public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
     // Iterate all repositories
     foreach (TestRepository repository in Repositories)
         // Iterate all available preferences
         foreach (EnvironmentPreference preference in Preferences)
             // Only build the desired preferences
             if (!repository.Preference.HasValue || repository.Preference.Value == preference)
                 // Iterate all solution files in the repository
                 foreach (string solutionPath in
                          Directory.EnumerateFiles(GetRepositoryPath(repository.Url), "*.sln", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                     // Exclude any solution files we don't want to build
                     if (!repository.Excluded.Any(x => solutionPath.EndsWith(x)))
                         // Get all the projects in this solution
                         foreach (string projectPath in
                                  AnalyzerManager.GetProjectsInSolution(solutionPath).Select(project => project.AbsolutePath))
                             // Exclude any project files we don't want to build
                             if (!repository.Excluded.Any(x => projectPath.EndsWith(x)))
                                 yield return(new object[]