예제 #1
 void EditItem(IFitFunction func)
     if (null != func)
         object[] args = new object[] { func };
         if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(args, "Edit fit function script"))
             if (args[0] is FitFunctionScript)
                 Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController ctrl = new Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController((FitFunctionScript)args[0]);
                 if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, "Store?"))
                     // Note: category and/or name can have changed now, so it is more save to
                     // completely reinitialize the fit function tree
        private FitFunctionScript Edit(IFitFunction func, bool editItemCopy)
            if (null != func)
                if (func is FitFunctionScript)
                    editItemCopy = true; // for scripts, we always edit a copy
                object[] args = new object[] { (editItemCopy && func is ICloneable cfunc) ? cfunc.Clone() : func };
                if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(args, "Edit fit function script"))
                    if (args[0] is FitFunctionScript editedScript)
                        var ctrl = new Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController();
                        if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, "Store?"))
                            // add the new script to the list
                            var editedScript2 = Current.Project.FitFunctionScripts.Add(editedScript);

                            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(editedScript, editedScript2))
                                Current.Gui.InfoMessageBox("Edited fit function was not added because exactly the same fit function already exists.", "To your information");

                            // Note: category and/or name can have changed now, so it is more save to
                            // completely reinitialize the fit function tree

		private void EditItem(IFitFunction func, bool editCopy)
			if (null != func)
				object[] args = new object[] { (editCopy && (func is ICloneable)) ? ((ICloneable)func).Clone() : func };
				if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(args, "Edit fit function script"))
					if (args[0] is FitFunctionScript)
						var ctrl = new Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController();
						if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, "Store?"))
							// add the new script to the list

							// Note: category and/or name can have changed now, so it is more save to
							// completely reinitialize the fit function tree
    void EditItem(IFitFunction func)
      if (null != func)
        object[] args = new object[] { func };
        if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(args, "Edit fit function script"))
          if (args[0] is FitFunctionScript)
            Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController ctrl = new Altaxo.Gui.Scripting.FitFunctionNameAndCategoryController((FitFunctionScript)args[0]);
            if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ctrl, "Store?"))
              // Note: category and/or name can have changed now, so it is more save to
              // completely reinitialize the fit function tree
