public Sprite(ref Game game) { /* konstruktor */ p_game = game; p_position = new PointF(0, 0); p_velocity = new PointF(0, 0); p_size = new Size(0, 0); p_bitmap = null; p_alive = true; p_columns = 1; p_totalFrames = 1; p_currentFrame = 0; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.FORWARD; p_animationWrap = AnimateWrap.WRAP; p_lastTime = 0; p_animationRate = 30; }
public Asset(ref GamePlay gamePlay) { p_gamePlay = gamePlay; p_position = new PointF(0, 0); p_velocity = new PointF(0, 0); p_size = new Size(0, 0); p_bitmap = null; p_alive = true; p_columns = 1; p_totalFrames = 1; p_currentFrame = 0; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.FORWARD; p_animationWrap = AnimateWrap.WRAP; p_lastTime = 0; p_animationRate = 30; }
public Sprite(ref Cipher cipher) { game = cipher; position = new PointF(0, 0); velocity = new PointF(0, 0); mSize = new Size(0, 0); bitmap = null; alive = true; colums = 1; totalFrames = 1; currentFrame = 0; animateDirection = AnimateDir.Forward; animateWrap = AnimateWrap.Wrap; lastTime = 0; animationRate = 30; }
public void Animate(int startFrame, int endFrame) { //do we even need to animate? if (p_totalFrames <= 0) { return; } //check animation timing int time = Environment.TickCount; if (time > p_lastTime + p_animationRate) { p_lastTime = time; //go to next frame p_currentFrame += (int)p_animationDir; switch (p_animationWrap) { case AnimateWrap.WRAP: if (p_currentFrame < startFrame) { p_currentFrame = endFrame; } else if (p_currentFrame > endFrame) { p_currentFrame = startFrame; } break; case AnimateWrap.BOUNCE: if (p_currentFrame < startFrame) { p_currentFrame = startFrame; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.FORWARD; } else if (p_currentFrame > endFrame) { p_currentFrame = endFrame; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.BACKWARD; } break; } } }
public void Animate(int startFrame, int endFrame) { //animujemy wtedy gdy podana liczba ramek > 0 if (p_totalFrames <= 0) { return; } //sprawdź czas animacji int time = Environment.TickCount; if (time > p_lastTime + p_animationRate) { p_lastTime = time; //przejście do kolejnej ramki p_currentFrame += (int)p_animationDir; switch (p_animationWrap) { case AnimateWrap.WRAP: if (p_currentFrame < startFrame) { p_currentFrame = endFrame; } else if (p_currentFrame > endFrame) { p_currentFrame = startFrame; } break; case AnimateWrap.BOUNCE: if (p_currentFrame < startFrame) { p_currentFrame = startFrame; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.FORWARD; } else if (p_currentFrame > endFrame) { p_currentFrame = endFrame; p_animationDir = AnimateDir.BACKWARD; } break; } } }
public void Animate(int startFrame, int endFrame) { if (totalFrames <= 0) { return; } int time = Environment.TickCount; if (time > lastTime + animationRate) { lastTime = time; currentFrame += (int)animateDirection; switch (animateWrap) { case AnimateWrap.Wrap: { if (currentFrame < startFrame) { currentFrame = endFrame; } else if (currentFrame > endFrame) { currentFrame = startFrame; } break; } case AnimateWrap.Bounce: { if (currentFrame < startFrame) { currentFrame = startFrame; animateDirection = AnimateDir.Forward; } else if (currentFrame > endFrame) { currentFrame = endFrame; animateDirection = AnimateDir.Backward; } break; } } } }