상속: MonoBehaviour
예제 #1
    private void UpdateVelocity()
        CharacterController controller = GetComponent(typeof(CharacterController)) as CharacterController;
        Vector3             velocity   = controller.velocity;

        if (firstframe)
            velocity   = Vector3.zero;
            firstframe = false;
        if (grounded)
            velocity = Util.ProjectOntoPlane(velocity, transform.up);

        // Calculate how fast we should be moving
        Vector3 movement = velocity;

        //bool hasJumped = false;
        jumping = false;
        if (grounded)
            // Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
            Vector3 velocityChange = (desiredVelocity - velocity);
            if (velocityChange.magnitude > maxVelocityChange)
                velocityChange = velocityChange.normalized * maxVelocityChange;
            movement += velocityChange;

            // Jump
            if (canJump && Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                movement += transform.up * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);
                //hasJumped = true;
                jumping = true;

        float            maxVerticalVelocity = 1.0f;
        AlignmentTracker at = GetComponent <AlignmentTracker>();

        if (Mathf.Abs(at.velocitySmoothed.y) > maxVerticalVelocity)
            movement *= Mathf.Max(0.0f, Mathf.Abs(maxVerticalVelocity / at.velocitySmoothed.y));

        // Apply downwards gravity
        movement += transform.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime;

        if (jumping)
            movement -= transform.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime / 2;

        // Apply movement
        CollisionFlags flags = controller.Move(movement * Time.deltaTime);

        grounded = (flags & CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow) != 0;
예제 #2
    void Start()
        tr = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;

        Quaternion parentRot    = neck.parent.rotation;
        Quaternion parentRotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(parentRot);

        referenceLookDir = parentRotInv * transform.rotation * headLookVector.normalized;
        referenceUpDir   = parentRotInv * transform.rotation * headUpVector.normalized;
        lookDir          = referenceLookDir;
        upDir            = referenceUpDir;
예제 #3
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		//legA = GetComponent(typeof(LegAnimator)) as LegAnimator;
		align = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;
		cm = GetComponent(typeof(CharacterMotor)) as CharacterMotor;
		grounded = false;
		// Only use jumping if the jumping animation has ben set
		if (jumpingAnimation!=null) {
			animation[jumpingAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
			doJumping = true;
		// Only use idle animation if it has been set
		if (waitingAnimation!=null) {
			animation[waitingAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
			doWaiting = true;
		// Start with locomotion
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //legA = GetComponent(typeof(LegAnimator)) as LegAnimator;
        align    = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;
        cm       = GetComponent(typeof(CharacterMotor)) as CharacterMotor;
        grounded = false;

        // Only use jumping if the jumping animation has ben set
        if (jumpingAnimation != null)
            animation[jumpingAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
            doJumping = true;

        // Only use idle animation if it has been set
        if (waitingAnimation != null)
            animation[waitingAnimation.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
            doWaiting = true;

        // Start with locomotion
예제 #5
	void Start () {
		tr = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;
		legC = GetComponent(typeof(LegController)) as LegController;
		legs = legC.legs;
		if (!legC.initialized) {
			UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(name+": Locomotion System has not been initialized.",this);
			enabled = false;
		legStates = new LegState[legs.Length];
		updateStates = true;
		isActive = false;
		for (int leg=0; leg<legs.Length; leg++) {
				new TrajectoryVisualizer(legs[leg].debugColor, 3)
				new TrajectoryVisualizer(legs[leg].debugColor, 3)
				new TrajectoryVisualizer(legs[leg].debugColor, 3)
예제 #6
    void Start()
        tr = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;

        Quaternion parentRot = neck.parent.rotation;
        Quaternion parentRotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(parentRot);
        referenceLookDir = parentRotInv * transform.rotation * headLookVector.normalized;
        referenceUpDir = parentRotInv * transform.rotation * headUpVector.normalized;
        lookDir = referenceLookDir;
        upDir = referenceUpDir;
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the base Awake() function.
 /// </summary>
 public override void ControlledAwake()
     tr = GetComponent(typeof(AlignmentTracker)) as AlignmentTracker;
     //NATHAN: I thought resetting was necessary. Apparently, it isn't.
예제 #8
    void CopySerialized(Transform src, Transform tar)
        if (src == null || tar == null)

        Rigidbody rigid = src.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        if (rigid != null)
            Rigidbody rigid1 = tar.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            if (rigid1 == null)
                rigid1 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(rigid, rigid1);

        CapsuleCollider cap1 = src.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        if (cap1 != null)
            CapsuleCollider cap2 = tar.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
            if (cap2 == null)
                cap2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(cap1, cap2);

            cap2.center *= scale;
            cap2.radius *= scale;
            cap2.height *= scale;

        SphereCollider s1 = src.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();

        if (s1 != null)
            SphereCollider s2 = tar.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
            if (s2 == null)
                s2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(s1, s2);

            s2.center *= scale;
            s2.radius *= scale;

        BoxCollider box1 = src.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

        if (box1 != null)
            BoxCollider box2 = tar.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
            if (box2 == null)
                box2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(box1, box2);

            box2.center *= scale;
            box2.size   *= scale;

        CharacterJoint joint1 = src.GetComponent <CharacterJoint>();

        if (joint1 != null)
            CharacterJoint joint2 = tar.GetComponent <CharacterJoint>();
            if (joint2 == null)
                joint2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <CharacterJoint>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(joint1, joint2);

            joint2.connectedBody = AiUtil.GetChild(target.transform, joint2.connectedBody.name).GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        LegController leg1 = src.GetComponent <LegController>();

        if (leg1 != null)
            LegController leg2 = tar.GetComponent <LegController>();
            if (leg2 == null)
                leg2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <LegController>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(leg1, leg2);

            leg2.groundedPose = target.GetComponent <Animation>()[leg2.groundedPose.name].clip;
            leg2.rootBone     = AiUtil.GetChild(target.transform, leg2.rootBone.name);

            foreach (LegInfo leg in leg2.legs)
                leg.ankle = AiUtil.GetChild(target.transform, leg.ankle.name);
                leg.hip   = AiUtil.GetChild(target.transform, leg.hip.name);
                leg.toe   = AiUtil.GetChild(target.transform, leg.toe.name);

                leg.footLength   *= scale;
                leg.footWidth    *= scale;
                leg.footOffset.x *= scale;
                leg.footOffset.y *= scale;

            foreach (MotionAnalyzer motion in leg2.sourceAnimations)
                motion.animation = target.GetComponent <Animation>()[motion.animation.name].clip;

        AlignmentTracker al1 = src.GetComponent <AlignmentTracker>();

        if (leg1 != null)
            AlignmentTracker al2 = tar.GetComponent <AlignmentTracker>();
            if (al2 == null)
                al2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <AlignmentTracker>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(al1, al2);

        LegAnimator legA1 = src.GetComponent <LegAnimator>();

        if (legA1 != null)
            LegAnimator legA2 = tar.GetComponent <LegAnimator>();
            if (legA2 == null)
                legA2 = tar.gameObject.AddComponent <LegAnimator>();
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(legA1, legA2);
예제 #9
    private void UpdateVelocity()
        if (controller == null || !controller.enabled)

        Vector3 velocity = controller.velocity;

        if (firstframe)
            velocity   = Vector3.zero;
            firstframe = false;
        if (grounded)
            velocity = Util.ProjectOntoPlane(velocity, Vector3.up);

        // Calculate how fast we should be moving
        Vector3 movement = velocity;

        //bool hasJumped = false;
        jumping = false;
        if (grounded || gravity < PETools.PEMath.Epsilon)
            // Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
            Vector3 velocityChange = (desiredVelocity - velocity);
            if (velocityChange.magnitude > maxVelocityChange)
                velocityChange = velocityChange.normalized * maxVelocityChange;
            movement += velocityChange;

            if (desiredVelocity == Vector3.zero)
                movement = Vector3.zero;

            // Jump
            //if (canJump && false)
            //    //movement += transform.up * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);
            //    movement += Vector3.up * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);
            //    //hasJumped = true;
            //    jumping = true;

        float            maxVerticalVelocity = 1.0f;
        AlignmentTracker at = GetComponent <AlignmentTracker>();

        if (at != null && Mathf.Abs(at.velocitySmoothed.y) > maxVerticalVelocity)
            movement *= Mathf.Max(0.0f, Mathf.Abs(maxVerticalVelocity / at.velocitySmoothed.y));

        Vector3 moveDeta = movement * Time.deltaTime;

        if (!CheckMoveDeta(moveDeta))
            movement = Vector3.zero;

        // Apply downwards gravity
        //movement += transform.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        movement += Vector3.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime;

        if (jumping)
            //movement -= transform.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime / 2;
            movement -= Vector3.up * -gravity * Time.deltaTime / 2;

        // Apply movement
        CollisionFlags flags = controller.Move(movement * Time.deltaTime);

        grounded = (flags & CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow) != 0;