private void listBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (!unselectAll) { image1.Source = null; //This image field is for pictures where the width is bigger than the height image2.Source = null; //This image field is for pictures where the width is smaller than the height string tmp = ((sender as System.Windows.Controls.ListBox).SelectedItem.ToString()); Anime anime = animeList.getAnimeByTitle(tmp); try { if (anime.getPathImg().Contains("png") || anime.getPathImg().Contains("jpg")) { try { BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(anime.getPathImg())); if (img.Width > img.Height) { image1.Source = img; } else { image2.Source = img; } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { image2.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(("pack://application:,,,/Resources/NewNoImageFound1.PNG"))); } } else { image2.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(("pack://application:,,,/Resources/NewNoImageFound1.PNG"))); } } catch (UriFormatException) { } fansub.Text = anime.buildStringOfFansubs(); episode.Text = anime.getEpisode().ToString(); title.Text = anime.getTitle(); subtitle.Text = anime.buildStringOfSub(); voice.Text = anime.buildStringOfVoice(); source.Text = anime.buildStringOfSource(); description.Text = anime.getDescription(); if (anime.getPathOfEpisode().Length != 0) { listBoxOfEpisode.ItemsSource = pathRemover.removeFullPathFromFiles(anime.getPathOfEpisode()); //remove full path from media files } else { listBoxOfEpisode.ItemsSource = anime.getPathOfEpisode(); } } }