public void AdjustState(int howMuch) { if (!stateCanChange || howMuch == 0) { return; } // Don't bother with any of this if ambience cannot change AmbienceState oldState = GetState(); // Change ambience score this.score += howMuch; // Make sure ambience score doesn't go outside thresholds, in case we try to shift the level towards Guarded when already Guarded (or towards Dangerous when already Dangerous) if (this.score < MIN_THRESHOLD) { this.score = MIN_THRESHOLD; } else if (this.score > MAX_THRESHOLD) { this.score = MAX_THRESHOLD; } if (oldState != GetState()) // If ambience state changes... { if (oldState > GetState()) // shifted towards diplomacy { shiftsToDiplomacyThisTurn += 1; } else // shifted towards aggression { shiftsToAggressionThisTurn += 1; } } }
public override void Play(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractArgument target) { base.Play(source, target); AmbienceState state = Ambience.Instance.GetState(); bool bonusEffects = (state == AmbienceState.GUARDED); int multiplier = (bonusEffects) ? 2 : 1; NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new ApplyPoiseAction(source, target, POISE * multiplier)); }
public override void Play(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractArgument target) { base.Play(source, target); AmbienceState state = Ambience.Instance.GetState(); if (state == AmbienceState.GUARDED || state == AmbienceState.TENSE) { NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DrawCardsAction(source, DRAW)); } NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DeployArgumentAction(source, new ArgumentAmbientShiftDialogue(), STACKS)); }
public override void Play(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractArgument target) { base.Play(source, target); NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DamageAction(target, target.OWNER, MIN_DAMAGE, MAX_DAMAGE, this)); AmbienceState curState = NegotiationManager.Instance.ambience.GetState(); if (curState == AmbienceState.AGITATED || curState == AmbienceState.VOLATILE || curState == AmbienceState.DANGEROUS) { NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DeployArgumentAction(source, new ArgumentHeated(), STACKS)); } }
public override int Resolve() { AmbienceState oldState = NegotiationManager.Instance.ambience.GetState(); NegotiationManager.Instance.ambience.AdjustState(delta); AmbienceState newState = NegotiationManager.Instance.ambience.GetState(); if (oldState != newState) { EventSystemManager.Instance.TriggerEvent(new EventAmbientStateShift(oldState, newState)); } return(0); }
public override void Play(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractArgument target) { base.Play(source, target); AmbienceState state = Ambience.Instance.GetState(); bool bonusEffects = (state == AmbienceState.GUARDED || state == AmbienceState.TENSE); int multiplier = (bonusEffects) ? 2 : 1; NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DamageAction(target, target.OWNER, MIN_DAMAGE * multiplier, MAX_DAMAGE * multiplier, this)); if (bonusEffects) { NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DeployArgumentAction(source, new ArgumentAmbientShiftAggression(), INFLUENCE)); } }
private void LoadJson(AmbienceState state) { AmbienceSource[] componentsInChildren = GetComponentsInChildren <AmbienceSource>(); AmbienceZone[] componentsInChildren2 = GetComponentsInChildren <AmbienceZone>(); for (int i = 0; i < state.zones.Length; i++) { AmbienceZoneState ambienceZoneState = state.zones[i]; foreach (AmbienceZone ambienceZone in componentsInChildren2) { if (!( == { continue; } ambienceZone.mainVerbLevel = ambienceZoneState.mainVerbLevel; ambienceZone.musicLevel = ambienceZoneState.musicLevel; ambienceZone.ambienceLevel = ambienceZoneState.ambienceLevel; ambienceZone.effectsLevel = ambienceZoneState.effectsLevel; ambienceZone.physicsLevel = ambienceZoneState.physicsLevel; ambienceZone.characterLevel = ambienceZoneState.characterLevel; ambienceZone.ambienceFxLevel = ambienceZoneState.ambienceFxLevel; if (ambienceZone.sources == null || ambienceZone.sources.Length != ambienceZoneState.sources.Length) { ambienceZone.sources = new AmbienceSource[ambienceZoneState.sources.Length]; } if (ambienceZone.volumes == null || ambienceZone.volumes.Length != ambienceZoneState.sources.Length) { ambienceZone.volumes = new float[ambienceZoneState.sources.Length]; } int num = 0; for (int k = 0; k < ambienceZoneState.sources.Length; k++) { AmbienceZoneSourceState ambienceZoneSourceState = ambienceZoneState.sources[k]; foreach (AmbienceSource ambienceSource in componentsInChildren) { if (ambienceZoneSourceState.source == { ambienceZone.sources[num] = ambienceSource; ambienceZone.volumes[num] = ambienceZoneSourceState.volume; num++; } } } if (num != ambienceZone.sources.Length) { Array.Resize(ref ambienceZone.sources, num); Array.Resize(ref ambienceZone.volumes, num); } } } }
public override void Play(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractArgument target) { base.Play(source, target); AmbienceState state = NegotiationManager.Instance.ambience.GetState(); if (target.isCore || target.OWNER != this.OWNER) { throw new System.Exception("You must target friendly support arguments with Interrogate!"); } int damageToDeal = target.stacks * MULTIPLIER; AbstractCharacter enemy = TurnManager.Instance.GetOtherCharacter(target.OWNER); // Destroy sacrifical argument NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DestroyArgumentAction(target)); // Damage enemy arguments NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DamageAction(enemy.GetCoreArgument(), enemy, damageToDeal, damageToDeal, this)); NegotiationManager.Instance.AddAction(new DeployArgumentAction(this.OWNER, new ArgumentAmbientShiftAggression(), INFLUENCE)); }
public void Save() { AmbienceSource[] componentsInChildren = GetComponentsInChildren <AmbienceSource>(); AmbienceZone[] componentsInChildren2 = GetComponentsInChildren <AmbienceZone>(); AmbienceState ambienceState = new AmbienceState(); ambienceState.zones = new AmbienceZoneState[componentsInChildren2.Length]; AmbienceState ambienceState2 = ambienceState; for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren2.Length; i++) { AmbienceZone ambienceZone = componentsInChildren2[i]; ambienceState2.zones[i] = new AmbienceZoneState { name =, sources = new AmbienceZoneSourceState[ambienceZone.volumes.Length], mainVerbLevel = ambienceZone.mainVerbLevel, musicLevel = ambienceZone.musicLevel, ambienceLevel = ambienceZone.ambienceLevel, effectsLevel = ambienceZone.effectsLevel, physicsLevel = ambienceZone.physicsLevel, characterLevel = ambienceZone.characterLevel, ambienceFxLevel = ambienceZone.ambienceFxLevel }; for (int j = 0; j < ambienceZone.volumes.Length; j++) { ambienceState2.zones[i].sources[j] = new AmbienceZoneSourceState { source = ambienceZone.sources[j].name, volume = ambienceZone.volumes[j] }; } } string contents = JsonUtility.ToJson(ambienceState2, prettyPrint: true); string path = GetPath(); File.WriteAllText(path, contents); }
public void LoadJson(string json) { AmbienceState state = JsonUtility.FromJson <AmbienceState>(json); LoadJson(state); }
public void SetState(AmbienceState state) { this.score = (int)state; }
public SetAmbienceAction(AmbienceState state) { this.state = (int)state; }
///<summary> ///Trigger when the ambience state shifts. Takes in an oldState (the previous ambience) and newState (the new ambience). ///</summary> public EventAmbientStateShift(AmbienceState oldState, AmbienceState newState) { this.type = EventType.AMBIENCE_STATE_SHIFT; this.oldState = oldState; this.newState = newState; }