public void GetAvatarList(bool forceDownload = false) { if (!forceDownload) { if (Database.GetString(Database.Key.IMAGES_INFO) != "") { Debug.Log("File is there"); string allImagesData = Database.GetString(Database.Key.IMAGES_INFO); AllImages allImages = JsonUtility.FromJson <AllImages>(allImagesData); for (int i = 0; i < allImages.result.Length; i++) { Debug.Log(allImages.result[i].name); } return; } } Web.Create() .SetUrl(Configuration.Instance.GetApi(Configuration.ApiKey.AVATAR_LIST), Web.RequestType.POST, Web.ResponseType.TEXT) //.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .AddHeader("access_token", Database.GetString(Database.Key.ACCESS_TOKEN)) .SetOnSuccessDelegate((Web _web, Response _response) => { JSONNode data = JSONNode.Parse(_response.GetText()); Database.PutString(Database.Key.IMAGES_INFO, _response.GetText()); _web.Close(); }) .SetOnFailureDelegate((Web _web, Response _response) => { Debug.Log(_response.GetText()); _web.Close(); }) .Connect(); }
public Tuple <double[, , , ], double[, ]> GetNextEpoch() { if (AllImages == null) { throw new Exception("未进行数据初始化"); } if (Index * Epoch > AllImages.Length) { Index = 0; } string[] images = AllImages.Skip(Index * Epoch).Take(Epoch).ToArray(); int len = images.Length; double[,,,] result = new double[len, 3, ImageHeight, ImageWidth]; double[,] label = new double[len, 2]; for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) { string filepath = images[index]; if (filepath.Contains("test_img2")) { label[index, 1] = 1; } else { label[index, 0] = 1; } ConverBitmap(result, index, filepath); } return(new Tuple <double[, , , ], double[, ]>(result, label)); }
public async Task UpdateQueryAsync() { var raw = await DatabaseAccessService.GetVirtualfolderImagesWithGroupsAndTags(DatabaseId); var currentIds = AllImages.Select(i => i.DatabaseId).ToList(); var rawCount = raw.Count; for (int i = rawCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = currentIds.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (raw[i].Id == currentIds[j]) { raw.RemoveAt(i); currentIds.RemoveAt(j); break; } } } AllImages.RemoveAll(i => currentIds.Contains(i.DatabaseId)); foreach (var item in raw) { AllImages.Add(await ImageItem.FromDatabaseImage(item, viewMode: ImageItem.Options.None)); } ReorderImages(); }
private void ReportProgressForImageSearch(TheImage obj) { foundImageCount = (foundImageCount + obj.ImageDirTotalImages); //TODO : write here invoke required and invoke to display images found count on form //if(InvokeRequired) // Invoke(new Action(() => label13.Text = foundImageCount.ToString() + " images found")); AllImages.Add(obj); }
public async void UploadFile(object param) { if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("File Not Supported.", "Permission not granted to files.", "STÄNG"); return; } var file = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync(new PickMediaOptions { PhotoSize = PhotoSize.Large, }); if (file != null) { string[] temp = file.Path.Split('/'); string[] tempName = temp[temp.Length - 1].Split('.'); string filename = tempName[0]; string foldername = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("H-mm-ss"); string filePath = "Files/NyKvalitetsRapport/" + Application.Current.Properties["CompanyId"].ToString() + "/" + Application.Current.Properties["OfficeId"].ToString() + "/" + foldername + "/" + temp[temp.Length - 1]; var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); Uri host = new Uri(""); UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(host) { Query = string.Format("filename={0}", filePath) }; Stream data = file.GetStream(); WebClient c = new WebClient(); c.OpenWriteCompleted += (sender, e) => { PushData(data, e.Result); e.Result.Close(); data.Close(); if (AllImages == null) { AllImages = new ObservableCollection <QRAttachedFile>(); } QRAttachedFile phfile = new QRAttachedFile(); phfile.FileName = filename; phfile.FilePath = filePath; phfile.Id = 0; AllImages.Add(phfile); UpdateUploadedFiles(); }; c.OpenWriteAsync(ub.Uri); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("File not supported.", "Ingen fil vald.", "STÄNG"); } }
private UiImageData LocateMenuControls() { var result = new UiImageData(); result.RightClickMenu.Drop = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "drop.bmp").FirstOrDefault(); var menuControls = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "view pack contents.bmp" || x.ImageName == "top left of chat-action window.bmp" || x.ImageName == "combat menu.bmp" || x.ImageName == "bottom left of full ui view.bmp" ).ToList(); var menuControlsScanData = _imageProcessor.SearchScreenForImages(menuControls).ToList(); foreach (var mcsd in menuControlsScanData) { switch (mcsd.ImageData.ImageName) { case "view pack contents.bmp": result.PackContents = mcsd; break; case "top left of chat-action window.bmp": var chatWindow = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "full chat-action window.bmp").FirstOrDefault(); result.PerformActionOnAll = AddPoints(mcsd.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault(), chatWindow.CenterOfImage); break; case "combat menu.bmp": var inventoryWindow = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "inventory list.bmp").FirstOrDefault(); mcsd.ImageData = inventoryWindow; result.Inventory = mcsd; break; case "bottom left of full ui view.bmp": var fullUiWindow = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "full ui view.bmp").FirstOrDefault(); var gameField = AllImages.Where(x => x.ImageName == "gamefield view.bmp").FirstOrDefault(); var gameFieldData = new OsrsScanData { ImageData = gameField }; var gameFieldLocation = new Point(mcsd.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault().X, mcsd.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault().Y - fullUiWindow.ImageBitmap.Height > 0 ? mcsd.MatchLocations.FirstOrDefault().Y - fullUiWindow.ImageBitmap.Height : 0); gameFieldData.MatchLocations.Add(gameFieldLocation); result.GameFieldView = gameFieldData; break; default: break; } } return(result); }
private void DoMoveImageUp(ImageReference image) { var index = AllImages.IndexOf(image); if (index <= 0) { return; } AllImages.Move(index, index - 1); }
public SectionModel ToModel() { return(new SectionModel() { Title = Title, TextContent = TextContent, ListItems = ListItems.GetModel(), Type = SectionType, AllImages = AllImages.Select(i => i.ToModel()).ToArray() }); }
public void ReorderImages() { var tmp = AllImages.OrderByDescending(i => i.Group.Id).ToList(); AllImages = tmp; FilteredImages.Clear(); if (TagsToFilter is null || TagsToFilter.Count == 0) { FilteredImages.AddRange(AllImages); }
private void DoMoveImageDown(ImageReference image) { var index = AllImages.IndexOf(image); if (index >= AllImages.Count - 1) { return; } AllImages.Move(index, index + 1); }
public ActionResult Done(string passedPath) { AllImages allImages = new AllImages(); allImages.Generate(); allImages.Images.Add(passedPath); allImages.Calc(); return(View(allImages)); }
private void Done(bool IsWeb) { //if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) //{ // if (AllImages.Count == 0) // { // MessageBox.Show("No Image Found, Error in Image search function."); // //return; // } //} foreach (var item in AllImages) { //Create Thumbnails Task task = new Task(async() => { await imageIO.DirectConn_CreateThumbnails(item); }); task.Start(); if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => ReportProgressForThumbnails(item.ImageDirName))); } } if (AllImages.Count != 0) { imageIO.BubbleSortImages(AllImages); AllImages.Reverse(); } if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => waiter.Close())); Invoke(new Action(() => RefreshGalleryNotify = true)); if (fileChangedCounter > 1) {// again raise event. Invoke(new Action(() => FilesChanged = true)); } Invoke(new Action(() => fileChangedCounter = 0)); Invoke(new Action(() => CheckForMaxImageWarning())); } else { waiter.Close(); RefreshGalleryNotify = true; CheckForMaxImageWarning(); if (fileChangedCounter > 1) {// again raise event. FilesChanged = true; } fileChangedCounter = 0; } }
private void DoRemove(ImageReference image) { var index = AllImages.IndexOf(image); if (index == 0) { Image.Image = default(ImageData); } else if (index != -1) { AllImages.RemoveAt(index); } }
public void ClearCache() { AllSecureCommandVMs.Clear(); AllRoomGroupVMs.Clear(); AllRoomVMs.Clear(); AllImages.Clear(); AllGiftGroupVMs.Clear(); AllGiftVMs.Clear(); AllUserVMs.Clear(); AllRoleVMs.Clear(); AllCommandVMs.Clear(); AllRoleCommandVMs.Clear(); AllRoomRoleVMs.Clear(); AllExchangeRateVMs.Clear(); }
private void Imagepage_Disappearing(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SelectedImage != null) { if (ImagePageVM.DeletePhoto == true) { if (AllImages != null && AllImages.Count > 0 && AllImages.Contains(SelectedImage)) { AllImages.Remove(SelectedImage); UpdateUploadedFiles(); SelectedImage = null; } } } }
public void LoadModel(SectionModel model) { Title = model.Title; TextContent = model.TextContent; ListItems.LodeModel(model.ListItems); SectionType = model.Type; AllImages.Clear(); foreach (var imageModel in model.AllImages) { AllImages.Add(ImageReference.FromModel(imageModel)); } if (AllImages.Count < 0) { AllImages.Add(new ImageReference()); } }
private void Done(bool IsWeb) { imageIO.BubbleSortImages(AllImages); foreach (var item in AllImages) { //TODO: #PPFunc: Done call whole post processing function here, just thumbail func is enough //Create Thumbnails Task task = new Task(async() => { await imageIO.Wifi_PostProcessImages(item); }); task.Start(); task.Wait(); //ReportProgressForThumbnails(item.ImageDirName); } AllImages.Reverse(); if (InvokeRequired || waiter.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => waiter.Visible = false)); } else { waiter.Visible = false; } if (IsWeb) { SimpleGallery gallery = new SimpleGallery { WifiConnectHelpObject = this, AnimationFormObject = AnimationForm, AllImages = AllImages }; this.Visible = false; gallery.Show(); } else { DirectoryGallery gallery = new DirectoryGallery { AllImages = AllImages }; this.Visible = false; gallery.Show(); } }
void GetAvatarData() { Web.Create() .SetUrl(Configuration.Instance.GetApi(Configuration.ApiKey.AVATAR_LIST), Web.RequestType.POST, Web.ResponseType.TEXT) .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .AddHeader("access_token", Database.GetString(Database.Key.ACCESS_TOKEN)) .SetOnSuccessDelegate((Web _web, Response _response) => { AllImages allImages = JsonUtility.FromJson <AllImages>(_response.GetText()); string url = ""; for (int i = 0; i < allImages.result.Length; i++) { StartCoroutine(DownloadImage(url + allImages.result[i].image, i, allImages.result[i]._id)); } _web.Close(); }) .SetOnFailureDelegate((Web _web, Response _response) => { Debug.Log(_response.GetText()); _web.Close(); }) .Connect(); }
private void DoAddImage() { AllImages.Add(new ImageReference()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update public void Create(string pictureName) { var picture = AllImages.Where(x =>; Create(picture); }