public ImageForm(Image img, int x, int y, AlignX alignx, AlignY aligny) { this.InitializeComponent(); PictureBox.Image = img; Width = PictureBox.Width; Height = PictureBox.Height; switch (alignx) { case AlignX.Left: break; case AlignX.Middle: x -= PictureBox.Width / 2; break; case AlignX.Right: x -= PictureBox.Width; break; } switch (aligny) { case AlignY.Top: break; case AlignY.Middle: y -= PictureBox.Height / 2; break; case AlignY.Bottom: y -= PictureBox.Height; break; } Location = new Point(x, y); }
// offsetはLocalPositionに足されるので注意 public void Add( Control child, float offsetX = 0f, float offsetY = 0f, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top) { float x = 0f; switch (alignX) { case AlignX.Center: x = (this.Width - child.Width) * 0.5f; break; case AlignX.Right: x = this.Width - child.Width; break; } float y = 0f; switch (alignY) { case AlignY.Center: y = (this.Height - child.Height) * 0.5f; break; case AlignY.Bottom: y = (this.Height - child.Height); break; } child.SetLocalPosition( child.LocalLeftX + offsetX + x, child.LocalTopY + offsetY + y); AddChildAsTail(child); }
// fontsize, width, heightをすべて指定する場合は折り返し public int AddText( string text, Vector3 origin, Vector3 rightVector, Vector3 downVector, float fontSize, float boxWidth, float boxHeight, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top, float lineSpacingRatio = DefaultLineSpacingRatio) { return(AddText( text, origin, rightVector, downVector, fontSize, boxWidth, boxHeight, alignX, alignY, TextOverflow.Wrap, lineSpacingRatio)); }
public void MessageBoxShow(int x, int y, AlignX alignx, AlignY aligny, string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon) { if (!locked) { mutex.WaitOne(); locked = true; } var tcaption = msgid.ToString(); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { var handle = IntPtr.Zero; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { MessageBox.Show(text, tcaption, buttons, icon); } )).Start(); while ((handle = FindWindow(IntPtr.Zero, tcaption)) == IntPtr.Zero) { ; } SetWindowText(handle, caption); GetWindowRect(handle, out var r); var rw = r.Width - r.X; var rh = r.Height - r.Y; switch (alignx) { case AlignX.Left: break; case AlignX.Middle: x -= rw / 2; break; case AlignX.Right: x -= rw; break; } switch (aligny) { case AlignY.Top: break; case AlignY.Middle: y -= rh / 2; break; case AlignY.Bottom: y -= rh; break; } MoveWindow(handle, x, y, rw, rh, true); mutex.WaitOne(); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); PostMessage(handle, 0x10, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } )).Start(); msgid++; }
public void Add( DebugUiControl child, float offsetX = 0f, float offsetY = 0f, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top) { _contentPanel.Add(child, offsetX, offsetY, alignX, alignY); }
void Initialize() { this.lineSpacing = DebugPrimitiveRenderer.DefaultLineSpacingRatio; this.backgroundEnabled = false; this.borderEnabled = false; this.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255); this.alignX = AlignX.Left; this.alignY = AlignY.Top; }
public void Add( Control control, float offsetX = 0f, float offsetY = 0, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top) { root.Add(control, offsetX, offsetY, alignX, alignY); }
void Initialize(bool backgroundEnabled) { LineSpacing = RendererBase.DefaultLineSpacingRatio; BackgroundEnabled = backgroundEnabled; BorderEnabled = false; Color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255); AlignX = AlignX.Left; AlignY = AlignY.Top; }
public Text(FontAsset font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float alpha = 1.0f, AlignX alignX = BeauSharp.AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = BeauSharp.AlignY.Top) : base(false) { this.font = font; this.text = text; Position = position; Color = color; Alpha = alpha; AlignX = alignX; AlignY = alignY; UpdateSize(); }
private static void ShowImage(Image img, int x, int y, AlignX alignx, AlignY aligny) { new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { var imgform = new ImageForm(img, x, y, alignx, aligny); var image_handle = imgform.Handle; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { lock (image_lock_obj) { } PostMessage(image_handle, 0x10, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } )).Start(); Application.Run(imgform); } )).Start(); }
// fontsizeのみ指定する場合、オーバーフロー処理は行わない public int AddText( string text, float leftX, float topY, float fontSize, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top, float lineSpacingRatio = DefaultLineSpacingRatio) { return(AddText( text, leftX, topY, fontSize, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, alignX, alignY, TextOverflow.Wrap, lineSpacingRatio)); }
private void ImageShow(Image img, int x, int y, AlignX alignx, AlignY aligny) { if (!locked) { mutex.WaitOne(); locked = true; } new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { var imgform = new ImageForm(img, x, y, alignx, aligny); var image_handle = imgform.Handle; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { mutex.WaitOne(); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); PostMessage(image_handle, 0x10, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } )).Start(); Application.Run(imgform); } )).Start(); }
// 箱サイズのみ指定する場合、スケールで合わせる public int AddText( string text, float leftX, float topY, float boxWidth, float boxHeight, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top, float lineSpacingRatio = DefaultLineSpacingRatio) { return(AddText( text, leftX, topY, 0f, boxWidth, boxHeight, alignX, alignY, TextOverflow.Scale, lineSpacingRatio)); }
// offsetはLocalPositionに足されるので注意 public void Add( DebugUiControl child, float offsetX = 0f, float offsetY = 0f, AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top) { var innerWidth = this.width; var innerHeight = this.height; if (this.borderEnabled) { innerWidth -= (this.borderWidth * 2f); innerHeight -= (this.borderWidth * 2f); } float x = 0f; switch (alignX) { case AlignX.Center: x = (innerWidth - child.width) * 0.5f; break; case AlignX.Right: x = innerWidth - child.width; break; } float y = 0f; switch (alignY) { case AlignY.Center: y = (innerHeight - child.height) * 0.5f; break; case AlignY.Bottom: y = (innerHeight - child.height); break; } child.SetLocalPosition( child.localLeftX + offsetX + x, child.localTopY + offsetY + y); AddChildAsTail(child); }
public async Task <FileResponse> TextStampAsync(FileParameter file, string text, string pages, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY, string jobIdExt = null) { var _alignX = (AlignX2)Enum.Parse(typeof(AlignX2), alignX.ToString(), true); var _alignY = (AlignY2)Enum.Parse(typeof(AlignY2), alignY.ToString(), true); return(await TextStampAsync(text, pages, _alignX, _alignY, jobIdExt, file)); }
public void SetChildRelativeLoactionY(AlignY parentAlignY, Int32 offset, AlignY childAlignY) { childRelativeLocationY.parentAlign = parentAlignY; childRelativeLocationY.offset = offset; childRelativeLocationY.childAlign = childAlignY; }
// // Child Relative Location Y // public void SetChildRelativeLoactionY(AlignY parentAndChildAlignY) { childRelativeLocationY.parentAlign = parentAndChildAlignY; childRelativeLocationY.offset = 0; childRelativeLocationY.childAlign = parentAndChildAlignY; }
public ChildRelativeLocationY(AlignY parentAlignY, Int32 offset, AlignY childAlignY) { this.parentAlign = parentAlignY; this.offset = offset; this.childAlign = childAlignY; }
public int AddText( string text, float leftX, float topY, float fontSize, float boxWidth, float boxHeight, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY, TextOverflow overflow, float lineSpacingRatio) { int verticesBegin = vertexCount; float width, height; float scale = 0f; bool wrap; float normalizedBoxWidth, normalizedBoxHeight; if (overflow == TextOverflow.Wrap) { UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(fontSize > 0f); scale = fontSize / (float)font.fontSize; normalizedBoxWidth = boxWidth / scale; normalizedBoxHeight = boxHeight / scale; wrap = true; } else //if (overflow == TextOverflow.Scale) { normalizedBoxWidth = normalizedBoxHeight = float.MaxValue; wrap = false; } var drawnLines = AddTextNormalized(out width, out height, text, normalizedBoxWidth, normalizedBoxHeight, lineSpacingRatio, wrap); if (drawnLines <= 0) // 何も書いてないなら抜ける { return(drawnLines); } if (overflow == TextOverflow.Scale) { var scaleX = boxWidth / width; var scaleY = boxHeight / height; scale = Mathf.Min(scaleX, scaleY); } // TODO: 以下の計算はまだ仮 var offset =; switch (alignX) { case AlignX.Center: offset.x = -width * 0.5f; break; case AlignX.Right: offset.x = -width; break; } switch (alignY) { case AlignY.Center: offset.y = -height * 0.5f; break; case AlignY.Bottom: offset.y = -height; break; } offset *= scale; offset.x += leftX; offset.y += topY; TransformVertices(verticesBegin, scale, ref offset); return(drawnLines); }
/// <summary> /// Pops the rendering state off the stack. /// </summary> public static void PopState() { #if DEBUG if ( _savedTransformations == null || _savedTransformations.Count == 0 ) throw new Exception("No states available on the stack."); #endif SavedTransformation oldState = _savedTransformations.Pop(); Position = oldState.Position; Origin = oldState.Origin; Scale = oldState.Scale; Zoom = oldState.Zoom; Rotation = oldState.Rotation; Color = oldState.Color; Alpha = oldState.Alpha; Effects = oldState.Effects; Font = oldState.Font; AlignX = oldState.AlignH; AlignY = oldState.AlignV; }
public async Task <byte[]> TextStampAsync(byte[] file, string text, string pages, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY) { return(await CustomHttp.postWrapper( new List <string> { "text", text, "pages", pages, "alignX", Enum.GetName(typeof(AlignX), alignX), "alignY", Enum.GetName(typeof(AlignY), alignY) }, new List <Tuple <byte[], string, string> > { new Tuple <byte[], string, string>(file, "file", "pdf.pdf") }, "Stamp/TextStamp", _httpClient)); }
public virtual void AddAuto(DebugUiControl child) { float minX = 0f; float minY = 0f; float maxX = width; float maxY = height; float borderOffset = borderEnabled ? (borderWidth * 2f) : 0f; if (borderEnabled) { minX += borderOffset; minY += borderOffset; maxX -= borderOffset; maxY -= borderOffset; } // 右 float dx = 0f; float dy = 0f; float size = 0f; AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left; AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top; if ((layout == Layout.RightDown) || (layout == Layout.RightUp)) { alignX = AlignX.Left; alignY = (layout == Layout.RightDown) ? AlignY.Top : AlignY.Bottom; float childRight = _x + borderWidth + child.width; if (childRight > maxX) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dx = child.width + borderWidth; size = child.height; } else if ((layout == Layout.LeftDown) || (layout == Layout.LeftUp)) { alignX = AlignX.Right; alignY = (layout == Layout.LeftDown) ? AlignY.Top : AlignY.Bottom; float childLeft = _x - borderWidth - child.width; if (childLeft < minX) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dx = -child.width - borderWidth; size = child.height; } else if ((layout == Layout.DownRight) || (layout == Layout.DownLeft)) { alignY = AlignY.Top; alignX = (layout == Layout.DownRight) ? AlignX.Left : AlignX.Right; float childBottom = _y + borderWidth + child.height; if (childBottom > maxY) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dy = child.height + borderWidth; size = child.width; } else if ((layout == Layout.UpRight) || (layout == Layout.UpLeft)) { alignY = AlignY.Bottom; alignX = (layout == Layout.UpRight) ? AlignX.Left : AlignX.Right; float childTop = _y - borderWidth - child.height; if (childTop < minY) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dy = -child.height - borderWidth; size = child.width; } Add(child, _x, _y, alignX, alignY); _x += dx; _y += dy; _currentLineSize = Mathf.Max(_currentLineSize, size); }
public Text(FontAsset font, string text, Vector2 position, AlignX alignX = BeauSharp.AlignX.Left, AlignY alignY = BeauSharp.AlignY.Top) : this(font, text, position, Color.White, 1.0f, alignX, alignY) { }
/// <summary> /// Renders text with the given parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="font">The SpriteFont to use.</param> /// <param name="text">The text to render.</param> /// <param name="position">The position of the text.</param> /// <param name="color">The color of the text.</param> /// <param name="alpha">The transparency to use.</param> /// <param name="alignH">The horizontal alignment.</param> /// <param name="alignV">The vertical alignment.</param> /// <param name="scale">The scaling factors to use.</param> /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the </param> public static void Text(FontAsset font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float alpha, AlignX alignH, AlignY alignV, Vector2 scale, Angle rotation) { Vector2 origin = Font.SpriteFont.MeasureString(text); origin.X *= AlignFactor(alignH); origin.Y *= AlignFactor(alignV); SpriteBatch.DrawString(font.SpriteFont, text, Calc.Floor(position), color * Math.Min(alpha, 1), rotation.Radians, origin, scale, Effects, 0); }
public async Task <FileResponse> TextStampAsync(FileParameter file, string text, string pages, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY, string jobIdExt = null) { return(await TextStampAsync(text, pages, alignX, alignY, jobIdExt, file)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the vertical offset factor for the given vertical alignment. /// </summary> public static float AlignFactor(AlignY alignV) { if (alignV == AlignY.Top) return 0; else if (alignV == AlignY.Center) return 0.5f; return 1.0f; }
public ChildRelativeLocationY(AlignY parentAndChildAlignY) { this.parentAlign = parentAndChildAlignY; this.offset = 0; this.childAlign = parentAndChildAlignY; }
/// <summary> /// Resets the rendering state. /// </summary> public static void ResetState() { Position = Vector2.Zero; Origin = Vector2.Zero; Scale = Vector2.One; Zoom = 1.0f; Rotation = Angle.Zero; Color = Color.White; Alpha = 1.0f; Effects = SpriteEffects.None; Font = DefaultFont; AlignX = AlignX.Left; AlignY = AlignY.Top; }
public virtual void AddAuto(Control child) { float minX = 0f; float minY = 0f; float maxX = Width; float maxY = Height; float borderOffset = BorderEnabled ? (BorderWidth * 2f) : 0f; if (BorderEnabled) { minX += borderOffset; minY += borderOffset; maxX -= borderOffset; maxY -= borderOffset; } // 右 float dx = 0f; float dy = 0f; float size = 0f; AlignX alignX = AlignX.Left; AlignY alignY = AlignY.Top; if ((layout == Layout.RightDown) || (layout == Layout.RightUp)) { alignX = AlignX.Left; alignY = (layout == Layout.RightDown) ? AlignY.Top : AlignY.Bottom; float childRight = x + BorderWidth + child.Width; if (childRight > maxX) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dx = child.Width + BorderWidth; size = child.Height; } else if ((layout == Layout.LeftDown) || (layout == Layout.LeftUp)) { alignX = AlignX.Right; alignY = (layout == Layout.LeftDown) ? AlignY.Top : AlignY.Bottom; float childLeft = x - BorderWidth - child.Width; if (childLeft < minX) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dx = -child.Width - BorderWidth; size = child.Height; } else if ((layout == Layout.DownRight) || (layout == Layout.DownLeft)) { alignY = AlignY.Top; alignX = (layout == Layout.DownRight) ? AlignX.Left : AlignX.Right; float childBottom = y + BorderWidth + child.Height; if (childBottom > maxY) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dy = child.Height + BorderWidth; size = child.Width; } else if ((layout == Layout.UpRight) || (layout == Layout.UpLeft)) { alignY = AlignY.Bottom; alignX = (layout == Layout.UpRight) ? AlignX.Left : AlignX.Right; float childTop = y - BorderWidth - child.Height; if (childTop < minY) // あふれた。改行する。 { BreakLine(); } dy = -child.Height - BorderWidth; size = child.Width; } Add(child, x, y, alignX, alignY); x += dx; y += dy; currentLineSize = Mathf.Max(currentLineSize, size); }
public SavedTransformation(Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, float zoom, Angle rotation, Color color, float alpha, SpriteEffects effect, FontAsset font , AlignX alignH, AlignY alignV) { Position = position; Origin = origin; Scale = scale; Zoom = zoom; Rotation = rotation; Color = color; Alpha = alpha; Effects = effect; Font = font; AlignH = alignH; AlignV = alignV; }
// rightVectorとdownVectorが正規直交していないと平行四辺形に歪むので注意 int AddText( string text, Vector3 origin, Vector3 rightVector, Vector3 downVector, float fontSize, float boxWidth, float boxHeight, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY, TextOverflow overflow, float lineSpacingRatio) { int verticesBegin = vertexCount; float width, height; var scale = 0f; bool wrap; float normalizedBoxWidth, normalizedBoxHeight; if (overflow == TextOverflow.Wrap) { UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(fontSize > 0f); scale = fontSize / (float)font.fontSize; normalizedBoxWidth = boxWidth * scale; normalizedBoxHeight = boxHeight * scale; wrap = true; } else //if (overflow == TextOverflow.Scale) { normalizedBoxWidth = normalizedBoxHeight = float.MaxValue; wrap = false; } var drawnLines = AddTextNormalized(out width, out height, text, normalizedBoxWidth, normalizedBoxHeight, lineSpacingRatio, wrap); if (drawnLines <= 0) // 何も書いてないなら抜ける { return(drawnLines); } if (overflow == TextOverflow.Scale) { var scaleX = boxWidth / width; var scaleY = boxHeight / height; scale = Mathf.Min(scaleX, scaleY); } var matrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(origin); var rotation = Matrix4x4.identity; rotation.m00 = rightVector.x; rotation.m10 = rightVector.y; rotation.m20 = rightVector.z; rotation.m01 = -downVector.x; rotation.m11 = -downVector.y; rotation.m21 = -downVector.z; var up = Vector3.Cross(downVector, rightVector); rotation.m02 = up.x; rotation.m12 = up.y; rotation.m22 = up.z; matrix *= rotation; matrix *= Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(scale, -scale, 1f)); // TODO: 以下の計算はまだ仮 float offsetX = 0f; switch (alignX) { case AlignX.Center: offsetX = -width * 0.5f; break; case AlignX.Right: offsetX = -width; break; } float offsetY = 0f; switch (alignY) { case AlignY.Center: offsetY = -height * 0.5f; break; case AlignY.Bottom: offsetY = -height; break; } matrix *= Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0f)); TransformVertices(verticesBegin, ref matrix); return(drawnLines); }