility for {api.Id} version {api.Version}"); var prefix = api.Id + "-"; var lastVersion = tags .Where(tag => tag.StartsWith(prefix)) .Select(tag => tag.Split(new char[] { '-' }, 2)[1]) .Where(v => !v.StartsWith("0")) // We can reasonably ignore old 0.x versions .Select(StructuredVersion.FromString) .OrderBy(v => v) .LastOrDefault(); if (lastVersion is null) { Console.WriteLine("No previous versions released; ignoring."); continue; } var newVersion = api.StructuredVersion; // If we're releasing a new version, we should check against the previous one. // (For example, if this PR creates 1.2.0, then check against 1.1.0.) // Otherwise, just expect minor changes. Level requiredLevel = Level.Minor; if (!lastVersion.Equals(newVersion)) { requiredLevel = lastVersion.Major != newVersion.Major ? Level.Major // Major version bump: anything goes : lastVersion.Minor != newVersion.Minor ? Level.Minor // Minor version bump: minor changes are okay : Level.Identical; // Patch version bump: API should be identical } var actualLevel = CheckCompatibility(api, lastVersion); if (actualLevel < requiredLevel) { throw new UserErrorException($"Required compatibility level: {requiredLevel}. Actual compatibility level: {actualLevel}."); } } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var lagging = catalog.Apis.Where(api => api.CanHaveGaRelease && api.StructuredVersion.Prerelease is string); Console.WriteLine($"Lagging packages:"); foreach (var api in lagging) { Console.WriteLine($"{api.Id} ({api.Version})"); } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { string googleapisGen = args[0]; ApiCatalog catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var apis = catalog.Apis.Where(x => x.DetermineAutoGeneratorType() == AutoGeneratorType.OwlBot).ToList(); var ungenerated = apis.Where(api => !IsGenerated(api, googleapisGen)).ToList(); foreach (var api in ungenerated) { Console.WriteLine($"Ungenerated API: {api.Id}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Total OwlBot APIs: {apis.Count}; ungenerated APIs: {ungenerated.Count}"); }
protected List <ApiVersionPair> FindChangedVersions() { var currentCatalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var primaryCatalog = LoadPrimaryCatalog(); var currentVersions = currentCatalog.CreateRawVersionMap(); var primaryVersions = primaryCatalog.CreateRawVersionMap(); return(currentVersions.Keys.Concat(primaryVersions.Keys) .Distinct() .OrderBy(id => id) .Select(id => new ApiVersionPair(id, primaryVersions.GetValueOrDefault(id), currentVersions.GetValueOrDefault(id))) .Where(v => v.NewVersion != v.OldVersion) .ToList()); }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { var allTags = repo.Tags.OrderByDescending(GitHelpers.GetDate).ToList(); foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { MaybeShowStale(repo, allTags, api); } } }
private static List <ApiVersionPair> FindChangedVersions() { var currentCatalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var masterCatalog = LoadMasterCatalog(); var currentVersions = currentCatalog.CreateRawVersionMap(); var masterVersions = masterCatalog.CreateRawVersionMap(); return(currentVersions.Keys.Concat(masterVersions.Keys) .Distinct() .OrderBy(id => id) .Select(id => new ApiVersionPair(id, masterVersions.GetValueOrDefault(id), currentVersions.GetValueOrDefault(id))) .Where(v => v.NewVersion != v.OldVersion) .ToList()); }
private void CreateDocUploaderMetadata() { var apiMetadata = ApiCatalog.Load()[_apiId]; var docUploaderMetadata = new JObject { ["version"] = apiMetadata.Version, ["language"] = "dotnet", ["name"] = apiMetadata.Id, ["xrefs"] = new JArray(GetXrefUrls(apiMetadata)), ["xrefServices"] = new JArray("{uid}") }; string json = docUploaderMetadata.ToString(Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_devSiteRoot, "docs.metadata.json"), json); }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine($"Lagging packages (package ID, current version, date range of current version prerelease series):"); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { var allTags = repo.Tags.OrderByDescending(GitHelpers.GetDate).ToList(); foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { MaybeShowLagging(repo, allTags, api); } } }
private static void IncrementVersion(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { throw new UserErrorException($"{IncrementVersionCommand} requires one argument: the package ID"); } string id = args[0]; // It's slightly inefficient that we load the API catalog once here and once later on, and the code duplication // is annoying too, but it's insignficant really - and at least the code is simple. var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var api = catalog[id]; var version = IncrementStructuredVersion(api.StructuredVersion).ToString(); SetVersion(id, version); StructuredVersion IncrementStructuredVersion(StructuredVersion originalVersion) { // Any GA version just increments the minor version. if (originalVersion.Prerelease is null) { return(new StructuredVersion(originalVersion.Major, originalVersion.Minor + 1, 0, null)); } // For prereleases, expect something like "beta01" which should be incremented to "beta02". var prereleasePattern = new Regex(@"^([^\d]*)(\d+)$"); var match = prereleasePattern.Match(originalVersion.Prerelease); if (!match.Success) { throw new UserErrorException($"Don't know how to auto-increment version '{originalVersion}'"); } var prefix = match.Groups[1].Value; var suffix = match.Groups[2].Value; if (!int.TryParse(suffix, out var counter)) { throw new UserErrorException($"Don't know how to auto-increment version '{originalVersion}'"); } counter++; var newSuffix = counter.ToString().PadLeft(suffix.Length, '0'); return(new StructuredVersion(originalVersion.Major, originalVersion.Minor, originalVersion.Patch, $"{prefix}{newSuffix}")); } }
private void ValidateProjectReferences() { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var newReleaseIds = FindChangedVersions().Select(change => change.Id).ToList(); foreach (var id in newReleaseIds) { var api = catalog[id]; var projectReferences = api.Dependencies.Where(p => p.Value == "project").Select(p => p.Key); var badReferences = projectReferences.Except(newReleaseIds).ToList(); if (badReferences.Any()) { throw new UserErrorException( $"Project {api.Id} contains project references to projects outside the release set: {string.Join(", ", badReferences)}"); } } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var apiNames = catalog.CreateIdHashSet(); foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { GenerateProjectsCommand.UpdateDependencies(catalog, api); var layout = DirectoryLayout.ForApi(api.Id); GenerateProjectsCommand.GenerateMetadataFile(layout.SourceDirectory, api); GenerateProjectsCommand.GenerateProjects(layout.SourceDirectory, api, apiNames); } string formatted = catalog.FormatJson(); File.WriteAllText(ApiCatalog.CatalogPath, formatted); Console.WriteLine("Updated apis.json"); }
private static void Main() { var directory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var paths = new HashSet <string>(catalog.Apis.Select(api => api.ProtoPath)); var serviceDirectories = directory.Services .Where(service => service.Stable) .Select(service => service.ServiceDirectory).ToList(); var ungenerated = serviceDirectories .Except(paths) .Except(catalog.IgnoredPaths) .OrderBy(path => path).ToList(); ungenerated.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool attentionOnly = args.Contains("--attention"); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { var diff = repo.Diff; var tags = repo.Tags; var shaToTimestamp = repo.Commits.ToDictionary(commit => commit.Sha, commit => commit.Committer.When); foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { DisplayApi(attentionOnly, api, tags, shaToTimestamp); } } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); using var repo = new Repository(root); var pendingChangesByApi = GitHelpers.GetPendingChangesByApi(repo, catalog); // TODO: Work out what to do with unreleased APIs. Do we want to show them or not? foreach (var api in catalog.Apis) { var release = pendingChangesByApi[api]; var commits = release.Commits; if (commits.Count == 0) { continue; } string changes = commits.Count == 1 ? "change" : "changes"; Console.WriteLine($"{api.Id,-50} {release.ReleaseDate:yyyy-MM-dd}: {release.Version} + {commits.Count} {changes}"); } }
public void Execute(string[] args) { var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); HashSet <string> tags; using (var repo = new Repository(root)) { tags = new HashSet <string>(repo.Tags.Select(tag => tag.FriendlyName)); } List <ApiMetadata> apisToCheck = args.Length == 0 ? catalog.Apis.Where(api => !api.Version.EndsWith("00") && !tags.Contains($"{api.Id}-{api.Version}")).ToList() // Note: this basically validates the command line arguments. : args.Select(arg => catalog[arg]).ToList(); foreach (var api in apisToCheck) { Console.WriteLine($"Checking compatibility for {api.Id} version {api.Version}"); var prefix = api.Id + "-"; var taggedVersions = tags .Where(tag => tag.StartsWith(prefix)) .Select(tag => tag.Split(new char[] { '-' }, 2)[1]) .Where(v => !v.StartsWith("0")) // We can reasonably ignore old 0.x versions .Select(StructuredVersion.FromString) .OrderBy(v => v) .ToList(); var comparisons = GetComparisons(api.StructuredVersion, taggedVersions); foreach (var(oldVersion, requiredLevel) in comparisons) { var actualLevel = CheckCompatibility(api, oldVersion); if (actualLevel < requiredLevel) { throw new UserErrorException($"Required compatibility level: {requiredLevel}. Actual compatibility level: {actualLevel}."); } } } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); // Note: for now, we could actually load it from apis/ServiceDirectory, but hey... var directory = ServiceDirectory.LoadFromGoogleapis(); var stabilityFilter = BuildStabilityFilter(args[0]); var ignoredOrGeneratedPaths = new HashSet <string>(catalog.IgnoredPaths.Keys); ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.UnionWith(catalog.Apis.Select(api => api.ProtoPath)); var missingServices = directory.Services .Where(stabilityFilter) .Where(svc => !ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.Contains(svc.ServiceDirectory)) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Missing services: {missingServices.Count}"); foreach (var service in missingServices) { Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceDirectory); } }
protected override void ExecuteImpl(string[] args) { var catalog = ApiCatalog.Load(); var root = DirectoryLayout.DetermineRootDirectory(); var googleapis = Path.Combine(root, "googleapis"); var apiIndex = ApiIndex.V1.Index.LoadFromGoogleApis(googleapis); var stabilityFilter = BuildStabilityFilter(args[0]); var ignoredOrGeneratedPaths = new HashSet <string>(catalog.IgnoredPaths.Keys); ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.UnionWith(catalog.Apis.Select(api => api.ProtoPath)); var missingApis = apiIndex.Apis .Where(stabilityFilter) .Where(api => !ignoredOrGeneratedPaths.Contains(api.Directory)) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Missing apis: {missingApis.Count}"); foreach (var api in missingApis) { Console.WriteLine($"{api.Directory} => {api.DeriveCSharpNamespace()}"); } }