// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (reloadTimer > 0) { canUseWeapon = false; } else { canUseWeapon = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && ammoStockpile.GetCurrentMag(ammoStockpile.ammoType) < m_scriptableWeapon.maxAmmo && canUseWeapon == true && ammoStockpile.GetStockpile(ammoStockpile.ammoType) > 0 && canFireTimer < 0) { if (m_scriptableWeapon.reloadType == ScriptableWeapons.ReloadType.Magazine) { ReloadWeapon(); } else if (m_scriptableWeapon.reloadType == ScriptableWeapons.ReloadType.Single && isReloading == false) { StartCoroutine("ReloadSingle"); } } // Checks if the script can run the FireWeapon(); method if (canInput == true && ammoStockpile.GetCurrentMag(ammoStockpile.ammoType) > 0 && canUseWeapon == true) { if (m_scriptableWeapon.automatic == false) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && canFireTimer <= 0) { FireWeapon(); } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && canFireTimer <= 0) { FireWeapon(); } } } }
void Update() { ammoDisplay.text = $"{ammoStockpile.GetCurrentMag(ammoStockpile.ammoType)} | {ammoStockpile.GetStockpile(ammoStockpile.ammoType)}"; }