예제 #1
        public FileStream GetSingleFeed(object feed, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
       AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType? amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType)
            if (feed != null)
                var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                        MessageID = "1",
                        Item = feed
                if (amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType != null)
                    message.OperationType = amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Value;
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header
                        DocumentVersion = "1.0",
                        MerchantIdentifier = _amazonSellerSettings.SellerId
                    MessageType = amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
                    Message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessageCollection(){message}

                return AmazonAppHelper.GetStream(amazonEnvelope, amazonEnvelopeMessageType);
            return null;
예제 #2
        public FileStream GetFeed(IEnumerable<object> feeds, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
            AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType? amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType)
            if (feeds != null && feeds.Any())
                var messages = new AmazonEnvelopeMessageCollection();
                var msgCounter = 1;
                foreach (var feed in feeds)
                    var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                        MessageID = msgCounter.ToString(),
                        Item = feed
                    if (amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType != null)
                        message.OperationType = amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Value;
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header
                        DocumentVersion = "1.0",
                        MerchantIdentifier = _amazonSellerSettings.SellerId
                    MessageType = amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
                    Message = messages

                return AmazonAppHelper.GetStream(amazonEnvelope, amazonEnvelopeMessageType);
            return null;
        public static AmazonEnvelope Build()
            var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope();

            amazonEnvelope.Header = new Header();
            amazonEnvelope.Header.DocumentVersion = "1.01";
            amazonEnvelope.Message     = new List <Message>();
            amazonEnvelope.MessageType = "Price";

예제 #4
        public AmazonEnvelope BuildEnvelope(AmazonEnvelopeMessageType msgType, IEnumerable <AmazonEnvelopeMessage> msgs)
            AmazonEnvelope envelope = new AmazonEnvelope();

            envelope.MessageType = msgType;
            envelope.Message     = msgs.ToArray();
            envelope.Header      = new Header();
            envelope.Header.MerchantIdentifier = _marketplace.MerchantId;
            envelope.Header.DocumentVersion    = "1.01";

        public SubmitFeedRequest BuildSubmitFeedRequest(AmazonEnvelope amazonEnvelope)
            SubmitFeedRequest submitFeedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            submitFeedRequest.MWSAuthToken = sellerInfo.MwsAuthToken;
            submitFeedRequest.Merchant     = sellerInfo.SellerId;
            submitFeedRequest.FeedType     = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";

            var stream = Util.GenerateStreamFromXml <AmazonEnvelope>(amazonEnvelope);

            submitFeedRequest.FeedContent = stream;
            submitFeedRequest.ContentMD5  = Util.CalculateContentMD5(stream);

예제 #6
        public override List <IReportItemDTO> GetReportItems(MarketType market, string marketplaceId)
            AmazonEnvelope <ReturnReportMessageNode> parseResult = null;

            var text = _reader.ReadAll();

            using (var sr = new StringReader(text))
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AmazonEnvelope <ReturnReportMessageNode>));
                parseResult = (AmazonEnvelope <ReturnReportMessageNode>)serializer.Deserialize(sr);

            var items = GetAllReportItems(parseResult?.Message?.ReturnDetails ?? new ReturnDetailsNode[] { });

        public void SubmitFeedTestRed()
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

            SubmitFeedRequest submitFeedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            submitFeedRequest.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken;
            submitFeedRequest.Merchant     = sellerId;
            submitFeedRequest.FeedType     = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";
            AmazonEnvelope priceFeed = PriceFeedBuilder.Build();
            Message        msg       = PriceFeedBuilder.BuildMessage();

            msg.MessageID = "1";
            msg.Price.StandardPrice.Value = 154.40m;
            msg.Price.SKU = "HEWD9P29A";

            Message msg2 = PriceFeedBuilder.BuildMessage();

            msg2.MessageID = "2";
            msg2.Price.StandardPrice.Value = 62.05m;
            msg2.Price.SKU = "HEW35S";

            priceFeed.Header.MerchantIdentifier = sellerId;
            var stream = Util.GenerateStreamFromXml <AmazonEnvelope>(priceFeed);

            Util.GenerateFromXml <AmazonEnvelope>(priceFeed);

            submitFeedRequest.FeedContent = stream;
            submitFeedRequest.ContentMD5  = Util.CalculateContentMD5(stream);
            SubmitFeedResponse submitFeedResponse = service.SubmitFeed(submitFeedRequest);

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create inventory feed for item's quantity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inventoryItems">The list of items that are to have their quantities updated</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AmazonEnvelope CreateInventoryFeedEnvelope(List <AmazonInventoryFeed> inventoryItems)
            // iterate to the EIS products and parsed it into Invetory Feed
            var inventories = new List <AmazonWebServiceModels.Inventory>();

            inventoryItems.ForEach(x =>
                inventories.Add(new AmazonWebServiceModels.Inventory
                    SKU  = x.SKU,
                    Item = x.InventoryQuantity.ToString(),
                    // set the default leadtime shipment to 3 days
                    FulfillmentLatency = (x.LeadtimeShip ?? 0) == 0 ? "3" : x.LeadtimeShip.ToString(),

            // create Amazon envelope object
            var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                Header = new Header {
                    DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = MerchantId
                MessageType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.Inventory

            // add all Inventory feeds as messages to the envelope
            var envelopeMessages = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();

            for (var i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++)
                var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                    MessageID     = string.Format("{0}", i + 1),
                    OperationType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Update,
                    Item          = inventories[i]

            // convert to array and set its message
            amazonEnvelope.Message = envelopeMessages.ToArray();

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Amazon Envelope for the Amazon eisProduct specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="products">The Amazon products to be created into Amazon envelope</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AmazonEnvelope CreateProductsFeedEnvelope(List <MarketplaceProductFeedDto> productPostFeeds,
                                                                AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType operationType)
            // create product post feed for Amazon
            var products = new List <AmazonWebServiceModels.Product>();

            productPostFeeds.ForEach(feedItem =>

            // create Amazon envelope object
            var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                Header = new Header {
                    DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = MerchantId
                MessageType              = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.Product,
                PurgeAndReplace          = false,
                PurgeAndReplaceSpecified = true

            // iterate to all products to update and convert it to envelope message
            var envelopeMessages = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();

            for (var i = 0; i < products.Count; i++)
                var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                    MessageID              = string.Format("{0}", i + 1),
                    OperationType          = operationType,
                    OperationTypeSpecified = true,
                    Item = products[i],


            // convert to array and set its message
            amazonEnvelope.Message = envelopeMessages.ToArray();

예제 #10
        public static string ParseObjectToXML(AmazonEnvelope envelope)
            string xmlBody;
            var    objectType = envelope.GetType();

            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(objectType);

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                xmlSerializer.Serialize(ms, envelope);
                ms.Position = 0;

                var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8);
                xmlBody = sr.ReadToEnd();

                //xmlBody = getInnerXmlBody(xmlResult);

        public AmazonEnvelope  PollFeedStatus(string feedSubmissionId)
            AmazonEnvelope response  = null;
            int            sleepTime = 60000;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                response = CheckFeedStatus(feedSubmissionId);
                if (response == null)

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// The the XML string to write into XML file with the specified file name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="envelope"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns>The full file name information</returns>
        public static string WriteXmlToFile(AmazonEnvelope envelope, string fileName)
            var documentFileName = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MarketplaceFeedRoot"],
                                                string.Format("{1}_{0:yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss}.xml", DateTime.Now, fileName));
            var xmlString = string.Empty;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(envelope.GetType());
                xmlSerializer.Serialize(ms, envelope);
                ms.Position = 0;

                var sr = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8);
                xmlString = sr.ReadToEnd();

                // save it to the directory
                File.WriteAllText(documentFileName, xmlString);

예제 #13
        private bool UpdateAmazon(IList <Product> products)
            bool success = false;

            // update price on Amazon
            if (sellerInfo.UpdatePrices)
                nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Updating prices on Amazon"));
                SubmitFeedResponse submitFeedResponse = feedHandler.SubmitFeed(products);

                nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("PollFeedStatus"));
                AmazonEnvelope result = feedHandler.PollFeedStatus(submitFeedResponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId);

                nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Retrieved feed result"));

                if (result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.StatusCode == "Complete" &&
                    Int16.Parse(result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.ProcessingSummary.MessagesSuccessful) >= 1)
                    nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Feed was a success, success count {0}", result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.ProcessingSummary.MessagesSuccessful));
                    success = true;
                if (result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.StatusCode == "Complete" &&
                    Int16.Parse(result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.ProcessingSummary.MessagesWithError) >= 1)
                    nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Errors in feed, error count: {0}", result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.ProcessingSummary.MessagesWithError));
                    if (result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.Result != null)
                        nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, result.Message.First().ProcessingReport.Result.ResultDescription);
                nLogger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Update prices on Amazon Disabled"));

예제 #14
        private static AmazonEnvelope InstantiateEnvelope <T>(string merchantId, string marketplaceName, bool purgeAndReplace, List <T> messageItems, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType messageType, DateTime effectiveDate, AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType operationType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Update) where T : AmazonMessageChoice
            var header = new Amazon.Header()
                DocumentVersion    = "1.0",
                MerchantIdentifier = merchantId

            var messageList = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();
            var currentId   = 1;

            foreach (var messageItem in messageItems)
                var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage()
                    Item          = messageItem,
                    MessageID     = currentId++.ToString(),
                    OperationType = operationType


            var envelope = new AmazonEnvelope()
                EffectiveDate   = effectiveDate,
                Header          = header,
                MarketplaceName = marketplaceName,
                MessageType     = messageType,
                PurgeAndReplace = purgeAndReplace,
                Message         = messageList

예제 #15
        public FileStream GetFeed(IEnumerable <object> feeds, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
            if (feeds != null && feeds.Any())
                var messages   = new AmazonEnvelopeMessageCollection();
                var msgCounter = 1;
                foreach (var feed in feeds)
                    var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                        MessageID = msgCounter.ToString(),
                        Item      = feed
                    if (amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType != null)
                        message.OperationType = amazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Value;
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header
                        DocumentVersion    = "1.0",
                        MerchantIdentifier = _amazonSellerSettings.SellerId
                    MessageType = amazonEnvelopeMessageType,
                    Message     = messages

                return(AmazonAppHelper.GetStream(amazonEnvelope, amazonEnvelopeMessageType));
예제 #16
        public bool ConfirmOrdersShipment()
            // init the Amazon order API
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com"

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(_ApplicationName, _Version, "C#");
            var serviceClient        = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_credential.AccessKeyId, _credential.SecretKey, config);
            var orderFulfillmentList = new List <OrderFulfillment>();

            // get the unshipped orders with tracking number for confirming its shipment
            var unshippedOrderFeeds = _orderRepository.GetUnshippedOrdersForShipment(ChannelName);

            if (!unshippedOrderFeeds.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("No unshipped orders found from {0} for shipment confirmation.", ChannelName);

                Console.WriteLine("Sending {0} orders for shipment confirmation...", unshippedOrderFeeds.Count);

                // create the order fulfillment
                unshippedOrderFeeds.ForEach(order =>
                    // create fulfillment item list from the order items
                    var fulfillmentItems = new List <OrderFulfillmentItem>();
                    foreach (var item in order.OrderItems)
                        fulfillmentItems.Add(new OrderFulfillmentItem
                            Item     = item.OrderItemId,
                            Quantity = item.Quantity.ToString()

                    // then, the order fulfillment information
                    orderFulfillmentList.Add(new OrderFulfillment
                        Item            = order.OrderId,
                        FulfillmentDate = order.FulfillmentDate,
                        FulfillmentData = new OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentData
                            Item                  = order.Carrier.Code,
                            ShippingMethod        = "Ground", // order.ShippingMethod,
                            ShipperTrackingNumber = order.ShipperTrackingNumber
                        Item1 = fulfillmentItems.ToArray()

                // iterate to the order fulfillment and add it into envelope message
                var envelopeMessages = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();
                for (var i = 0; i < orderFulfillmentList.Count; i++)
                    var message = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                        MessageID = string.Format("{0}", i + 1),
                        Item      = orderFulfillmentList[i]

                // create Amazon envelope object
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header {
                        DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = _credential.MerchantId
                    MessageType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment,
                    Message     = envelopeMessages.ToArray()

                // let's add these orders to the shipment history

                // parse the envelope into file
                var xmlFullName = XmlParser.WriteXmlToFile(amazonEnvelope, "AmazonOrderFulfillment");

                // create feed controller and send the confirmation shipment feed
                var submitController = new SubmitFeedController(serviceClient, _logger, _credential.MarketplaceId, _credential.MerchantId, _ApplicationName);
                var streamResponse   = submitController.SubmitFeedAndGetResponse(xmlFullName, AmazonFeedType._POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_);
                parsedResultStreamAndLogReport(streamResponse, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment, _ApplicationName);

                                string.Format("{1}:{2} - Successfully sent confirming order shipment for Order IDs: \"{0}\"", string.Join("\", \"", unshippedOrderFeeds.Select(x => x.OrderId)), ChannelName, _ApplicationName, Constants.APP_NAME));
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent confirming order shipment for Order IDs: \"{0}\"", string.Join("\", \"", unshippedOrderFeeds.Select(x => x.OrderId)));

            catch (Exception ex)
                                 string.Format("{0}:{4} Error in confirming order shipment for for Order IDs: \"{3}\". <br/>Error Message: {1} <br/> Access Key: {2}", ChannelName,
                                               (ex.InnerException != null ? string.Format("{0} <br/>Inner Message: {1}",
                                                                                          ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message) : ex.Message),
                                               string.Join("\", \"", unshippedOrderFeeds.Select(x => x.OrderId)),
                Console.WriteLine("Error in sending shipment confirmation! Error Message: {0} \nStackTrace: {1} ", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);

                // let's delete the order confirmation

예제 #17
        private List <string> SendAmazonFeeds(List <List <object> > amazonUpdateList, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType messageType, AmazonFeedType feedType)
                var masterCounter = 1;
                var returnResult  = new List <string>();
                foreach (var amazonUpdateGroup in amazonUpdateList)
                    var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                        Header = new Header {
                            DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = _merchantId,
                        MessageType              = messageType,
                        PurgeAndReplace          = false,
                        PurgeAndReplaceSpecified = true

                    var updates = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();
                    var counter = 1;
                    foreach (var amazonUpdate in amazonUpdateGroup)
                        var curUpdate = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                            MessageID     = counter.ToString(),
                            OperationType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageOperationType.Update,
                            //OperationTypeSpecified = true,
                            Item = amazonUpdate
                    amazonEnvelope.Message = updates.ToArray();
                    var xmlString        = MarketplaceHelper.ParseObjectToXML(amazonEnvelope);
                    var path             = "D:\\logs\\";
                    var fileName         = string.Format("Amazon{0}Feed_{1}{3}.{2}", messageType, masterCounter, "xml", DateTime.Now.Second);
                    var documentFileName = Path.Combine(path, fileName);
                    File.WriteAllText(documentFileName, xmlString);
                    if (!File.Exists(documentFileName))
                        throw new ArgumentException("SendFeed document not generated properly");
                    var feedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest
                        Merchant          = _merchantId,
                        MarketplaceIdList =
                            new IdList {
                            Id = new List <string>(new[] { _marketplaceId })
                        FeedType    = feedType.ToString(),
                        ContentType = new ContentType(MediaType.OctetStream),
                        FeedContent = File.Open(documentFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
                    feedRequest.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(feedRequest.FeedContent);
                    var feedConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                        ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com"
                    var feedService   = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_awsAccessKey, _secretKey, "Demac", "1.01", feedConfig);
                    var uploadSuccess = false;
                    var retryCount    = 0;
                    while (!uploadSuccess)
                            var feedResponse = feedService.SubmitFeed(feedRequest);
                            var submissionId = feedResponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId;
                            uploadSuccess = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (retryCount == 3)
                            if (ex.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Contains("request is throttled"))
                            returnResult.Add(string.Format("ERROR: {0}", ex));
예제 #18
         * Samples for Marketplace Web Service functionality
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var itemList = new List <OrderAcknowledgementItem>();
            var item     = new OrderAcknowledgementItem
                AmazonOrderItemCode = "abc-134",
                MerchantOrderItemID = "abc"


            var list = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();

            list.Add(new AmazonEnvelopeMessage
                MessageID = "1",
                Item      = new OrderAcknowledgement
                    AmazonOrderID   = "111-111-111",
                    MerchantOrderID = "12",
                    StatusCode      = OrderAcknowledgementStatusCode.Success,
                    Item            = itemList.ToArray()

            var envelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                Header = new Header
                    DocumentVersion    = "1.02",
                    MerchantIdentifier = "id"
                MessageType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderAcknowledgement,
                Message     = list.ToArray()

            var writer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AmazonEnvelope));

            if (!Directory.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory))

            var path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.xml");
            var file = File.Create(path);

            writer.Serialize(file, envelope);

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Marketplace Web Service Samples!");

            Console.WriteLine("To get started:");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Fill in your AWS credentials");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Uncomment sample you're interested in trying");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Set request with desired parameters");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Hit F5 to run!");

            Console.WriteLine("Samples Output");

             * Access Key ID and Secret Acess Key ID, obtained from:
             * http://aws.amazon.com
             * IMPORTANT: Your Secret Access Key is a secret, and should be known
             * only by you and AWS. You should never include your Secret Access Key
             * in your requests to AWS. You should never e-mail your Secret Access Key
             * to anyone. It is important to keep your Secret Access Key confidential
             * to protect your account.
            var accessKeyId     = "";
            var secretAccessKey = "";

             * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

            const string applicationName    = "EasyKeys.AmazonMWS.Feeds.Test.Test";
            const string applicationVersion = "0.1.0";

            IMarketplaceWebService service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.
            const string merchantId = "";

#pragma warning disable CS0219 // Variable is assigned but its value is never used
            const string marketplaceId = "ATVPDKIKX0DER";
#pragma warning restore CS0219 // Variable is assigned but its value is never used

             * Uncomment to configure the client instance. Configuration settings
             * include:
             *  - MWS Service endpoint URL
             *  - Proxy Host and Proxy Port
             *  - User Agent String to be sent to Marketplace Web Service  service
            //MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
            //config.ProxyHost = "https://PROXY_URL";
            //config.ProxyPort = 9090;
            // IMPORTANT: Uncomment out the appropiate line for the country you wish
            // to sell in:
            // United States:
            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            // United Kingdom:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk";
            // Germany:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.de";
            // France:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.fr";
            // Japan:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.jp";
            // China:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com.cn";
            // Canada:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.ca";
            // Italy:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.it";
            //    applicationName,
            //    applicationVersion,
            //    "C#");
            //MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

             * Uncomment to try out Mock Service that simulates Marketplace Web Service
             * responses without calling Marketplace Web Service  service.
             * Responses are loaded from local XML files. You can tweak XML files to
             * experiment with various outputs during development
             * XML files available under MarketplaceWebService\Mock tree
            //MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceMock();

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Action
                // GetReportRequest request = new GetReportRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the type of report being downloaded, a report can reach
                // sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_ program to
                // MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                // request.ReportId = "REPORT_ID";
                // request.Report = File.Open("report.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite );
                // GetReportSample.InvokeGetReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule Count Action
                var request = new GetReportScheduleCountRequest();
                request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                await GetReportScheduleCountSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportRequestList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportRequestListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Update Report Acknowledgements Action
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request = new UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.WithReportIdList(new IdList().WithId("REPORT_ID"));
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsSample.InvokeUpdateReportAcknowledgements(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Submit Feed Action
                // SubmitFeedRequest request = new SubmitFeedRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                // request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { marketplaceId } );

                // MWS exclusively offers a streaming interface for uploading your feeds. This is because
                // feed sizes can grow to the 1GB+ range - and as your business grows you could otherwise
                // silently reach the feed size where your in-memory solution will no longer work, leaving you
                // puzzled as to why a solution that worked for a long time suddenly stopped working though
                // you made no changes. For the same reason, we strongly encourage you to generate your feeds to
                // local disk then upload them directly from disk to MWS.

                //request.FeedContent = File.Open("feed.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // Calculating the MD5 hash value exhausts the stream, and therefore we must either reset the
                // position, or create another stream for the calculation.
                //request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
                //request.FeedContent.Position = 0;

                //request.FeedType = "FEED_TYPE";

                //SubmitFeedSample.InvokeSubmitFeed(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Count Action
                // GetReportCountRequest request = new GetReportCountRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportCountSample.InvokeGetReportCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List By Next Token Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetFeedSubmissionList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Feed Submissions Action
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request = new CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsSample.InvokeCancelFeedSubmissions(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Request Report Action
                //RequestReportRequest request = new RequestReportRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                //request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { marketplaceId } );

                //request.ReportType = "Desired Report Type";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //request.ReportOptions = "ShowSalesChannel=true";
                //RequestReportSample.InvokeRequestReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Count Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Report Requests Action
                //CancelReportRequestsRequest request = new CancelReportRequestsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelReportRequestsSample.InvokeCancelReportRequests(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List Action
                //GetReportListRequest request = new GetReportListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportListSample.InvokeGetReportList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Result Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the size of the feed sent in, and the number of errors and warnings,
                // the result can reach sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_
                // program to MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                //request.FeedSubmissionId = "FEED_SUBMISSION_ID";
                //request.FeedSubmissionResult = File.Open("feedSubmissionResult.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //GetFeedSubmissionResultSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionResult(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionListSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List Action
                //GetReportRequestListRequest request = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListSample.InvokeGetReportRequestList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportScheduleList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List By Next Token Action
                // GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportListByNextTokenRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Manage Report Schedule Action
                //ManageReportScheduleRequest request = new ManageReportScheduleRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.ReportType = "Report Type";
                //request.Schedule = "Schedule";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //ManageReportScheduleSample.InvokeManageReportSchedule(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request Count Action
                //GetReportRequestCountRequest request = new GetReportRequestCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestCountSample.InvokeGetReportRequestCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List Action
                //GetReportScheduleListRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleList(service, request);

            Console.WriteLine("End of output. You can close this window");

예제 #19
        public static SubmitFeedResponse SendAmazonFeeds(IMarketplaceWebServiceClient feedService, IEnumerable <Product> amazonUpdateList, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType messageType, AmazonFeedType feedType, string AmazonMerchantId, string AmazonMarketplaceId, string AmazonServiceUrl, string AmazonAccessKeyId, string AmazonSecretAccessKey)
            //var requestResponse = new List<string>();
            SubmitFeedResponse feedResponse = null;

            var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope {
                Header = new Header {
                    DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = AmazonMerchantId,
                }, MessageType = messageType
            var updates = new List <AmazonEnvelopeMessage>();
            var counter = 1;

            foreach (var amazonUpdate in amazonUpdateList)
                var curUpdate = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage {
                    MessageID = counter.ToString(), Item = amazonUpdate

            //add all update products to envelope's message
            amazonEnvelope.Message = updates.ToArray();

            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(amazonEnvelope.GetType());

            var stringReader = new StringWriter();

            serializer.Serialize(stringReader, amazonEnvelope);
            var xmlResult = stringReader.ToString();

            using (MemoryStream feedStream = new MemoryStream())
                serializer.Serialize(feedStream, amazonEnvelope);

                var feedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest
                    Merchant          = AmazonMerchantId,
                    MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                        Id = new List <string>(new[] { AmazonMarketplaceId })
                    FeedType    = feedType.ToString(),
                    ContentType = new ContentType(MediaType.OctetStream),
                    FeedContent = feedStream

                // Calculating the MD5 hash value exhausts the stream, and therefore we must either reset the
                // position, or create another stream for the calculation.
                feedRequest.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(feedRequest.FeedContent);

                //var feedService = new MockMarketplaceWebServiceClient();

                var uploadSuccess = false;
                var retryCount    = 0;

                while (!uploadSuccess)
                        feedResponse = feedService.SubmitFeed(feedRequest);
                        //var submissionId = feedResponse.SubmitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId;
                        uploadSuccess = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //if sending not succeed after 3 attempts stop retrying
                        if (retryCount == 3)

                        //pause sending for 3 minutes
                        if (ex.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Contains("request is throttled"))
                        //requestResponse.Add(string.Format("ERROR: {0}", ex));

예제 #20
        public bool ConfirmOrderShimpmentDetails(MarketplaceOrderFulfillment marketplaceOrder, string submittedBy)
            if (!marketplaceOrder.OrderItems.Any())

            // create configuratin to use US marketplace
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = RequestHelper.ServiceUrl

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(_ApplicationName, _Version, "C#");
            _amazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_credential.AccessKeyId, _credential.SecretKey, config);

                // create fulfillment item list from the order items
                var fulfillmentItems = new List <OrderFulfillmentItem>();
                foreach (var item in marketplaceOrder.OrderItems)
                    fulfillmentItems.Add(new OrderFulfillmentItem
                        Item     = item.OrderItemId,
                        Quantity = item.Quantity.ToString()

                // create the order fulfillment information
                var fulfillment = new OrderFulfillment
                    Item            = marketplaceOrder.OrderId,
                    FulfillmentDate = marketplaceOrder.FulfillmentDate,
                    FulfillmentData = new OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentData
                        Item                  = marketplaceOrder.Carrier.Code,
                        ShippingMethod        = marketplaceOrder.ShippingMethod,
                        ShipperTrackingNumber = marketplaceOrder.ShipperTrackingNumber
                    Item1 = fulfillmentItems.ToArray()

                // create Amazon envelope object
                var amazonEnvelope = new AmazonEnvelope
                    Header = new Header {
                        DocumentVersion = "1.01", MerchantIdentifier = _credential.MerchantId
                    MessageType = AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment,
                    Message     = new AmazonEnvelopeMessage[] {
                        new AmazonEnvelopeMessage {
                            MessageID = "1", Item = fulfillment

                // parse the envelope into file
                var xmlFullName = XmlParser.WriteXmlToFile(amazonEnvelope, "OrderFulfillment");

                var submitController = new SubmitFeedController(_amazonClient, _logger, _credential.MarketplaceId, _credential.MerchantId, submittedBy);
                var streamResponse   = submitController.SubmitFeedAndGetResponse(xmlFullName, AmazonFeedType._POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_);
                parsedResultStreamAndLogReport(streamResponse, AmazonEnvelopeMessageType.OrderFulfillment, submittedBy);

                _logger.Add(LogEntrySeverity.Information, LogEntryType.AmazonOrdersProvider, string.Format("{0} - Successfully sent confirming order shipment for Order ID \'{1}\'", ChannelName, marketplaceOrder.OrderId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Add(LogEntrySeverity.Error, LogEntryType.AmazonOrdersProvider,
                            string.Format("{0} - Error in confirming order shipment for OrderId: {3}. <br/>Error Message: {1} <br/> Access Key: {2}", ChannelName,
