예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the configuration control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docProperties">The document properties.</param>
        /// <param name="eConfig">The current configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="eIncomingMetaInfo">The incoming connection meta data.</param>
        /// <param name="nToolId">The tool identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="strToolName">Name of the tool.</param>
        /// <returns>This object as a control for Alteryx to render.</returns>
        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            var serialiser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

            var doc = new XmlDocument();


            this._config = eConfig.InnerText == string.Empty || doc.DocumentElement == null
                               ? new T()
                               : (T)serialiser.Deserialize(new XmlNodeReader(doc.DocumentElement));

            var configWithIncomingConnection = this._config as IConfigWithIncomingConnection;

            if (configWithIncomingConnection != null)
                configWithIncomingConnection.IncomingMetaInfo = eIncomingMetaInfo;


        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig == null)
                return this;

            // Populate GUI Controls with saved config information

            // FIELD COMBOX BOXES

            setComboBox(comboBoxExePathField, xmlConfig, Constants.EXEPATHFIELDKEY, eIncomingMetaInfo);

            // CHECKBOX

            setCheckbox(checkBoxAutoEscape, xmlConfig, Constants.AUTOESCAPEKEY, eIncomingMetaInfo);


            setCheckedListBox(checkedListBoxSelectedCols, xmlConfig, Constants.SELECTEDCOLSKEY, eIncomingMetaInfo);

            // Output Fields

            textBoxStdOutField.Text = xmlConfig.StdOutField;
            textBoxRetCodeField.Text = xmlConfig.RetCodeField;
            textBoxExceptionField.Text = xmlConfig.ExceptionField;
            textBoxDiagnosticField.Text = xmlConfig.DiagnosticField;

            return this;
예제 #3
        public Control GetConfigurationControl(AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties, XmlElement eConfig, XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo, int nToolId, string strToolName)
            // This method is called by Alteryx to initialize this configuration control from data
            // stored in the module containing this tool.

            // Tool configuration is handled through an XML document managed by Alteryx.  When it is
            // time to initialize this control (generally when it is made visible to the user), this
            // method is called, passing the XML document in with the eConfig parameter.

            // When this tool is connected to one or more upstream data providers, the structure of
            // each data stream is passed as an entry in the eIncomingMetaInfo array.  This data can
            // then be used to dynamically construct your UI based on the type of input.

            // Since this tool is an input tool, the eIncomingMetaInfo parameter will be empty.
            // We will use the information in eConfig to populate the XmlFile text box.  This will
            // cause the file to be examined if it exists (through the XmlFile_TextChanged event
            // handler) in order to populate the sample information.  We will then use the remaining
            // information in eConfig to set the field properties if that information exists.

            // Call LoadFromConfiguration to get the xml file name and field information from eConfig.
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig != null)
                // Update the XmlFile and ElementName textboxes.
                txtUserName.Text = xmlConfig.UserName;
                txtPassword.Text = xmlConfig.Password;
                cboFolderToSearch.SelectedValue = xmlConfig.Folder;
                txtAttachmentPath.Text          = xmlConfig.AttachmentPath;
                txtQueryString.Text             = xmlConfig.QueryString;

                foreach (XmlInputField field in xmlConfig.Fields)
                    // Use a little LINQ to find the row in the field list that
                    // corresponds to the current field.
                    var item = clbFields.Items.Cast <KeyValuePair <string, string> >().Where(x => x.Value == field.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (clbFields.Items.IndexOf(item) != -1)
                        clbFields.SetItemChecked(clbFields.Items.IndexOf(item), true);

        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig == null)

            // Populate GUI Controls with saved config information

            // FIELD COMBOX BOXES

            setComboBox(comboBoxDataField, xmlConfig, "DataField", eIncomingMetaInfo);
            setComboBox(comboBoxSchemaField, xmlConfig, "SchemaField", eIncomingMetaInfo);

            // Output Field

            string outputField = xmlConfig.OutputField;

            textBoxOutputField.Text = outputField;

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the configuration control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docProperties">The document properties.</param>
        /// <param name="eConfig">The current configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="eIncomingMetaInfo">The incoming connection meta data.</param>
        /// <param name="nToolId">The tool identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="strToolName">Name of the tool.</param>
        /// <returns>This object as a control for Alteryx to render.</returns>
        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            var serialiser = new Serialisation.Serialiser <T>();

            var doc = new XmlDocument();


            this._config = eConfig.InnerText == string.Empty || doc.DocumentElement == null ? new T() : serialiser.Deserialise(doc.DocumentElement);

            if (this._config is IConfigWithIncomingConnection configWithIncomingConnection)
                configWithIncomingConnection.IncomingMetaInfo = eIncomingMetaInfo;


        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            // Call LoadFromConfiguration to get the xml file name and field information from eConfig.
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig == null)

            // Populate the Group ComboBox with field names
            // If there is no incoming connection, use what is stored

            string groupField = xmlConfig.GroupField;

            if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)
                string   groupFieldNames    = xmlConfig.GroupFieldNames;
                string[] arrGroupFieldNames = groupFieldNames.Split(',');

                foreach (string groupFieldName in arrGroupFieldNames)

                // Select the saved field
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxGroupField.FindStringExact(groupField);
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        comboboxGroupField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

                var xmlElementMetaInfo   = eIncomingMetaInfo[0];
                var xmlElementRecordInfo = xmlElementMetaInfo.FirstChild;

                foreach (XmlElement elementChild in xmlElementRecordInfo)
                    string fieldName = elementChild.GetAttribute("name");
                    //string fieldType = elementChild.GetAttribute("type");

                    //if (isStringType(fieldType))

                // If the selectedField matches a possible field in the combo box,
                // make it the selected field.
                // If the selectedField does not match, do not select anything and
                // blank the selectedField.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxGroupField.FindStringExact(groupField);
                    if (selectedIndex == -1)
                        // Not Found
                        XmlElement xmlElementGroupField = XmlHelpers.GetOrCreateChildNode(eConfig, Constants.GROUPFIELDKEY);
                        xmlElementGroupField.InnerText = "";
                        // Found
                        comboboxGroupField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
            } // end of "if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)"

            // Populate the XField Combobox with Fieldnames

            string xField = xmlConfig.XField;

            if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)
                string   xFieldNames    = xmlConfig.XFieldNames;
                string[] arrXFieldNames = xFieldNames.Split(',');

                foreach (string xFieldName in arrXFieldNames)

                // Select the saved field
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxXField.FindStringExact(xField);
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        comboboxXField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

                var xmlElementMetaInfo   = eIncomingMetaInfo[0];
                var xmlElementRecordInfo = xmlElementMetaInfo.FirstChild;

                foreach (XmlElement elementChild in xmlElementRecordInfo)
                    string fieldName = elementChild.GetAttribute("name");
                    //string fieldType = elementChild.GetAttribute("type");

                    //if (isStringType(fieldType))

                // If the selectedField matches a possible field in the combo box,
                // make it the selected field.
                // If the selectedField does not match, do not select anything and
                // blank the selectedField.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxXField.FindStringExact(xField);
                    if (selectedIndex == -1)
                        // Not Found
                        XmlElement xmlElementXField = XmlHelpers.GetOrCreateChildNode(eConfig, Constants.XFIELDKEY);
                        xmlElementXField.InnerText = "";
                        // Found
                        comboboxXField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
            } // end of "if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)"

            // Populate the YField Combobox with Fieldnames

            string yField = xmlConfig.YField;

            if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)
                string   yFieldNames    = xmlConfig.YFieldNames;
                string[] arrYFieldNames = yFieldNames.Split(',');

                foreach (string yFieldName in arrYFieldNames)

                // Select the saved field
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxYField.FindStringExact(yField);
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        comboboxYField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

                var xmlElementMetaInfo   = eIncomingMetaInfo[0];
                var xmlElementRecordInfo = xmlElementMetaInfo.FirstChild;

                foreach (XmlElement elementChild in xmlElementRecordInfo)
                    string fieldName = elementChild.GetAttribute("name");
                    //string fieldType = elementChild.GetAttribute("type");

                    //if (isStringType(fieldType))

                // If the selectedField matches a possible field in the combo box,
                // make it the selected field.
                // If the selectedField does not match, do not select anything and
                // blank the selectedField.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxYField.FindStringExact(yField);
                    if (selectedIndex == -1)
                        // Not Found
                        XmlElement xmlElementYField = XmlHelpers.GetOrCreateChildNode(eConfig, Constants.YFIELDKEY);
                        xmlElementYField.InnerText = "";
                        // Found
                        comboboxYField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
            } // end of "if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)"

            // Populate the Concavity Textbox and ConcavityWillUseValue

            string  concavity  = xmlConfig.Concavity;
            decimal dConcavity = 90;

            try { dConcavity = Convert.ToDecimal(concavity); } catch { }

            if (dConcavity > 180)
                dConcavity = 180;
            if (dConcavity < 0)
                dConcavity = 0;

            string sConcavity = ToTrimmedString(dConcavity);

            textboxConcavity.Text           = sConcavity;
            labelConcavityWillUseValue.Text = sConcavity;

            // Populate the ScaleFactor textbox and ScaleFactorWillUseValue

            string  scaleFactor  = xmlConfig.ScaleFactor;
            decimal dScaleFactor = 0;

            if (scaleFactor == "NULL")
                textboxScaleFactor.Text           = "";
                labelScaleFactorWillUseValue.Text = "NULL";
                try { dScaleFactor = Convert.ToDecimal(scaleFactor); } catch { }
                if (dScaleFactor > 0)
                    string sScaleFactor = ToTrimmedString(dScaleFactor);

                    textboxScaleFactor.Text           = sScaleFactor;
                    labelScaleFactorWillUseValue.Text = sScaleFactor;
                    textboxScaleFactor.Text           = "";
                    labelScaleFactorWillUseValue.Text = "NULL";

        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            // Call LoadFromConfiguration to get the xml file name and field information from eConfig.
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig == null)

            // Populate the ComboBox with field names
            // If there is no incoming connection, use what is stored

            string selectedField = xmlConfig.SelectedField;

            if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)
                string   fieldNames    = xmlConfig.FieldNames;
                string[] arrFieldNames = fieldNames.Split(',');

                foreach (string fieldName in arrFieldNames)

                // Select the saved field
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxFilenameField.FindStringExact(selectedField);
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        comboboxFilenameField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;

                var xmlElementMetaInfo   = eIncomingMetaInfo[0];
                var xmlElementRecordInfo = xmlElementMetaInfo.FirstChild;

                foreach (XmlElement elementChild in xmlElementRecordInfo)
                    string fieldName = elementChild.GetAttribute("name");
                    string fieldType = elementChild.GetAttribute("type");

                    if (isStringType(fieldType))

                // If the selectedField matches a possible field in the combo box,
                // make it the selected field.
                // If the selectedField does not match, do not select anything and
                // blank the selectedField.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedField))
                    int selectedIndex = comboboxFilenameField.FindStringExact(selectedField);
                    if (selectedIndex == -1)
                        // Not Found
                        XmlElement xmlElementSelectedField = XmlHelpers.GetOrCreateChildNode(eConfig, Constants.SELECTEDFIELDKEY);
                        xmlElementSelectedField.InnerText = "";
                        // Found
                        comboboxFilenameField.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex;
            } // end of "if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)"
