예제 #1
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_Resume_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #2
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, float InBlendOutTime, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((float *)(b + 0))  = InBlendOutTime;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 8)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_Stop_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #3
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage Montage, float NewPosition)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = Montage;
                *((float *)(b + 8))  = NewPosition;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_SetPosition_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #4
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, Name SectionName, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((Name *)(b + 0))    = SectionName;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 16)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_JumpToSectionsEnd_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #5
            internal static unsafe bool Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_IsPlaying_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((bool *)(b + 8)));
예제 #6
            internal static unsafe float Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_GetPosition_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((float *)(b + 8)));
예제 #7
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, Name SectionNameToChange, Name NextSection, AnimMontage Montage)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((Name *)(b + 0))    = SectionNameToChange;
                *((Name *)(b + 12))   = NextSection;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 24)) = Montage;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_SetNextSection_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #8
            internal static unsafe float Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage AnimMontage, float InPlayRate, Name StartSectionName)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = AnimMontage;
                *((float *)(b + 8))  = InPlayRate;
                *((Name *)(b + 12))  = StartSectionName;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, PlayAnimMontage_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((float *)(b + 24)));
예제 #9
            internal static unsafe PlayMontageCallbackProxy Invoke(SkeletalMeshComponent InSkeletalMeshComponent, AnimMontage MontageToPlay, float PlayRate, float StartingPosition, Name StartingSection)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = InSkeletalMeshComponent;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 8)) = MontageToPlay;
                *((float *)(b + 16)) = PlayRate;
                *((float *)(b + 20)) = StartingPosition;
                *((Name *)(b + 24))  = StartingSection;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(PlayMontageCallbackProxy.DefaultObject, CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((IntPtr *)(b + 40)));
예제 #10
            internal static unsafe float Invoke(IntPtr obj, AnimMontage MontageToPlay, float InPlayRate, EMontagePlayReturnType ReturnValueType, float InTimeToStartMontageAt, bool bStopAllMontages)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = MontageToPlay;
                *((float *)(b + 8))  = InPlayRate;
                *(b + 12)            = (byte)ReturnValueType;
                *((float *)(b + 16)) = InTimeToStartMontageAt;
                *((bool *)(b + 20))  = bStopAllMontages;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, Montage_Play_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((float *)(b + 24)));
예제 #11
 ///<summary>Called to perform the query internally</summary>
 public static PlayMontageCallbackProxy CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage(SkeletalMeshComponent InSkeletalMeshComponent, AnimMontage MontageToPlay, float PlayRate, float StartingPosition, Name StartingSection) =>
 PlayMontageCallbackProxy_methods.CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage_method.Invoke(InSkeletalMeshComponent, MontageToPlay, PlayRate, StartingPosition, StartingSection);