public void StartDashAnimation(bool backwards) { preDashSpeed = Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x); // back dash animation always comes from the initial dash, where the speed boost has already been applied float newSpeed = (backwards ? preDashSpeed : preDashSpeed+dashSpeed); Vector2 targetVelocity = new Vector2( ForwardScalar() * newSpeed, groundData.grounded ? 0 : Mathf.Max(rb2d.velocity.y, 0) ); rb2d.velocity = targetVelocity.Rotate(groundData.normalRotation); if (perfectDashPossible && !earlyDashInput) { AlerterText.Alert("Recycling boost"); perfectDashPossible = false; CancelInvoke("ClosePerfectDashWindow"); SoundManager.ShootSound(); } InterruptAttack(); // if backwards, it'll already have been called // don't want a duplicate sound effect if (!backwards) SoundManager.DashSound(); inMeteor = false; dashing = true; if (grounded) { BackwardDust(); } Freeze(); if (dashTimeout != null) StopCoroutine(dashTimeout); dashTimeout = StartCoroutine(RunDashCooldown(dashCooldownLength)); }
void Die(Attack fatalBlow) { if (options.gameJournalist) { AlerterText.Alert("<color=cyan>SECOND WIND</color>"); SoundManager.HealSound(); FullHeal(); return; } AlerterText.AlertList(deathText); AlerterText.Alert($"<color=red>CAUSE OF DEATH:</color>"); AlerterText.Alert($"<color=red>{fatalBlow.attackName}</color>"); // if the animation gets interrupted or something, use this as a failsafe dead = true; SoundManager.PlayerDieSound(); currentEnergy = 0; CameraShaker.Shake(0.2f, 0.1f); LockInSpace(); Freeze(); anim.SetTrigger("Die"); anim.SetBool("TouchingWall", false); deathEvent.Raise(); InterruptEverything(); EndCombatStanceCooldown(); ResetAttackTriggers(); }
public static void AddItem(StoredItem s, bool quiet = false) { Item item = s.item; if (!quiet) { SoundManager.ItemGetSound(); if (!item.IsType(ItemType.ABILITY)) { if (s.count != 1) { AlerterText.Alert($"{} ({s.count}) acquired"); } else { AlerterText.Alert( + " acquired"); } } } if (item.gameStates != null) { AddStates(item.gameStates); } inventory.AddItem(s, quiet); PropagateItemChange(); }
public static void SaveGame(bool autosave = false) { if (save.unlocks.HasAbility(Ability.Heal) && !autosave) { AlerterText.Alert("Rebuilding waveform"); pc.FullHeal(); } if (autosave) { AlerterText.AlertImmediate("Autosaving..."); } save.currentHP = pc.currentHP; save.maxHP = pc.maxHP; save.currentEnergy = pc.currentEnergy; save.maxEnergy = pc.maxEnergy; save.basePlayerDamage = pc.baseDamage; save.playerPosition = pc.transform.position; save.sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().path; gc.GetComponentInChildren <MapFog>().SaveCurrentMap(); gc.saveContainer.WriteToDiskSlot(saveSlot); if (autosave) { AlerterText.AlertImmediate("Autosave complete"); } }
public void StartDashAnimation(bool backwards) { preDashSpeed = Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x); float newSpeed = ((backwards ? 0 : preDashSpeed) + dashSpeed); rb2d.velocity = new Vector2( ForwardScalar() * newSpeed, Mathf.Max(rb2d.velocity.y, 0) ); if (perfectDashPossible && !earlyDashInput) { AlerterText.Alert("Recycling DASH velocity"); perfectDashPossible = false; CancelInvoke("ClosePerfectDashWindow"); this.GainEnergy(1); SoundManager.ShootSound(); } SoundManager.DashSound(); InterruptAttack(); inMeteor = false; dashing = true; if (grounded) { BackwardDust(); } Freeze(); }
public void FirstParry() { AlerterText.Alert("Autoparry active"); parryParticles.Emit(15); Hitstop.Run(0.5f); anim.SetTrigger("Parry"); }
void DamageBy(Attack attack) { if (attack.damage == 0) { return; } Instantiate(selfHitmarker, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, null); SoundManager.PlayerHurtSound(); currentHP -= attack.GetDamage(); if (attack.instakill) { currentHP = 0; } Hitstop.Run(selfDamageHitstop); if (currentHP <= 0) { Die(attack); } else if (currentHP > 0 && attack.GetDamage() > 0) { AlerterText.Alert($"WAVEFORM INTEGRITY {currentHP}"); } else if (currentHP < 4) { AlerterText.Alert("<color=red>WAVEFORM CRITICAL</color>"); } }
public void GainEnergy(int amount) { bool notFull = (currentEnergy < maxEnergy); currentEnergy += amount; if (currentEnergy > maxEnergy) { currentEnergy = maxEnergy; } if (notFull && (currentEnergy == maxEnergy)) AlerterText.Alert("Fully charged"); }
public static void AddItem(InventoryItem item) { if (!item.IsAbility()) { AlerterText.Alert(item.itemName + " acquired"); } inventory.AddItem(item); }
public void FirstParry() { AlerterText.Alert("Autoparry active"); GetComponent <AnimationInterface>().SpawnFollowingEffect(2); anim.SetTrigger("Parry"); Instantiate(parryParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); CameraShaker.Shake(0.1f, 0.1f); Hitstop.Run(0.5f); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { PlayerAttack a = other.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>(); if (a != null) { AlerterText.Alert(a.attackName); } }
public override void OnHit(Attack attack) { if (dead) { return; } CombatMusic.EnterCombat(); if (!canParry && invincible && !attack.attackerParent.CompareTag(Tags.EnviroDamage)) { return; } bool isEnvDmg = attack.attackerParent.CompareTag(Tags.EnviroDamage); if (isEnvDmg) { if (envDmgSusceptible) { OnEnviroDamage(attack.GetComponent<EnviroDamage>()); InterruptMeteor(); if (LayerMask.LayerToName(attack.attackerParent.gameObject.layer) == Layers.Water) { RefreshAirMovement(); } } } else if (canParry) { currentEnergy -= attack.GetDamage(); if (currentEnergy < 0) { AlerterText.Alert("PARRY BREAK"); Instantiate(shieldBreak, this.transform.position, shieldBreak.transform.rotation, null); } else { Parry(attack); return; } } CameraShaker.Shake(0.2f, 0.1f); StartCombatStanceCooldown(); DamageBy(attack); CancelInvoke("StartParryWindow"); if (this.currentHP == 0) return; if (isEnvDmg) return; StunFor(attack.stunLength); // asdi float actualSDIMultiplier = sdiMultiplier * (attack.gameObject.CompareTag(Tags.EnviroDamage) ? 0 : 1); rb2d.MovePosition(transform.position + ((Vector3) InputManager.MoveVector()*actualSDIMultiplier)); if (attack.knockBack) { Vector2 kv = attack.GetKnockback(); if (attack.knockbackAway) { kv = kv.magnitude * (transform.position - attack.transform.position).normalized; } if (!IsFacing(attack.gameObject)) ForceFlip(); rb2d.velocity = kv; } }
void ReturnToSafety() { AlerterText.Alert("Returning to safety"); if (this.currentHP <= 0) { return; } GlobalController.MovePlayerTo(lastSafeObject.transform.position + (Vector3)lastSafeOffset); UnLockInSpace(); }
public static void SaveGame(bool autosave = false) { if (save.unlocks.HasAbility(Ability.Heal) && !autosave) { AlerterText.Alert("Rebuilding waveform"); pc.FullHeal(); AlerterText.Alert("Done"); } gc.GetComponent <BinarySaver>().SaveGame(); }
public void FirstParry(Attack attack) { AlerterText.Alert("Autoparry active"); anim.SetTrigger("Parry"); Instantiate( diamondShine, GetParryEffectPosition(attack), Quaternion.identity, null ); Instantiate(parryParticles, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); CameraShaker.Shake(0.1f, 0.1f); Hitstop.Run(0.4f); }
void AcceptItems() { if (consumesItems) { List <InventoryItem> actualWantedItems = wantedItems.Select(x => x.GetItem()).ToList(); foreach (InventoryItem wantedItem in actualWantedItems) { AlerterText.Alert(wantedItem.itemName); GlobalController.inventory.items.RemoveItem(wantedItem); } } acceptedItemBefore = true; UpdateObjectState(); if (yesActivation != null) { yesActivation.Activate(); } }
IEnumerator ReturnToSafety(float delay) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(delay)); if (this.currentHP <= 0) { yield break; } StunFor(0.2f); AlerterText.Alert("Returning to safety"); if (lastSafeObject != null) { GlobalController.MovePlayerTo(lastSafeObject.transform.position + (Vector3)lastSafeOffset); } UnLockInSpace(); // override invincibility after the teleport so the player doesn't keep taking env damage envDmgSusceptible = true; }
public void StartDashAnimation(bool backwards) { preDashSpeed = Mathf.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x); float additive = 0f; // backdash always comes from initial fdash, so subtract fdash speed if necessary if (backwards && preDashSpeed > dashSpeed) { additive = preDashSpeed - dashSpeed; } float newSpeed = ((backwards ? additive : preDashSpeed) + dashSpeed); rb2d.velocity = new Vector2( ForwardScalar() * newSpeed, Mathf.Max(rb2d.velocity.y, 0) ); if (perfectDashPossible && !earlyDashInput) { AlerterText.Alert("Recycling boost"); perfectDashPossible = false; CancelInvoke("ClosePerfectDashWindow"); SoundManager.ShootSound(); } InterruptAttack(); // if backwards, it'll already have been called // don't want a duplicate sound effect if (!backwards) { SoundManager.DashSound(); } inMeteor = false; dashing = true; if (grounded) { BackwardDust(); } Freeze(); if (dashTimeout != null) { StopCoroutine(dashTimeout); } dashTimeout = StartCoroutine(StartDashCooldown(dashCooldownLength)); }
public static void SaveGame(bool autosave = false) { if (save.unlocks.HasAbility(Ability.Heal) && !autosave) { AlerterText.Alert("Rebuilding waveform"); pc.FullHeal(); AlerterText.Alert("Done"); } save.playerItems = inventory.items.MakeSerializableInventory(); save.currentHP = pc.currentHP; save.maxHP = pc.maxHP; save.currentEnergy = pc.currentEnergy; save.maxEnergy = pc.maxEnergy; save.basePlayerDamage = pc.baseDamage; save.playerPosition = pc.transform.position; save.sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().path; gc.GetComponentInChildren <MapFog>().SaveCurrentMap(); binarySaver.SyncImmediateStates(saveSlot,; binarySaver.SaveFile(, saveSlot); }
public void EndParryWindow() { canParry = false; parryCount = 0; AlerterText.Alert("Autoparry inactive"); }
void LateUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("TargetTest")) { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); } if (inAbilityGetUI && InputManager.ButtonDown(Buttons.JUMP)) { HideAbilityGetUI(); } bool inInventory = inventory.inventoryUI.animator.GetBool("Shown"); if ((InputManager.ButtonDown(Buttons.INVENTORY) || InputManager.GenericEscapeInput()) && inInventory) { if (inInventory) { CloseInventory(); } } else if (inInventory) { // avoid any pre-late update weirdness pc.EnterCutscene(); } else if (pauseEnabled && InputManager.ButtonDown(Buttons.INVENTORY) && !pc.inCutscene && pc.IsGrounded()) { gc.StartCoroutine(OpenMenu(playerMenu)); } if (InputManager.ButtonDown(Buttons.PAUSE) && pauseEnabled && !inInventory && !paused) { // pauseUI takes care of unpausing Pause(); } if (InputManager.GenericContinueInput()) { GlobalController.OnDialogueSkip(); } dialogueOpenedThisFrame = false; dialogueClosedThisFrame = false; UpdateControllerStatus(); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket)) { AlerterText.Alert("Saving game..."); GlobalController.SaveGame(autosave: false); AlerterText.Alert("Game saved"); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightBracket)) { AlerterText.Alert("Loading game..."); GlobalController.LoadGame(); AlerterText.Alert("Game loaded"); } #endif }
public void Alert(string alertText) { AlerterText.Alert(alertText); }
public static void NewGamePlus() { AlerterText.Alert("Hey idiot you forgot to make NG+"); return; }
public override void OnHit(Attack attack) { if (dead) { return; } if (!canParry && invincible && !attack.attackerParent.CompareTag(Tags.EnviroDamage)) { return; } if (attack.attackerParent.CompareTag(Tags.EnviroDamage)) { if (envDmgSusceptible) { OnEnviroDamage(attack.GetComponent <EnviroDamage>()); InterruptMeteor(); if (LayerMask.LayerToName(attack.attackerParent.gameObject.layer) == Layers.Water) { ResetAirJumps(); } } } else if (canParry) { Parry(); return; } CameraShaker.Shake(0.2f, 0.1f); StartCombatStanceCooldown(); Hitstop.Run(selfDamageHitstop); InterruptSupercruise(); DamageFor(attack.GetDamage()); if (currentHP > 0) { AlerterText.Alert($"WAVEFORM INTEGRITY {currentHP}"); } if (this.currentHP == 0) { return; } else if (currentHP == 1) { AlerterText.Alert("WAVEFORM CRITICAL"); } InvincibleFor(this.invincibilityLength); envDmgSusceptible = true; StunFor(attack.GetStunLength()); if (attack.knockBack) { //knockback based on the position of the attack Vector2 kv = attack.GetKnockback(); bool attackerToLeft = attack.transform.position.x < this.transform.position.x; kv.x *= attackerToLeft ? 1 : -1; KnockBack(kv); } if (cyan) { cyan = false; StartCoroutine(NormalSprite()); } anim.SetTrigger("Hurt"); }