public AllAccountsJournalRecord get_OneEntryFromGJE(int tran_no, int item_no, string tran_type) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SQL = "select * FROM all_accounts_journal WHERE elt_account_number = " + elt_account_number + " AND tran_num = " + tran_no + " AND tran_type = '" + tran_type + "' order by tran_seq_num"; SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Con); adp.Fill(dt); GeneralUtility util = new GeneralUtility(); util.removeNull(ref dt); AllAccountsJournalRecord aaj = new AllAccountsJournalRecord(); aaj.elt_account_number = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["elt_account_number"].ToString()); aaj.gl_account_number = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["gl_account_number"].ToString()); aaj.gl_account_name = dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["gl_account_name"].ToString(); aaj.tran_seq_num = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["tran_seq_num"].ToString()); aaj.tran_type = dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["tran_type"].ToString(); aaj.tran_date = dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["tran_date"].ToString(); aaj.customer_number = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["Customer_Number"].ToString()); aaj.customer_name = dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["Customer_Name"].ToString(); aaj.debit_amount = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["debit_amount"].ToString()); aaj.credit_amount = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["credit_amount"].ToString()); aaj.balance = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["balance"].ToString()); aaj.previous_balance = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["previous_balance"].ToString()); aaj.gl_balance = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["gl_balance"].ToString()); aaj.gl_previous_balance = Decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[item_no - 1]["gl_previous_balance"].ToString()); return(aaj); }
public bool insert_Entries(ArrayList gjeList, int tran_no) { bool return_val = false; for (int i = 0; i < gjeList.Count; i++) { AllAccountsJournalRecord AAJEntry = ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).All_Accounts_Journal_Entry; aajMgr.checkInitial_Acct_Record(AAJEntry); } Cmd = new SqlCommand(); Cmd.Connection = Con; Con.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = Con.BeginTransaction(); Cmd.Transaction = trans; try { int next_tran_seq_no = aajMgr.getNextTranSeqNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < gjeList.Count; i++) { AllAccountsJournalRecord AAJEntry = ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).All_Accounts_Journal_Entry; ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).entry_no = tran_no; ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).replaceQuote(); AAJEntry.replaceQuote(); AAJEntry.tran_type = "GJE"; AAJEntry.tran_num = tran_no; SQL = "INSERT INTO [all_accounts_journal] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "tran_num,"; SQL += "gl_account_number,"; SQL += "gl_account_name,"; SQL += "tran_seq_num,"; SQL += "tran_type,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "Customer_Number,"; SQL += "Customer_Name,"; SQL += "debit_amount,"; SQL += "credit_amount,"; SQL += "balance,"; SQL += "previous_balance,"; SQL += "gl_balance,"; SQL += "gl_previous_balance)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.tran_num; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.gl_account_number; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.gl_account_name; SQL += "','" + next_tran_seq_no++; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.tran_type; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.tran_date; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.customer_number; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.customer_name; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.debit_amount; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.credit_amount; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.balance; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.previous_balance; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.gl_balance; SQL += "','" + AAJEntry.gl_previous_balance; SQL += "')"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SQL = "INSERT INTO [general_journal_entry] "; SQL += "(credit, "; SQL += "debit,"; SQL += "dt,"; SQL += "elt_account_number,"; SQL += "entry_no,"; SQL += "gl_account_number,"; SQL += "item_no,"; SQL += "memo,"; SQL += "org_acct)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).credit; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).debit; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).dt; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).entry_no; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).gl_account_number; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).item_no; SQL += "','" + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).memo; SQL += "'," + ((GeneralJournalRecord)gjeList[i]).org_acct; SQL += ")"; Cmd.CommandText = SQL; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } trans.Commit(); return_val = true; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw ex; } finally { Con.Close(); } return(return_val); }
public bool checkInitial_Acct_Record(AllAccountsJournalRecord rec) { rec.replaceQuote(); SQL = "select count(tran_type) from all_accounts_journal where elt_account_number = " + elt_account_number + " and gl_account_number=" + rec.gl_account_number + " and tran_type='INIT' and customer_number=" + rec.customer_number; Cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, Con); int rowCount; try { Con.Open(); rowCount = Int32.Parse(Cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Con.Close(); } if (rowCount == 1) { return(true); } else if (rowCount >= 0) { SQL = "INSERT INTO [all_accounts_journal] "; SQL += "( elt_account_number, "; SQL += "memo,"; SQL += "gl_account_number,"; SQL += "air_ocean,"; SQL += "gl_account_name,"; SQL += "tran_seq_num,"; SQL += "tran_type,"; SQL += "tran_date,"; SQL += "Customer_Number,"; SQL += "Customer_Name,"; SQL += "debit_amount,"; SQL += "credit_amount,"; SQL += "balance,"; SQL += "previous_balance,"; SQL += "gl_balance,"; SQL += "gl_previous_balance)"; SQL += "VALUES"; SQL += "('" + elt_account_number; SQL += "','" + rec.memo; SQL += "','" + rec.gl_account_number; SQL += "','" + rec.air_ocean; SQL += "','" + rec.gl_account_name; SQL += "','" + getNextTranSeqNumber(); SQL += "','" + "INIT"; SQL += "','" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); SQL += "','" + rec.customer_number; SQL += "','" + rec.customer_name; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "','" + 0; SQL += "')"; Cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, Con); try { Con.Open(); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Con.Close(); } } else { } return(false); }