예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a single value .
        /// If the data value is text, the boundaries are
        /// updated and the number of items is increased by one (if not contained already). The function returns true
        /// in this case. On the other hand, if the value is outside the range, the function has to
        /// return false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The data item.</param>
        /// <returns>True if data is in the tracked range, false if the data is not in the tracked range.</returns>
        public bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
            if (!(item.IsType(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant.Content.VString)))

            string s = item.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                return(false); // we consider empty string as invalid data here
            if (IsSuspended)   // when suspended: performance tweak, see overrides OnSuspended and OnResume for details (if suspended, we have saved the state of the instance for comparison when we resume).
                if (!_itemList.Contains(s))
            else // not suspended: normal behaviour with change notification
                if (!_itemList.Contains(s))
                    EhSelfChanged(new BoundariesChangedEventArgs(BoundariesChangedData.NumberOfItemsChanged | BoundariesChangedData.UpperBoundChanged));
예제 #2
        protected override string SetScaleOrgEnd(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end)
            double o = org.ToDouble();
            double e = end.ToDouble();

            if (o <= 0)
                o = CumulativeProbabilityScaleRescaleConditions.DefaultOrgValue;
            else if (o >= 1)
                o = CumulativeProbabilityScaleRescaleConditions.DefaultEndValue;

            if (e <= 0)
                e = CumulativeProbabilityScaleRescaleConditions.DefaultOrgValue;
            else if (e >= 1)
                e = CumulativeProbabilityScaleRescaleConditions.DefaultEndValue;

            if (o == e)
                double h = o / 2;
                o = o - h;
                e = e + h;

            InternalSetOrgEnd(o, e);

예제 #3
파일: AxisStyle.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
        public void FixupInternalDataStructures(IPlotArea layer, Func <CSLineID, CSAxisInformation> GetAxisStyleInformation)
            // update the logical values of the physical axes before
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherFirst)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherFirst].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherFirst);
                _styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherFirst(logicalValue);
            if (_styleID.UsePhysicalValueOtherSecond)
                // then update the logical value of this identifier
                double logicalValue = layer.Scales[_styleID.AxisNumberOtherSecond].PhysicalVariantToNormal(_styleID.PhysicalValueOtherSecond);
                _styleID = _styleID.WithLogicalValueOtherSecond(logicalValue);

            CachedAxisInformation = GetAxisStyleInformation(_styleID);

            if (null != _customTickSpacing)
                CSLineID styleID = _cachedAxisInfo.Identifier;
                Scale    scale = layer.Scales[styleID.ParallelAxisNumber];
                Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org = scale.OrgAsVariant, end = scale.EndAsVariant;
                _customTickSpacing.PreProcessScaleBoundaries(ref org, ref end, false, false);
                _customTickSpacing.FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(org, end, scale);

            if (null != _axisTitle)
                _axisTitle.SetParentSize(layer.Size, false);
예제 #4
        public void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, IPlotArea layer, CSPlaneID plane, int axisnumber)
            if (!_showGrid)

            Scale       axis    = layer.Scales[axisnumber];
            TickSpacing ticking = layer.Scales[axisnumber].TickSpacing;

            var layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, layer.Size);

            if (_showZeroOnly)
                var    var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
                double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
                //_majorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
                    var logV = new Logical3D();
                    logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
                    logV.SetR(axisnumber, rel);
                    var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
                    var line            = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
                    g.DrawLine(MajorPen, line);
                double[] ticks;

                if (_showMinor)
                    //_minorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                    ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                        var logV = new Logical3D();
                        logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
                        logV.SetR(axisnumber, ticks[i]);
                        var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
                        var line            = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
                        g.DrawLine(MinorPen, line);

                //MajorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                    var logV = new Logical3D();
                    logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
                    logV.SetR(axisnumber, ticks[i]);
                    var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
                    var line            = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
                    g.DrawLine(MajorPen, line);
예제 #5
        protected override string SetScaleOrgEnd(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end)
            double o = org.ToDouble();
            double e = end.ToDouble();

            InternalSetOrgEnd(o, e);

예제 #6
        protected override string FormatItem(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
            const double tolerance   = 1E-8;
            int          denominator = 1440; // this allows for resolution of a quarter of a degree

            if (!item.CanConvertedToDouble)

            double value       = item;
            double multipvalue = value * denominator / Math.PI;
            double multipround = Math.Round(multipvalue, 0);

            if (Math.Abs(multipvalue - multipround) < tolerance && Math.Abs(multipround) < int.MaxValue) // then it is a ratio of pi
                int nominator = (int)multipround;
                Shorten(ref nominator, ref denominator);
                if (nominator == 0)
                    string pre;
                    if (nominator == 1)
                        pre = string.Empty;
                    else if (nominator == -1)
                        pre = "-";
                        pre = nominator.ToString();

                    string post;
                    if (denominator == 1)
                        post = string.Empty;
                        post = "/" + denominator.ToString();

                    return(pre + '\u03c0' + post);

예제 #7
 protected override string FormatItem(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
     if (item.IsType(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant.Content.VDouble))
예제 #8
        protected override string SetScaleOrgEnd(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end)
            double o = org.ToDouble();
            double e = end.ToDouble();

            if (!(o < e))
                return("org is not less than end");

            InternalSetOrgEnd(o, e, false, false);

예제 #9
        protected override string SetScaleOrgEnd(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end)
            // ignore all this stuff, org and end are fixed here!

             *                double o = org.ToDouble();
             *                double e = end.ToDouble();
             *                if (!(o < e))
             *                        return "org is not less than end";
             *                InternalSetOrgEnd(o, e, false, false);
예제 #10
        public BarGraphPlotStyle(BarGraphPlotStyle from)
            this._relInnerGapWidth     = from._relInnerGapWidth;
            this._relOuterGapWidth     = from._relOuterGapWidth;
            this._width                = from._width;
            this._position             = from._position;
            this._independentColor     = from._independentColor;
            this._fillBrush            = from._fillBrush.Clone();
            this._framePen             = from._framePen == null ? null : (PenX)from._framePen.Clone();
            this._startAtPreviousItem  = from._startAtPreviousItem;
            this._previousItemYGap     = from._previousItemYGap;
            this._usePhysicalBaseValue = from._usePhysicalBaseValue;
            this._baseValue            = from._baseValue;

            this._parent = from._parent;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a single value .
        /// If the data value is text, the boundaries are
        /// updated and the number of items is increased by one (if not contained already). The function returns true
        /// in this case. On the other hand, if the value is outside the range, the function has to
        /// return false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The data item.</param>
        /// <returns>True if data is in the tracked range, false if the data is not in the tracked range.</returns>
        public bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
            if (item.IsType(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant.Content.VString))
                string s = item.ToString();
                if (!_itemList.Contains(s))

                    if (_eventSuspendCount == 0)
                        OnBoundaryChanged(false, true);

예제 #12
        public override void FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end, Altaxo.Graph.Scales.Scale scale)
            _org = org;
            _end = end;

                if (_showRatioEndOrg)
                    _span = end / org;
                    _span = end - org;
            catch (Exception)
                _span = new Data.AltaxoVariant(string.Empty);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This function searches for patterns like aaa=bbb in the provided string. If it finds such a item, it creates a column named aaa
        /// and stores the value bbb at the same position in it as in the text column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strg">The string where to search for the patterns described above.</param>
        /// <param name="store">The column collection where to store the newly created columns of properties.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index into the column where to store the property value.</param>
        public static void ExtractPropertiesFromString(string strg, Altaxo.Data.DataColumnCollection store, int index)
            string pat;

            pat = @"(\S+)=(\S+)";

            Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            for (Match m = r.Match(strg); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
                string propname  = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                string propvalue = m.Groups[2].ToString();

                // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Found the pair " + propname + " : " + propvalue);

                if (!store.ContainsColumn(propname))
                    Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col;
                    if (Altaxo.Serialization.DateTimeParsing.IsDateTime(propvalue))
                        col = new Altaxo.Data.DateTimeColumn();
                    else if (Altaxo.Serialization.NumberConversion.IsNumeric(propvalue))
                        col = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();
                        col = new Altaxo.Data.TextColumn();

                    store.Add(col, propname); // add the column to the collection

                // now the column is present we can store the value in it.
                store[propname][index] = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(propvalue);
        public override System.Drawing.SizeF MeasureItem(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Font font, System.Drawing.StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant mtick, System.Drawing.PointF morg)
            string firstpart, exponent;

            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent((double)mtick, out firstpart, out exponent);

            SizeF size1 = g.MeasureString(firstpart, font, new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
            SizeF size2 = g.MeasureString(exponent, font, new PointF(size1.Width, 0), strfmt);

            return(new SizeF(size1.Width + size2.Width, size1.Height));
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes a single value.
 /// If the data value is inside the considered value range, the boundaries are
 /// updated and the number of items is increased by one. The function has to return true
 /// in this case. On the other hand, if the value is outside the range, the function has to
 /// return false.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The data value.</param>
 /// <returns>True if data is in the tracked range, false if the data is not in the tracked range.</returns>
 public abstract bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item);
예제 #16
파일: GridStyle.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
		public void Paint(IGraphicsContext3D g, IPlotArea layer, CSPlaneID plane, int axisnumber)
			if (!_showGrid)

			Scale axis = layer.Scales[axisnumber];
			TickSpacing ticking = layer.Scales[axisnumber].TickSpacing;

			RectangleD3D layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, layer.Size);

			if (_showZeroOnly)
				Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
				double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
				//_majorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
					Logical3D logV = new Logical3D();
					logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
					logV.SetR(axisnumber, rel);
					var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
					var line = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
					g.DrawLine(MajorPen, line);
				double[] ticks;

				if (_showMinor)
					//_minorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
					ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
					for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
						Logical3D logV = new Logical3D();
						logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
						logV.SetR(axisnumber, ticks[i]);
						var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
						var line = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
						g.DrawLine(MinorPen, line);

				//MajorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
				for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
					Logical3D logV = new Logical3D();
					logV.SetR(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, plane.LogicalValue);
					logV.SetR(axisnumber, ticks[i]);
					var thirdAxisNumber = Logical3D.GetPerpendicularAxisNumber(plane.PerpendicularAxisNumber, axisnumber);
					var line = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetIsoline(logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 0), logV.WithR(thirdAxisNumber, 1));
					g.DrawLine(MajorPen, line);
예제 #17
 public override bool PreProcessScaleBoundaries(ref Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, ref Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end, bool isOrgExtendable, bool isEndExtendable)
 protected override string FormatItem(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
예제 #19
        public override void DrawItem(Graphics g, BrushX brush, FontX font, StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item, PointF morg)
            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent(item, out var firstpart, out var mant, out var middelpart, out var exponent);

            var   gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
            SizeF size1   = g.MeasureString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, morg, strfmt);

            g.DrawString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, brush, morg, strfmt);
            var orginalY = morg.Y;

            morg.X += size1.Width;
            morg.Y += size1.Height / 3;
            FontX font2    = font.WithSize(font.Size * 2 / 3.0);
            var   gdiFont2 = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font2);

            g.DrawString(exponent, gdiFont2, brush, morg);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                morg.X += g.MeasureString(exponent, gdiFont2, morg, strfmt).Width;
                morg.Y  = orginalY;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                g.DrawString(_suffix, gdiFont, brush, morg, strfmt);
예제 #20
 protected override string FormatItem(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
     throw new ApplicationException("Programming error: this function must not be called because the item can not be formatted as a string");
예제 #21
 public override bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
        public override void DrawItem(Graphics g, BrushX brush, Font font, StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item, PointF morg)
            string firstpart, exponent;

            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent((double)item, out firstpart, out exponent);

            SizeF size1 = g.MeasureString(firstpart, font, morg, strfmt);

            g.DrawString(firstpart, font, brush, morg, strfmt);
            morg.X += size1.Width;
            morg.Y += size1.Height / 3;
            using (Font font2 = new Font(font.FontFamily, (float)(font.Size * 2 / 3.0)))
                g.DrawString(exponent, font2, brush, morg);
예제 #23
        public override System.Drawing.SizeF MeasureItem(System.Drawing.Graphics g, FontX font, System.Drawing.StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant mtick, System.Drawing.PointF morg)
            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent(mtick, out var firstpart, out var mant, out var middelpart, out var exponent);

            var   gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
            SizeF size1   = g.MeasureString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
            SizeF size2   = g.MeasureString(exponent, gdiFont, new PointF(size1.Width, 0), strfmt);
            SizeF size3   = g.MeasureString(_suffix, gdiFont, new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);

            return(new SizeF(size1.Width + size2.Width + size3.Width, size1.Height));
예제 #24
		public override void FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end, Altaxo.Graph.Scales.Scale scale)
			_org = org;
			_end = end;

				if (_showRatioEndOrg)
					_span = end / org;
					_span = end - org;
			catch (Exception)
				_span = new Data.AltaxoVariant(string.Empty);
예제 #25
        public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, int axisnumber)
            if (!_showGrid)

            Scales.Scale axis      = axisnumber == 0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;
            RectangleF   layerRect = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), layer.Size);

            if (_showZeroOnly)
                Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
                double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
                _majorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
                if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(rel, 0), new Logical3D(rel, 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, rel), new Logical3D(1, rel));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, rel, 0, 1);
                double[] ticks;

                if (_showMinor)
                    _minorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
                    ticks = axis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
                    for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                        if (axisnumber == 0)
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                        //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MinorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);

                MajorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
                ticks = axis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);
예제 #26
파일: GridStyle.cs 프로젝트: olesar/Altaxo
        public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, int axisnumber)
            if (!_showGrid)

            Scale       axis    = layer.Scales[axisnumber];
            TickSpacing ticking = layer.Scales[axisnumber].TickSpacing;

            var layerRect = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, layer.Size);

            if (_showZeroOnly)
                var    var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
                double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
                _majorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(rel, 0), new Logical3D(rel, 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, rel), new Logical3D(1, rel));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, rel, 0, 1);
                double[] ticks;

                if (_showMinor)
                    _minorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                    ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                        if (axisnumber == 0)
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                        //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MinorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);

                MajorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
                ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
                for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
                    if (axisnumber == 0)
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
                        layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

                    //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// PhysicalVariantToNormal translates physical values into a normal value linear along the axis
 /// a physical value of the axis origin must return a value of zero
 /// a physical value of the axis end must return a value of one
 /// the function physicalToNormal must be provided by any derived class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">the physical value</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// the normalized value linear along the axis,
 /// 0 for axis origin, 1 for axis end</returns>
 public override double PhysicalVariantToNormal(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant x)
 public override bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
 public override bool Add(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item)
예제 #30
    /// <summary>
    /// This function searches for patterns like aaa=bbb in the provided string. If it finds such a item, it creates a column named aaa
    /// and stores the value bbb at the same position in it as in the text column.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strg">The string where to search for the patterns described above.</param>
    /// <param name="store">The column collection where to store the newly created columns of properties.</param>
    /// <param name="index">The index into the column where to store the property value.</param>
    public static void ExtractPropertiesFromString(string strg, Altaxo.Data.DataColumnCollection store, int index)
      string pat;
      pat = @"(\S+)=(\S+)";

      Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

      for ( Match m = r.Match(strg); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch()) 
        string propname = m.Groups[1].ToString();
        string propvalue = m.Groups[2].ToString();

        // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Found the pair " + propname + " : " + propvalue);

          Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col;
            col = new Altaxo.Data.DateTimeColumn();
          else if(Altaxo.Serialization.NumberConversion.IsNumeric(propvalue))
            col = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();
            col = new Altaxo.Data.TextColumn();
          store.Add(col,propname); // add the column to the collection

        // now the column is present we can store the value in it.
        store[propname][index] = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(propvalue);
예제 #31
 public override void FinalProcessScaleBoundaries(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant org, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant end, Scale scale)
예제 #32
    public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, int axisnumber)
      if (!_showGrid)

      Scales.Scale axis = axisnumber == 0 ? layer.XAxis : layer.YAxis;
      RectangleF layerRect = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), layer.Size);

      if (_showZeroOnly)
        Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
        double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
        _majorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
        if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
          if (axisnumber == 0)
            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(rel, 0), new Logical3D(rel, 1));
            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, rel), new Logical3D(1, rel));

          //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, rel, 0, 1);
        double[] ticks;

        if (_showMinor)
          _minorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
          ticks = axis.GetMinorTicksNormal();
          for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
            if (axisnumber == 0)
              layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
              layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));
            //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MinorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);

        MajorPen.BrushRectangle = layerRect;
        ticks = axis.GetMajorTicksNormal();
        for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
            layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));
          //layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);
예제 #33
파일: GridStyle.cs 프로젝트: Altaxo/Altaxo
		public void Paint(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, int axisnumber)
			if (!_showGrid)

			Scale axis = layer.Scales[axisnumber];
			TickSpacing ticking = layer.Scales[axisnumber].TickSpacing;

			RectangleD2D layerRect = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, layer.Size);

			if (_showZeroOnly)
				Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant var = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant(0.0);
				double rel = axis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(var);
				_majorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				if (rel >= 0 && rel <= 1)
					if (axisnumber == 0)
						layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(rel, 0), new Logical3D(rel, 1));
						layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, rel), new Logical3D(1, rel));

					//layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, rel, 0, 1);
				double[] ticks;

				if (_showMinor)
					_minorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
					ticks = ticking.GetMinorTicksNormal(axis);
					for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
						if (axisnumber == 0)
							layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
							layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MinorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

						//layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MinorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);

				MajorPen.SetEnvironment(layerRect, BrushX.GetEffectiveMaximumResolution(g, 1));
				ticks = ticking.GetMajorTicksNormal(axis);
				for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; ++i)
					if (axisnumber == 0)
						layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(ticks[i], 0), new Logical3D(ticks[i], 1));
						layer.CoordinateSystem.DrawIsoline(g, MajorPen, new Logical3D(0, ticks[i]), new Logical3D(1, ticks[i]));

					//layer.DrawIsoLine(g, MajorPen, axisnumber, ticks[i], 0, 1);
    /// <summary>
    /// Moves on or more rows in to a new position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="selectedIndices">The indices of the rows to move.</param>
    /// <param name="newPosition">The new position of the rows.</param>
    public void ChangeRowPosition(Altaxo.Collections.IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedIndices, int newPosition)
      int numberSelected = selectedIndices.Count;

      int oldPosition = selectedIndices[0];

      // check that the newPosition is ok
        throw new ArgumentException("New row position is negative!");


      // Allocated tempory storage for the datacolumns
      Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant[] tempMoved = new Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant[numberSelected];
      int firstAffected;
      int maxAffected;

      if(newPosition<oldPosition) // move down to lower indices
        firstAffected = newPosition;
        maxAffected  = Math.Max(newPosition+numberSelected,selectedIndices[numberSelected-1]+1);
        firstAffected = selectedIndices[0];
        maxAffected = newPosition+numberSelected;

      for(int nColumn=ColumnCount-1;nColumn>=0;nColumn--)
        Altaxo.Data.DataColumn thiscolumn = this[nColumn];
        // fill temporary storage
        for(int i=0;i<numberSelected;i++)
        if(newPosition<oldPosition) // move down to lower indices
          for(int i=selectedIndices[numberSelected-1],offset=0;i>=firstAffected;i--)
            if(numberSelected>offset && i==selectedIndices[numberSelected-1-offset])
              thiscolumn[i+offset] = thiscolumn[i];

        else // move up to higher
          for(int i=selectedIndices[0],offset=0;i<maxAffected;i++)
            if(offset<numberSelected && i==selectedIndices[offset])
              thiscolumn[i-offset] = thiscolumn[i];


        // Fill in temporary stored columns on new position
        for(int i=0;i<numberSelected;i++)
          thiscolumn[newPosition+i] = tempMoved[i];
