public async Task CreateAlbumAsync_IsNotNull() { var client = new MashapeClient(ClientId, ClientSecret, MashapeKey, OAuth2Token); var endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(client); var album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync( "TheTitle", "TheDescription", AlbumPrivacy.Hidden, AlbumLayout.Grid, "uH3kfZP", new List <string> { "uH3kfZP", "VzbrLbO" }); Assert.IsNotNull(album); Assert.IsNotNull(album.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(album.DeleteHash); await GetAlbumAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await GetAlbumImageAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await GetAlbumImagesAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await UpdateAlbumAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await AddAlbumImagesAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await RemoveAlbumImagesAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await SetAlbumImagesAsync_WithAlbum_AreEqual(album); await FavoriteAlbumAsync_WithImage_IsTrue(album); await FavoriteAlbumAsync_WithImage_IsFalse(album); await DeleteAlbumAsync_WithImage_IsTrue(album); }
public async Task TestCreateAlbum() { var imgurClient = await AuthenticationHelpers.CreateOAuth2AuthenticatedImgurClient(); var albumEndpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(imgurClient); var imageEndpoint = new ImageEndpoint(imgurClient); var filePath = VariousFunctions.GetTestsAssetDirectory() + @"\upload-image-example.jpg"; var imageBinary = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); var title = String.Format("dicks-{0}", new Random().Next(100, 1337)); var description = String.Format("black dicks, yo-{0}", new Random().Next(100, 1337)); var uploadedImages = new List <Image>(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { uploadedImages.Add((await imageEndpoint.UploadImageFromBinaryAsync(imageBinary)).Data); } var createdAlbum = await albumEndpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(uploadedImages.ToArray(), uploadedImages[0], title, description); // Assert the Reponse Assert.IsNotNull(createdAlbum.Data); Assert.AreEqual(createdAlbum.Success, true); Assert.AreEqual(createdAlbum.Status, HttpStatusCode.OK); // Assert the data Assert.AreEqual(createdAlbum.Data.Title, title); Assert.AreEqual(createdAlbum.Data.Description, description); }
public async Task TestAddImagesToAlbum() { var imgurClient = await AuthenticationHelpers.CreateOAuth2AuthenticatedImgurClient(); var albumEndpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(imgurClient); var imageEndpoint = new ImageEndpoint(imgurClient); var filePath = VariousFunctions.GetTestsAssetDirectory() + @"\upload-image-example.jpg"; var imageBinary = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); var createdAlbum = await albumEndpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(); await albumEndpoint.AddImageToAlbumAsync(createdAlbum.Data.Id, (await imageEndpoint.UploadImageFromBinaryAsync(imageBinary)).Data.Id); var updatedAlbum = await albumEndpoint.GetAlbumDetailsAsync(createdAlbum.Data.Id); // Assert the Reponse Assert.IsNotNull(updatedAlbum.Data); Assert.AreEqual(updatedAlbum.Success, true); Assert.AreEqual(updatedAlbum.Status, HttpStatusCode.OK); // Assert the data Assert.AreEqual(createdAlbum.Data.ImagesCount + 1, updatedAlbum.Data.ImagesCount); }
public static async Task <IAlbum> CreateAlbumAsync(string name, string description = null) { var endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(Client); var album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(name, description); return(album); }
/// <summary> /// Create a New Album and get Link and AlbumID/DeleteHash /// </summary> /// <returns>Album Link and Album ID (or Album DeleteHash, if not logged in)</returns> public async Task <Tuple <string, string> > CreateAlbum() { AlbumEndpoint endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(_client); IAlbum album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync("Images uploaded with ImgurSniper", ""); //Logged in User = Item2 = Album ID Tuple <string, string> pair = _client.OAuth2Token != null ? new Tuple <string, string>(album.Id, album.Id) : new Tuple <string, string>(album.Id, album.DeleteHash); return(pair); }
public async Task TestDeleteAccountAlbum() { var imgurClient = await AuthenticationHelpers.CreateOAuth2AuthenticatedImgurClient(); var albumEndpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(imgurClient); var accountEndpoint = new AccountEndpoint(imgurClient); var accountAlbum = await albumEndpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(title : "swag"); var response = await accountEndpoint.DeleteAccountAlbumAsync(accountAlbum.Data.DeleteHash); // Assert the Response Assert.IsNotNull(response.Data); Assert.AreEqual(response.Success, true); Assert.AreEqual(response.Status, HttpStatusCode.OK); Assert.AreEqual(response.Data, true); }
public async Task CreateAlbumAsync_Equal() { var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(MockAlbumEndpointResponses.Imgur.CreateAlbum) }; var mockUrl = ""; var client = new ImgurClient("123", "1234"); var endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(client, new HttpClient(new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockUrl, mockResponse))); var album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.NotNull(album); Assert.Equal("3gfxo", album.Id); Assert.Equal("iIFJnFpVbYOvzvv", album.DeleteHash); }
public async Task TestDeleteAlbum() { var imgurClient = await AuthenticationHelpers.CreateOAuth2AuthenticatedImgurClient(); var albumEndpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(imgurClient); var createdAlbum = await albumEndpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(); var deletedAlbum = await albumEndpoint.DeleteAlbumAsync(createdAlbum.Data.DeleteHash); // Assert the Reponse Assert.IsNotNull(deletedAlbum.Data); Assert.AreEqual(deletedAlbum.Success, true); Assert.AreEqual(deletedAlbum.Status, HttpStatusCode.OK); // Assert the data Assert.AreEqual(deletedAlbum.Data, true); }
public async Task CreateAlbumAsync_AreEqual() { var fakeHttpMessageHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(); var fakeResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(AlbumEndpointResponses.Imgur.CreateAlbumResponse) }; fakeHttpMessageHandler.AddFakeResponse(new Uri(""), fakeResponse); var client = new ImgurClient("123", "1234"); var endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(client, new HttpClient(fakeHttpMessageHandler)); var album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(album); Assert.AreEqual("3gfxo", album.Id); Assert.AreEqual("iIFJnFpVbYOvzvv", album.DeleteHash); }
/// <summary> /// Create a New Album and get Id /// </summary> /// <returns>Album ID and DeleteHash (If not logged in)</returns> public async Task <KeyValuePair <string, string> > CreateAlbum() { AlbumEndpoint endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(_client); IAlbum album = await endpoint.CreateAlbumAsync("Images uploaded with ImgurSniper", ""); KeyValuePair <string, string> pair; //Logged in User = Album ID for uploads if (_client.OAuth2Token != null) { pair = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(album.Id, album.Id); } //Not Logged in User = Album Delete Has (Anonymous Albums) else { pair = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(album.Id, album.DeleteHash); } return(pair); }
public async Task Sync(object context) { await Task.Run(async() => { // get account AccountEndpoint endpoint = new AccountEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); ImgurUser = await endpoint.GetAccountAsync(Name); bool me = (await ImgurHelper.GetToken()).AccountId == ImgurUser.Id.ToString(); // get local albums Album[] local = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetDirectories().Where(it => it.Name[0] != '.').Select(it => Album.Get(it.FullName, "", null, true)).ToArray(); // get remote albums IAlbum[] remote = (await endpoint.GetAlbumsAsync(Name)).ToArray(); // (A) filter for albums with id only in local (not in remote) Album[] onlyLocal = local.Where(l => l.Id != null && !remote.Any(r => r.Id == l.Id)).ToArray(); // (B) filter for albums only in remote (not in local) IAlbum[] onlyRemote = remote.Where(r => !local.Any(l => l.Id == r.Id)).ToArray(); if (me) { // download albums (B) where not in json IAlbum[] download = onlyRemote.Where(r => !Albums.Any(a => a.Id == r.Id)).ToArray(); foreach (IAlbum album in download) { await Album.Get(Root, album.Title ?? album.Id, album.Id, true).Sync(context); } // delete albums (A) from local where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalFolder) { Album[] deleteLocal = onlyLocal.Where(l => Albums.Any(a => a.Id == l.Id && a.Synchronize)).ToArray(); foreach (Album album in deleteLocal) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local album?", album.Root, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { Directory.Delete(album.Root, true); } } } // delete albums (B) from remote where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteRemoteFolder) { IAlbum[] deleteRemote = onlyRemote.Where(r => Albums.Any(a => a.Id == r.Id && a.Synchronize)).ToArray(); foreach (IAlbum album in deleteRemote) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteRemoteFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete Imgur album?", album.Title, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { await endpoint.DeleteAlbumAsync(album.Id, Name); } } } // create albums without id Album[] upload = local.Where(l => l.Id == null && l.Synchronize).ToArray(); foreach (Album album in upload) { AlbumEndpoint ep = new AlbumEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); IAlbum rAlbum = await ep.CreateAlbumAsync(album.Title); album.ImgurAlbum = rAlbum; await album.Sync(context); } } else { // remove albums (A) if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalFolder) { foreach (Album album in onlyLocal.Where(it => it.Synchronize)) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local album?", album.Root, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { album.Remove(); } } } // download albums (B) foreach (IAlbum album in onlyRemote) { await Album.Get(Root, album.Title ?? album.Id, album.Id, true).Sync(context); } } // udpate json AlbumRoots = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetDirectories().Where(it => it.Name[0] != '.').Select(it => it.FullName).ToList(); Album[] albums = AlbumRoots.Select(it => Album.Get(it, "")).ToArray(); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { Albums.Clear(); foreach (Album album in albums) { Albums.Add(album); } }); await Save(); // synchronize album images foreach (Album album in albums) { await album.Sync(context); } }); }