예제 #1
        public void TestForwardCurveWithoutCache(float timeStep, int keyframeCount)
            var animCurve = new UnityEngine.AnimationCurve();

            for (var i = 0; i < keyframeCount; ++i)
                animCurve.AddKey(new UnityEngine.Keyframe(i, i * timeStep, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity));

            var curveBlob = animCurve.ToAnimationCurveBlobAssetRef();

            Measure.Method(() =>
                // The longer the time step, the more the cache gets reused.
                for (var t = 0.0f; t <= keyframeCount * timeStep; t += 0.1f)
                    AnimationCurveEvaluator.Evaluate(t, curveBlob);

    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        var time = Mathf.Repeat((float)Time.ElapsedTime, 1.0F);

        return(Entities.ForEach((ref Translation position, in AnimateTranslation translation) =>
            float value = AnimationCurveEvaluator.Evaluate(time, translation.TranslationCurve);
            position.Value.y = value;
예제 #3
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        var time = Mathf.Repeat((float)Time.ElapsedTime, 1.0F);

        Dependency = Entities.ForEach((ref Translation position, in AnimateTranslation translation) =>
            float value      = AnimationCurveEvaluator.Evaluate(time, translation.TranslationCurve);
            position.Value.y = value;
예제 #4
        public void TestLinearCurve500Precision(float time)
            var animCurve = new UnityEngine.AnimationCurve();

            animCurve.AddKey(0f, 0f);
            animCurve.AddKey(500f, 1f);

            var keyframeCurve = animCurve.ToAnimationCurveBlobAssetRef();
            var eval          = AnimationCurveEvaluator.Evaluate(time, keyframeCurve);
            var expected      = time / 500f;

            Assert.IsTrue(NearlyEqual(expected, eval, kTolerance), $"Expected {expected:n6} but was {eval:n6}.");

    protected override void OnUpdate()
        var ecb = _ecbSystem.CreateCommandBuffer();

        //Create an animation graph if the component isn't created and attached to the entity.
        .WithNone <RotateCube_PlayStateRuntime>()
        .ForEach((Entity e, ref RotateCube_PlayClipRuntime animation, ref Rig rig) =>
            var data = CreateGraph(e, ref rig, ref animation);
            ecb.AddComponent(e, data);

        //Update the graph if the clip component changed
        .WithChangeFilter <RotateCube_PlayClipRuntime>()
            (Entity e, ref RotateCube_PlayClipRuntime animation, ref RotateCube_PlayStateRuntime animationState) =>
                                                  ClipPlayerNode.SimulationPorts.Clip, animation.clip)).Run();

        var pingPongTime = math.sin((float)World.Unmanaged.CurrentTime.ElapsedTime) * .5f + .5f;

        .ForEach((Entity entity, ref RotateCube_PlayStateRuntime animationState,
                  in RotateCube_PlayClipRuntime animation) =>
            var value = AnimationCurveEvaluator.Evaluate(pingPongTime, animation.curve);
            _animationGraphSystem.Set.SetData(animationState.NodeHandle, ClipPlayerNode.KernelPorts.Speed, value);