예제 #1
 private static void HandleMeshCollider(MeshCollider c, ref AlignmentData data)
     // TODO: I don't think there's an efficient solution for those.
     // The convex collider mesh doesn't seem accessible by script.
     // We could access the original mesh, but that all is pretty inefficient.
     // Best solution for now probably is to just restrict ourselves to the other colliders.
예제 #2
        private void ExportAlignmentData(AlignmentData data,
                                         DatasetInformation baselineDatasetInformation,
                                         DatasetInformation alignDatasetInformation,
                                         IEnumerable <UMCLight> baselineFeatures,
                                         IEnumerable <UMCLight> aligneeFeatures)
            var netValues  = new List <double>();
            var massValues = new List <double>();

            var anchorPoints = data.Matches;

            foreach (var match in anchorPoints)
                netValues.Add(match.AnchorPointX.Net - match.AnchorPointY.Net);
                massValues.Add(match.AnchorPointX.Mass - match.AnchorPointY.Mass);

            var netHist =
                MatchCountHistogramBuilder.CreateResidualHistogram(-.05, .05, .01, netValues);

            var netHistogram = new Dictionary <double, int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < netHist.Bins.Count; i++)
                netHistogram.Add(netHist.Bins[i], Convert.ToInt32(netHist.Data[i]));
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", netHist.Bins[i], netHist.Data[i]);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Arguments that hold alignment information when a dataset is aligned.
 /// </summary>
 public FeaturesAlignedEventArgs(DatasetInformation datasetInfo,
                                 IEnumerable <UMCLight> baselineFeatures,
                                 IEnumerable <UMCLight> aligneeFeatures,
                                 AlignmentData alignmentData)
     m_datasetInformation = datasetInfo;
     BaselineFeatures     = baselineFeatures;
     AligneeFeatures      = aligneeFeatures;
     AlignmentData        = alignmentData;
예제 #4
        public new AlignmentData Align(MassTagDatabase database, IEnumerable <UMCLight> alignee, IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var matches = base.Align(database, alignee);
            var data    = new AlignmentData {
                Matches = matches

            Matches = matches;

예제 #5
        public AlignmentViewModel(AlignmentData alignment)
            this.WindowTitle = string.Format("{0} Alignment Data", alignment.AligneeDataset);

            var plots = new AlignmentPlotCreator(alignment);

            this.HeatmapImage  = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.Heatmap));
            this.NetScanImage  = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.NetResidual));
            this.MassHistogram = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.MassHistogram));
            this.NetHistogram  = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.NetHistogram));
            this.MassMzImage   = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.MassMzResidual));
            this.MassScanImage = ImageConverter.ConvertImage(PlotImageUtility.CreateImage(plots.MassScanResidual));
예제 #6
        public AlignmentPlotCreator(AlignmentData alignment)
            var residuals = alignment.ResidualData;

            Heatmap     = HeatmapFactory.CreateAlignedHeatmap(alignment.HeatScores, alignment.BaselineIsAmtDB);
            NetResidual = ScatterPlotFactory.CreateResidualPlot(residuals.Net, residuals.LinearCustomNet,
                                                                residuals.LinearNet, "NET Residuals", "Scans", "NET");

            MassHistogram = HistogramFactory.CreateHistogram(alignment.MassErrorHistogram, "Mass Error", "Mass Error (ppm)");
            NetHistogram  = HistogramFactory.CreateHistogram(alignment.NetErrorHistogram, "NET Error", "NET Error");

            MassMzResidual = ScatterPlotFactory.CreateResidualPlot(residuals.Mz, residuals.MzMassError,
                                                                   residuals.MzMassErrorCorrected, "Mass Residuals", "m/z", "Mass Errors");

            MassScanResidual = ScatterPlotFactory.CreateResidualPlot(residuals.Net, residuals.MzMassError,
                                                                     residuals.MzMassErrorCorrected, "Mass Residuals", "Scan", "Mass Errors");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an empty layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">the order number in the FlexiVolume.</param>
        /// <param name="brickid">the brick id.</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">the sheet in the brick.</param>
        /// <param name="side">the side (0 for base tracks, 1 for downstream, 2 for upstream).</param>
        public Layer(int id, long brickid, int sheet, short side) : base()
            m_BrickId             = brickid;
            m_SheetId             = sheet;
            m_Side                = side;
            m_Id                  = id;
            m_DownstreamZ_Updated = false;
            m_UpstreamZ_Updated   = false;
            AlignmentData al = new AlignmentData();

            al.AffineMatrixXX = al.AffineMatrixYY = 1.0;
            al.AffineMatrixXY = al.AffineMatrixYX = 0.0;
            al.TranslationX   = al.TranslationY = al.TranslationZ = 0.0;
            al.DShrinkX       = al.DShrinkY = 1.0;
            al.SAlignDSlopeX  = al.SAlignDSlopeY = 0.0;
            Segments = new Segment[0];
예제 #8
 private static void HandleCapsuleCollider(CapsuleCollider c, ref AlignmentData data)
      * var m = c.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
      * switch(c.direction) {
      *  case 0: // aligned along x-axis
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right));
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.left));
      *      break;
      *  case 1: // aligned along y-axis
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up));
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.down));
      *      break;
      *  case 2: // aligned along z-axis
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward));
      *      list.Add(m.MultiplyVector(Vector3.back));
      *      break;
      * }*/
예제 #9
    public static AlignmentData Scan(Vector3 pos, float radius, GameObject ignore = null)
        var data = new AlignmentData();

        foreach (var collider in Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, radius))
            if (ignore != null && ignore.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>().Contains(collider))

            switch (collider)
            case BoxCollider b:
                HandleBoxCollider(b, ref data);

            case SphereCollider s:
                HandleSphereCollider(s, ref data);

            case CapsuleCollider c:
                HandleCapsuleCollider(c, ref data);

            case MeshCollider m:
                HandleMeshCollider(m, ref data);

         * Dictionary<Vector3, int> histogram = new Dictionary<Vector3, int>(new DirectionComparer());
         * foreach(var dir in orientations) {
         *  if(histogram.TryGetValue(dir, out int count)) {
         *      histogram[dir] = count + 1;
         *  } else {
         *      histogram[dir] = 1;
         *  }
         * }*/

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Align a set of features to a set of baseline features.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseline">The baseline features to align to.</param>
        /// <param name="alignee">The features to align.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">The progress reporter for the alignment process.</param>
        /// <returns>Information about the alignment.</returns>
        public AlignmentData Align(IEnumerable <UMCLight> baseline, IEnumerable <UMCLight> alignee, IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            // Enumerate features to lists.
            // Perform a deep copy of the LCMS features so that the original features are unaffected by the warp.
            var aligneeFeatures  = alignee.Select(feature => new UMCLight(feature)).ToList();
            var baselineFeatures = baseline.ToList();

            // Warp mass if NET_MASS_WARP, otherwise only warp NET.
            var netMassWarp   = this.options.AlignType == LcmsWarpAlignmentType.NET_MASS_WARP;
            var alignmentData = netMassWarp ? this.WarpNetMass(aligneeFeatures, baselineFeatures)
                                            : this.WarpNet(aligneeFeatures, baselineFeatures, true);

            // TODO: Change this to return the new alignment data object.
            var aData = new AlignmentData
                AlignmentFunctions = new Dictionary <FeatureLight.SeparationTypes, LcmsWarpResults>()

예제 #11
    private static void HandleBoxCollider(BoxCollider c, ref AlignmentData data)
        var m = c.transform.localToWorldMatrix;


        var cornerA = m.MultiplyPoint(c.center + 0.5f * c.size);
        var cornerB = m.MultiplyPoint(c.center - 0.5f * c.size);

예제 #12
 private static void HandleSphereCollider(SphereCollider c, ref AlignmentData data)
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns the dataset to the data stored in the alignment processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alignmentProcessor">Aligner</param>
        /// <param name="features">LC-MS Features to align to the baseline</param>
        /// <param name="alignmentOptions">Options</param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AlignmentData AlignFeatures(LcmsWarpAlignmentProcessor alignmentProcessor,
                                            IEnumerable <UMCLight> features,
                                            LcmsWarpAlignmentOptions alignmentOptions,
                                            IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            var progData      = new ProgressData(progress);
            var localProgress = new Progress <ProgressData>(p => progData.Report(p.Percent, p.Status));
            var alignmentData = new AlignmentData();

            OnStatus("Starting alignment of features.");

            // Set minMtdbnet and maxMtdbnet to 0
            alignmentData.MinMTDBNET = 0;
            alignmentData.MaxMTDBNET = 0;

            var umcLights = features as List <UMCLight> ?? features.ToList();

            progData.StepRange(5, "Starting alignment of features.");
            var filteredFeatures = FilterFeaturesByAbundance(umcLights, alignmentOptions);

            // Convert the features, and make a map, so that we can re-adjust the aligned values later.
            var map = FeatureDataConverters.MapFeature(umcLights);

            progData.StepRange(10, "Setting alignee features.");
            // Set features
            OnStatus("Setting alignee features.");

            progData.StepRange(90, "Performing alignment warping.");
            // Find alignment
            OnStatus("Performing alignment warping.");

            // Extract alignment function
            alignmentData.AlignmentFunction = alignmentProcessor.GetAlignmentFunction();

            // Extract the NET value for every scan
            _scanToNETMap = alignmentProcessor.GetScanToNETMapping();

            // Correct the features (updates NetAligned and MassMonoisotopicAligned)
            OnStatus("Applying alignment function to all features.");
            progData.Status = "Applying alignment function to all features.";
            umcLights       = alignmentProcessor.ApplyNetMassFunctionToAligneeDatasetFeatures(umcLights);

            // Find min/max scan for meta-data
            var minScanBaseline = int.MaxValue;
            var maxScanBaseline = int.MinValue;

            foreach (var feature in umcLights)
                maxScanBaseline = Math.Max(maxScanBaseline, feature.Scan);
                minScanBaseline = Math.Min(minScanBaseline, feature.Scan);

            // Update the scan and NET ranges
            alignmentData.MinScanBaseline = minScanBaseline;
            alignmentData.MaxScanBaseline = maxScanBaseline;
            alignmentData.MinMTDBNET      = (float)alignmentProcessor.MinReferenceNet;
            alignmentData.MaxMTDBNET      = (float)alignmentProcessor.MaxReferenceNet;

            // Cache the matching features
            alignmentData.FeatureMatches = alignmentProcessor.FeatureMatches;

            // Pull out the heat maps...
            OnStatus("Retrieving alignment data.");
            progData.Status          = "Retrieving alignment data.";
            alignmentData.HeatScores = alignmentProcessor.GetAlignmentHeatMap(alignmentOptions.StandardizeHeatScores);

            // Mass and net error histograms!
            alignmentData.MassErrorHistogram  = alignmentProcessor.GetMassErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.MassBinSize);
            alignmentData.NetErrorHistogram   = alignmentProcessor.GetNetErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.NetBinSize);
            alignmentData.DriftErrorHistogram = alignmentProcessor.GetDriftErrorHistogram(alignmentOptions.DriftTimeBinSize);

            // Get the residual data from the warp.
            alignmentData.ResidualData = alignmentProcessor.GetResidualData();

            alignmentData.NETIntercept          = alignmentProcessor.NetIntercept;
            alignmentData.NETRsquared           = alignmentProcessor.NetRsquared;
            alignmentData.NETSlope              = alignmentProcessor.NetSlope;
            alignmentData.MassMean              = alignmentProcessor.MassMu;
            alignmentData.MassStandardDeviation = alignmentProcessor.MassStd;
            alignmentData.NETMean = alignmentProcessor.NetMu;
            alignmentData.NETStandardDeviation = alignmentProcessor.NetStd;
            alignmentData.BaselineIsAmtDB      = _options.AlignToMassTagDatabase;

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Main Edlib method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalQuery">String a</param>
        /// <param name="originalTarget">String b</param>
        /// <param name="config">Configuration</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the alignment</returns>
        public static AlignmentResult Align(string originalQuery, string originalTarget, AlignmentConfig config)
            // NOTE: Is other mode useful? If so, why?
            if (config.Mode == AlignmentMode.Hw || config.Mode == AlignmentMode.Shw)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            AlignmentResult result = new AlignmentResult
                Status            = (int)AlignmentStatus.Ok,
                EditDistance      = -1,
                EndLocations      = null,
                StartingLocations = null,
                NumberOfLocations = 0,
                Alignment         = null,
                AlignmentLength   = 0,
                AlphabetLength    = 0,

            // Transform sequences and recognize alphabet
            byte[] query, target;
            string alphabet = TransformSequences(originalQuery, originalTarget, out query, out target);

            result.AlphabetLength = alphabet.Length;

            // Initialization
            int queryLength  = originalQuery.Length;
            int targetLength = originalTarget.Length;
            int maxBlocks    = CeilDivision(queryLength, WordSize);
            int w            = maxBlocks * WordSize - queryLength;
            EqualityDefinition equalityDefinition = new EqualityDefinition(alphabet, config.AdditionalEqualities,

            ulong[] peq = BuildPeq(alphabet.Length, query, queryLength, ref equalityDefinition);

            // Main Calculation
            int           positionNw    = -1;
            AlignmentData alignmentData = new AlignmentData();
            bool          dynamicK      = false;
            int           k             = config.K;

            if (k < 0) // If valid k is not given, auto-adjust k until solution is found.
                dynamicK = true;
                k        = WordSize; // Gives better results than smaller k.

                MyersEditDistanceNw(peq, w, maxBlocks, queryLength, target, targetLength, k, false, -1,
                                    ref result.EditDistance, ref positionNw, ref alignmentData);
                k *= 2;
            } while (dynamicK && result.EditDistance == -1);

            // NOTE: Do we need this block code? We only care about editing distance
            // Since we only care about the editing distance score, this is where we stop
            if (result.EditDistance >= 0)
                // If NW mode, set end location explicitly.
                if (config.Mode == AlignmentMode.Nw)
                    result.EndLocations      = new int[sizeof(int) * 1];
                    result.EndLocations[0]   = targetLength - 1;
                    result.NumberOfLocations = 1;

//                if (!(config.Task == AlignmentTask.TaskLocate || config.Task == AlignmentTask.TaskPath))
//                {
//                    for (int i = 0; i < result.NumberOfLocations; i++) {
//                        result.StartingLocations[i] = 0;
//                    }
//                }

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses Myers' bit-vector algorithm to find edit distance for global(NW) alignment method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peq"></param>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <param name="maxBlocks"></param>
        /// <param name="queryLength"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="targetLength"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="findAlignment"></param>
        /// <param name="targetStopPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="bestScore"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="alignmentData"></param>
        /// <returns>Status code.</returns>
        private static int MyersEditDistanceNw(ulong[] peq, int w, int maxBlocks, int queryLength, byte[] target,
                                               int targetLength, int k, bool findAlignment, int targetStopPosition, ref int bestScore,
                                               ref int position, ref AlignmentData alignmentData)
            if (targetStopPosition > -1 && findAlignment)

            // Each STRONG_REDUCE_NUM column is reduced in more expensive way.
            const int strongReduceNum = 2048;

            if (k < Math.Abs(targetLength - queryLength))
                bestScore = position = -1;

            k = Math.Min(k, Math.Max(queryLength, targetLength));

            int firstBlock = 0;
            int lastBlock  = Math.Min(maxBlocks,
                                      CeilDivision(Math.Min(k, (k + queryLength - targetLength) / 2) + 1,
                                                   WordSize)) - 1;

            Block[] bl; // Current block
            Block[] blocks = new Block[maxBlocks];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxBlocks; i++)
                blocks[i] = new Block();

            // Initialize p, m, and score
            bl = blocks;
            for (int b = 0; b <= lastBlock; b++)
                bl[b].Score = (b + 1) * WordSize;
                bl[b].P     = UInt64.MaxValue;
                bl[b].M     = 0;

            if (findAlignment)
                alignmentData = new AlignmentData(maxBlocks, targetLength);
            else if (targetStopPosition > -1)
                alignmentData = new AlignmentData(maxBlocks, 1);

            for (int c = 0; c < targetLength; c++)
                ulong[] peqC = peq;
                // Get offset for the character peq
                // peq + *targetChar * maxBlocks
                int startPeqC = target[c] * maxBlocks;

                // Calculate column
                int hout = 1;
                // Get first block offset
                for (int b = firstBlock; b <= lastBlock; b++)
                    ulong pout, mout;
                    hout         = CalculateBlock(bl[b].P, bl[b].M, peqC[startPeqC + b], hout, out pout, out mout);
                    bl[b].P      = pout;
                    bl[b].M      = mout;
                    bl[b].Score += hout;

                k = Math.Min(k,
                             bl[lastBlock].Score +
                             Math.Max(targetLength - c - 1, queryLength - ((1 + lastBlock) * WordSize - 1) - 1) +
                             (lastBlock == maxBlocks - 1 ? w : 0));

                // Adjust number of blocks using Ukkonen algorithm
                if (lastBlock + 1 < maxBlocks &&
                    (         //score[lastBlock] >= k + Constants.WORDSIZE ||  // NOTICE: this condition could be satisfied if above block also!
                        ((lastBlock + 1) * WordSize - 1
                         > k - bl[lastBlock].Score + 2 * WordSize - 2 - targetLength + c +
                    bl[lastBlock].P = UInt64.MaxValue;
                    bl[lastBlock].M = 0;
                    ulong pout, mout;
                    int   newHout = CalculateBlock(bl[lastBlock].P,
                                                   bl[lastBlock].M, peqC[startPeqC + lastBlock], hout, out pout, out mout);

                    bl[lastBlock].Score =
                        bl[lastBlock - 1].Score - hout + WordSize + newHout;
                    bl[lastBlock].P = pout;
                    bl[lastBlock].M = mout;
                    hout            = newHout;

                // While block is out of band, move one block up.
                // NOTE: Condition used here is more loose than the one from the article, since I simplified the max() part of it.
                // I could consider adding that max part, for optimal performance.
                while (lastBlock >= firstBlock &&
                       (bl[lastBlock].Score >= k + WordSize ||
                        ((lastBlock + 1) * WordSize - 1 >
                         // TODO: Does not work if do not put +1! Why???
                         k - bl[lastBlock].Score + 2 * WordSize - 2 - targetLength + c +
                         queryLength + 1)))

                // While outside of band, advance block
                while (firstBlock <= lastBlock &&
                       (bl[firstBlock].Score >= k + WordSize ||
                        ((firstBlock + 1) * WordSize - 1 <
                         bl[firstBlock].Score - k - targetLength + queryLength + c)))

                if (c % strongReduceNum == 0)
                    while (lastBlock >= firstBlock)
                        int[] scores   = GetBlockCellValues(bl[lastBlock]);
                        int   numCells = lastBlock == maxBlocks - 1 ? WordSize - w : WordSize;
                        int   r        = lastBlock * WordSize + numCells - 1;
                        bool  reduce   = true;
                        for (int i = WordSize - numCells; i < WordSize; i++)
                            // TODO: Does not work if do not put +1! Why???
                            if (scores[i] <= k && r <= k - scores[i] - targetLength + c + queryLength + 1)
                                reduce = false;


                        if (!reduce)


                    while (firstBlock <= lastBlock)
                        int[] scores   = GetBlockCellValues(bl[firstBlock]);
                        int   numCells = firstBlock == maxBlocks - 1 ? WordSize - w : WordSize;
                        int   r        = firstBlock * WordSize + numCells - 1;
                        bool  reduce   = true;
                        for (int i = WordSize - numCells; i < WordSize; i++)
                            if (scores[i] <= k && r >= scores[i] - k - targetLength + c + queryLength)
                                reduce = false;


                        if (!reduce)


                if (lastBlock < firstBlock)
                    bestScore = position = -1;

                if (findAlignment && c < targetLength)
                    for (int b = firstBlock; b <= lastBlock; b++)
                        alignmentData.Ps[maxBlocks * c + b]     = bl[b].P;
                        alignmentData.Ms[maxBlocks * c + b]     = bl[b].M;
                        alignmentData.Scores[maxBlocks * c + b] = bl[b].Score;
                        alignmentData.FirstBlocks[c]            = firstBlock;
                        alignmentData.LastBlocks[c]             = lastBlock;

                if (c == targetStopPosition)
                    for (int b = firstBlock; b <= lastBlock; b++)
                        alignmentData.Ps[b]          = blocks[b].P;
                        alignmentData.Ms[b]          = blocks[b].M;
                        alignmentData.Scores[b]      = blocks[b].Score;
                        alignmentData.FirstBlocks[0] = firstBlock;
                        alignmentData.LastBlocks[0]  = lastBlock;

                    bestScore = -1;
                    position  = targetStopPosition;

            if (lastBlock == maxBlocks - 1)
                int bs = GetBlockCellValues(bl[lastBlock])[w];
                if (bs <= k)
                    bestScore = bs;
                    position  = targetLength - 1;

            bestScore = position = -1;
예제 #16
 public Quaternion TryMatchOrientation(AlignmentData other)
     return(AlignmentEstimator.GetRotation(Orientations, other.Orientations));
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the alignment data for this layer, also recomputing the inverse matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">the new alignment data to be used.</param>
 public void SetAlignment(AlignmentData a)
예제 #18
 void Update()
     radius = transform.localScale.Average();
     data   = AlignmentQuery.Scan(transform.position, radius);