public GetBallOverlay() : base() { giftBox = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.GiftBox); giftBox.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_getball@4x3", "box", false, 0.05f); giftBox.PlayAnimation("box", true); giftBox.SetOriginToCenter(); giftBox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(320, 600); AddChild(giftBox); glowing = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.OverlayButton2); glowing.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_glowing@5x2", "glowing", true, 0.1f); glowing.PlayAnimation("glowing", true); glowing.SetOriginToCenter(); glowing.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 500); AddChild(glowing); background = new SpriteGameObject("Sprites/Backgrounds/spr_getball", Depth.OverlayBackground2); AddChild(background); message = new TextGameObject("Fonts/GetBall", Depth.OverlayMessage, Color.White, TextGameObject.HorizontalAlignment.Center, TextGameObject.VerticalAlignment.Center); AddChild(message); message.Visible = false; message.Text = "Click to get ball"; message.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 900); fireWorkMaker = new ListStar(Depth.RandomBall + 0.001f); AddChild(fireWorkMaker); Reset(); }
public override void Show() { base.Show(); giftBox.PlayAnimation("box", true); timeEslapsed = 0f; message.Visible = false; randomBall = new RandomBall(GameSettingHelper.GetRandomBall().LargeSpritePath); glowing.Visible = false; ExtendedGame.AssetManager.PlaySoundEffect("Sounds/snd_gift"); }
private AnimatedGameObject CreateClearColumnEffect() { AnimatedGameObject newObject = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.Effect); newObject.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_item_break_vertical@9", "col", false, 0.01f); newObject.PlayAnimation("col", true); newObject.SetOriginToCenter(); newObject.LocalPosition = new Vector2(50 + column * 100, 600); return(newObject); }
private AnimatedGameObject CreateClearRowEffect() { AnimatedGameObject newObject = new AnimatedGameObject(Depth.Effect); newObject.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Animations/spr_animation_item_break_horizontal@1x11", "row", false, 0.01f); newObject.PlayAnimation("row", true); newObject.SetOriginToCenter(); newObject.LocalPosition = new Vector2(350, 200 + Row * 100); return(newObject); }
//scrolling left through the selection is -1 public void ChangeSpriteLeft(AnimatedGameObject obj, int animationIndex, int index) { if (animationIndex == 1) { characterSelectIndex[index] = 4; } else { characterSelectIndex[index] -= 1; } obj.PlayAnimation("maiden" + characterSelectIndex[index].ToString()); borderSprites[index].GetColor = lockInColor[(characterSelectIndex[index] - 1) * 2]; }
//scrolling right through the selection is +1 public void ChangeSpriteRight(AnimatedGameObject obj, int animationIndex, int index) { //Check if the index is not at max, if so change the index number to the lowest number (=1) if (animationIndex == 4) { characterSelectIndex[index] = 1; } else { characterSelectIndex[index] += 1; } obj.PlayAnimation("maiden" + characterSelectIndex[index].ToString()); borderSprites[index].GetColor = lockInColor[(characterSelectIndex[index] - 1) * 2]; }
public Bar(int t, string id, int layer = 9, int sheetIndex = 1) : base("Sprites/bar2", layer, id, sheetIndex) { playsound = true; type = t; this.Position = new Vector2(20, 30 * t); if (type == 4) { this.position += new Vector2(0, 20); } barPart = WifiWars.AssetManager.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/bar"); car = new AnimatedGameObject(); car.LoadAnimation("Sprites/Police@2", "car", true); resource = 0; totalResource = 1000; car.PlayAnimation("car"); }