private void OnDialogApply(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { List <StaticTile> tileFrames = new List <StaticTile>(); foreach (ListViewItem listViewItem in m_animationListView.Items) { tileFrames.Add((StaticTile)listViewItem.Tag); } AnimatedTile animatedTile = new AnimatedTile( m_layer, tileFrames.ToArray(), (long)m_frameIntervalTextbox.Value); // copy anim tile-level properties Tile oldTile = m_layer.Tiles[m_tileLocation]; if (oldTile != null) { animatedTile.Properties.CopyFrom(oldTile.Properties); } Command command = new TileAnimationCommand(m_layer, m_tileLocation, animatedTile); CommandHistory.Instance.Do(command); MarkAsApplied(); }
void Update() { if (allTilesGenerated != true) { var tile = GetNextTile(); WaterTileMap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xValue, yValue, 0), null); GroundTileMap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xValue, yValue, 0), tile); LastPlacedTile = tile; if (LastPlacedTile == VerticalTile || LastPlacedTile == LeftToDownTile || LastPlacedTile == RightToDownTile) { yValue -= 1; if (yValue == bottomEdgeValue) { WaterTileMap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xValue, yValue, 0), null); FinishTileMap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xValue, yValue, 0), FinishTile); allTilesGenerated = true; } } if (LastPlacedTile == HorizontalRightToLeft || LastPlacedTile == DownToLeftTile) { xValue -= 1; } if (LastPlacedTile == HorizontalLeftToRight || LastPlacedTile == DownToRightTile) { xValue += 1; } } }
private void OnDialogLoad(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { Tile tile = m_layer.Tiles[m_tileLocation]; if (tile != null) { if (tile is StaticTile) { // convert to 1-frame animation m_frameIntervalTextbox.Value = 250; AddTileFrame(tile.Clone(this.m_layer) as StaticTile); } else if (tile is AnimatedTile) { AnimatedTile animatedTile = tile as AnimatedTile; m_frameIntervalTextbox.Value = animatedTile.FrameInterval; foreach (StaticTile tileFrame in animatedTile.TileFrames) { AddTileFrame(tileFrame.Clone(this.m_layer) as StaticTile); } } } else { m_frameIntervalTextbox.Value = 250; } m_tilePicker.Map = m_map; m_tilePicker.UpdatePicker(); MarkAsApplied(); }
private AnimatedTile LoadAnimatedTile(XmlHelper xmlHelper, Layer layer, TileSheet tileSheet) { int frameInterval = xmlHelper.GetIntAttribute("Interval"); xmlHelper.AdvanceStartElement("Frames"); Map map = layer.Map; List <StaticTile> tileFrames = new List <StaticTile>(); while (xmlHelper.AdvanceNode() != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name == "Static") { tileFrames.Add(LoadStaticTile(xmlHelper, layer, tileSheet)); } else if (xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name == "TileSheet") { string tileSheetRef = xmlHelper.GetAttribute("Ref"); tileSheet = map.GetTileSheet(tileSheetRef); } } AnimatedTile animatedTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, tileFrames.ToArray(), frameInterval); // end of this element or optional props if (xmlHelper.AdvanceNode() != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { LoadProperties(xmlHelper, animatedTile); } return(animatedTile); }
private void StoreAnimatedTile(AnimatedTile animatedTile, XmlWriter xmlWriter) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Animated"); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Interval", animatedTile.FrameInterval.ToString()); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Frames"); TileSheet tileSheet = null; foreach (StaticTile tileFrame in animatedTile.TileFrames) { if (tileSheet != tileFrame.TileSheet) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TileSheet"); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Ref", tileFrame.TileSheet.Id); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); tileSheet = tileFrame.TileSheet; } StoreStaticTile(tileFrame, xmlWriter); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // Frames if (animatedTile.Properties.Count > 0) { StoreProperties(animatedTile, xmlWriter); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); }
private AnimatedTile LoadAnimatedTile(Stream stream, Layer layer) { long frameInterval = LoadInt32(stream); int tileFrameCount = LoadInt32(stream); List <StaticTile> tileFrames = new List <StaticTile>(tileFrameCount); Map map = layer.Map; TileSheet tileSheet = null; while (tileFrameCount > 0) { char ch = (char)stream.ReadByte(); if (ch == 'T') { string tileSheetId = LoadString(stream); tileSheet = map.GetTileSheet(tileSheetId); } else if (ch == 'S') { tileFrames.Add(LoadStaticTile(stream, layer, tileSheet)); --tileFrameCount; } else { throw new Exception("Expected character byte 'T' or 'S'"); } } AnimatedTile animatedTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, tileFrames.ToArray(), frameInterval); LoadProperties(stream, animatedTile); return(animatedTile); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an animated tile in world position /// </summary> /// <param name="worldPosition"> Where to create tile </param> /// <param name="animatedTile"></param> /// <param name="animationTime"></param> public void CreateAnimatedTile(Vector3 worldPosition, AnimatedTile animatedTile, float animationTime) { Vector3Int cellPos = metaTileMap.WorldToCell(worldPosition); var oldEffectLayerTile = metaTileMap.GetTile(cellPos, LayerType.Effects); StartCoroutine(EnableAnimationCoroutine(cellPos, animatedTile, animationTime, oldEffectLayerTile)); }
// Called on the first frame update private void Start() { try { GameObject genContObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("PersistantController"); TileSet activeTileSet = genContObj.GetComponent <PersistantController>().GetActiveTileSet(); _litCampfire = activeTileSet.GetLitCampfire(); } catch { Debug.LogError("Error setting lit campfire"); } _tilemapRef = GameObject.FindWithTag("Tilemap").GetComponent <Tilemap>(); // Get the audio manager try { _audManRef = GameObject.FindWithTag("AudioManager").GetComponent <AudioManager>(); } catch { Debug.Log("Could not get AudioManager"); } }
// If you're getting "error CS0246: The type of namespace name 'AnimatedTile' could not be found", then you need the prerequisite AnimatedTile class from // // and put it somewhere in your project. static ImportedTile CreateAnimatedTileAsset(Sprite tileSprite, Sprite[] animatedSprites, float animationSpeed, string tileAssetPath, Tile.ColliderType colliderType) { AnimatedTile tile = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <AnimatedTile>(tileAssetPath); if (tile == null) { tile = AnimatedTile.CreateInstance <AnimatedTile>(); tile.m_AnimatedSprites = animatedSprites; tile.m_AnimationStartTime = 0.0f; tile.m_MinSpeed = animationSpeed; tile.m_MaxSpeed = animationSpeed; tile.sprite = tileSprite; tile.colliderType = colliderType; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(tile, tileAssetPath); } else if ((tile.m_AnimatedSprites == null) == (animatedSprites == null) || tile.m_AnimatedSprites == null || animatedSprites == null || !tile.m_AnimatedSprites.SequenceEqual <Sprite>(animatedSprites) || tile.m_MinSpeed != animationSpeed || tile.m_MaxSpeed != animationSpeed || tile.sprite != tileSprite || tile.colliderType != colliderType) { tile.m_AnimatedSprites = animatedSprites; tile.m_MinSpeed = animationSpeed; tile.m_MaxSpeed = animationSpeed; tile.sprite = tileSprite; tile.colliderType = colliderType; EditorUtility.SetDirty(tile); } return(new ImportedTile(tile, tileAssetPath)); }
public void ResetAnim() { if (dlayers == null) { return; } int numRedone = 0; foreach (Tile t in dlayers[0].Values) { if (!(t is AnimatedTile)) { continue; } AnimatedTile tt = (AnimatedTile)t; tt.Reset(); numRedone++; } if (numRedone >= 2) //redraw if we've redone 2 or more { this.Refresh(); } }
public TileAnimationCommand(Layer layer, Location tileLocation, AnimatedTile animatedTile) { m_layer = layer; m_tileLocation = tileLocation; m_animatedTile = animatedTile; m_oldTile = null; m_description = "Set animated tile at " + tileLocation; }
internal Tile LoadTile(Layer layer, TMXMap tmxMap, UInt32 gid) { if (gid == 0) { return(null); } TileSheet selectedTileSheet = null; int tileIndex = -1; uint g = gid; bool flipped_horizontally = false; bool flipped_vertically = false; bool flipped_diagonally = false; if (g >= FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) { flipped_horizontally = true; g -= FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG; } if (g >= FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) { flipped_vertically = true; g -= FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG; } if (g >= FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) { flipped_diagonally = true; } gid &= ~(FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG); foreach (TileSheet tileSheet in layer.Map.TileSheets) { UInt32 property1 = (UInt32)tileSheet.Properties["@FirstGid"]; UInt32 property2 = (UInt32)tileSheet.Properties["@LastGid"]; if (gid >= property1 && gid <= property2) { selectedTileSheet = tileSheet; tileIndex = (int)(gid - property1); break; } } if (selectedTileSheet == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid tile gid: {0}", gid)); } Tile result = null; if (tmxMap.Tilesets.Where(ts => ts.Name == selectedTileSheet.Id).FirstOrDefault() is TMXTileset tileset && tileset.Tiles.Where(t => t.Id == tileIndex).FirstOrDefault() is TMXTileSetTile tile && tile.Animations != null && tile.Animations.Count() > 0) { StaticTile[] array = tile.Animations.Select(frame => new StaticTile(layer, selectedTileSheet, BlendMode.Alpha, (int)frame.TileId)).ToArray(); result = new AnimatedTile(layer, array, tile.Animations[0].Duration); }
public bool AttemptPlugLeak(int tileX, int tileY, Farmer who, bool forceRepair = false) { AnimatedTile firstTile ="Buildings").Tiles[tileX, tileY] as AnimatedTile; //ModEntry.monitor.Log($"({tileX}, {tileY}) | {isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who)}", LogLevel.Trace); if (firstTile is null) { return(false); } if (!forceRepair && !(isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who) && IsWithinRangeOfLeak(tileX, tileY, who))) { return(false); } if (!firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("CustomAction") || !firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("IsLeaking")) { return(false); } if (firstTile.Properties["CustomAction"] == "HullHole" && bool.Parse(firstTile.Properties["IsLeaking"]) is true) { // Stop the leaking firstTile.Properties["IsLeaking"] = false; // Update the tiles bool isFirstTile = true; for (int y = tileY; y < 5; y++) { if (isFirstTile) { // Board up the hole this.setMapTile(tileX, y, GetRandomBoardTile(), "Buildings", null, TRAWLER_TILESHEET_INDEX); // Add the custom properties for tracking"Buildings").Tiles[tileX, tileY].Properties.CopyFrom(firstTile.Properties); this.playSound("crafting"); isFirstTile = false; continue; } string targetLayer = y == 4 ? "Back" : "Buildings"; AnimatedTile animatedTile =[tileX, y] as AnimatedTile; int tileIndex = animatedTile.TileFrames[0].TileIndex - 1; this.setMapTile(tileX, y, tileIndex, targetLayer, null, TRAWLER_TILESHEET_INDEX); } } return(true); }
private IEnumerator EnableAnimationCoroutine( Vector3Int cellPos, AnimatedTile animatedTile, float animationTime, LayerTile oldEffectLayerTile) { tileChangeManager.UpdateTile(cellPos, TileType.Effects,; yield return(WaitFor.Seconds(animationTime)); ApplyOldOverlay(cellPos, oldEffectLayerTile); }
public MapMSD ParseFile(string path) { var msd = new MapMSD(); var reader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(File.OpenRead(path)); msd.AntimatedTiles = AnimatedTile.FromReader(reader); msd.GraphicsFilesID = reader.ReadByte(); msd.NumberOfZones = reader.ReadInt16(); msd.Zones = Zone.FromReader(reader, msd); return(msd); }
void Start() { xValue = -1; yValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LabyrinttiLevel"); leftEdgeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LabyrinttiLevel") * -1 - 1; rightEdgeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LabyrinttiLevel") - 2; bottomEdgeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LabyrinttiLevel") * -1 - 1; float cameraSize = this.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize; this.GetComponent <Camera>().orthographicSize = cameraSize + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LabyrinttiLevel") - 2; LastPlacedTile = EmptyTile; allTilesGenerated = false; }
private AnimatedTile LoadAnimatedTile(XmlHelper xmlHelper, Layer layer, TileSheet tileSheet) { int frameInterval = xmlHelper.GetIntAttribute("Interval"); xmlHelper.AdvanceStartElement("Frames"); Map map = layer.Map; List <StaticTile> tileFrames = new List <StaticTile>(); while (xmlHelper.AdvanceNode() != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name == "Static") { tileFrames.Add(LoadStaticTile(xmlHelper, layer, tileSheet)); } else if (xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name == "TileSheet") { string tileSheetRef = xmlHelper.GetAttribute("Ref"); tileSheet = map.GetTileSheet(tileSheetRef); } } AnimatedTile animatedTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, tileFrames.ToArray(), frameInterval); // advance to end Animated tag or Properties xmlHelper.AdvanceNode(); XmlNodeType xmlNodeType = xmlHelper.XmlReader.NodeType; string nodeName = xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name; if (xmlNodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && nodeName == "Properties") { LoadProperties(xmlHelper, animatedTile, false); xmlHelper.AdvanceNode(); xmlNodeType = xmlHelper.XmlReader.NodeType; nodeName = xmlHelper.XmlReader.Name; } if (xmlNodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && nodeName == "Animated") { return(animatedTile); } else { throw new Exception("Closing \"Animated\" element expected"); } }
private IEnumerator StartOverlayTileAnimation(Vector3Int pos, AnimatedTile tile, Quaternion rotation) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.8f)); var extraLocation = pos; extraLocation.z = extraLocation.z + 1; plantTilemap.SetTransformMatrix( extraLocation, Matrix4x4.Rotate(rotation) ); StartTileAnimation(extraLocation, tile, rotation, 0); }
void SetMatrix() { //tileMap.animationFrameRate = 0; // SET THE MATRIX mapBounds = tileMap.cellBounds; mapMatrix = new TileInfo[mapBounds.size.x, mapBounds.size.y]; TileBase[] allTiles = tileMap.GetTilesBlock(mapBounds); // Recupere les tiles et creer la matrice for (int x = 0; x < mapBounds.size.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapBounds.size.y; y++) TileBase tile = tileMap.GetTile<TileBase>(new Vector3Int(x,y,0)); //TileBase tile = allTiles[x + y * mapBounds.size.x]; if (tile != null) { AnimatedTile animTile = tileMap.GetTile<AnimatedTile>(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); TileType tileType; if (animTile != null &&"Path")) { tileType = TileType.Path; } else if (tileUnusableName.Contains( { tileType = TileType.Unusable; } else { tileType = TileType.Ground; } mapMatrix[x, y] = new TileInfo(animTile, tileType, true); if (animTile != null) { if (!(animTileAlreadySee.ContainsKey( { animTilesVector3.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)); animTileAlreadySee.Add(, true); } animTile.m_SpriteIndex = 0; } } else { mapMatrix[x, y] = new TileInfo(null, TileType.Unusable, true); } } }
void OnEnable() { _animatedTile = target as AnimatedTile; _randomizeStartProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(AnimatedTile.RandomizeStart)); _animationSpeedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(AnimatedTile.AnimationSpeed)); _animationStartProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(AnimatedTile.AnimationStartTime)); _tiles.Setup(serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(_animatedTile.Tiles))) .MakeAddable(_addTileButton) .MakeRemovable(_removeTileButton) .MakeHeaderButton(_createTilesIcon, CreateTiles, Color.white) .MakeCustomHeight(GetHeight) .MakeReorderable(); }
private void SetTileAtPointAndHeight(int x, int y, float noiseHeight, int terrainLevelCount) { // Tile assets allow you to use a height of 2z // Therefore, we “stretch” the noise scale more than 2 times float tileHeight = noiseHeight * terrainLevelCount * 2; int tileHeightIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(tileHeight); int z = tileHeightIndex * m_HeightSettings.heightMultiplier; if (m_HeightSettings.flatten) { z = 0; } int terrainIndex = GetTilemapLevelAtHeight(noiseHeight); TerrainSettings.Terrain terrain = m_TerrainSettings.GetTerrain(terrainIndex); Tile tile = terrain.tile; AnimatedTile animatedTile = terrain.animatedTile; if (m_HeightSettings.jagged) { //if jagged Percent is 1, everything is shifted down 1, giving the illusion that nothing is shifted bool shouldApplyJagged = UnityEngine.Random.value >= 1 - m_HeightSettings.jaggedPercent; if (shouldApplyJagged) { z = Mathf.Max(0, z - terrain.heightDelta); } } FillTileMapGaps(x, y, z, tile); Vector3Int tilePosition = new Vector3Int(x - m_HeightSettings.dimensionLength / 2, y - m_HeightSettings.dimensionLength / 2, z); if (animatedTile != null) { groundMap.SetTile(tilePosition, animatedTile); } else { groundMap.SetTile(tilePosition, tile); } }
private void AddLinks(List <string> links) { if (links == null) { return; } if (links.Count > 0) { _sprites.Clear(); _tiles.Clear(); foreach (string link in links) { var tile = new AnimatedTile(link); _tiles.Add(tile, link); _sprites.Add(tile); } } }
private void StoreAnimatedTile(Stream stream, AnimatedTile animatedTile) { StoreInt32(stream, (int)animatedTile.FrameInterval); StoreInt32(stream, animatedTile.TileFrames.Count()); TileSheet prevTileSheet = null; foreach (StaticTile tileFrame in animatedTile.TileFrames) { TileSheet tileSheet = tileFrame.TileSheet; if (tileSheet != prevTileSheet) { stream.WriteByte((byte)'T'); StoreString(stream, tileSheet.Id); prevTileSheet = tileSheet; } stream.WriteByte((byte)'S'); StoreStaticTile(stream, tileFrame); } StoreProperties(stream, animatedTile); }
public bool AttemptFixNet(int tileX, int tileY, Farmer who, bool forceRepair = false) { AnimatedTile firstTile ="AlwaysFront").Tiles[tileX, tileY] as AnimatedTile; //ModEntry.monitor.Log($"({tileX}, {tileY}) | {isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who)}", LogLevel.Debug); if (firstTile is null) { return(false); } if (!forceRepair && !(isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who) && IsWithinRangeOfNet(who))) { return(false); } if (!firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("CustomAction") || !firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("IsRipped")) { return(false); } if (firstTile.Properties["CustomAction"] == "RippedNet" && bool.Parse(firstTile.Properties["IsRipped"]) is true) { // Stop the rip firstTile.Properties["IsRipped"] = false; // Patch up the net this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY, 435, "AlwaysFront", null, TRAWLER_TILESHEET_INDEX); this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY - 1, 436, "AlwaysFront", null, TRAWLER_TILESHEET_INDEX); // Add the custom properties for tracking"AlwaysFront").Tiles[tileX, tileY].Properties.CopyFrom(firstTile.Properties); this.playSound("harvest"); } return(false); }
public Tile ToGameTile(Map map) { if (Deleted) { return(null); } Tile tile; Layer layer = map.GetLayer(LayerId); TileSheet tileSheet = map.GetTileSheet(TileSheetId); if (Animated) { tile = new AnimatedTile(layer, TileFramesToStaticTiles(map), FrameInterval); } else { tile = new StaticTile(layer, tileSheet, BlendMode, TileIndex); } PasteProperties(tile); return(tile); }
private void MergeTiles(Layer layer, Diff.TileData[] tilesData) { TileSheet GetTileSheetForTile(Diff.TileData tiledata) { return(layer.Map.TileSheets.First(ts => ts.Id == tiledata.OwningTileSheetId)); } foreach (Diff.TileData tileData in tilesData) { if (tileData.EditType == EditType.Delete) { layer.Tiles[tileData.X, tileData.Y] = null; continue; } Tile newTile = null; if (tileData is Diff.AnimatedTileData animatedTileData) { StaticTile[] frames = animatedTileData.Frames .Select(fd => new StaticTile(layer, GetTileSheetForTile(fd), fd.BlendMode, fd.TileIndex)) .ToArray(); newTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, frames, animatedTileData.FrameInterval); } newTile = newTile ?? new StaticTile(layer, GetTileSheetForTile(tileData), tileData.BlendMode, tileData.TileIndex); // TODO: Should we merge these in case another mod has edited them? if (tileData.Properties != null) { newTile.Properties.CopyFrom(tileData.Properties); } if (tileData.TileIndexProperties != null) { newTile.TileIndexProperties.CopyFrom(tileData.TileIndexProperties); } layer.Tiles[tileData.X, tileData.Y] = newTile; } }
// Clones a tile but uses the provided tilesheet and layer. private Tile CopyTile(Tile source, TileSheet tileSheet, Layer layer, IPropertyCollection additionalProperties = null) { var blendMode = source.BlendMode; var tileIndex = source.TileIndex; Tile newTile = null; if (source is AnimatedTile) { AnimatedTile animatedTile = source as AnimatedTile; // Copy the frames StaticTile[] frames = new StaticTile[animatedTile.TileFrames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < animatedTile.TileFrames.Length; ++i) { StaticTile copyFrame = animatedTile.TileFrames[i]; frames[i] = new StaticTile(layer, tileSheet, copyFrame.BlendMode, copyFrame.TileIndex); } newTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, frames, animatedTile.FrameInterval); } else { newTile = new StaticTile(layer, tileSheet, blendMode, tileIndex); } if (additionalProperties?.Count > 0) { newTile.Properties.CopyFrom(additionalProperties); } // Do this after adding the additional properties so it overwrites any conflicting ones. MergeTileProperties(source, newTile); // Copy the tile properties. This contains the data set on tiles on the actual tilesheet (ie. passable). newTile.TileIndexProperties.CopyFrom(source.TileIndexProperties); return(newTile); }
public bool AttemptPlugLeak(int tileX, int tileY, Farmer who, bool forceRepair = false) { AnimatedTile firstTile ="Buildings").Tiles[tileX, tileY] as AnimatedTile; //ModEntry.monitor.Log($"({tileX}, {tileY}) | {isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who)}", LogLevel.Debug); if (firstTile is null) { return(false); } if (!forceRepair && !(isActionableTile(tileX, tileY, who) && IsWithinRangeOfLeak(tileX, tileY, who))) { return(false); } if (!firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("CustomAction") || !firstTile.Properties.ContainsKey("IsLeaking")) { return(false); } if (firstTile.Properties["CustomAction"] == "RustyPipe" && bool.Parse(firstTile.Properties["IsLeaking"]) is true) { // Stop the leak firstTile.Properties["IsLeaking"] = false; // Patch up the net this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY, 81, "Buildings", null, CABIN_TILESHEET_INDEX); this.setMapTileIndex(tileX, tileY - 1, -1, "Buildings"); // Add the custom properties for tracking"Buildings").Tiles[tileX, tileY].Properties.CopyFrom(firstTile.Properties); this.playSound("hammer"); } return(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { TiledMap = new Map(TileMap, true, MapsPath, this.gameObject, defaultMaterial, 0); TileLayer tileLayer = TiledMap.GetTileLayer("Background"); for (int i = 0; i < CoinsToAnimate.Length; i++) { AnimatedTile animTile = tileLayer.Tiles[(int)CoinsToAnimate[i].x, (int)CoinsToAnimate[i].y].TileObject.AddComponent <AnimatedTile>(); animTile.TiledMap = TiledMap; animTile.TileFramesGIDs = new int[] { 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 }; animTile.AnimationFPS = 5; animTile.AnimationMode = TileAnimationMode.PING_PONG; } for (int i = 0; i < FacesToAnimate.Length; i++) { AnimatedTile animTile = tileLayer.Tiles[(int)FacesToAnimate[i].x, (int)FacesToAnimate[i].y].TileObject.AddComponent <AnimatedTile>(); animTile.TiledMap = TiledMap; animTile.TileFramesGIDs = new int[] { 2, 3, 19, 20, 22, 34 }; animTile.AnimationFPS = 5; animTile.AnimationMode = TileAnimationMode.LOOP; } }
/// <summary> /// Places a tile at the specified position, WHILE taking into account it's TileType /// Mainly used for player block placement, if you are looking to place a block through the code /// Either use `Tiles[x,y,z] =` or, set sendMessage to false /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The X position on the grid</param> /// <param name="y">The Y position on the grid</param> /// <param name="layer">The layer, either background or foreground</param> /// <param name="block">The block to place</param> /// <param name="sendMessage">Should the block be sent to the server or not</param> public void PlaceTile(int x, int y, Layer layer, BlockType block, bool sendMessage) { int z = layer == Layer.Foreground ? 1 : 0; if (CanPlaceBlock(x, y, z, block)) { //If the block has changed, and we should send a message, send one if (sendMessage && Tiles[x, y, z].Block.ID != block.ID) { Game.NetManager.Send(new BlockMessage(block, x, y, z)); } //Set the block switch (block.Type) { case TileType.Default: Tiles[x, y, z] = new Tile(block); break; case TileType.Animated: Tiles[x, y, z] = new AnimatedTile(block); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Moves the maze by the given speed in the given directional axis (true = left + right, false = up + down) but only if the given animatied tile will not be in a wall. /// </summary> public void AttemptMove(GameTime gameTime, int speed, bool dir, AnimatedTile tile) { // Attempt to move Move(gameTime, speed, dir); // Check if the given tile is in a wall and if he is undo move if (IsInWall(tile)) Move(gameTime, -speed, dir); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the comrade intersecting with the given tile (returns null if none) /// </summary> public Comrade IntersectingComrade(AnimatedTile tile) { Comrade[] comrade = comrades.Where(c => new Rectangle(tile.Position.ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.CharacterSize)).Intersects(new Rectangle(c.Position.ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.CharacterSize)))).ToArray(); return comrade.Length > 0 ? comrade[0] : null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the minotuar intersecting with the given tile (returns null if none) /// </summary> public Minotaur IntersectingMinotuar(AnimatedTile tile) { Minotaur[] minotaur = minotaurs.Where(m => new Rectangle(tile.Position.ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.CharacterSize)).Intersects(new Rectangle(m.Position.ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.CharacterSize)))).ToArray(); return minotaur.Length > 0 ? minotaur[0] : null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets if the given tile is intersecting with the exit /// </summary> public bool IsInExit(AnimatedTile tile) { return new Rectangle(tile.Position.ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.TileSize)).Intersects(new Rectangle((exit+position).ToPoint(), new Point(GameVariables.TileSize))); }
/// <summary> /// Gets if the given tile is intersecting with a wall. /// </summary> public bool IsInWall(AnimatedTile tile) { Vector2 relativePosition = new Vector2(tile.Position.X - position.X, tile.Position.Y - position.Y); return !tiles[(int)(relativePosition.X+GameVariables.CharacterSize/2) / GameVariables.TileSize][(int)(relativePosition.Y + GameVariables.CharacterSize / 2) / GameVariables.TileSize]; }