IEnumerator DeathAnimation() { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(5); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_deathDelay)); _roundData.Remove(this.gameObject); ObjectPool.instance.PoolObject(this.gameObject); }
IEnumerator AnimHandling() { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateOverride(1); AnimStateHandler.ViewState(1); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); AnimStateHandler.AnimStateOverride(0); AnimStateHandler.ViewState(0); }
void XboxControllerInput() { string _playerNumberString = _playerNumber.ToString(); //DPAD float dpadX = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.DPADX + _playerNumberString); //DPAD X AXIS if (dpadX > 0) { } else if (dpadX < 0) { } float dpadY = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.DPADY + _playerNumberString); //DPAD Y AXIS if (dpadY > 0) { } else if (dpadY < 0) { } //ANALOG STICKS float leftX = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.LEFTX + _playerNumberString); //LEFT ANALOG X AXIS float leftY = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.LEFTY + _playerNumberString); //LEFT ANALOG Y AXIS Vector3 inputVector = new Vector3(leftX, 0, -leftY); //Idle if (!Input.anyKeyDown && leftY == 0 && leftX == 0) { AnimStateHandler.Idle(); //AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(0); } if (leftX != 0 || leftY != 0) { if (leftY > 0.2 || leftY >= 0 && leftX != 0) { inputVector = inputVector / 3; } } _movement.Move(inputVector); //Debug.Log("Moving on player " + _playerNumberString); if (leftY < 0) //moving forward i think otherwise switch with backward { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(1); } else if (leftY > 0) //moving backward i think otherwise switch with forward { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(2); } if (leftX > 0) //moving right i think otherwise switch with left { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(3); } else if (leftX < 0) //moving left i think otherwise switch with right { AnimStateHandler.AnimStateGeneral(4); } float rightX = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.RIGHTX + _playerNumberString); //RIGHT ANALOG X AXIS float rightY = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.RIGHTY + _playerNumberString); //RIGHT ANALOG X AXIS if (rightX != 0) { //Debug.Log("Right"); _movement.RotateX(rightX); } if (rightY != 0) { //Debug.Log("Left"); _movement.RotateY(rightY); } //TRIGGERS float leftTrigger = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.LT + _playerNumberString); float rightTrigger = Input.GetAxis(InputAxes.RT + _playerNumberString); if (leftTrigger > 0) { } if (rightTrigger > 0) { _shoot.ShootWeapon(); } //START & BACK if (Input.GetButtonDown(InputAxes.START + _playerNumberString)) { _pause.PauseToggle(); } }