예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Animal        animal        = null;
            AnimalFactory animalFactory = null;
            string        speakSound    = null;

            // Create the Sea Factory object by passing the factory type as Sea
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Sea");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);
            // Get Octopus Animal object by passing the animal type as Octopus
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Octopus");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);
            // Create Land Factory object by passing the factory type as Land
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Land");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);
            // Get Lion Animal object by passing the animal type as Lion
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Lion");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);
            // Get Cat Animal object by passing the animal type as Cat
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Cat");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);
        public void test_zoo()
            IAnimal       animal;
            AnimalFactory animalFactory = null;

                animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory(AnimalFactoryType.Land);

                animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Cat);
                Assert.That(animal.Speak() == "Meow Meow Meow");
                animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Lion);
                Assert.That(animal.Speak() == "Roar");
                animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Wolf);
                Assert.That(animal.Speak() == "Bark bark");

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Octopus));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Shark));

                animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory(AnimalFactoryType.Sea);

                animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Octopus);
                Assert.That(animal.Speak() == "SQUAWCK");
                animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Shark);
                Assert.That(animal.Speak() == "Cannot Speak");

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Cat));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Lion));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(AnimalType.Wolf));
예제 #3
        public void Test1(FactoryTypes factoryType, AnimalTypes animalType)
            var animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory(factoryType);


            var animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal(animalType);

            if (factoryType == FactoryTypes.Land)
                if (_landAnimals.Contains(animalType))

                    switch (animal)
                    case Cat cat:
                        Assert.Contains("Meow", cat.Speak());

                    case Dog dog:
                        Assert.Contains("Bark", dog.Speak());

                    case Lion lion:
                        Assert.Contains("Roar", lion.Speak());
                if (_seaAnimals.Contains(animalType))

                    switch (animal)
                    case Octopus octopus:
                        Assert.Contains("SQUAWCK", octopus.Speak());

                    case Shark shark:
                        Assert.Contains("Cannot", shark.Speak());
예제 #4
        internal static void Call()
            Console.WriteLine("\nAbstract Factory Pattern");

             * factory is created by abstract factory
             * object is created by factory, via abstract factory

            Animal        animal        = null;
            AnimalFactory animalFactory = null;
            string        speakSound    = null;

            //ABSTARCT FACTORY Create the Sea Factory object by passing the factory type as Sea
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Sea");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);

            //FACTORY Get Octopus Animal object by passing the animal type as Octopus
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Octopus");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);

            //ABSTARCT FACTORY Create Land Factory object by passing the factory type as Land
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Land");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);

            //FACTORY Get Lion Animal object by passing the animal type as Lion
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Lion");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);

            //FACTORY Get Cat Animal object by passing the animal type as Cat
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Cat");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Sample1

            /* var pc = ComputerFactory.getComputer(new PCFactory("2 GB", "500 GB", "2.4 GHz"));
             * var server = ComputerFactory.getComputer(new ServerFactory("16 GB", "1 TB", "2.9 GHz"));
             * Console.WriteLine(pc);
             * Console.WriteLine(server); */

            #region Sample2
            //get shape factory

            /* var RectangleShapeFactory = ShapeFactoryProducer<IRegularShape>.getFactory();
             * //get an object of Shape Rectangle
             * var ShapeRectangle = RectangleShapeFactory.getShape(new RectangleFactory());
             * //call draw method of Shape Rectangle
             * ShapeRectangle.draw();
             * //get an object of Shape Square
             * var ShapeSquare = RectangleShapeFactory.getShape(new SquareFactory());
             * //call draw method of Shape Square
             * ShapeSquare.draw();
             * //get shape factory
             * var SquareShapeFactory = ShapeFactoryProducer<IRoundedShape>.getFactory();
             * //get an object of Shape Rectangle
             * var ShapeRoundedRectangle = SquareShapeFactory.getShape(new RoundedRectangleFactory());
             * //call draw method of Shape Rectangle
             * ShapeRoundedRectangle.draw();
             * //get an object of Shape Square
             * var ShapeRoundedSquare = SquareShapeFactory.getShape(new RoundedSquareFactory());
             * //call draw method of Shape Square
             * ShapeRoundedSquare.draw(); */

            #region Sample3

            /* // Create and run the African animal world
             * ContinentFactory africa = new AfricaFactory();
             * AnimalWorld world = new AnimalWorld(africa);
             * world.RunFoodChain();
             * // Create and run the American animal world
             * ContinentFactory america = new AmericaFactory();
             * world = new AnimalWorld(america);
             * world.RunFoodChain(); */

            #region Sample4

            /* Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of Bank from where you want to take loan amount: ");
             * string bankName = Console.ReadLine();
             * Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of loan e.g. home loan or business loan or education loan : ");
             * string loanName = Console.ReadLine();
             * AbstractFactory bankFactory = FactoryCreator.getFactory("Bank");
             * Bank b = bankFactory.getBank(bankName);
             * Console.WriteLine($"Enter the interest rate for {b.GetBankName()}: ");
             * double rate = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
             * Console.WriteLine("Enter the loan amount you want to take: ");
             * double loanAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
             * Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of years to pay your entire loan amount: ");
             * int years = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
             * Console.WriteLine($"you are taking the loan from {b.GetBankName()}");
             * AbstractFactory loanFactory = FactoryCreator.getFactory("Loan");
             * Loan l = loanFactory.getLoan(loanName);
             * l.GetInterestRate(rate);
             * l.CalculateLoanPayment(loanAmount, years); */

            #region Sample5

            /* MyCompanyAbstractFactory factory = MyCompanyAbstractFactory.GetFactory(Architecture.EMBER);
             * CPU cpu = factory.CreateCPU(); */

            #region Sample7
            AnimalFactory animalFactory = null;
            string        speakSound    = null;
            // Create the Sea Factory object by passing the factory type as Sea
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Sea");

            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);
            // Get Octopus Animal object by passing the animal type as Octopus
            var animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Octopus");

            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();

            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);

            // Create Land Factory object by passing the factory type as Land
            animalFactory = AnimalFactory.CreateAnimalFactory("Land");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Factory type : " + animalFactory.GetType().Name);

            // Get Lion Animal object by passing the animal type as Lion
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Lion");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);

            // Get Cat Animal object by passing the animal type as Cat
            animal = animalFactory.GetAnimal("Cat");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal Type : " + animal.GetType().Name);
            speakSound = animal.speak();
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType().Name + " Speak : " + speakSound);
