public override void Render(AnnContainerMapper mapper, AnnObject annObject) { ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = annObject as ZoneAnnotationObject; if (_ocrPage != null && zoneObject.ZoneIndex >= 0 && zoneObject.ZoneIndex < _ocrPage.Zones.Count) { AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine engine = RenderingEngine as AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine; if (engine != null && engine.Context != null && zoneObject != null && zoneObject.Cells != null) { Graphics graphics = engine.Context; OcrZone zone = _ocrPage.Zones[zoneObject.ZoneIndex]; OcrZoneCell[] cells = null; cells = _ocrPage.Zones.GetZoneCells(zone); if (_ocrPage.TableZoneManager != null && zone.ZoneType == OcrZoneType.Table && cells != null && cells.Length > 0 && CellPen != null) { GraphicsState gState = graphics.Save(); if (gState != null) { foreach (OcrZoneCell cell in zoneObject.Cells) { LeadRectD rc = new LeadRectD(cell.Bounds.X, cell.Bounds.Y, cell.Bounds.Width, cell.Bounds.Height); rc = mapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(rc, AnnFixedStateOperations.None); if (!rc.IsEmpty) { // Draw cells borders as lines in order not to draw the borders with 0 width DrawLine(graphics, OcrCellBorder.Left, cell.LeftBorderStyle, cell.LeftBorderWidth, (float)rc.Left, (float)rc.Top, (float)rc.Left, (float)rc.Bottom); DrawLine(graphics, OcrCellBorder.Top, cell.TopBorderStyle, cell.TopBorderWidth, (float)rc.Left, (float)rc.Top, (float)rc.Right, (float)rc.Top); DrawLine(graphics, OcrCellBorder.Right, cell.RightBorderStyle, cell.RightBorderWidth, (float)rc.Right, (float)rc.Top, (float)rc.Right, (float)rc.Bottom); DrawLine(graphics, OcrCellBorder.Bottom, cell.BottomBorderStyle, cell.BottomBorderWidth, (float)rc.Left, (float)rc.Bottom, (float)rc.Right, (float)rc.Bottom); } } graphics.Restore(gState); } } } } base.Render(mapper, annObject); }
public override void Render(AnnContainerMapper mapper, AnnObject annObject) { if (mapper == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("mapper"); } if (annObject == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("annObject"); } AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine engine = RenderingEngine as AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine; if (engine != null && engine.Context != null) { AnnSignatureObject signatureObject = annObject as AnnSignatureObject; if (signatureObject != null) { if (signatureObject.IsSelected) { base.Render(mapper, signatureObject); } //When the mouse is over the "SignatureObject" this property set to true, check its value to draw a border around it. else if (signatureObject.DrawBorder) { Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 1); pen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot; LeadRectD leadRect = mapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(signatureObject.Rect, signatureObject.FixedStateOperations); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( (int)leadRect.X, (int)leadRect.Y, (int)leadRect.Width, (int)leadRect.Height ); engine.Context.DrawRectangle(pen, rect); } } } }
private void _txtLogoPosition_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (_currentBatesStamp != null) { AnnBatesStampLogo logo = _currentBatesStamp.Logo; AnnContainerMapper mapper = _automation.Container.Mapper; LeadRectD logoPosition = mapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(logo.LogoRect, AnnFixedStateOperations.None); logoPosition.X = double.Parse(_txtLogoPositionX.Text); logoPosition.Y = double.Parse(_txtLogoPositionY.Text); logoPosition.Width = double.Parse(_txtLogoPositionWidth.Text); logoPosition.Height = double.Parse(_txtLogoPositionHeight.Text); logo.LogoRect = mapper.RectToContainerCoordinates(logoPosition); UpdateControls(); } } catch { } }
public override void Render(AnnContainerMapper mapper, AnnObject annObject) { if (mapper == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("mapper"); } if (annObject == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("annObject"); } base.Render(mapper, annObject); AnnRichTextObject annRichTextObject = annObject as AnnRichTextObject; if (annRichTextObject != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(annRichTextObject.Rtf)) { AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine engine = RenderingEngine as AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine; if (engine != null && engine.Context != null) { AnnRectangleObject tempRect = new AnnRectangleObject(); tempRect.Points.Clear(); foreach (LeadPointD pt in GetRenderPoints(mapper, annRichTextObject)) { tempRect.Points.Add(pt); } double rotation = tempRect.Angle; if (rotation == 180) { rotation = 0; } LeadRectD boundsPixels = tempRect.Rect.Clone(); AnnContainerMapper identityMapper = mapper.Clone(); identityMapper.UpdateTransform(LeadMatrix.Identity); identityMapper.MapResolutions(mapper.SourceDpiX, mapper.SourceDpiY, mapper.SourceDpiX, mapper.SourceDpiY); boundsPixels = identityMapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(boundsPixels, annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations); if (tempRect.Stroke != null) { boundsPixels.Inflate(-tempRect.Stroke.StrokeThickness.Value, -tempRect.Stroke.StrokeThickness.Value); } string rtf = annRichTextObject.Rtf; IntPtr hemfDC; if (_richTextBox == null) { _richTextBox = new InternalRichTextEdit(); } try { _richTextBox.Rtf = rtf; } catch { using (RichTextBox richTextBox = new RichTextBox()) { richTextBox.Text = rtf; annRichTextObject.Rtf = richTextBox.Rtf; _richTextBox.Rtf = richTextBox.Rtf; } } Graphics graphics = engine.Context; double dpiX = 96; double dpiY = 96; _richTextBox.Location = new Point((int)boundsPixels.Location.X, (int)boundsPixels.Location.Y); _richTextBox.Size = new Size((int)boundsPixels.Size.Width, (int)boundsPixels.Size.Height); IntPtr hdc = graphics.GetHdc(); Win32.RECT rc = new Win32.RECT(); rc.left = _richTextBox.ClientRectangle.Left; = _richTextBox.ClientRectangle.Top; rc.right = (int)boundsPixels.Width; rc.bottom = (int)boundsPixels.Height; int iWidthMM = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.HORZSIZE); int iHeightMM = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.VERTSIZE); int iWidthPels = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.HORZRES); int iHeightPels = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.VERTRES); rc.left = (rc.left * iWidthMM * 100) / iWidthPels; = ( * iHeightMM * 100) / iHeightPels; rc.right = (rc.right * iWidthMM * 100) / iWidthPels; rc.bottom = (rc.bottom * iHeightMM * 100) / iHeightPels; hemfDC = SafeNativeMethods.CreateEnhMetaFile(hdc, null, ref rc, null); Win32.RECT emfRect = new Win32.RECT(); emfRect.right = (int)boundsPixels.Width; emfRect.bottom = (int)boundsPixels.Height; IntPtr brush = SafeNativeMethods.GetStockObject(5); SafeNativeMethods.SetBkMode(hemfDC, 1); SafeNativeMethods.FillRect(hemfDC, ref emfRect, brush); SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(brush); Print(_richTextBox, _richTextBox.ClientRectangle, hemfDC, (int)dpiX, (int)dpiY, false); IntPtr hemf = SafeNativeMethods.CloseEnhMetaFile(hemfDC); using (Metafile metaFile = new Metafile(hemf, true)) { graphics.ReleaseHdc(); GraphicsState state = graphics.Save(); //the mapper transform dosent contain dpi effect so we will add dpi effect . LeadMatrix matrix = mapper.Transform; //add dpi effect to the transform matrix.Scale((float)(mapper.TargetDpiX / mapper.SourceDpiX), (float)(mapper.TargetDpiY / mapper.SourceDpiY)); if ((annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations & AnnFixedStateOperations.Scrolling) == AnnFixedStateOperations.Scrolling) { matrix.Translate(-matrix.OffsetX, -matrix.OffsetY); } if ((annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations & AnnFixedStateOperations.Zooming) == AnnFixedStateOperations.Zooming) { double offsetX = matrix.OffsetX; double offsetY = matrix.OffsetY; double scaleX = 1.0; double scaleY = 1.0; if (matrix.M11 != 0 && matrix.M22 != 0) { scaleX = 1.0 / Math.Abs(matrix.M11); scaleY = 1.0 / Math.Abs(matrix.M22); } matrix.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); } using (Matrix transform = new Matrix((float)matrix.M11, (float)matrix.M12, (float)matrix.M21, (float)matrix.M22, (float)matrix.OffsetX, (float)matrix.OffsetY)) { graphics.MultiplyTransform(transform); graphics.DrawImage(metaFile, new Point((int)boundsPixels.Left, (int)boundsPixels.Top)); } graphics.Restore(state); } } //EndDraw(graphics, gState); } }