private async void GetSummonerAsync() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { IsBusy = true; var summoner = await _summonerApiService.GetSummonerAsync(SummonerName); if (summoner == null) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.SummonerNotFoundTitle, AlertConstant.SummonerNotFoundDescription, AlertConstant.SummonerNotFoundConfirm); Show = false; } else { Show = true; } Summoner = summoner; IsBusy = false; } else { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionTitle, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionDescription, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionConfirm); } }
public async Task LoadTeams() { IsBusy = true; var teamsinformation = await NbaApiService.GetTeamsInformation(); var info = teamsinformation.League.Standard; if ((Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { if (teamsinformation != null) { foreach (Standard team in info) { Teams.Add(team.FullName.ToString()); } Selected = Teams[0]; } IsBusy = false; } else { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "No tiene Acceso a internet", "cancel"); } }
private async void GetSummonerLeague() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { var summonerDetail = await _summonerLeagueApiServie.GetSummonerLeagueAsync(Summoner.Id); SummonerDetailList = summonerDetail; } else { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionTitle, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionDescription, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionConfirm); } }
private async void Load() { if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("ERROR", "No internet connection"); } else { var things = await languageService.GetLanguageAsync(); TagList = things.Tags; } }
public async Task GetPeopleList() { IIsBusy = true; if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "No internet connection, try later.", "Ok"); } else { var getpeople = await _peopleService.GetPeopleAsync(); PeopleCollection = getpeople.ResultsPeople; } IIsBusy = false; }
private async void GetStatus() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { Status = await StatusApiService.GetStatusAsync(); Entries = Status.Entries[0]; } else { // Alert await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionTitle, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionDescription, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionConfirm); } }
public async Task GetSpeciesList() { IsBusy = true; if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "No internet connection, try later.", "Ok"); } else { var getspecies = await _speciesService.GetSpecieAsync(); SpeciesCollection = getspecies.ResultSpecies; } IsBusy = false; }
public async void GetCoachData() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { var coachInfo = await NbaApiService.GetCoachList(); CoachList = new ObservableCollection <Standard>(coachInfo.League.Standard); Internet = true; } else { Internet = false; await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("No Network", "Please connect to network", "Ok"); } }
private async void LoadTeams() { IsBusy = true; if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "No internet connection, try later."); } else { var teams = await teamApiService.GetSportsTeamsAsync(); Teams = teams.Data; } IsBusy = false; }
public async Task GetFilmList() { IsBusy = true; if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "No internet connection, try later.", "Ok"); } else { var getfilms = await _filmService.GetFilmAsync(); FilmsCollection = getfilms.ResultsFilms; } IsBusy = false; }
private async void LoadLiveGames() { IsBusy = true; if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertDialogConstants.Error, AlertDialogConstants.NoInternet, AlertDialogConstants.Ok); } else { var events = await _eventApiService.GetInfoAsync(); Events = events.Data; } IsBusy = false; }
private async void GetLeaguesAsync() { if (!(Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertDialogConstants.Error, AlertDialogConstants.NoInternet, AlertDialogConstants.Ok); return; } IsDataVisible = false; IsBusy = true; var leagues = await _leagueApiService.GetInfoAsync(); LeaguesData = leagues.Data; IsBusy = false; IsDataVisible = true; }
private async void GetSummonerMatches() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { var summonerMatches = await _matchApiService.GetMatchesByAccountIdAsync(Summoner.AccountId); SummonerMatches = summonerMatches; SummonerDetailedMatches = new ObservableCollection <Match>(); participantIdByMatch = new List <int>(); foreach (MatchElement element in SummonerMatches.Matches) { Match matchWholeElement = await _matchApiService.GetMatchByIdAsync(element.GameId.ToString()); SummonerDetailedMatches.Add(matchWholeElement); foreach (ParticipantIdentity participantId in matchWholeElement.ParticipantIdentities) { if (participantId.Player.SummonerId == Summoner.Id) { participantIdByMatch.Add(participantId.ParticipantId); } } } ParticipationsOfCurrentSummoner = new ObservableCollection <Participant>(); int counter = 0; foreach (Match match in SummonerDetailedMatches) { ParticipationsOfCurrentSummoner.Add(match.Participants.First(element => element.ParticipantId == participantIdByMatch[counter])); ParticipationsOfCurrentSummoner[counter].GameId = match.GameId; counter++; } // var participantId = SummonerDetailedMatches.First((p)=> p.ParticipantIdentities.Pla == "") } else { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionTitle, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionDescription, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionConfirm); } }
public async void LoadRanking() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Queue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tier) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Division)) { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "You must select a queue, a tier and a division", "Ok", null); } else { IsBusy = true; if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { Ranking = await _rankingApiService.GetRankingAync(Queue, Tier, Division); } else { await AlertService.DisplayAlertAsync(AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionTitle, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionDescription, AlertConstant.NoInternetConnectionConfirm); } IsBusy = false; } }