public DialogsViewModel() { //Sample 4 OpenSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(OpenSample4Dialog); AcceptSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(AcceptSample4Dialog); CancelSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(CancelSample4Dialog); }
public ProjectViewModel(IStatusNotificationService statusNotificationServiceParam, IProjectDataService projectDataServiceParam, ITabNavigationService tabNavigationServiceParam) { ProjectFiles = new ObservableCollection <BaseMd>(); tabNavigationService = tabNavigationServiceParam; statusNotificationService = statusNotificationServiceParam; projectDataService = projectDataServiceParam; projectDataService.ProjectLoaded += ProjectDataService_ProjectLoaded; ViewTeamCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(t => { statusNotificationServiceParam.SendMessage(new Notification() { Kind = NotificationKind.Other, Message = t.ToString(), Title = "DEBUG Team", Time = DateTime.Now }); }); ViewReadmeCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(r => { if (r is ReadMe readMe) { tabNavigationService.CreateTab("ReadMeTab", r); } }); }
public MainWindowViewModel(IUsersService usersService, ITableInfoService tableInfoService, IColumnInfoService columnInfoService) { _usersService = usersService; _tableInfoService = tableInfoService; _columnInfoService = columnInfoService; _isLoggedIn = false; _accountPopupBoxIcon = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.AccountRemove, Width = 24, Height = 24, Margin = new Thickness(4, 0, 4, 0), Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(244, 67, 54)) }; _allItems = GenerateNavItems(); FilterItems(null); _selectedItem = _navItems[0]; MovePrevCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation( _ => SelectedIndex--, _ => SelectedIndex > 0); MoveNextCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation( _ => SelectedIndex++, _ => SelectedIndex < _allItems.Count - 1); }
public IconPackViewModel() { OpenDotComCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(OpenDotCom); _packIconKinds = new Lazy <IEnumerable <PackIconKind> >(() => Enum.GetValues(typeof(PackIconKind)).OfType <PackIconKind>() .OrderBy(k => k.ToString(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList() ); }
public PickPTabViewModel(IStatusNotificationService statusNotificationServiceParam, ITabNavigationService tabNavigationServiceParam, IDatabaseService databaseServiceParam, IProjectDataService projectDataServiceParam) { statusNotificationService = statusNotificationServiceParam; tabNavigationService = tabNavigationServiceParam; databaseService = databaseServiceParam; projectDataService = projectDataServiceParam; databaseService.DatabaseChange += DatabaseService_DatabaseChange; //Initialize commands. ProjectCreateCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(t => { }); ProjectOpenCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(t => { if (CommonFileDialog.IsPlatformSupported) { CommonOpenFileDialog folderDialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog("Project Picker") { IsFolderPicker = true, }; var diagRes = folderDialog.ShowDialog(); if (diagRes == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { ProjectLoading(folderDialog.FileName); } } else { statusNotificationService.SendMessage(new Notification() { Kind = NotificationKind.Error, Message = "This Application requires Windows Vista(I think) or up, because I simply refuse to also spawn the classic folder picker. Sorry.", Title = "For the love of everything holy: UPDATE!", Time = DateTime.Now }); } }); ProjectSelectCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(o => { if (o is RecentProject project) { ProjectLoading(project.Location); } else { statusNotificationService.SendMessage(new Notification() { Kind = NotificationKind.Error, Message = "The picker failed to load the selected project. There might be an issue with the database.", Title = "Loading Failure", Time = DateTime.Now }); // TODO: add interaction to remove reference from picker. } } ); }
public HomeViewModel(ListBox MenuBox) { this.MainMenuBox = MenuBox; ShowAnalyzerCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowView); ShowRecordsCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowView); ShowReservoirsCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowView); ShowHelpCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowView); }
public ColorTool() { ChangeHueCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ChangeHue); DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); MdPaletteButton.IsChecked = !App.Configuration.StartInCustomPaletteMode; CustomPaletteButton.IsChecked = App.Configuration.StartInCustomPaletteMode; }
public MainViewModel() { _mailController = DummyTrivialSingleton.GetMailControllerService(); ThemeColorToggleBaseCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(o => SetAppColor((bool)o)); SetAppColor(true); // ToDo: Move menu creation to better place or add it in xaml or generate base on some other data. _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Inbox ", NumberOfEmails = 3, Content = new MailBoxView("Inbox"), IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Inbox } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Drafts", IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Draft } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Sent", IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Send } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Archived", IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Archive } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Important", IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.ImportantDevices } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Spam ", NumberOfEmails = 99, IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Adb } }); _testBurgerMenuItems.Add(new MailMenuItem() { Name = "Trash", IconContent = new PackIcon { Kind = PackIconKind.Trash } }); // Subscribe for controller state updates. _mailController.ControllerStateStream.ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(state => ConnectionState = state); }
public IconPackViewModel(ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue) { _snackbarMessageQueue = snackbarMessageQueue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(snackbarMessageQueue)); OpenDotComCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(OpenDotCom); SearchCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(Search); CopyToClipboardCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(CopyToClipboard); _packIconKinds = new Lazy <IEnumerable <PackIconKind> >(() => Enum.GetValues(typeof(PackIconKind)).OfType <PackIconKind>() .OrderBy(k => k.ToString(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList() ); }
public MainWindowViewModel(ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue) { _allItems = GenerateDemoItems(snackbarMessageQueue); FilterItems(null); MovePrevCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation( _ => SelectedIndex--, _ => SelectedIndex > 0); MoveNextCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation( _ => SelectedIndex++, _ => SelectedIndex < _allItems.Count - 1); }
public RecordManagerViewModel(ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue) { _snackbarMessageQueue = snackbarMessageQueue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(snackbarMessageQueue)); _viewMethods = new ObservableCollection <ViewMethodViewModel> { new ViewMethodViewModel { Id = 0, Name = "Daily" }, new ViewMethodViewModel { Id = 1, Name = "Monthly" } }; _viewMethod = new ViewMethodViewModel { Id = 0, Name = "Daily" }; ShowMessageCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowMessage); Date = DateTime.Now; Time = DateTime.Now; OverallIndex = "0"; Level = "0"; Explanation = " "; TemperatureRange = new ObservableCollection <OxygenDOViewModel> { new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 0, TemperatureRange = "0~10°C", Temperature = 10 }, new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 1, TemperatureRange = "11~20°C", Temperature = 20 }, new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 2, TemperatureRange = "21~30°C", Temperature = 30 } }; PH = ""; DO = ""; BOD5 = ""; COD = ""; NH4N = ""; NO2N = ""; NO3N = ""; SS = ""; CL = ""; CB = ""; }
public IconPackViewModel(ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue) { _snackbarMessageQueue = snackbarMessageQueue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(snackbarMessageQueue)); OpenDotComCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(OpenDotCom); SearchCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(Search); CopyToClipboardCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(CopyToClipboard); _packIconKinds = new Lazy <IEnumerable <PackIconKindGroup> >(() => Enum.GetNames(typeof(PackIconKind)) .GroupBy(k => (PackIconKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(PackIconKind), k)) .Select(g => new PackIconKindGroup(g)) .OrderBy(x => x.Kind) .ToList()); }
public DialogsViewModel() { //Sample 4 OpenSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(OpenSample4Dialog); // AcceptSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(AcceptSample4Dialog); CancelSample4DialogCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(CancelSample4Dialog); // AddPatCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(AddComm); ChangePageCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(nextPage); delPatient = new AnotherCommandImplementation(deletePatient); changinfo = new AnotherCommandImplementation(change); logoutCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(logout); exitCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(exit); FillObservableCollection(); }
public AnalyzerViewModel(ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue) { _snackbarMessageQueue = snackbarMessageQueue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(snackbarMessageQueue)); Date = DateTime.Now; Time = DateTime.Now; OverallIndex = "0"; Level = "0"; Explanation = " "; TemperatureRange = new ObservableCollection <OxygenDOViewModel> { new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 0, TemperatureRange = "0~10°C", Temperature = 10 }, new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 1, TemperatureRange = "11~20°C", Temperature = 20 }, new OxygenDOViewModel { Id = 2, TemperatureRange = "21~30°C", Temperature = 30 } }; /* * Reservoirs = new ObservableCollection<Reservoir> * { * new Reservoir { Id = 0, Name = "Lake Kariba" }, * new Reservoir { Id = 1, Name = "Bratsk Reservoir" }, * new Reservoir { Id = 2, Name = "Lake Volta" }, * new Reservoir { Id = 3, Name = "Manicouagan Reservoir" }, * new Reservoir { Id = 4, Name = "Lake Guri" } * }; */ PH = ""; DO = ""; BOD5 = ""; COD = ""; NH4N = ""; NO2N = ""; NO3N = ""; SS = ""; CL = ""; CB = ""; ShowMessageCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ShowMessage); }
public Buttons() { InitializeComponent(); FloatingActionDemoCommand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(Execute); }
private void InitializeCommands() { ResetComand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(ExecuteResetCommand, CanExecuteResetCommand); }
public ButtonsViewModel() { var autoStartingActionCountdownStart = DateTime.Now; var demoRestartCountdownComplete = DateTime.Now; var dismissRequested = false; DismissComand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(_ => dismissRequested = true); ShowDismissButton = true; #region DISMISS button demo control //just some demo code for the DISMISS's up to you to set //up the progress on the button as it would be with a progress bar. //and then hide the button, do whatever action you want to do new DispatcherTimer( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), DispatcherPriority.Normal, new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (dismissRequested) { ShowDismissButton = false; dismissRequested = false; demoRestartCountdownComplete = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3); DismissButtonProgress = 0; } if (ShowDismissButton) { var totalDuration = autoStartingActionCountdownStart.AddSeconds(5).Ticks - autoStartingActionCountdownStart.Ticks; var currentDuration = DateTime.Now.Ticks - autoStartingActionCountdownStart.Ticks; var autoCountdownPercentComplete = 100.0 / totalDuration * currentDuration; DismissButtonProgress = autoCountdownPercentComplete; if (DismissButtonProgress >= 100) { demoRestartCountdownComplete = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3); ShowDismissButton = false; UpdateDemoRestartCountdownText(demoRestartCountdownComplete, out _); } } else { UpdateDemoRestartCountdownText(demoRestartCountdownComplete, out bool isComplete); if (isComplete) { autoStartingActionCountdownStart = DateTime.Now; ShowDismissButton = true; } } }), Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); #endregion //just some demo code for the SAVE button SaveComand = new AnotherCommandImplementation(_ => { if (IsSaveComplete == true) { IsSaveComplete = false; return; } if (SaveProgress != 0) { return; } var started = DateTime.Now; IsSaving = true; new DispatcherTimer( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), DispatcherPriority.Normal, new EventHandler((o, e) => { var totalDuration = started.AddSeconds(3).Ticks - started.Ticks; var currentProgress = DateTime.Now.Ticks - started.Ticks; var currentProgressPercent = 100.0 / totalDuration * currentProgress; SaveProgress = currentProgressPercent; if (SaveProgress >= 100) { IsSaveComplete = true; IsSaving = false; SaveProgress = 0; ((DispatcherTimer)o).Stop(); } }), Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); }); }