예제 #1
    IEnumerator seterror; //Sets error state to false after t_error time.

    void Awake()
        spellarray[0] = new spells("FireBall", 1.5f, (int)enum_casting.StraightMagicShot, fireballanim, CastLocationFireBall, 100f, 0.6f, 0f, 0f, true);
        spellarray[1] = new spells("FrostBolt", 1.0f, (int)enum_casting.CastSpell, frostboltanim, CastLocationFrostBolt, 10f, 0.2f, 0f, 0f, true);
        spellarray[2] = new spells("PermaFrost", 2.0f, (int)enum_casting.CastSpell, PermaFrostGameObject, CastLocationPermaFrost, 10f, 0f, 8f, 0f, true);

        aoespellarray[0] = new AoEspell(10f, 30f, 15f);
        castkeys         = new string[3] {
            "q", "e", "r"
        };                                         //Cast Keys

        spellerrors = new string[4] {
            "You Must Face The Target!", "No Target!", "Currently Casting", "Spell is On CoolDown!"
        t_error = 0.5f;//Display error for 0.5 sec

        //Cast bar Initializers
        castbarp_y  = 1.5f;//Distance the cast bar is placed from the middle(pos)
        castbarp_x  = 0.75f;
        castbarsize = new Vector2(160, 16);
        castbarpos  = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);
        //Error Initializer
예제 #2
    public IEnumerator castPermaFrost()
        spells c_spells = spellarray[(int)enum_spell.PermaFrost];//General Spell Values of permafrost.

        b_casting = true;
        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 0.5f; //This speed works well for all spells.

        spell_casting = (int)enum_spell.PermaFrost;  //Update current spell being cast.

        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().mainsubmachinestate = (int)mainsubmachinstates.Casting;
        this.GetComponent <Player_controller>().currentCastinganim  = (int)enum_casting.PermaFrost;
        AoEspell c_spell = aoespellarray[(int)enum_AoESpells.PermaFrost]; //AoE specific values

        GameObject castobject = c_spells.spell;                           //Game Object to cast.
        float      dmg        = c_spells.b_damage;
        float      radius     = c_spell.radius;
        float      speed      = c_spell.speed;
        Transform  origin     = c_spells.s_location;
        float      casttime   = c_spells.casttime;

        s_starttime = Time.time;//Log the spell start time

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(casttime * (1f - this.GetComponent <Properties>().haste / GeneralProperties.hastecap)));

        this.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = 1f; //Set Speed Back to one

        StartCoroutine(CoolDown(spell_casting));   //Start cooldown coroutine and pass it the current spell being casted.

        GameObject spell = Instantiate(castobject, origin.position, this.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().castedby = this.gameObject;
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().radius   = radius; //Max Radius of spell
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().damage   = dmg;    //Base Damage of Spell
        spell.GetComponent <PermaFrost>().speed    = speed;  //Speed of Expantion.
        b_casting = false;                                   //Done Casting