void Init(){ // refactored this because Awake could be called after the first ExpectEvents call, wiping out the settings
		if (initialized) return;
		initialized = true;

		if(target == null && transform.parent != null )
			target = transform.parent.gameObject;
		if ( target != null )
			am = target.GetComponent<AnimationManager>();
			tc = target.GetComponent<TaskCharacter>();
		skippedEvents = new List<string>();

		expectedEvents = new AnimEventList();
		expectedEvents.events = new List<AnimationEvent>();
		receivedEvents = new List<AnimationEvent>();

//		MatchingLists = new List<AnimEventList>() ;
		if (animEventList == null){
			Serializer<List<AnimEventList>> serializer = new Serializer<List<AnimEventList>>();
			string pathname = "XML/AnimEventList";
			animEventList = serializer.Load(pathname);
//			CheckForDuplicateClips(); // there are a lot of duplicates, we are dealing with it.

	public void ExpectEventsFor(string clipname){
		Init ();
		prevClipName = setClipName;
		setClipName = clipname;

		if (expectedEvents == null){
			expectedEvents = new AnimEventList();
			expectedEvents.events = new List<AnimationEvent>();
		// here's where we check for any unfired events, but not for looping mode clips
		if (animation[expectedEvents.clipName] != null && animation[expectedEvents.clipName].wrapMode != WrapMode.Loop) {
			foreach (AnimationEvent eve in expectedEvents.events) {
				if (eve.time < animation [prevClipName].time) { // the event's time in the clip has passed, should have fired
					Debug.LogError (Time.time + target.name + ": AnimationEvent " + eve.functionName + ":" + eve.time + " FAILED TO TRIGGER for " + prevClipName + ":" + animation [prevClipName].time);
					string message = Time.time + target.name + ": AnimationEvent " + ":" + eve.time + eve.functionName + " FAILED TO TRIGGER for " + prevClipName + ":" + animation [prevClipName].time;
					skippedEvents.Add (message);
		bool found = false;
		string eventnames = "-";

		foreach (AnimEventList list in animEventList){
			// this next test assumes that the no event clips, without owners listed, are checked last, thus act as defaults if no
			if (list.clipName == clipname && (list.owners == null || list.owners.Contains(target.name))){
				found = true;
				expectedEvents.clipName = clipname;
				foreach (AnimationEvent e in list.events){
					expectedEvents.events.Add(e); // do we need to make a copy of 'e' ? i dont think so
					eventnames += e.functionName;
					// only set a failsafe for non-looping clips
					if (animation[expectedEvents.clipName].wrapMode != WrapMode.Loop)
						StartCoroutine(StartFailsafeFor(e)); // start a time based co routine to be sure this triggers.
//				if (list.owners == null)
//					Debug.LogWarning(target.name+" using default no-event clip for "+clipname);
//		Debug.LogError (Time.time+": "+target.name+" starting clip "+clipname+" has events "+expectedEvents.events.Count+eventnames);
		if (!found) Debug.LogError(target.name+" found no event list for clip "+clipname);
		//if (clipname != expectedEvents.clipName) Debug.LogError("HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN???"); // awake was getting called after ExpectEvent
		//Debug.LogError(target.name+" expectEventsFor ["+clipname+"] found ["+expectedEvents.clipName+"]");

	static void DoExport(bool makeSubmeshes)
		List<AnimEventList> clipLists;
		List<AnimationClip> processedClips;

//		if (Selection.gameObjects.Length == 0)
//		{
//			Debug.Log("Didn't Export Anything!");
//			return;
//		}
		clipLists = new List<AnimEventList>();
		processedClips = new List<AnimationClip>();
		List<AnimationClip> zeroEventClips = new List<AnimationClip>();
		// collect all the animation messenger components...
		AnimationMessenger[] messengers = FindObjectsOfType<AnimationMessenger> (); // in the scene
		//foreach (GameObject obj in Selection.gameObjects){
		foreach (AnimationMessenger mess in messengers){
			GameObject obj = mess.gameObject;
			GameObject target = FindTarget(mess);
			if (obj.animation != null){
				// be sure we have a
				foreach (AnimationState state in obj.animation){
					if (!processedClips.Contains (state.clip)){

						AnimationEvent[] evs = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(state.clip);
						if (evs.Length > 0){
							AnimEventList evList = new AnimEventList();
							evList.events = new List<AnimationEvent>();
							evList.clipName = state.clip.name;
							evList.clip = state.clip;
							evList.owners = target.name; // start with the first owner
							foreach (AnimationEvent ev in evs){
								evList.events.Add (ev);
							Debug.Log (evs.Length+" events found on clip "+state.clip.name+" of "+target.name);
							clipLists.Add (evList);
							if (!zeroEventClips.Contains (state.clip)){
								Debug.LogWarning(state.clip.name+" has NO animation Events");
						//  add this character as an owner of the clip
						foreach (AnimEventList checkList in clipLists) // we might not be able to access this while in use...
							if (checkList.clip == state.clip){
								checkList.owners += " "+ target.name;

		// add all the zero event clips at the end so we can find them in the xml
		foreach (AnimationClip clip in zeroEventClips){
			AnimEventList evList = new AnimEventList();
			evList.events = new List<AnimationEvent>();
			evList.clipName = clip.name;
			//evList.clip = clip;
			clipLists.Add (evList);

		// we may have to null out the 'clip' elements for serialization
		foreach (AnimEventList list in clipLists)
						list.clip = null; // there's really no useful info here...

		// now lets try to serialize them
		XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<AnimEventList>));
		FileStream stream = new FileStream("AnimEventList.xml", FileMode.Create);
		serializer.Serialize(stream, clipLists);

		Debug.Log (clipLists.Count+" Animations With Events serialized");