예제 #1
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)

            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            runner = new TouchRunner(window);

            // register every tests included in the main application/assembly

            window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController(runner.GetViewController());

            // make the window visible

        public void XA5104AndroidNdkNotFound(string androidNdkDirectory)
            var task1 = new MakeBundleNativeCodeExternal {
                BuildEngine         = engine,
                AndroidNdkDirectory = androidNdkDirectory,
                Assemblies          = new ITaskItem [0],
                SupportedAbis       = new [] { "armeabi-v7a" },
                TempOutputPath      = path,
                ToolPath            = "",
                BundleApiPath       = ""

            Assert.IsFalse(task1.Execute(), "Task should fail!");
            BuildErrorEventArgs error1 = errors [0];

            Assert.AreEqual("XA5104", error1.Code);
            StringAssert.Contains(" NDK ", error1.Message);
            StringAssert.Contains("AndroidNdkDirectory", error1.Message);
            StringAssert.Contains("SDK Manager", error1.Message);

            var task2 = new Aot {
                BuildEngine             = engine,
                AndroidNdkDirectory     = androidNdkDirectory,
                AndroidAotMode          = "normal",
                AndroidApiLevel         = "28",
                EnableLLVM              = true,
                ResolvedAssemblies      = new ITaskItem [0],
                SupportedAbis           = new [] { "armeabi-v7a" },
                AotOutputDirectory      = path,
                IntermediateAssemblyDir = path

            Assert.IsFalse(task2.Execute(), "Task should fail!");
            BuildErrorEventArgs error2 = errors [1];

            Assert.AreEqual(error1.Message, error2.Message, "Aot and MakeBundleNativeCodeExternal should produce the same error messages.");
예제 #3
 public override int GetHashCode()
 => base.GetHashCode() ^ (JavaScriptEngine?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) ^ (JavaScriptEngineArguments?.GetHashCode() ?? 0 ^ Aot.GetHashCode() ^ (RuntimeSrcDir?.GetHashCode() ?? 0));